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减数分裂是真核生物适应性进化的重要机制,以8种纤毛虫作为实验对象,通过生物信息学方法对其14个减数分裂基因进行了鉴定及分子进化研究。结果表明:(1)不同的纤毛虫种类存在一些特异性的减数分裂基因的丢失与复制现象;(2)减数分裂相关基因在纤毛虫中很保守;(3)纤毛虫减数分裂重要的同源重组过程是在真核生物中不常见的Ⅱ型。本研究表明,纤毛虫减数分裂可能代表了真核生物较原始的减数分裂方式,在进化的过程中很保守,为研究真核生物减数分裂起源与进化提供了重要线索。  相似文献   

减数分裂重组不仅保证了真核生物有性生殖过程中染色体数量的稳定,还通过父母亲本间遗传物质的互换在后代中产生遗传变异。因此,减数分裂重组是遗传多样性形成的重要途径,也是生物多样性和物种进化的主要动力。在绝大多数真核生物中,不管染色体数目的多少或基因组的大小,减数分裂重组的形成都受到严格的调控,但抑制减数分裂重组的分子机理目前仍不清楚。近年来,通过正向遗传学筛选鉴定出多个减数分裂重组抑制基因,揭示了抑制基因的功能和调控途径。本文基于拟南芥中减数分裂重组抑制基因的研究现状,综述了植物减数分裂重组抑制基因研究取得的突破性进展,并结合基因功能与其调控网络阐述了抑制植物减数分裂重组的分子机理。  相似文献   

Spo11 is a meiotic protein of fundamental importance as it is a conserved meiosis-specific transesterase required for meiotic recombination initiation in fungi, animals, and plants. Spo11 is homologous to the archaebacterial topoisomerase VIA (Top6A) gene, and its homologs are broadly distributed among eukaryotes, with some eukaryotes having more than one homolog. However, the evolutionary relationships among these genes are unclear, with some debate as to whether eukaryotic homologs originated by lateral gene transfer. We have identified and characterized protist Spo11 homologs by degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing and by analyses of sequences from public databases. Our phylogenetic analyses show that Spo11 homologs evolved by two ancient eukaryotic gene duplication events prior to the last common ancestor of extant eukaryotes, resulting in three eukaryotic paralogs: Spo11-1, Spo11-2, and Spo11-3. Spo11-1 orthologs encode meiosis-specific proteins and are distributed broadly among eukaryotic lineages, though Spo11-1 is absent from some protists. This absence coincides with the presence of Spo11-2 orthologs, which are meiosis-specific in Arabidopsis and are found in plants, red algae, and some protists but absent in animals and fungi. Spo11-3 encodes a Top6A subunit that interacts with topoisomerase VIB (Top6B) subunits, which together play a role in vegetative growth in Arabidopsis. We identified Spo11-3 (Top6A) and Top6B homologs in plants, red algae, and a few protists, establishing a broader distribution of these genes among eukaryotes, indicating their likely vertical descent followed by lineage-specific loss.  相似文献   

Mammalian meiosis differs from that seen in lower eukaryotes in several respects, not least of which is the added complexity of dealing with chromosomal interactions across a much larger genome (12 MB over 16 chromosome pairs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae compared to 2500 MB over 19 autosome pairs in Mus musculus). Thus, the recombination machinery, while being highly conserved through eukaryotes, has evolved to accommodate such issues to preserve genome integrity and to ensure propagation of the species. One group of highly conserved meiotic regulators is the DNA mismatch repair protein family that, as their name implies, were first identified as proteins that act to repair DNA mismatches that arise primarily during DNA replication. Their function in ensuring chromosomal integrity has also translated into a critical role for this family in meiotic recombination in most sexually reproducing organisms. In mice, targeted deletion of certain family members results in severe consequences for meiotic progression and infertility. This review will focus on the studies involving these mutant mouse models, with occasional comparison to the function of these proteins in other organisms.  相似文献   

Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a significant concern in drug development due to the poor concordance between preclinical and clinical findings of liver toxicity. We hypothesized that the DILI types (hepatotoxic side effects) seen in the clinic can be translated into the development of predictive in silico models for use in the drug discovery phase. We identified 13 hepatotoxic side effects with high accuracy for classifying marketed drugs for their DILI potential. We then developed in silico predictive models for each of these 13 side effects, which were further combined to construct a DILI prediction system (DILIps). The DILIps yielded 60-70% prediction accuracy for three independent validation sets. To enhance the confidence for identification of drugs that cause severe DILI in humans, the "Rule of Three" was developed in DILIps by using a consensus strategy based on 13 models. This gave high positive predictive value (91%) when applied to an external dataset containing 206 drugs from three independent literature datasets. Using the DILIps, we screened all the drugs in DrugBank and investigated their DILI potential in terms of protein targets and therapeutic categories through network modeling. We demonstrated that two therapeutic categories, anti-infectives for systemic use and musculoskeletal system drugs, were enriched for DILI, which is consistent with current knowledge. We also identified protein targets and pathways that are related to drugs that cause DILI by using pathway analysis and co-occurrence text mining. While marketed drugs were the focus of this study, the DILIps has a potential as an evaluation tool to screen and prioritize new drug candidates or chemicals, such as environmental chemicals, to avoid those that might cause liver toxicity. We expect that the methodology can be also applied to other drug safety endpoints, such as renal or cardiovascular toxicity.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction in eukaryotes is accomplished by meiosis, a complex and specialized process of cell division that results in haploid cells (e.g., gametes). The stereotypical reductive division in meiosis is a major evolutionary innovation in eukaryotic cells, and delineating its history is key to understanding the evolution of sex. Meiosis arose early in eukaryotic evolution, but when and how meiosis arose and whether all eukaryotes have meiosis remain open questions. The known phylogenetic distribution of meiosis comprises plants, animals, fungi, and numerous protists. Diplomonads including Giardia intestinalis (syn. G. lamblia) are not known to have a sexual cycle; these protists may be an early-diverging lineage and could represent a premeiotic stage in eukaryotic evolution. We surveyed the ongoing G. intestinalis genome project data and have identified, verified, and analyzed a core set of putative meiotic genes-including five meiosis-specific genes-that are widely present among sexual eukaryotes. The presence of these genes indicates that: (1) Giardia is capable of meiosis and, thus, sexual reproduction, (2) the evolution of meiosis occurred early in eukaryotic evolution, and (3) the conserved meiotic machinery comprises a large set of genes that encode a variety of component proteins, including those involved in meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

Meiosis is a defining feature of eukaryotes but its phylogenetic distribution has not been broadly determined, especially among eukaryotic microorganisms (i.e. protists)-which represent the majority of eukaryotic 'supergroups'. We surveyed genomes of animals, fungi, plants and protists for meiotic genes, focusing on the evolutionarily divergent parasitic protist Trichomonas vaginalis. We identified homologs of 29 components of the meiotic recombination machinery, as well as the synaptonemal and meiotic sister chromatid cohesion complexes. T. vaginalis has orthologs of 27 of 29 meiotic genes, including eight of nine genes that encode meiosis-specific proteins in model organisms. Although meiosis has not been observed in T. vaginalis, our findings suggest it is either currently sexual or a recent asexual, consistent with observed, albeit unusual, sexual cycles in their distant parabasalid relatives, the hypermastigotes. T. vaginalis may use meiotic gene homologs to mediate homologous recombination and genetic exchange. Overall, this expanded inventory of meiotic genes forms a useful "meiosis detection toolkit". Our analyses indicate that these meiotic genes arose, or were already present, early in eukaryotic evolution; thus, the eukaryotic cenancestor contained most or all components of this set and was likely capable of performing meiotic recombination using near-universal meiotic machinery.  相似文献   

