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Endonucleases that generate double-strand breaks in DNA often possess two identical subunits related by rotational symmetry, arranged so that the active sites from each subunit act on opposite DNA strands. In contrast to many endonucleases, Type IIP restriction enzyme BcnI, which recognizes the pseudopalindromic sequence 5'-CCSGG-3' (where S stands for C or G) and cuts both DNA strands after the second C, is a monomer and possesses a single catalytic center. We show here that to generate a double-strand break BcnI nicks one DNA strand, switches its orientation on DNA to match the polarity of the second strand and then cuts the phosphodiester bond on the second DNA strand. Surprisingly, we find that an enzyme flip required for the second DNA strand cleavage occurs without an excursion into bulk solution, as the same BcnI molecule acts processively on both DNA strands. We provide evidence that after cleavage of the first DNA strand, BcnI remains associated with the nicked intermediate and relocates to the opposite strand by a short range diffusive hopping on DNA.  相似文献   

Type III restriction enzymes are multifunctional heterooligomeric enzymes that cleave DNA at a fixed position downstream of a non-symmetric recognition site. For effective DNA cleavage these restriction enzymes need the presence of two unmethylated, inversely oriented recognition sites in the DNA molecule. DNA cleavage was proposed to result from ATP-dependent DNA translocation, which is expected to induce DNA loop formation, and collision of two enzyme-DNA complexes. We used scanning force microscopy to visualise the protein interaction with linear DNA molecules containing two EcoP15I recognition sites in inverse orientation. In the presence of the cofactors ATP and Mg(2+), EcoP15I molecules were shown to bind specifically to the recognition sites and to form DNA loop structures. One of the origins of the protein-clipped DNA loops was shown to be located at an EcoP15I recognition site, the other origin had an unspecific position in between the two EcoP15I recognition sites. The data demonstrate for the first time DNA translocation by the Type III restriction enzyme EcoP15I using scanning force microscopy. Moreover, our study revealed differences in the DNA-translocation processes mediated by Type I and Type III restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

According to the current paradigm type IIE restriction endonucleases are homodimeric proteins that simultaneously bind to two recognition sites but cleave DNA at only one site per turnover: the other site acts as an allosteric locus, activating the enzyme to cleave DNA at the first. Structural and biochemical analysis of the archetypal type IIE restriction enzyme EcoRII suggests that it has three possible DNA binding interfaces enabling simultaneous binding of three recognition sites. To test if putative synapsis of three binding sites has any functional significance, we have studied EcoRII cleavage of plasmids containing a single, two and three recognition sites under both single turnover and steady state conditions. EcoRII displays distinct reaction patterns on different substrates: (i) it shows virtually no activity on a single site plasmid; (ii) it yields open-circular DNA form nicked at one strand as an obligatory intermediate acting on a two-site plasmid; (iii) it cleaves concertedly both DNA strands at a single site during a single turnover on a three site plasmid to yield linear DNA. Cognate oligonucleotide added in trans increases the reaction velocity and changes the reaction pattern for the EcoRII cleavage of one and two-site plasmids but has little effect on the three-site plasmid. Taken together the data indicate that EcoRII requires simultaneous binding of three rather than two recognition sites in cis to achieve concerted DNA cleavage at a single site. We show that the orthodox type IIP enzyme PspGI which is an isoschisomer of EcoRII, cleaves different plasmid substrates with equal rates. Data provided here indicate that type IIE restriction enzymes EcoRII and NaeI follow different mechanisms. We propose that other type IIE restriction enzymes may employ the mechanism suggested here for EcoRII.  相似文献   

Type I restriction enzymes bind to a specific DNA sequence and subsequently translocate DNA past the complex to reach a non-specific cleavage site. We have examined several potential blocks to DNA translocation, such as positive supercoiling or a Holliday junction, for their ability to trigger DNA cleavage by type I restriction enzymes. Introduction of positive supercoiling into plasmid DNA did not have a significant effect on the rate of DNA cleavage by EcoAI endonuclease nor on the enzyme's ability to select cleavage sites randomly throughout the DNA molecule. Thus, positive supercoiling does not prevent DNA translocation. EcoR124II endonuclease cleaved DNA at Holliday junctions present on both linear and negatively supercoiled substrates. The latter substrate was cleaved by a single enzyme molecule at two sites, one on either side of the junction, consistent with a bi-directional translocation model. Linear DNA molecules with two recognition sites for endonucleases from different type I families were cut between the sites when both enzymes were added simultaneously but not when a single enzyme was added. We propose that type I restriction enzymes can track along a DNA substrate irrespective of its topology and cleave DNA at any barrier that is able to halt the translocation process.  相似文献   

