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Understanding the determinants of spatial and temporal differences in the relative strength of consumer–resource interactions is an important endeavour in ecology. Here, we explore the necessary conditions for temporal shifts in the relative strength of rodent–plant interactions in an area characterised by profound spatial differences in trophic control, with predator–prey interactions prevailing in productive habitats and rodent–plant interactions dominating unproductive habitats of the forest–tundra ecotone. We report data obtained during the exceptionally massive rodent outbreak of 2010–2012 in northernmost Fennoscandia, including an experimental manipulation of herbivore access to vegetation plots across a large-scale productivity gradient, multiple observational measures of plant–rodent interactions linked to rodent abundance data and a large-scale survey of breeding avian predators and mammalian predator activity. Unexpectedly, rodent grazing impacts documented during the rodent outbreak were uniformly strong across the landscape, regardless of habitat productivity. The runaway response in rodent populations was facilitated by a high population growth rate in the early phase of the outbreak due to the extended absence of predators in productive habitats, concomitant with an exceptionally long-lasting lemming outbreak in unproductive habitats. Our results showed that spatio-temporal variation in trophic control also occurs in ecosystems structured according to the exploitation ecosystems hypothesis and emphasises the importance of long-term studies to capture nonlinear and stochastic features that shape ecosystem functioning. In this context, the temporary release from top–down regulation in productive habitats caused strong grazing impacts that may be crucial for the resilience of tundra ecosystems under the threat of climate change-driven shrub encroachment.  相似文献   

Hypotheses on trophic dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems fall into two major categories: those in which plants are assumed to be invulnerable to their consumers and those in which the build-up of plant biomass is assumed to require top-down control of folivores. The hypothesis of exploitation ecosystems (EEH) belongs to the latter category and focuses particularly on the consequences of the high energetic costs of maintenance of endotherms. Carnivorous endotherms require relatively high prey densities in order to break even. Moreover, they are dependent on folivorous prey during the limiting season, at least at high latitudes. The endotherm branch of the grazing web is thus predicted to collapse from three-link trophic dynamics (carnivores --> folivores --> plants --> inorganic resources) to two-link dynamics (folivores --> plants --> inorganic resources) along gradients of decreasing primary productivity. Consequently, the vegetation of cold and unproductive areas is predicted to be under intense winter grazing pressure, which prevents the accumulation of aboveground plant biomass and excludes erect woody plants. In the most extreme habitats (e.g., polar deserts and their high alpine counterparts), even folivorous endotherms are predicted to be absent, and the scanty vegetation is predicted to be structured by preemptive competition. Within temperature-determined productivity gradients, EEH is corroborated by biomass patterns, by patterns in the structure and dynamics of carnivore, folivore, and plant communities, and by experimental results. The general idea of top-down trophic dynamics is supported for other autotroph-based systems, too, but the relevance and sufficiency of the energy constraint in explaining patterns in trophic dynamics appears to be variable. Moreover, critical empirical evidence for or against the capacity of folivorous insects to regulate plant biomass has not yet been obtained. Another open question is the ability of boreal and temperate browsers, evolved in productive environments with intense predation pressure and abundance of forage, to prevent the regeneration of the least palatable tree species. There are, thus, many open questions waiting to be answered and many exciting experiments waiting to be conducted.  相似文献   

David Choquenot  David M. Forsyth 《Oikos》2013,122(9):1292-1306
The exploitation ecosystems hypothesis (EEH) proposes that 1) plant biomass reflects the primary productivity of an ecosystem modified by the regulating effect of herbivory, and 2) herbivore abundance reflects the productivity of plants modified by the regulating effect of predation. Primary productivity thus determines the number of trophic levels in an ecosystem and the extent to which bottom–up and top–down regulation influence the biomass ratios of adjacent and non‐adjacent trophic levels (i.e. trophic cascading). We constructed an interactive model of plant (pasture), herbivore (red kangaroo Macropus rufus) and predator (dingo Canis lupus dingo), a system in which trophic cascades have been suggested to occur, and used it to test the effects of increasing stochastic variation in primary productivity and dingo culling on predictions of the EEH. The model contained four feedback loops: the predator–herbivore and herbivore–plant feedback loops, and the predator and plant density‐dependent feedback loops. The equilibrium conditions along the primary productivity gradient reproduced the three zones of trophic dynamics predicted by the EEH, plus an additional zone at productivities above which the maximum density of a predator is achieved due to social regulation: that zone is characterized by increasing herbivore density and decreasing plant biomass. Culling dingoes produced trophic cascades that were strongly attenuated at primary productivities below which the maximum density of dingoes was attained. Results were robust to uncertainty in kangaroo off‐take by dingoes and to the efficacy of dingo culling, but prey switching by dingoes from red kangaroos to reptiles would weaken trophic cascades. We conclude that social regulation of carnivores has important implications for expression of the EEH and trophic cascades, and that attenuation of trophic cascades increases with increasing stochasticity in primary productivity. Our model also provides a framework for understanding the conditions in which dingo‐mediated trophic cascades might be expected to occur, and generates testable predictions about the effects of higher dingo densities (e.g. by stopping culling or reintroduction to former range) on kangaroo and pasture dynamics.  相似文献   

