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Eye stalks and their scaling relationship with body size are important features in the mating system of many diopsid species, and sexual selection is a critical force influencing the evolution of this exaggerated morphology. Interspecific variation in eye span suggests there has been significant evolutionary change in this trait, but a robust phylogenetic hypothesis is required to determine its rate and direction of change. In this study, the pattern of morphological evolution of eye span is assessed in a phylogenetic framework with respect to its function in the sexual system of these flies. Specifically, we examine within the family Diopsidae the pattern of increase and decrease in sexual dimorphism, the morphological coevolution of eye span between males and females, and the evolutionary flexibility of eye-span allometry. Based on several different methods for reconstructing morphological change, results suggest a general pattern of evolutionary flexibility, particularly for eye-span allometry. Sexual dimorphism in eye span has evolved independently at least four times in the family and this trait also has undergone several reductions within the genus Diasemopsis. Despite most species being dimorphic, there is a strong phylogenetic correlation between males and females for mean eye span. The coevolution between the sexes for eye-span allometry, however, is significantly weaker. Overall, eye-span allometry exhibits significantly more change on the phylogeny than the other morphological traits. The evolutionary pattern in eye-span allometry is caused primarily by changes in eye-span variance. Therefore, this pattern is consistent with recent models that predict a strong relationship between sexual selection and the variance of ornamental traits and highlights the significance of eye-span allometry in intersexual and intrasexual signaling.  相似文献   

Stalk-eyed flies are exemplars of sexual selection leading to the evolution of exaggerated male ornaments (eyespan). In Sphyracephala beccarri, there is no evidence for female mate choice for exaggerated male eyespan and only minor sex differences in eyespan. We used S. beccarri to test whether heightened condition dependence only evolves when male eyespan becomes sexually exaggerated. Male eyespan showed heightened condition dependence under food stress compared with a control trait (wing length). However, female eyespan displayed a similar pattern and there was no sex difference in the degree of increased eyespan sensitivity. The finding that eyespan is a sensitive indicator of food stress, even in an unexaggerated state, suggests that this may have acted as a pre-adaptation to the role of eyespan in sexual signalling in other Diopsid species. These results are consistent with handicap theory and Fisher's view of how sexual selection is initiated.  相似文献   

The adaptive landscape and the G-matrix are keys concepts for understanding how quantitative characters evolve during adaptive radiation. In particular, whether the adaptive landscape can drive convergence of phenotypic integration (i.e., the pattern of phenotypic variation and covariation summarized in the P-matrix) is not well studied. We estimated and compared P for 19 morphological traits in eight species of Caribbean Anolis lizards, finding that similarity in P among species was not correlated with phylogenetic distance. However, greater similarity in P among ecologically similar Anolis species (i.e., the trunk-ground ecomorph) suggests the role of convergent natural selection. Despite this convergence and relatively deep phylogenetic divergence, a large portion of eigenstructure of P is retained among our eight focal species. We also analyzed P as an approximation of G to test for correspondence with the pattern of phenotypic divergence in 21 Caribbean Anolis species. These patterns of covariation were coincident, suggesting that either genetic constraint has influenced the pattern of among-species divergence or, alternatively, that the adaptive landscape has influenced both G and the pattern of phenotypic divergence among species. We provide evidence for convergent evolution of phenotypic integration for one class of Anolis ecomorph, revealing yet another important dimension of evolutionary convergence in this group.  相似文献   

