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Early malnutrition during gestation and lactation modifies growth and metabolism permanently. Follow up studies using a nutritional rehabilitation protocol have reported that early malnourished rats exhibit hyperglycemia and/or hyperinsulinemia, suggesting that the effects of early malnutrition are permanent and produce a "programming" effect on metabolism. Deleterious effects have mainly been observed when early-malnutrition is followed by a high-carbohydrate or a high-fat diet.The aim of this study was to evaluate whether following a balanced diet subsequent to malnutrition can deter the expression of metabolic disease and lead rats to exhibit metabolic responses, similar to those of well-nourished controls.Young rats, born from dams malnourished during gestation and lactation with a low protein diet, were provided with a regular balanced chow diet upon weaning. At 90 days of age, the effects of rehabilitation were determined under three different feeding conditions: ad libitum, fasting or fasting-reefed satiated.Early-malnourished rats showed an increased rate of body weight gain. Males under ad libitum conditions showed an elevated concentration of hepatic glycogen and low values of insulin. In the fasting-reefed satiated condition, only early-malnourished females showed an alteration in glucose response and glucagon level, compared with their well-nourished controls.Data indicate that a balanced diet along life after early malnutrition can mask the expression of metabolic disorders and that a metabolic challenges due to a prolonged fasting and reefed state unmask metabolic deficiencies in early-malnourished females.  相似文献   

The metabolism and action of insulin and glucagon were investigated in goats during mid lactating (50 days postpartum) and during the dry period. The animals were fed hay and concentrate during lactation (1:1) and only hay during dry period. Pulse doses of unlabelled insulin and glucagon were injected intravenously. The disappearance of insulin from the circulation was faster during lactation than during dry period; the metabolic clearance rate of insulin was significantly increased during lactation. In contrast, the kinetic parameters of glucagon disappearance were very similar during the two periods. Basal plasma hormones (i.e. before hormone injection) were higher during lactation than during dry period; the molar ratio insulin:glucagon was left unchanged. The increase in plasma insulin following glucagon-stimulated hyperglycaemia was similar during the two periods. The ability of insulin to elicit a decrease in blood glucose was markedly impaired during lactation when compared to dry period. In contrast the ability of glucagon to increase blood glucose was slightly improved during lactation. Those endocrine changes could be related to the effect of both lactation and diet.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of maternal exercise on fetal liver glycogen content, fed and fasted rats that were pregnant for 20.5 or 21.5 days were run on a rodent treadmill for 60 min at 12 m/min with a 0% grade or 16 m/min up a 10% grade. The rats were anesthetized by intravenous injection of pentobarbital sodium, and fetal and maternal liver and plasma samples were collected and frozen. Fetal liver glycogenolysis did not occur as a result of maternal exercise. Fetal blood levels of lactate increased 22-60%, but glucose, plasma glucagon, and insulin were unchanged during maternal exercise. Maternal liver glycogen decreased as a result of exercise in all groups of rats except the fasted 20.5-day-pregnant group. Plasma free fatty acids increased in all groups and blood lactate increased in fed (20.5 days) and fasted (21.5 days) pregnant rats. Maternal glucose, glucagon, and insulin values remained constant during exercise. The fetus appears to be well-protected from metabolic stress during moderate-intensity maternal exercise.  相似文献   

Colony-bred sand rats were fed with rat pellet chow in restricted quantities or ad libitum for 8--10 or 28--31 weeks after weaning. The changes of glucose metabolism were characterized by an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test. The daily food intake and the average weight gain differed only in the first 5--7 weeks of pellet nutrition. In the impaired glucose tolerance tests of all sand rats the high basal plasma IRI levels were not significantly increased by the grossly enhanced blood glucose concentrations. The insulin secretion of either acutely incubated or for 8 days cultivated isolated pancreatic islets, however, was stimulated already by low (1.7 and 5 mM) glucose concentrations in all diet groups. Otherwise the glucagon secretion of isolated islets was not suppressed by high glucose concentrations. No changes of insulin or glucagon contents of islets were found in the different diet groups. The adipocytes of all animals revealed a complete ineffectiveness of insulin on the glucose utilization to CO2 and triglycerides. The basal glucose conversion to CO2 and glycogen in skeletal muscle and the stimulatory potency of insulin was low and not distinctly different in all groups. In liver glycogen and triglyceride contents as well as gluconeogenic enzyme activities were not influenced by feeding of different quantities of pellet diet at the investigated time points. The time course of the metabolic and clinical alterations demonstrates that the peripheral organs become insensitive to insulin in the first weeks after weaning.  相似文献   