EcoP15I is a type III restriction enzyme that requires two recognition sites in a defined orientation separated by up to 3.5 kbp to efficiently cleave DNA. The mechanism through which site-bound EcoP15I enzymes communicate between the two sites is unclear. Here, we use atomic force microscopy to study EcoP15I-DNA pre-cleavage complexes. From the number and size distribution of loops formed, we conclude that the loops observed do not result from translocation, but are instead formed by a contact between site-bound EcoP15I and a nonspecific region of DNA. This conclusion is confirmed by a theoretical polymer model. It is further shown that translocation must play some role, because when translocation is blocked by a Lac repressor protein, DNA cleavage is similarly blocked. On the basis of these results, we present a model for restriction by type III restriction enzymes and highlight the similarities between this and other classes of restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

DNA cleavage by the Type III Restriction-Modification enzymes requires communication in 1D between two distant indirectly-repeated recognitions sites, yet results in non-specific dsDNA cleavage close to only one of the two sites. To test a recently proposed ATP-triggered DNA sliding model, we addressed why one site is selected over another during cleavage. We examined the relative cleavage of a pair of identical sites on DNA substrates with different distances to a free or protein blocked end, and on a DNA substrate using different relative concentrations of protein. Under these conditions a bias can be induced in the cleavage of one site over the other. Monte-Carlo simulations based on the sliding model reproduce the experimentally observed behaviour. This suggests that cleavage site selection simply reflects the dynamics of the preceding stochastic enzyme events that are consistent with bidirectional motion in 1D and DNA cleavage following head-on protein collision.  相似文献   

DNA translocation by the restriction enzyme from E. coli K   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
R Yuan  D L Hamilton  J Burckhardt 《Cell》1980,20(1):237-244
The restriction endonuclease Eco K binds to a host specificity site and then proceeds to cleave the DNA at sites that may to several thousand bases away. It does this by translocating the DNA past the enzyme in an ATP-dependent reaction that results in the formation of highly twisted loop intermediates. DNA cleavage can occur on either side of the host specificity site.  相似文献   

DNA cleavage by the type III restriction endonuclease EcoP1I was analysed on circular and catenane DNA in a variety of buffers with different salts. In the presence of the cofactor S-adenosyl methionine (AdoMet), and irrespective of buffer, only substrates with two EcoP1I sites in inverted repeat were susceptible to cleavage. Maximal activity was achieved at a Res2Mod2 to site ratio of approximately 1:1 yet resulted in cleavage at only one of the two sites. In contrast, the outcome of reactions in the absence of AdoMet was dependent upon the identity of the monovalent buffer components, in particular the identity of the cation. With Na+, cleavage was observed only on substrates with two sites in inverted repeat at elevated enzyme to site ratios (>15:1). However, with K+ every substrate tested was susceptible to cleavage above an enzyme to site ratio of approximately 3:1, including a DNA molecule with two directly repeated sites and even a DNA molecule with a single site. Above an enzyme to site ratio of 2:1, substrates with two sites in inverted repeat were cleaved at both cognate sites. The rates of cleavage suggested two separate events: a fast primary reaction for the first cleavage of a pair of inverted sites; and an order-of-magnitude slower secondary reaction for the second cleavage of the pair or for the first cleavage of all other site combinations. EcoP1I enzymes mutated in either the ATPase or nuclease motifs did not produce the secondary cleavage reactions. Thus, AdoMet appears to play a dual role in type III endonuclease reactions: Firstly, as an allosteric activator, promoting DNA association; and secondly, as a "specificity factor", ensuring that cleavage occurs only when two endonucleases bind two recognition sites in a designated orientation. However, given the right conditions, AdoMet is not strictly required for DNA cleavage by a type III enzyme.  相似文献   

The plasmid DNA scission by the restriction enzyme HaeIII was investigated in the presence of tetrakis(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin (H2TMPyP) and its manganese(III), iron(III), nickel(II), cobalt(III) and zinc(II) derivatives. The effect of metalloporphyrins on plasmid DNA cleavage was ascertained by gel electrophoresis. UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. In the absence of the metalloporphyrins, plasmid DNA scission did not occur in the presence of a low concentration of HaeIII (0.2 units microL(-1)) at 37 degrees C after 1 h incubation. However, DNA cleavage occurred in the presence of the metalloporphyrins and HaeIII (0.2 units microL(-1)) at 37 degrees C after 1 h incubation. Gel electrophoresis results indicate the catalytic effect of metalloporphyrins (Mn(III)-, Fe(III)-, Co(III)- and Zn(II)TMPyP) by binding to both DNA and the enzyme through electrostatic interaction, which was confirmed by the change in UV-Vis and CD spectra. A mechanism for the enhanced DNA cleavage is proposed.  相似文献   