叶俊伟  田斌 《生物多样性》2021,29(12):1629-E3451
扁核木(Prinsepia utilis)为中国西南地区温带森林重要的木本油料植物, 但对其野生资源种群遗传结构及成因的了解严重不足。我们采用核微卫星分子标记, 对32个扁核木自然种群共377个个体的群体演化历史进行了探讨, 并评估其遗传资源。研究发现扁核木种群自西向东可划分4个遗传群组, 即喜马拉雅、横断山以及云贵高原西部和东部群组。其中, 最大的遗传分化存在于喜马拉雅和其他区域种群间。与喜马拉雅和云贵高原东部群组相比, 横断山和云贵高原西部群组混合了其他群组的遗传成分。种群动态历史分析显示中部2个群组在喜马拉雅和云贵高原东部群组形成后形成, 不同群组间的分化均发生在更新世晚期。地理隔离和环境隔离分析表明扁核木种群间的遗传分化主要由环境差异导致。环境差异分析显示不同群组间的气候存在不同程度的差异, 其中喜马拉雅和云贵高原东部群组与中部2个群组间的差异显著。此外, 结合该物种不同时期的生态位模拟数据, 我们认为喜马拉雅和云贵高原地区的遗传资源在未来需要优先保护。  相似文献   

The elaborate morphologies of sexually selected ornaments are ubiquitous across the animal kingdom. In studies investigating these traits, ornament size is frequently the focus, and empirical evidence supports its positive correlation with fitness. Yet shape plays an important role and, surprisingly, is often overlooked. Shape frequently changes with size, influenced by biomechanical, developmental, or performance constraints. Therefore, shape can provide additional insights into the morphological differences between individuals and the potential limits on sexual trait exaggeration. Here, we used landmark‐based geometric morphometric methods on a sexually dimorphic species of stalk‐eyed fly (Teleopsis dalmanni) to examine patterns of sexual shape dimorphism. Our analyses reveal a significant difference in head shape between the sexes, with males exhibiting smaller eye bulbs, thinner stalks, and smaller heads than females. Additionally, as eyestalk length increases within each sex, a similar pattern of shape change was observed as that observed between sexes. This pattern of shape change may be the result of constraints acting against further ornament exaggeration, and we suggest that this may significantly impact the whole‐organism performance in stalk‐eyed flies. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 104–113.  相似文献   

Abstract The present study of Brassica cretica had two objectives. First, we compared estimates of population structure (Qst) for seven phenotypic characters with the corresponding measures for allozyme markers (Fst) to evaluate the supposition that genetic drift is a major determinant of the evolutionary history of this species. Secondly, we compared the genetic (co)variance ( G ) matrices of five populations to examine whether a long history of population isolation is associated with large, consistent differences in the genetic (co)variance structure. Differences between estimates of Fst and Qst were too small to be declared significant, indicating that stochastic processes have played a major role in the structuring of quantitative variation in this species. Comparison of populations using the common principal component (CPC) method rejected the hypothesis that the G matrices differed by a simple constant of proportionality: most of the variation involved principal component structure rather than the eigenvalues. However, there was strong evidence for proportionality in comparisons using the method of percentage reduction in mean‐square error (MSE), at least when characters with unusually high (co)variance estimates were included in the analyses. Although the CPC and MSE methods provide different, but complementary, views of G matrix variation, we urge caution in the use of proportionality as an indicator of whether genetic drift is responsible for divergence in the G matrix.  相似文献   

苦瓜主要品质性状的遗传变异、相关和通径分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对23份苦瓜材料的10个品质性状进行了研究。结果表明,苦瓜维生素C、还原糖、有机酸、果瘤、果色、果刺和苦味遗传变异系数大,遗传力高;水分含量遗传变异系数很小;风味遗传变异系数较小,遗传力低。苦瓜4个内在营养品质之间相关性小,而4个外观品质性状之间关系密切。两个味觉品质与4个内在营养品质之间相关性小,但与4个外观品质之间关系密切。内在营养品质与外观品质之间有一定关系。通径分析提出通过降低果实的苦味和有机酸含量来提高风味品质;通过水分含量和果瘤两性状的直接选择来实现对维生素C的间接选择。  相似文献   