Microtubule-targeting cancer therapies interfere with mitotic spindle dynamics and block cells in mitosis by activating the mitotic checkpoint. Cells arrested in mitosis may remain arrested for extended periods of time or undergo mitotic slippage and enter interphase without having separated their chromosomes. How extended mitotic arrest and mitotic slippage contribute to subsequent cell death or survival is incompletely understood. To address this question, automated fluorescence microscopy assays were designed and used to screen chemical libraries for modulators of mitotic slippage. Chlorpromazine and triflupromazine were identified as drugs that inhibit mitotic slippage and SU6656 and geraldol as chemicals that stimulate mitotic slippage. Using the drugs to extend mitotic arrest imposed by low concentrations of paclitaxel led to increased cell survival and proliferation after drug removal. Cells arrested at mitosis with paclitaxel or vinblastine and chemically induced to undergo mitotic slippage underwent several rounds of DNA replication without cell division and exhibited signs of senescence but eventually all died. By contrast, cells arrested at mitosis with the KSP/Eg5 inhibitor S-trityl-L-cysteine and induced to undergo mitotic slippage were able to successfully divide and continued to proliferate after drug removal. These results show that reinforcing mitotic arrest with drugs that inhibit mitotic slippage can lead to increased cell survival and proliferation, while inducing mitotic slippage in cells treated with microtubule-targeting drugs seems to invariably lead to protracted cell death.  相似文献   

Many mutation tests have been developed in Neurospora crassa during the almost 40 years of its use in mutation research. These tests detect two major classes of mutation: gene mutation and meiotic nondisjunction. Within the first class, forward- and reverse-mutation tests have been used. The forward-mutation tests include those that detect mutations at many loci and at specific loci. Both kinds of forward-mutation tests have been done in homokaryons (n) and heterokaryons (n + n'). From the publications that were not rejected by our pre-established criteria, data were extracted for 166 chemicals that had been tested for mutagenicity. Only 6 of the 166 chemicals have been tested in one or more gene mutation test and the meiotic nondisjunction test; these 6 chemicals were positive in the first and negative in the second. Of the 102 chemicals tested in one or more gene mutation tests, 94 were positive and 8 were negative. Of the 70 chemicals tested in the meiotic nondisjunction test, 7 were positive and 63 were negative. Two tests, the ad-3 forward-mutation test and the meiotic nondisjunction test, have been used most frequently. These two tests are especially important for hazard evaluation, because each detects a class of mutations that is likely to be deleterious or lethal in the F1 - disomics by the meiotic nondisjunction test and multilocus deletions by the ad-3 forward-mutation test in heterokaryons. Generally, direct-acting chemicals are mutagenic in the gene mutation tests, but few chemicals that required metabolic activation have been tested. Only 31 of the 166 chemicals tested in N. crassa have been tested for carcinogenicity. Among these chemicals, there is a good association between mutagenicity in gene mutation tests and carcinogenicity but a poorer association between meiotic nondisjunction and carcinogenicity; however, only a small number of chemicals has been tested in the meiotic nondisjunction test. Further use and development of certain mutation tests in N. crassa are desirable.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have provided new insights in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of meiotic recombination. Meiosis-specific DNA double-strand breaks have been detected and have been shown to be the lesions that initiate recombination events. These are located mostly in promoter regions where the chromatin is in an open configuration, and cluster in domains along the chromosome. They are likely to be made by a topoisomerase II-like protein encoded by the SPO11 gene. Several DNA intermediates in the meiotic double strand-break repair pathway have been characterised and several multi-protein complexes have been identified and shown to be involved at different steps in the repair pathway. The conservation of these protein complexes in higher eukaryotes suggests that the meiotic recombination mechanism could be conserved. With the application of the well characterised genetical, molecular, cytological and biochemical techniques and the recently developed technology for genomic studies (biochips), we can expect a rapid increase in our comprehension of the meiotic recombination process.  相似文献   