Malnutrition during critical periods in early life may increase the subsequent risk of hypertension and metabolic diseases in adulthood, but the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. We aimed to evaluate the effects of post-weaning protein malnutrition on blood pressure and vascular reactivity in aortic rings (conductance artery) and isolated-perfused tail arteries (resistance artery) from control (fed with Labina®) and post-weaning protein malnutrition rats (offspring that received a diet with low protein content for three months). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate increased in the post-weaning protein malnutrition rats. In the aortic rings, reactivity to phenylephrine (10−10–3.10−4 M) was similar in both groups. Endothelium removal or L-NAME (10−4 M) incubation increased the response to phenylephrine, but the L-NAME effect was greater in the aortic rings from the post-weaning protein malnutrition rats. The protein expression of the endothelial nitric oxide isoform increased in the aortic rings from the post-weaning protein malnutrition rats. Incubation with apocynin (0.3 mM) reduced the response to phenylephrine in both groups, but this effect was higher in the post-weaning protein malnutrition rats, suggesting an increase of superoxide anion release. In the tail artery of the post-weaning protein malnutrition rats, the vascular reactivity to phenylephrine (0.001–300 µg) and the relaxation to acetylcholine (10−10–10−3 M) were increased. Post-weaning protein malnutrition increases blood pressure and induces vascular dysfunction. Although the vascular reactivity in the aortic rings did not change, an increase in superoxide anion and nitric oxide was observed in the post-weaning protein malnutrition rats. However, in the resistance arteries, the increased vascular reactivity may be a potential mechanism underlying the increased blood pressure observed in this model.  相似文献   

Metabolic changes during the transition from post-feeding to fasting were studied in Brycon cephalus, an omnivorous teleost from the Amazon Basin in Brazil. Body weight and somatic indices (liver and digestive tract), glycogen and glucose content in liver and muscle, as well as plasma glucose, free fatty acids (FFA), insulin and glucagon levels of B. cephalus, were measured at 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 120, 168 and 336 h after the last feeding. At time 0 h (the moment of food administration, 09.00 h) plasma levels of insulin and glucagon were already high, and relatively high values were maintained until 24 h post-feeding. Glycemia was 6.42+/-0.82 mM immediately after food ingestion and 7.53+/-1.12 mM at 12 h. Simultaneously, a postprandial replenishment of liver and muscle glycogen reserves was observed. Subsequently, a sharp decrease of plasma insulin occurred, from 7.19+/-0.83 ng/ml at 24 h of fasting to 5.27+/-0.58 ng/ml at 48 h. This decrease coincided with the drop in liver glucose and liver glycogen, which reached the lowest value at 72 h of fasting (328.56+/-192.13 and 70.33+/-14.13 micromol/g, respectively). Liver glucose increased after 120 h and reached a peak 168 h post-feeding, which suggests that hepatic gluconeogenesis is occurring. Plasma FFA levels were low after 120 and 168 h and increased again at 336 h of fasting. During the transition from post-feeding to fast condition in B. cephalus, the balance between circulating insulin and glucagon quickly adjust its metabolism to the ingestion or deprivation of food.  相似文献   