The relative importance of top‐down and bottom‐up mechanisms in shaping community structure is still a highly controversial topic in ecology. Predatory top‐down control of herbivores is thought to relax herbivore impact on the vegetation through trophic cascades. However, trophic cascades may be weak in terrestrial systems as the complexity of food webs makes responses harder to predict. Alternatively, top‐down control prevails, but the top‐level (predator or herbivore) changes according to productivity levels. Here we show how spatial variation in the occurrence of herbivores (lemmings and voles) and their predators (mustelids and foxes) relates with grazing damage in landscapes with different net primary productivity, generating two and three trophic level communities, during the 2007 rodent peak in northern Norway. Lemmings were most abundant on the unproductive high‐altitude tundra, where few predators were present and the impact of herbivores on vegetation was strong. Voles were most common on a productive, south facing slope, where numerous predators were present, and the impacts of herbivores on vegetation were weak. The impact of herbivores on the vegetation was strong only when predators were not present, and this cannot be explained by between‐habitat differences in the abundance of plant functional groups. We thus conclude that predators influence the plant community via a trophic cascade in a spatial pattern that support the exploitation ecosystems hypothesis. The responses to grazing also differed between plant functional groups, with implications for short and long‐term consequences for plant communities.  相似文献   

There has long been debate regarding the primacy of bottom-up and top-down effects as factors shaping ecosystems. The exploitation ecosystems hypothesis (EEH) predicts that predators indirectly benefit plants because their top-down effects limit herbivores’ consumption of plants, and that the strength of trophic cascade increases with increasing primary productivity. However, in arid environments, pulses of primary productivity produced by irregular rainfall events could decouple herbivore–plant and predator–prey dynamics if high conversion efficiency from seed biomass to consumers allows the rapid build-up of consumer populations. Here, we test predictions of the EEH in an arid environment. We measured activity/abundances of dingoes, red kangaroos and grasses, and diet of dingoes, in landscapes where dingoes were culled or not culled over 3 years. Dingo activity was correlated with rainfall, and their tracks were less frequent at culled sites. Kangaroo abundance was greater at sites where dingoes were culled and increased with rainfall in the previous 6 months. Grass cover was greater at sites where dingoes were not culled and increased with rainfall in the previous 3 months. During a period of average rainfall, dingoes primarily consumed rodents and increased their consumption of kangaroos during a period of drier conditions. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that suppression of an apex predator triggers a trophic cascade, but are at odds with the EEH’s prediction that the magnitude of trophic cascades should increase with primary productivity. Our study demonstrates that temporal fluctuations in primary productivity can have effects on biomasses of plants and consumers which are in many ways analogous to those observed along spatial gradients of primary productivity.  相似文献   

The exploitation ecosystems hypothesis (EEH) makes predictions about trophic interactions along gradients of primary productivity. The EEH has been shown to apply to a wide range of terrestrial environments but its applicability to arid environments has received little attention. One reason for this is that arid environments may not satisfy the assumptions of the EEH because dearth of water may limit biological activity in both temporal and spatial contexts. The EEH predicts that herbivore biomass should increase linearly with primary productivity in the absence of predators; but when predators are present herbivore biomass will remain relatively constant due to top down regulation. We tested this prediction in an arid environment using rainfall as a proxy of primary productivity and an index of the abundance of the dominant herbivores (kangaroos Macropus spp.). We compared an index of kangaroo abundance at 18 areas situated along a gradient of mean annual rainfall in areas where a top predator (the dingo Canis lupus dingo) was rare and common. We also explored the relationship between the density of artificial water points (AWPs) and kangaroo abundance to investigate if the resource subsidy provided by AWPs allows kangaroos to persist in high numbers. Consistent with the EEH, kangaroo abundance showed a weak relationship with mean annual rainfall in the presence of dingoes but increased with increasing annual rainfall in the absence of dingoes. The density of AWPs was a poor predictor of kangaroo abundance. Our analysis of macro‐ecological patterns suggests that kangaroo populations are primarily top down regulated in the presence of dingoes, but are bottom up regulated in the absence of dingoes. Our findings provide evidence that top down regulation can prevail over bottom up regulation of herbivore populations in arid ecosystems and highlights the usefulness of the EEH as a predictor of macro‐ecological patterns of species abundance.  相似文献   