EcoP15 is a restriction-modification enzyme coded by the P15 plasmid of Escherichia coli. We have determined the sites recognized by this enzyme on pBR322 and simian virus 40 DNA. The enzyme recognizes the sequence:
In restriction, the enzyme cleaves the DNA 25 to 26 base-pairs 3′ to this sequence to leave single-stranded 5′ protrusions two bases long.  相似文献   

The requirement of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) in the cleavage reaction carried out by type III restriction-modification enzymes has been investigated. We show that DNA restriction by EcoPI restriction enzyme does not take place in the absence of exogenously added AdoMet. Interestingly, the closely related EcoP15I enzyme has endogenously bound AdoMet and therefore does not require the addition of the cofactor for DNA cleavage. By employing a variety of AdoMet analogs, which differ structurally from AdoMet, this study demonstrates that the carboxyl group and any substitution at the epsilon carbon of methionine is absolutely essential for DNA cleavage. Such analogs could bring about the necessary conformational change(s) in the enzyme, which make the enzyme proficient in DNA cleavage. Our studies, which include native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, molecular size exclusion chromatography, UV, fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy, clearly demonstrate that the holoenzyme and apoenzyme forms of EcoP15I restriction enzyme have different conformations. Furthermore, the Res and Mod subunits of the EcoP15I restriction enzyme can be separated by gel filtration chromatography in the presence of 2 M NaCl. Reconstitution experiments, which involve mixing of the isolated subunits, result in an apoenzyme form, which is restriction proficient in the presence of AdoMet. However, mixing the Res subunit with Mod subunit deficient in AdoMet binding does not result in a functional restriction enzyme. These observations are consistent with the fact that AdoMet is required for DNA cleavage. In vivo complementation of the defective mod allele with a wild-type mod allele showed that an active restriction enzyme could be formed. Furthermore, we show that while the purified c2-134 mutant restriction enzyme is unable to cleave DNA, the c2-440 mutant enzyme is able to cleave DNA albeit poorly. Taken together, these results suggest that AdoMet binding causes conformational changes in the restriction enzyme and is necessary to bring about DNA cleavage.  相似文献   

Type III restriction/modification systems recognize short non-palindromic sequences, only one strand of which can be methylated. Replication of type III-modified DNA produces completely unmethylated recognition sites which, according to classical mechanisms of restriction, should be signals for restriction. We have shown previously that suicidal restriction by the type III enzyme EcoP15I is prevented if all the unmodified sites are in the same orientation: restriction by EcoP15I requires a pair of unmethylated, inversely oriented recognition sites. We have now addressed the molecular mechanism of site orientation-specific DNA restriction. EcoP15I is demonstrated to possess an intrinsic ATPase activity, the potential driving force of DNA translocation. The ATPase activity is uniquely recognition site-specific, but EcoP15I-modified sites also support the reaction. EcoP15I DNA restriction patterns are shown to be predetermined by the enzyme-to-site ratio, in that site-saturating enzyme levels elicit cleavage exclusively between the closest pair of head-to-head oriented sites. DNA restriction is blocked by Lac repressor bound in the intervening sequence between the two EcoP15I sites. These results rule out DNA looping and strongly suggest that cleavage is triggered by the close proximity of two convergently tracking EcoP15I-DNA complexes.  相似文献   

DNA cleavage by Type III restriction enzymes is governed strictly by the relative arrangement of recognition sites on a DNA substrate—endonuclease activity is usually only triggered by sequences in head-to-head orientation. Tens to thousands of base pairs can separate these sites. Long distance communication over such distances could occur by either one-dimensional (1D) DNA translocation or 3D DNA looping. To distinguish between these alternatives, we analysed the activity of EcoPI and EcoP15I on DNA catenanes in which the recognition sites were either on the same or separate rings. While substrates with a pair of sites located on the same ring were cleaved efficiently, catenanes with sites on separate rings were not cleaved. These results exclude a simple 3D DNA-looping activity. To characterize the interactions further, EcoPI was incubated with plasmids carrying two recognition sites interspersed with two 21res sites for site-specific recombination by Tn21 resolvase; inhibition of recombination would indicate the formation of stable DNA loops. No inhibition was observed, even under conditions where EcoPI translocation could also occur.  相似文献   