Four groups of rats were subjected to the following conditions: (1) 48 h fasting, (2) 48 h of 4 degrees C cold exposure, (3) 5 h treadmill running, (4) 48 h fasting with 4 degrees C cold exposure. The groups were compared to fed control rats in order to study hormonal and metabolic responses in blood and tissue samples. Isolated hepatocytes were used to evaluate the rate of ketogenesis. Decreases in liver glycogen and increases in blood free fatty acids (FFA) confirmed that glycogenolysis and lipolysis occur in these situations of metabolic stress. Increases in the glucagon/insulin plasma ratio were also noted. Plasma catecholamine levels were only enhanced after running and after cold exposure. Production of blood ketone bodies was stimulated more by running and by fasting than by cold exposure. The low ketone body production observed after cold exposure seems to be linked to increases liver glycogen levels and decreased FFA availability. Liver cells isolated after cold exposure exhibited higher ketogenesis than these isolated after running. This difference in ketogenic capacity could result both from the longer hormonal stimulation by high glucagon/insulin plasma ratios and from the metabolic state of the liver.  相似文献   

Protein restriction during the suckling phase can malprogram rat offspring to a lean phenotype associated with metabolic dysfunctions later in life. We tested whether protein-caloric restriction during lactation can exacerbate the effect of a high-fat (HF) diet at adulthood. To test this hypothesis, we fed lactating Wistar dams with a low-protein (LP; 4% protein) diet during the first 2 weeks of lactation or a normal-protein (NP; 23% protein) diet throughout lactation. Rat offspring from NP and LP mothers received a normal-protein diet until 60 days old. At this time, a batch of animals from both groups was fed an HF (35% fat) diet, while another received an NF (7% fat) diet. Maternal protein-caloric restriction provoked lower body weight and fat pad stores, hypoinsulinemia, glucose intolerance, higher insulin sensitivity, reduced insulin secretion and altered autonomic nervous system (ANS) function in adult rat offspring. At 90 days old, NP rats fed an HF diet in adulthood displayed obesity, impaired glucose homeostasis and altered insulin secretion and ANS activity. Interestingly, the LP/HF group also presented fat pad and body weight gain, altered glucose homeostasis, hyperleptinemia and impaired insulin secretion but at a smaller magnitude than the NP-HF group. In addition, LP/HF rats displayed elevated insulin sensitivity. We concluded that protein-caloric restriction during the first 14 days of life programs the rat metabolism against obesity and insulin resistance exacerbation induced by an obesogenic HF diet.  相似文献   

The present work was undertaken to study the effect of nutritional obesity induced by a high fat diet on the consumption of glycogen and glycerides in rat liver and diaphragm. Groups of rats were fed for five weeks from weaning either a fat-rich-carbohydrate (CHO)-poor diet, or a CHO-rich-fat-poor diet. Basal plasma glucose and free fatty acids (FFA) were significantly increased in the animals adapted to the fat-rich diet. Half of the rats were submitted to a 48-h fast. After fast, basal plasma glucose and immunoreactive insulin (IRI) fell significantly, whereas plasma FFA levels were higher than in the group fed the CHO-rich-fat-poor diet. In the liver, glycogen concentration fell in both groups after fast, with a glycogen breakdown of 1930 +/- 244 mumole glycogen glucose/liver in the fat-fed group vs 4636 +/- 216 mumole/liver in the CHO-fed group. Glycerides fell by 750 +/- 68 mumole glyceride glycerol/liver in the fat-fed rats while remaining unchanged (increased by 82 +/- 57 mumole/liver) in the CHO-fed group. In the diaphragm glycogen concentration also fell in both groups, with a glycogen breakdown of 6.0 +/- 0.3 mumole glycogen glucose/g wet tissue in the fat-fed rats vs 15.2 +/- 1.4 mumole/g wet tissue in the CHO-fed animals. Glycerides fell by 23.1 +/- 4.0 mumole/g wet diaphragm in the CHO-fed animals. The lower breakdown of glycogen in both liver and diaphragm of fat-fed rats demonstrates a decreased utilization of glycogen during fast, with energy consumption originating in larger part from triglycerides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Short and long term effects of malnutrition on the small intestine, applied to the rat in uterus and lactation, have been studied. Malnutrition was induced by feeding the pregnant rats on 14 g daily during pregnancy and 21 g during lactation. In the pups (0, 15, 30, 90 and 150 days old), body weight and wet and dry weight and length of small intestine were measured. At 2.5-3 months of age, food transformation efficiency was studied, at 3 and 5 months of age in vivo intestinal absorption of D-glucose (11 mM) was measured. The results indicate a significant decrease in intestinal morphometric parameters in malnourished animals from birth to the age of 5 months. At the age of 3 months both food transformation efficiency and in vivo absorption of glucose were significantly higher in early undernourished animals, whereas at 5 months, glucose absorption was significantly higher in control. It can thus be concluded that early malnutrition altered the small intestine development and functionality and that total recovery did not occur after 4 months on a normal diet.  相似文献   