运用形态测量学分析方法,对蚁属Formica中的光亮黑蚁F.candida、亮腹黑褐蚁F.gagatoides、北京凹头蚁F.beijingensis和满洲蚁F.manchu 4种共296头蚂蚁标本进行研究。选取头长(HL)、头宽(HW)、复眼最大直径(ED)、触角柄节长(SL)、并腹胸长(AL)、前胸背板宽(PW)、并胸腹节宽(DPW)和体长(TL)8个度量数据为变量进行相关性、配对T检验、均值±SD与主成分散点分布图分析,探讨形态测量学方法在蚁科昆虫分类中的应用。结果表明:形态测量学方法能够将4种蚂蚁进行有效识别区分,可作为形态分类学研究的一种有效、快速的辅助方法。  相似文献   

Avian visual sensitivity encompasses both the human visible range (400–700 nm) and also near‐ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths (320–400 nm) invisible to normal humans. I used reflectance spectrophotometry to assess variation in UV reflectance for yellow, orange and red plumage in 67 species of tanager (Passeriformes). Previous chemical studies, and my analysis of reflectance minima, suggest that carotenoids are the dominant pigments in yellow, orange and red tanager plumage. Spectra recorded over the range of wavelengths to which birds are sensitive (320–700 nm) were invariably bimodal, with both a plateau of high reflectance at longer (> 500 nm) wavelengths and a distinct secondary peak at UV (< 400 nm) wavelengths. Within this overall framework, variation in UV reflectance was expressed within well‐defined quantitative limits: (1) peak reflectance was always lower than the corresponding plateau of reflectance at longer visible wavelengths; (2) the intensity of peak reflectance declined steadily below 350 nm; (3) wavelengths of peak reflectance clustered between 350 and 370 nm. Significant correlations were detected between various measures of total reflectance in the UV and visible wavebands, but not between various measures of spectral location of UV and visible reflectance. I propose that the strong absorption band at short visible wavelengths (~ 380–550 nm) responsible for bimodal spectra of carotenoids in vitro is also responsible for bimodal reflectance by carotenoid‐based plumage colours. The construction of the UV and visible reflectance bands from different sides of this same absorbance band provides a mechanism for the observed covariation between UV and visible wavelengths. Lack of an association between the spectral locations of the UV and visible reflectance bands may result from the limited variation in spectral location of the UV band. These patterns suggest that plumage colours are subject to constraints, just as are more traditional morphological characters. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 84 , 243–257.  相似文献   

Summary A Mean Correlation Response (MCR) model was developed to estimate the relative effectiveness of direct selection when other traits also respond to the selection. A measure of the relative effects of mean correlated response and direct response (R) and a measure of the relative efficiency of direct selection (IE) were applied to a genetic correlation matrix of 38 traits. These were measurements of inflorescence, receptacle and involucre, scape, disk florets, ray florets, and trans florets in the Davis population of Gerbera hybrida, Compositae. Generally, traits with high heritability had high direct and mean correlated response; these were often traits measuring disk and trans florets. Traits with low heritability had low direct and mean correlated response; these were often traits measuring the inflorescence. Traits of the inflorescence had the lowest efficiency of direct to mean correlated response.  相似文献   

The proximate and ultimate mechanisms underlying scaling relationships as well as their evolutionary consequences remain an enigmatic issue in evolutionary biology. Here, I investigate the evolution of wing allometries in the Schizophora, a group of higher Diptera that radiated about 65 million years ago, by studying static allometries in five species using multivariate approaches. Despite the vast ecological diversity observed in contemporary members of the Schizophora and independent evolutionary histories throughout most of the Cenozoic, size‐related changes represent a major contributor to overall variation in wing shape, both within and among species. Static allometries differ between species and sexes, yet multivariate allometries are correlated across species, suggesting a shared developmental programme underlying size‐dependent phenotypic plasticity. Static allometries within species also correlate with evolutionary divergence across 33 different families (belonging to 11 of 13 superfamilies) of the Schizophora. This again points towards a general developmental, genetic or evolutionary mechanism that canalizes or maintains the covariation between shape and size in spite of rapid ecological and morphological diversification during the Cenozoic. I discuss the putative roles of developmental constraints and natural selection in the evolution of wing allometry in the Schizophora.  相似文献   