EcoRII is a type IIE restriction endonuclease characterized by a highly cooperative reaction mechanism that depends on simultaneous binding of the dimeric enzyme molecule to two copies of its DNA recognition site. Transmission electron microscopy provided direct evidence that EcoRII mediates loop formation of linear DNA containing two EcoRII recognition sites. Specific DNA binding of EcoRII revealed a symmetrical DNase I footprint occupying 16-18 bases. Single amino acid replacement of Val(258) by Asn yielded a mutant enzyme that was unaffected in substrate affinity and DNase I footprinting properties, but exhibited a profound decrease in cooperative DNA binding and cleavage activity. Because the electrophoretic mobility of the mutant enzyme-DNA complexes was significantly higher than that of the wild-type, we investigated if mutant V258N binds as a monomer to the substrate DNA. Analysis of the molecular mass of mutant V258N showed a high percentage of protein monomers in solution. The dissociation constant of mutant V258N confirmed a 350-fold decrease of the enzyme dimerization capability. We conclude that Val(258) is located in a region of EcoRII involved in homodimerization. This is the first report of a specific amino acid replacement in a restriction endonuclease leading to the loss of dimerization and DNA cleavage while retaining specific DNA binding.  相似文献   

Plasmids containing double-stranded 10-mer PNA (peptide nucleic acid chimera) targets proximally flanked by two restriction enzyme sites were challenged with the complementary PNA or PNAs having one or two mismatches, and the effect on the restriction enzyme cleavage of the flanking sites was assayed. The following PNAs were used: T10-LysNH2, T5CT4-LysNH2 and T2CT2CT4-LysNH2 and the corresponding targets cloned into pUC 19 were flanked by BamH1, Sal1 or Pstl sites, respectively. In all cases it was found that complete inhibition of restriction enzyme cleavage was obtained with the complementary PNA, a significantly reduced effect was seen with a PNA having one mismatch, and no effect was seen with a PNA having two mismatches. These results show that PNA can be used as sequence specific blockers of DNA recognizing proteins.  相似文献   

Type I DNA restriction/modification systems are oligomeric enzymes capable of switching between a methyltransferase function on hemimethylated host DNA and an endonuclease function on unmethylated foreign DNA. They have long been believed to not turnover as endonucleases with the enzyme becoming inactive after cleavage. Cleavage is preceded and followed by extensive ATP hydrolysis and DNA translocation. A role for dissociation of subunits to allow their reuse has been proposed for the EcoR124I enzyme. The EcoKI enzyme is a stable assembly in the absence of DNA, so recycling was thought impossible. Here, we demonstrate that EcoKI becomes unstable on long unmethylated DNA; reuse of the methyltransferase subunits is possible so that restriction proceeds until the restriction subunits have been depleted. We observed that RecBCD exonuclease halts restriction and does not assist recycling. We examined the DNA structure required to initiate ATP hydrolysis by EcoKI and find that a 21-bp duplex with single-stranded extensions of 12 bases on either side of the target sequence is sufficient to support hydrolysis. Lastly, we discuss whether turnover is an evolutionary requirement for restriction, show that the ATP hydrolysis is not deleterious to the host cell and discuss how foreign DNA occasionally becomes fully methylated by these systems.  相似文献   

Type I restriction enzymes cleave DNA at non-specific sites far from their recognition sequence as a consequence of ATP-dependent DNA translocation past the enzyme. During this reaction, the enzyme remains bound to the recognition sequence and translocates DNA towards itself simultaneously from both directions, generating DNA loops, which appear to be supercoiled when visualised by electron microscopy. To further investigate the mechanism of DNA translocation by type I restriction enzymes, we have probed the reaction intermediates with DNA topoisomerases. A DNA cleavage-deficient mutant of EcoAI, which has normal DNA translocation and ATPase activities, was used in these DNA supercoiling assays. In the presence of eubacterial DNA topoisomerase I, which specifically removes negative supercoils, the EcoAI mutant introduced positive supercoils into relaxed plasmid DNA substrate in a reaction dependent on ATP hydrolysis. The same DNA supercoiling activity followed by DNA cleavage was observed with the wild-type EcoAI endonuclease. Positive supercoils were not seen when eubacterial DNA topoisomerase I was replaced by eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I, which removes both positive and negative supercoils. Furthermore, addition of eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I to the product of the supercoiling reaction resulted in its rapid relaxation. These results are consistent with a model in which EcoAI translocation along the helical path of closed circular DNA duplex simultaneously generates positive supercoils ahead and negative supercoils behind the moving complex in the contracting and expanding DNA loops, respectively. In addition, we show that the highly positively supercoiled DNA generated by the EcoAI mutant is cleaved by EcoAI wild-type endonuclease much more slowly than relaxed DNA. This suggests that the topological changes in the DNA substrate associated with DNA translocation by type I restriction enzymes do not appear to be the trigger for DNA cleavage.  相似文献   