The influence of supranormal compared with normal hepatic glycogen levels on hepatic glucose production (Ra) during exercise was investigated in chronically catheterized rats. Supranormal hepatic glycogen levels were obtained by a 24-h fast-24-h refeeding regimen. During treadmill running for 35 min at a speed of 21 m/min, Ra and plasma glucose increased more (P less than 0.05) and liver glucogen breakdown was larger in fasted-refed compared with control rats, although the stimuli for Ra were higher in control rats, the plasma concentrations of insulin and glucose being lower (P less than 0.05) in control compared with fasted-refed rats. Also, plasma concentrations of glucagon and both catecholamines tended to be higher and muscle glycogenolysis lower in control compared with fasted-refed rats. Lipid metabolism was similar in the two groups. The results indicate that hepatic glycogenolysis during exercise is directly related to hepatic glycogen content. The smaller endocrine glycogenolytic signal in face of higher plasma glucose concentrations in fasted-refed compared with control rats is indicative of metabolic feedback control of glucose mobilization during exercise. However, the higher exercise-induced increase in Ra, plasma glucose, and liver glycogen breakdown in fasted-refed compared with control rats indicates that metabolic feedback mechanisms are not able to accurately match Ra to the metabolic needs of working muscles.  相似文献   

Our objective was to investigate the long-term metabolic effects of postnatal essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD). Mouse dams were fed an EFAD diet or an isoenergetic control diet 4 days before delivery and throughout lactation. The pups were weaned to standard diet (STD) and were later subdivided into two groups: receiving high fat diet (HFD) or STD. Body composition, energy expenditure, food intake and leptin levels were analyzed in adult offspring. Blood glucose and plasma insulin concentrations were measured before and during a glucose tolerance test. EFAD offspring fed STD were leaner with lower plasma leptin and insulin concentrations compared to controls. EFAD offspring fed HFD were resistant to diet-induced obesity, had higher energy expenditure and lower levels of plasma leptin and insulin compared to controls. These results indicate that the fatty acid composition during lactation is important for body composition and glucose tolerance in the adult offspring.  相似文献   