Productive tundra plant communities composed of a variety of fast growing herbaceous and woody plants are likely to attract mammalian herbivores. Such vegetation is likely to respond to different-sized herbivores more rapidly than currently acknowledged from the tundra. Accentuated by currently changing populations of arctic mammals there is a need to understand impacts of different-sized herbivores on the dynamics of productive tundra plant communities. Here we assess the differential effects of ungulate (reindeer) and small rodent herbivores (voles and lemmings) on high productive tundra vegetation. A spatially extensive exclosure experiment was run for three years on river sediment plains along two river catchments in low-arctic Norway. The river catchments were similar in species pools but differed in species abundance composition of both plants and vertebrate herbivores. Biomass of forbs, deciduous shrubs and silica-poor grasses increased by 40–50% in response to release from herbivory, whereas biomass of silica-rich grasses decreased by 50–75%. Hence both additive and compensatory effects of small rodents and reindeer exclusion caused these significant changes in abundance composition of the plant communities. Changes were also rapid, evident after only one growing season, and are among the fastest and strongest ever documented in Arctic vegetation. The rate of changes indicates a tight link between the dynamics of productive tundra vegetation and both small and large herbivores. Responses were however not spatially consistent, being highly different between the catchments. We conclude that despite similar species pools, variation in plant species abundance and herbivore species dynamics give different prerequisites for change.  相似文献   

Many terrestrial endotherm food webs constitute three trophic level cascades. Others have two trophic level dynamics (food limited herbivores; plants adapted to tackle intense herbivory) or one trophic level dynamic (herbivorous endotherms absent, thus plants compete for the few places where they can survive and grow). According to the Exploitation Ecosystems Hypothesis (EEH), these contrasting dynamics are consequences of differences in primary productivity. The productivity thresholds for changing food web dynamics were assumed to be global constants. We challenged this assumption and found that several model parameters are sensitive to the contrast between persistently warm and seasonally cold climates. In persistently warm environments, three trophic level dynamics can be expected to prevail almost everywhere, save the most extreme deserts. We revised EEH accordingly and tested it by compiling direct evidence of three and two trophic level dynamics and by studying the global distribution of felids. In seasonally cold environments, we found evidence for three trophic level dynamics only in productive ecosystems, while evidence for two trophic level dynamics appeared in ecosystems with low primary productivity. In persistently warm environments, we found evidence for three trophic level dynamics in all types of ecosystems. The distribution of felids corroborated these results. The empirical evidence thus indicates that two trophic level dynamics, as defined by EEH, are restricted to seasonally cold biomes with low primary productivity, such as the artic–alpine tundra and the temperate steppe.  相似文献   

Productivity has long been argued to be a major driver of species richness patterns. In the present study we test alternative productivity–diversity hypotheses using vegetation data from the vast Eurasian tundra. The productivity–species pool hypothesis predicts positive relationships at both fine and coarse grain sizes, whereas the productivity–interaction hypothesis predicts unimodal patterns at fine grain size, and monotonic positive patterns at coarse grain size. We furthermore expect to find flatter positive (productivity–species pool hypothesis) or more strongly negative (productivity–interaction hypothesis) relationships for lichens and bryophytes than for vascular plants, because as a group, lichens and bryophytes are better adapted to extreme arctic conditions and more vulnerable to competition for light than the taller‐growing vascular plants. The normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) was used as a proxy of productivity. The generally unimodal productivity–diversity patterns were most consistent with the productivity–interaction hypothesis. There was a general trend of decreasing species richness from moderately to maximally productive tundra, in agreement with an increasing importance of competitive interactions. High richness of vascular plants and lichens occurred in moderately low productive tundra areas, whereas that of bryophytes occurred in the least productive tundra habitats covered by this study. The fine and coarse grain richness trends were surprisingly uniform and no variation in beta diversity along the productivity gradient was seen for vascular plants or bryophytes. However, lichen beta diversity varied along the productivity gradient, probably reflecting their sensitivity to habitat conditions and biotic interactions. Overall, the results show evidence that productivity–diversity gradients exist in tundra and that these appear to be largely driven by competitive interactions. Our results also imply that climate warming‐driven increases in productivity will strongly affect arctic plant diversity patterns.  相似文献   