Type II restriction endonuclease activities of Helicobacter pylori strain Roberts and of the type strain H. pylori NCTC 11637 were detected and analysed by conventional techniques. The endonucleases were partially purified, their optima for activity and their recognition and cleavage sites were determined. H. pylori (Roberts) contained at least two enzymes: HpyBI was an isoschizomer of RsaI (GT/AC) and HpyBII was of a novel specificity (GTN/NAC). H. pylori NCTC 11637 was found to contain an isoschizomer of EcoRV (HpyCI: GAT/ATC) and at least one other enzyme which was too unstable to characterise.  相似文献   

A restriction enzyme cleavage inhibition assay was designed to determine the rates of DNA platination by four non-cross-linking platinum–acridine agents represented by the formula [Pt(am2)LCl](NO3)2, where am is a diamine nonleaving group and L is an acridine derived from the intercalator 1-[2-(acridin-9-ylamino)ethyl]-1,3-dimethylthiourea (ACRAMTU). The formation of monofunctional adducts in the target sequence 5′-CGA was studied in a 40-base-pair probe containing the EcoRI restriction site GAATTC. The time dependence of endonuclease inhibition was quantitatively analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The formation of monoadducts is approximately 3 times faster with double-stranded DNA than with simple nucleic acid fragments. Compound 1 (am2 is ethane-1,2-diamine, L is ACRAMTU) reacts with a first-order rate constant of k obs = 1.4 ± 0.37 × 10−4 s−1 (t 1/2 = 83 ± 22 min). Replacement of the thiourea group in ACRAMTU with an amidine group (compound 2) accelerates the rate by fourfold (k obs = 5.7 ± 0.58 × 10−4 s−1, t 1/2 = 21 ± 2 min), and introduction of a propane-1,3-diamine nonleaving group results in a 1.5-fold enhancement in reactivity (compound 3, k obs = 2.1 ± 0.40 × 10−4 s−1, t 1/2 = 55 ± 10 min) compared with the prototype. Derivative 4, containing a 4,9-disubstituted acridine threading intercalator, was the least reactive compound in the series (k obs = 1.1 ± 0.40 × 10−4 s−1, t 1/2 = 104 ± 38 min). The data suggest a correlation may exist between the binding rates and the biological activity of the compounds. Potential pharmacological advantages of rapid formation of cytotoxic monofunctional adducts over the common purine–purine cross-links are discussed.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis has previously indicated that D83 and E98 residues are essential for DNA cleavage activity and presumably chelate a Mg2+ ion at the active site of MunI restriction enzyme. In the absence of metal ions, protonation of an ionizable residue with a pKa > 7.0, most likely one of the active site carboxylates, controls the DNA binding specificity of MunI [Lagunavicius, A., Grazulis, S., Balciunaite, E., Vainius, D., and Siksnys, V. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 11093-11099.]. Thus, competition between H+ and Mg2+ binding at the active site of MunI presumably plays an important role in catalysis/binding. In the present study we have identified elementary steps and intermediates in the reaction pathway of plasmid DNA cleavage by MunI and elucidated the effect of pH and Mg2+ ions on the individual steps of the DNA cleavage reaction. The kinetic analysis indicated that the multiple-turnover rate of plasmid cleavage by MunI is limited by product release throughout the pH range 6.0-9.3. Quenched-flow experiments revealed that open circle DNA is an obligatory intermediate in the reaction pathway. Under optimal reaction conditions, open circle DNA remains bound to the MunI; however it is released into the solution at low [MgCl2]. Rate constants for the phoshodiester bond hydrolysis of the first (k1) and second (k2) strand of plasmid DNA at pH 7.0 and 10 mM MgCl2 more than 100-fold exceed the kcat value which is limited by product dissociation. The analysis of the pH and [Mg2+] dependences of k1 and k2 revealed that both H+ and Mg2+ ions compete for the binding to the same residue at the active site of MunI. Thus, the decreased rate of phosphodiester hydrolysis by MunI at pH < 7.0 may be due to the reduction of affinity for the Mg2+ binding at the active site. Kinetic analysis of DNA cleavage by MunI yielded estimates for the association-dissociation rate constants of enzyme-substrate complex and demonstrated the decreased stability of the MunI-DNA complex at pH values above 8.0.  相似文献   

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