The sternum V glands are a key synapomorphy that unites Trichoptera with Lepidoptera, but their functional aspects have not been analysed from an evolutionary perspective. We examine phylogenetic trends and correlations between chemical and morphological features of these glands. The most likely ancestral gland compounds are heptan‐2‐ol, 4‐hepten‐2‐one and ‐ol, nonan‐2‐one, and 6‐nonen‐2‐one and ‐ol, making pheromone production a plausible ancestral function. The most widespread gland compounds (heptan‐2‐one and ‐ol and nonan‐2‐one and ‐ol) are not known from Apataniidae + Limnephilidae (Trichoptera), which in turn uniquely produce a number of methylated 3‐ketones and their corresponding alcohols, probably functioning as pheromones. We propose a functional connection between perforated patches on sternum IV in females and a scaly/dome‐covered area around the gland openings, as well as between perforated patches and lack of Trichoptera‐type opening muscles. We also propose a functional connection between the shape of the gland reservoirs and the presence of gland reservoir musculature. The perforated patches were significantly correlated with several gland compounds that had double bonds between carbon atoms: the double bonds may lower the viscosity of the compounds, facilitating secretion through the tiny pores of the perforated patches. The production of defensive substances in Pycnopsyche (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) is probably connected to the presence of large, compartmentalized gland reservoirs. Large glands in male Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) are probably linked to male aggregation pheromone production. The relative sizes of sternum V gland reservoirs and fenestral gland reservoirs in female philopotamids (Trichoptera) suggest a complementary function of the two structures. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 561–579.  相似文献   

Geographical variation and differentiation of flightless leaf beetles of the Chrysolina angusticollis species complex were analysed. Nine morphological groups were recognized on the basis of metric characters relating to body size, shape of hind wing and shape of male genitalia, and binary characters relating to females' elytral surface and larval pubescence. The nine groups were essentially parapatric or allopatric to each other. Five groups occupied a continuous geographical range each, whereas another four groups were disjunctively distributed. Morphometric distance and geographical distance between populations were significantly correlated. Analyses based on 13 allozyme loci demonstrated that six out of the nine morphological groups were further divided into more than one genetically distinct group each. Genetic similarity between populations was significantly correlated with morphometric similarity and geographical closeness. Disjunctively distributed populations of a single morphological group more often resembled geographically adjacent populations of different morphological groups than geographically remote populations of the same group. In a morphological group that occupied a wide continuous range, remote populations substantially differed genetically from each other. The results suggest that there exist at least 19 morphologically and/or genetically differentiated units in the C. angusticollis complex in northern Japan. The C. angusticollis complex is likely a superspecies composed of a number of semispecies. We postulate that the diversification of this species complex might have resulted from the repeated range contraction and expansion during the ice ages. Movement of tension zones that separate two adjacent forms might contribute to enhance their geographical differentiation.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 557–578.  相似文献   

通过对伏牛山北坡果子狸夏季巢穴生境选择的研究,以海拔、植被类型、坡度、坡向、坡位、巢穴隐蔽程度、水源距离、干扰距离、郁闭度、乔木距离、灌木距离、灌木密度12个指标进行评估。分析结果表明,果子狸夏季巢穴生境的选择特征是:(1)地理分布因子:海拔900-1200m地带,以阔叶林为主,杂有少量针阔混交林。(2)干扰因子:距离人类活动较近的地方。(3)隐蔽因子:郁闭度高、灌木密度高、隐蔽程度好的巢穴。(4)地形因子:巢穴位于斜坡或陡坡的上坡位或中坡位的阳坡或半阳坡。(5)食物丰富度因子:巢穴选择在乔木个体发育较好的阔叶林中,有丰富的食物来源。(6)水源因子:水源距离在100m以内。  相似文献   