In yeasts and worms, KASH (Klarsicht/ANC-1/Syne/homology) domain and SUN (Sad-1/UNC-84) domain nuclear envelope (NE) proteins play a crucial role in meiotic chromosome movement and homologue pairing. However, although the vertebrate SUN domain protein SUN1 is involved in these processes, its partner has remained identified. Based on subcellular localization screening in mouse spermatocytes, we identified a novel germ cell-specific protein, KASH5, that localized exclusively at telomeres from the leptotene to diplotene stages in both spermatocytes and oocytes. KASH5 possesses hitherto unknown KASH-related sequences that directly interacted with SUN1 and mediated telomere localization. Thus, KASH5 is a mammalian meiosis-specific KASH domain protein. We show that meiotic chromosome movement depended on microtubules and that KASH5 interacted with the microtubule-associated dynein-dynactin complex. These results suggest that KASH5 connects the telomere-associated SUN1 protein to the cytoplasmic force-generating mechanism involved in meiotic chromosome movement. Our study strongly suggests that the meiotic homologue-pairing mechanism mediated by the SUN-KASH NE bridge is highly conserved among eukaryotes.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is thought to mediate the transport of anti-cancer drugs and to be responsible for the multidrug-resistant (MDR) phenotype in tumor cells. However, the function of P-gp in normal tissues is still not well understood. We present evidence indicating that the active efflux of several structurally unrelated organic compounds is mediated by P-gp in multidrug-resistant KB (KB-C2) cells and that these compounds interact with P-gp in the kidney and adrenal gland. The photoactive radioactive calcium channel blocker [3H]azidopine labels a protein of approximately 140 kDa in crude membrane fractions from human kidney and adrenal gland and a 130-kDa protein from bovine adrenal gland. These photolabeled proteins are immunoprecipitated with an anti-P-gp antibody. Photolabeling is inhibited by vinblastine, reserpine, and several other organic chemicals. These data indicate that the kidney and adrenal gland express P-gp (or a protein closely related to P-gp) that can interact with several organic compounds and that the P-gp expressed in these tissues has a drug-binding site similar to that of P-gp in KB-C2 cells. Our findings thus strongly support the hypothesis that P-gp can transport a wide variety of organic chemicals as well as anti-cancer drugs and that one of the physiological functions of P-gp is the excretion of certain classes of organic compounds.  相似文献   

A survey of chemicals inducing lipid peroxidation in biological systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A great number of drugs and chemicals are reviewed which have been shown to stimulate lipid peroxidation in any biological system. The underlying mechanisms, as far as known, are also dealt with. Lipid peroxidation induced by iron ions, organic hydroperoxides, halogenated hydrocarbons, redox cycling drugs, glutathione depleting chemicals, ethanol, heavy metals, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and a number of miscellaneous compounds, e.g. hydrazines, pesticides, antibiotics, are mentioned. It is shown that lipid peroxidation is stimulated by many of these compounds. However, quantitative estimates cannot be given yet and it is still impossible to judge the biological relevance of chemical-induced lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Meiotic recombination is initiated by the formation of numerous DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) catalysed by the widely conserved Spo11 protein. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Spo11 requires nine other proteins for meiotic DSB formation; however, unlike Spo11, few of these are conserved across kingdoms. In order to investigate this recombination step in higher eukaryotes, we took advantage of a high-throughput meiotic mutant screen carried out in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. A collection of 55,000 mutant lines was screened, and spo11-like mutations, characterised by a drastic decrease in chiasma formation at metaphase I associated with an absence of synapsis at prophase, were selected. This screen led to the identification of two populations of mutants classified according to their recombination defects: mutants that repair meiotic DSBs using the sister chromatid such as Atdmc1 or mutants that are unable to make DSBs like Atspo11-1. We found that in Arabidopsis thaliana at least four proteins are necessary for driving meiotic DSB repair via the homologous chromosomes. These include the previously characterised DMC1 and the Hop1-related ASY1 proteins, but also the meiotic specific cyclin SDS as well as the Hop2 Arabidopsis homologue AHP2. Analysing the mutants defective in DSB formation, we identified the previously characterised AtSPO11-1, AtSPO11-2, and AtPRD1 as well as two new genes, AtPRD2 and AtPRD3. Our data thus increase the number of proteins necessary for DSB formation in Arabidopsis thaliana to five. Unlike SPO11 and (to a minor extent) PRD1, these two new proteins are poorly conserved among species, suggesting that the DSB formation mechanism, but not its regulation, is conserved among eukaryotes.  相似文献   