The effects of long-term (11 yr) exclusion of vertebrate herbivores on competition intensity and plant community structure were studied using manipulative field experiments in two arctic-alpine plant communities with contrasting productivity: an unproductive snowbed and a considerably more productive tall herb meadow. In the snowbed, the exclusion of herbivorous mammals resulted in a significant increase in the biomasses of vascular plants and cryptogams, whereas no corresponding response was observed on the tall herb meadow. The intensity of competition, measured with a neighbour removal experiment, did not differ significantly between three of the four habitat×treatment combinations – snowbed exclosures, meadow exclosures and open meadow plots – but was significantly lower on open snowbed plots. Our results thus suggest that the low competition intensity in the unproductive snowbed is caused by herbivorous mammals, which tend to depress plant biomass in relatively unproductive habitats. When herbivorous mammals have been excluded for a sufficiently long time to allow the build-up of plant biomass even in unproductive habitats, between-habitat differences in competition intensity disappear.  相似文献   

Tundra vegetation is responding rapidly to on-going climate warming. The changes in plant abundance and chemistry might have cascading effects on tundra food webs, but an integrated understanding of how the responses vary between habitats and across environmental gradients is lacking. We assessed responses in plant abundance and plant chemistry to warmer climate, both at species and community levels, in two different habitats. We used a long-term and multisite warming (OTC) experiment in the Scandinavian forest?Ctundra ecotone to investigate (i) changes in plant community composition and (ii) responses in foliar nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon-based secondary compound concentrations in two dominant evergreen dwarf-shrubs (Empetrum hermaphroditum and Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and two deciduous shrubs (Vaccinium myrtillus and Betula nana). We found that initial plant community composition, and the functional traits of these plants, will determine the responsiveness of the community composition, and thus community traits, to experimental warming. Although changes in plant chemistry within species were minor, alterations in plant community composition drive changes in community-level nutrient concentrations. In view of projected climate change, our results suggest that plant abundance will increase in the future, but nutrient concentrations in the tundra field layer vegetation will decrease. These effects are large enough to have knock-on consequences for major ecosystem processes like herbivory and nutrient cycling. The reduced food quality could lead to weaker trophic cascades and weaker top down control of plant community biomass and composition in the future. However, the opposite effects in forest indicate that these changes might be obscured by advancing treeline forests.  相似文献   

Both the theory and the observations suggest that, there are strong links between herbivores and plants in terrestrial ecosystems; although, the effect of herbivores on plant community biomass is often attributed to variations in plant palatability. The existence of a strong link is commonly tested by constructing exclosures that exclude herbivores during a period of time. We here present data from two long-term (9 and 20 years, respectively) herbivore exclosure studies in lemming habitats on arctic tundra in northernmost Norway. The exclusion of all mammalian herbivores triggered strong increases in community level plant biomass and substantial changes in plant community composition. Palatable plants like graminoids and large bryophytes, as well as unpalatable plants like evergreen ericoids, deciduous shrubs, and lichens were all favored by excluding lemmings. These results reveal that a substantial increase in community biomass which occurs only when plant species capable of accumulating biomass are present, and palatability is a poor predictor of long-term responses of plants to excluding herbivores.  相似文献   

Nutrient availability and herbivory control the biomass of primary producer communities to varying degrees across ecosystems. Ecological theory, individual experiments in many different systems, and system-specific quantitative reviews have suggested that (i) bottom-up control is pervasive but top-down control is more influential in aquatic habitats relative to terrestrial systems and (ii) bottom-up and top-down forces are interdependent, with statistical interactions that synergize or dampen relative influences on producer biomass. We used simple dynamic models to review ecological mechanisms that generate independent vs. interactive responses of community-level biomass. We calibrated these mechanistic predictions with the metrics of factorial meta-analysis and tested their prevalence across freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems with a comprehensive meta-analysis of 191 factorial manipulations of herbivores and nutrients. Our analysis showed that producer community biomass increased with fertilization across all systems, although increases were greatest in freshwater habitats. Herbivore removal generally increased producer biomass in both freshwater and marine systems, but effects were inconsistent on land. With the exception of marine temperate rocky reef systems that showed positive synergism of nutrient enrichment and herbivore removal, experimental studies showed limited support for statistical interactions between nutrient and herbivory treatments on producer biomass. Top-down control of herbivores, compensatory behaviour of multiple herbivore guilds, spatial and temporal heterogeneity of interactions, and herbivore-mediated nutrient recycling may lower the probability of consistent interactive effects on producer biomass. Continuing studies should expand the temporal and spatial scales of experiments, particularly in understudied terrestrial systems; broaden factorial designs to manipulate independently multiple producer resources (e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus, light), multiple herbivore taxa or guilds (e.g. vertebrates and invertebrates) and multiple trophic levels; and - in addition to measuring producer biomass - assess the responses of species diversity, community composition and nutrient status.  相似文献   