裴恩乐  袁晓  汤臣栋  蔡音亭  吴迪 《生态学杂志》2012,31(10):2599-2605
为了解上海地区水鸟的栖息状况和种群动态变化,2006—2010年在全市选取9个主要区域开展了全市水鸟同步调查。5年来共记录到水鸟9目17科133种796738只次,其中鸻形目53种,雁形目28种,鹳形目17种,鸥形目16种。按居留类型来分,留鸟、夏候鸟、冬候鸟和旅鸟种类分别占总种类的3.0%、9.0%、43.6%和44.4%。以雁鸭类为主体的冬候鸟迁徙时间一般为9月—次年4月;以鸻鹬类为主体的旅鸟一般为3—5月完成北迁,南迁时间为8—10月。上海市全年水鸟数量较多的区域依次是崇明东滩鸟类自然保护区、南汇东滩和九段沙湿地自然保护区,淀山湖、崇明北湖、宝钢水库和三甲港数量最少。对各调查区域内水鸟的聚类分析和主要类群的生境偏好分析说明,雁鸭类倾向于浅滩生境和开阔水面生境,鸻鹬类倾向于沿海面积较大的浅滩光滩,而滩涂的围垦和人为干扰都会产生负面影响。在此基础上提出了水鸟栖息地管理的一些建议。  相似文献   

The variation and recognition of taxa within the Hemizygia bracteosa complex was examined using multivariate techniques. Morphological characters were sampled on 197 herbarium specimens. Phenetically H. bracteosa and H. welwitschii overlap in many floral characters. However differences in leaf characters and habit maintain their morphological distinctness from each other and they are therefore upheld as species. Hemizygia ornata, synonymized under H. welwitschii in recent treatments of the genus Hemizygia, differentiates from H. welwitschii on the basis of differences in leaf and floral characters and its reinstatement at specific level is here proposed. The concept of H. linearis is revised on account of the type specimen separating from all other elements of the taxon used in the analyses. The latter form a coherent group with H. petrensis and H. canescens thus negating any attempt to give any of them specific recognition. It is proposed that they should be synonymized under the earliest name H. canescens. The specific boundary of H. petiolata is revised but its specific status maintained.  相似文献   

Using one male‐inherited and eight biparentally inherited microsatellite markers, we investigate the population genetic structure of the Valais chromosome race of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) in the Central Alps of Europe. Unexpectedly, the Y‐chromosome microsatellite suggests nearly complete absence of male gene flow among populations from the St‐Bernard and Simplon regions (Switzerland). Autosomal markers also show significant genetic structuring among these two geographical areas. Isolation by distance is significant and possible barriers to gene flow exist in the study area. Two different approaches are used to better understand the geographical patterns and the causes of this structuring. Using a principal component analysis for which testing procedure exists, and partial Mantel tests, we show that the St‐Bernard pass does not represent a significant barrier to gene flow although it culminates at 2469 m, close to the highest altitudinal record for this species. Similar results are found for the Simplon pass, indicating that both passes represented potential postglacial recolonization routes into Switzerland from Italian refugia after the last Pleistocene glaciations. In contrast with the weak effect of these mountain passes, the Rhône valley lowlands significantly reduce gene flow in this species. Natural obstacles (the large Rhône river) and unsuitable habitats (dry slopes) are both present in the valley. Moreover, anthropogenic changes to landscape structures are likely to have strongly reduced available habitats for this shrew in the lowlands, thereby promoting genetic differentiation of populations found on opposite sides of the Rhône valley.  相似文献   

四川蜂桶寨自然保护区毛冠鹿(指名亚种)的春季生境选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘梁  胡锦矗 《四川动物》2008,27(1):135-137,141
2006年3~4月对四川宝兴县蜂桶寨自然保护区毛冠鹿春季的栖息地进行调查.结果表明:毛冠鹿春季喜欢在离食物与水源地较近,隐蔽条件较好,远离干扰的中低山(海拔1600~2000 m)的向阳面、下位坡、坡度约20°~30°的阔叶林活动.  相似文献   

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