In vitro studies of meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes have been carried out in the presence of several drugs. The individual steps of nuclear progression, including dissolution of the nuclear (germinal vesicle) membrane, condensation of dictyate chromatin into compact bivalents, formation of the first metaphase spindle, and extrusion of the first polar body, are each susceptible to one or more of these drugs. Germinal vesicle breakdown, the initial morphological feature characteristic of meiotic maturation, is inhibited by dibutyryl cyclic AMP. However, even in the presence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP, the nuclear membrane becomes extremely convoluted and condensation of chromatin is initiated but aborts at a stage short of compact bivalents. Germinal vesicle breakdown and chromatin condensation take place in an apparently normal manner in the presence of puromycin, Colcemid, or cytochalasin B. Nuclear progression is blocked at the circular bivalent stage when oocytes are cultured continuously in the presence of puromycin or Colcemid, whereas oocytes cultured in the presence of cytochalasin B proceed to the first meiotic metaphase, form an apparently normal spindle, and arrest. Emission of a polar body is inhibited by all of these drugs. The inhibitory effects of these drugs on meiotic maturation are reversible to varying degrees dependent upon the duration of exposure to the drug and upon the nature of the drug. These studies suggest that dissolution of the mouse oocyte's germinal vesicle and condensation of chromatin are not dependent upon concomitant protein synthesis or upon microtubules. On the other hand, the complete condensation of chromatin into compact bivalents apparently requires breakdown of the germinal vesicle. Failure of homologous chromosomes to separate after normal alignment on the meiotic spindle in the presence of cytochalasin B suggest that microfilaments may be involved in nuclear progression at this stage of maturation. Cytokinesis, in the form of polar body formation, is blocked when any one of the earlier events of maturation fails to take place.  相似文献   

The hop2 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae arrests in meiosis with extensive synaptonemal complex (SC) formation between nonhomologous chromosomes. A screen for multicopy suppressors of a hop2-ts allele identified the MND1 gene. The mnd1-null mutant arrests in meiotic prophase, with most double-strand breaks (DSBs) unrepaired. A low level of mature recombinants is produced, and the Rad51 protein accumulates at numerous foci along chromosomes. SC formation is incomplete, and homolog pairing is severely reduced. The Mnd1 protein localizes to chromatin throughout meiotic prophase, and this localization requires Hop2. Unlike recombination enzymes such as Rad51, Mnd1 localizes to chromosomes even in mutants that fail to initiate meiotic recombination. The Hop2 and Mnd1 proteins coimmunoprecipitate from meiotic cell extracts. These results suggest that Hop2 and Mnd1 work as a complex to promote meiotic chromosome pairing and DSB repair. The identification of Hop2 and Mnd1 homologs in other organisms suggests that the function of this complex is conserved among eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Meiosis is the process by which diploid germ cells divide to produce haploid gametes for sexual reproduction. The process is highly conserved in eukaryotes, however the recent availability of mouse models for meiotic recombination has revealed surprising regulatory differences between simple unicellular organisms and those with increasingly complex genomes. Moreover, in these higher eukaryotes, the intervention of physiological and sex-specific factors may also influence how meiotic recombination and progression are monitored and regulated. This review will focus on the recent studies involving mouse mutants for meiosis, and will highlight important differences between traditional model systems for meiosis (such as yeast) and those involving more complex cellular, physiological and genetic criteria.  相似文献   

Pulmonary sequestration of drugs and other xenobiotics is known to affect respiratory and nonrespiratory functions of the lung and may be causally related to drug-induced pulmonary disease. We employed chlorphentermine (CP), an anorexic drug of amphiphilic physicochemical properties, to unravel possible mechanisms underlying drug-induced pulmonary hypertension associated with this class of drugs. In isolated perfused lungs, CP interferes with pulmonary clearance of 5-hydroxy tryptamine (5-HT) and norepinephrine. Pulmonary uptake and metabolism of 5-HT are inhibited by CP in rabbit and rat lungs. In in vitro incubations, CP is a powerful inhibitor of pulmonary monoamine oxidase activity. When pulmonary metabolism of 5-HT was blocked by pargyline, CP also inhibited pulmonary uptake of 5-HT. These effects of CP can be demonstrated in vivo in rabbits and rats during a single pulmonary passage of radio-labeled 5-HT. Not all pneumophilic drugs interfere with pulmonary clearance of 5-HT, as illustrated by the lack of effects by chlorpromazine and propranolol despite their pulmonary accumulation to a significant extent. Pulmonary accumulation of the chlorinated analogs such as chlomipramine and CP is greater than their nonchlorinated congenors, and this is in agreement with their ability to impede pulmonary clearance of 5-HT. These studies suggest that the electrophilic chlorine substitution increases the affinity of these chemicals for lung tissue, which increases the likelihood of their interference with the pulmonary disposition of 5-HT.  相似文献   

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