Predators indirectly protect tundra plants by reducing herbivore abundance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of predators in controlling herbivores and indirectly affecting plant abundance is controversial, and some have argued that such trophic cascades are rare in terrestrial habitats. To examine the potential of trophic cascades in a shrubby tundra ecosystem, vole densities, plant damage and plant cover were examined in areas with and without small mammal predators. On islands without predators, vole densities and plant damage were upto five times higher compared with predator-rich mainland habitats. As a consequence, the abundance of three out of five dwarf shrub species was substantially reduced on predator-free islands, providing evidence for strong cascading effects in a rather large-scale terrestrial system. Herbs on the other hand were not affected by the increased herbivory on islands. This suggests that the strength of trophic cascades also depends on the interaction between plant type and seasonality.  相似文献   

Summary The biomass of forage, herbivores (caribou and moose) and predators (wolf) were estimated for four assemblages of large mammals along a latitudinal gradient in the Québec-Labrador peninsula and related to predictions made by two types of multitrophic level models. Wolves were present in three study areas, but they had been extirpated in the last one. Annual production of preferred forage exhibited a clear north-south increase for moose, but not for caribou. Neither the herbivore nor predator biomass increased along the latitudinal gradient: the highest herbivore biomass occurred in the wolf-free area and in the northernmost site, while the greatest predator density was observed in the southernmost site. Consequently, the ratio of the herbivore to forage biomass was the highest in the area devoid of wolves and in the northernmost site occupied by migratory caribou. Availability of forage per herbivore was the greatest in the moose-wolf and the caribou-moose-wolf assemblages. The observed data supported the multitrophic level model incorporating classical predator-prey relationships and producing stepwise accrual of trophic level biomass with increasing food chain length. In the northernmost site, the system was limited to two functional trophic levels and caribou were regulated by summer forage. Three functional trophic levels appeared to exist in the central study area where caribou and moose were preyed upon by wolves. Both herbivores were at very low density, the first one due probably to its poor adaptation to predation and the second because of an unproductive range. In the southernmost site, moose were clearly regulated by predation and kept much below the carrying capacity. With the extirpation of wolves in the last study area, moose were regulated by forage and the density exceeded that in the moose-wolf system by seven times even in a less productive range. Caribou, having primarily evolved under resource limitation, is replaced by a cervid better adapted to predation, the moose, in more productive three-link ecosystems.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that large herbivores manipulate their own food supply by modifying soil nutrient availability. This was investigated experimentally the impact of faeces on grasses, mosses and soil biological properties in tundra ecosystems. For this, we increased the density of reindeer Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus faeces and studied the response of a tundra system on Spitsbergen to this single faecal addition treatment for four subsequent years. From the third year onwards faecal addition had unambiguously enhanced the standing crop of grasses, as evidenced by an increase in both shoot density and mass per shoot. Although reindeer grazing across experimental plots was positively related to the abundance of grasses in anyone year, the increase in grass abundance in fouled plots failed to result in greater grazing pressure in those plots. Faecal addition enhanced soil microbial biomass C and N, particularly under wet conditions where faecal decay rates were greatest, whilst grasses appeared to benefit from faeces under dry conditions. Whilst growth of grasses and soil microbial biomass were stimulated by faecal addition, the depth of the extensive moss layer that is typical of tundra ecosystems was significantly reduced in fouled plots four years after faecal addition. The greatest reduction in moss depth occurred where fouling increased soil microbial biomass most, suggesting that enhanced decomposition of moss by a more abundant microbial community may have caused the reduced moss layer depth in fouled plots. Our field experiment demonstrates that by the production of faeces alone, vertebrate herbivores greatly impact on both above‐ and belowground components of tundra ecosystems and in doing so manipulate their own food supply. Our findings verify the assertion that grazing is of fundamental importance to tundra ecosystem productivity, and support the hypothesis that herbivory is instrumental in promoting grasses whilst suppressing mosses. The widely observed inverse relationship between grass and moss abundance in the field may therefore reflect the long history of plant‐herbivore interactions in tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   

Quantifying available plant biomass is a crucial step towards improving our understanding of herbivore ecology and trophic interactions. Thanks to the development of satellite-derived vegetation indices such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), ecologists have been provided with indirect estimates of primary production at various temporal and spatial scales. When it comes to forested ecosystems, most mammalian herbivores predominantly rely on the ground vegetation, yet little is known regarding the suitability of NDVI to predict this component of forest vegetation cover. This study compares the relationship between NDVI and ground vegetation biomass in two contrasting habitats (field and forest) in Eastern Poland over the spring and summer seasons (2007–2008). Results indicate that seasonality shapes the relationship between NDVI and ground vegetation biomass for each habitat type. In the field habitat, NDVI and ground vegetation biomass were positively related, with a stronger correlation between the two variables occurring in summer. In the forest habitat, a switch in the direction of the correlation between biomass and NDVI (from positive in spring to negative in summer) was detected. The timing of the switch was related to the timing of full development of tree and shrub leaves (late May–early June). This suggests that the usefulness of NDVI as a predictor of ground vegetation biomass is dependent upon the habitat considered and the targeted season.  相似文献   

Jon Moen 《Ecography》1990,13(4):316-324
Ther hypothesis of the exploitation of ecosystems predicts that plant communities in productive habitats should experience a low grazing pressure, while communities in less productive habitats should be structured by intense grazing. Thus, if a high population density of rodents was to be established in these communities and they could graze without predation, the plant community in the productive habitat should be more affected than the community in the less productive habitat. This was tested by building enclosures for grey-sided voles Clethrionomys rufocanus and lemmings Lemmus lemmus in a productive tall herb meadow and a less productive snow-bed on Finnmarksvidda, northern Norway. The simulated rodent population densities varied from 150 to 750 ind. ha-1, and the rodents were allowed to graze for 18 to 55 d. The shoot mortality of relatively abundant plant species were monitored together with plant community structure, and the above-ground biomass were harvested at the end of the experiment. The shoot mortality were generally low, the significantly grazed species were either known preferred species or species with a grazing-sensitive morphology. The community structure did not show any major changes. The aboveground biomass of woody plants was significantly lower in the enclosures on the snow-bed, but not in the tall herb meadow. The total biomass did not differ significantly. These results are somewhat ambiguous with reference to the predictions from the food chain hypothesis, and the conclusion were drawn that intense grazing by voles and lemmings during 18 to 55 d during the growing season does not seem to be sufficient to greatly influence shoot mortality and structure of the studied plant communities.  相似文献   

We conducted an 8-year exclosure experiment (1999–2006) in a forest–tundra ecotonal area in northwestern Finnish Lapland to study the effects of reindeer grazing on vegetation in habitats of variable productivity and microhabitat structure. The experimental sites included tundra heath, frost heath and riparian habitats, and the two latter habitats were characterized by hummock-hollow ground forms. The total cover of vegetation, cover of willow (Salix spp.), dwarf birch (Betula nana), dwarf shrubs, forbs and grasses (Poaceae spp.) increased in exclosures in all habitats. The increase in the total cover of vegetation and in the covers of willow and dwarf birch tended to be greatest in the least productive tundra heath. Opposing to the increase in the dominant vascular plant groups, the cover and species number of bryophytes decreased in exclosures. We conclude that the effects of reindeer grazing on vegetation composition depend on environmental heterogeneity and the responses vary among plant groups. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Crête 《Ecology letters》1999,2(4):223-227
The hypothesis of exploitation ecosystems (EEH) predicts that, along a productivity gradient in terrestrial environments, predators will regulate herbivores at a relatively constant density whenever primary productivity exceeds 700 g m−2 y−1; under this threshold, or if predators are absent, forage production determines herbivore density. I tested EEH using the pattern of deer biomass distribution over North America, the dominant family of large herbivores. Deer biomass increased from the High Arctic to the north of the boreal forest and remained in the same range southward within the gray wolf range; for the same latitude, deer biomass increased by a factor of 5 in the absence of wolves. South of the wolf range, there existed a clear relationship between actual evapotranspiration, a proxy of primary productivity, and deer biomass. Highest deer densities occurred in the south-east of the continent where only white-tailed deer are present. The observed pattern lends support to EEH and suggests that the removal of large predators in southern North America may have imposed an unprecedented pressure on plants eaten by deer.  相似文献   

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