The effects of glucose ingestion on the changes in blood glucose, FFA, insulin and glucagon levels induced by a prolonged exercise at about 50% of maximal oxygen uptake were investigated. Healthy volunteers were submitted to the following procedures: 1. a control test at rest consisting of the ingestion of 100 g glucose, 2. an exercise test without, or 3. with ingestion of 100 g of glucose. Exercise without glucose induced a progressive decrease in blood glucose and plasma insulin; plasma glucagon rose significantly from the 60th min onward (+45 pg/ml), the maximal increase being recorded during the 4th h of exercise (+135 pg/ml); plasma FFA rose significantly from the 60th min onward and reached their maximal values during the 4th h of exercise (2177 +/- 144 muEq/l, m +/- SE). Exercise with glucose ingestion blunted almost completely the normal insulin response to glucose. Under these conditions, exercise did not increase plasma glucagon before the 210th min; similarly, the exercise-induced increase in plasma FFA was markedly delayed and reduced by about 60%. It is suggested that glucose availability reduces exercise-induced glucagon secretion and, possibly consequently, FFA mobilization.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of prenatal and postnatal nutrition on birthweight and insulin sensitivity, indicated by the glucose/insulin (G/I) ratio, in adult rats (F1 generation) and in their adult offspring (F2 generation). Rat pups (F1) whose dams consumed low-protein diets during gestation (malnourished) consumed either nutritionally adequate (control) or high-fat diets ad libitum post-weaning. The offspring of these rats (F2) were maintained on the same diets as their respective dams. Separate pups (F1) whose dams consumed high-fat diets during gestation (over-nourished) were maintained on high-fat diets post-weaning, as were their offspring (F2). Birthweights were significantly reduced in all fetally malnourished F1 animals. At approximately 70 d of age, fasting insulin sensitivity in over-nourished F1 rats was significantly reduced compared to controls regardless of whether they were malnourished or over-nourished in utero; however, fetally malnourished F1 rats consuming control diets post-natally had significantly greater fasting insulin sensitivity than control animals. At 30 and 120 min post-glucose load, insulin sensitivity was reduced 12-65% in both groups of over-nourished F1 rats as compared to the fetally malnourished F1 rats consuming the control diet. Birthweights were significantly lower in F2 animals whose dams (F1) were fetally malnourished and weaned to high fat diets. Insulin sensitivity was significantly reduced in all F2 animals versus control animals, regardless of dietary treatment. Thus, post-natal diets alter insulin sensitivity in fetally malnourished, adult rats; and maternal malnutrition during gestation results in insulin resistance in offspring, irrespective of offsprings' birthweight or diet.  相似文献   

Metabolic Syndrome X is a cluster of abnormalities including insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and obesity. We sought to determine if excess plasma glucagon and free fatty acids (FFA) might contribute to the insulin resistance in the obese spontaneous hypertensive rat (SHROB), a unique animal model of leptin resistance and metabolic Syndrome X. SHROB were extremely hyperinsulinemic and mildly glucose intolerant compared with lean SHR. SHROB had elevated fasting plasma glucagon and FFA, and showed paradoxical responses to an oral glucose challenge, with increased glucagon at 30 and 60 min postchallenge (200% plus minus 45% and 91% plus minus 13%, respectively; n = 9). In lean SHR, glucagon was nearly unchanged by glucose loading (<30% increase, P > 0.05; n = 5). Plasma FFA were not affected by a glucose load in SHROB, whereas SHR showed a decrease of 40% plus minus 6% (n = 5--9). The I/G molar ratio changed in opposite directions in the two genotypes, with a decrease in SHROB at 30 and 60 min, in contrast to the appropriate increase at 30 and 60 min postchallenge in the lean SHR (P < 0.01; n = 5--9). Administration of 500 ng/kg exogenous glucagon to SHR raised glucagon 56% plus minus 5% to a level that was similar to fasting SHROB. This level of circulating glucagon was sufficient to elevate glucose and insulin during the 7 hr of observation (n = 9). Based on these results, we suggest that fasting hyperglucagonemia and impaired suppression of glucagon secretion and FFA in response to an oral glucose load may contribute to insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in the SHROB model of metabolic Syndrome X.  相似文献   

Serum insulin, blood glucose and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) were determined in 14 subjects with a simple obesity under basal conditions and during the tests with tolbutamide, propranolol and epinephrine before and after fasting of 14 days duration, on restricted diet of 1300 kcal. After refeeding some changes in pancreatic B cells reactivity and an altered metabolic responsiveness to epinephrine and propranolol were found as compared to prefasting values. It may be concluded that after refeeding a further increment of beta-adrenergic function seems to contribute to accelerated lipid mobilisation and partly to increased insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Maternal malnutrition leads to permanent alterations in insulin secretion of offspring and the soybean diet contributes to improve insulin release. At least a soy component, genistein, seems to increase the insulin secretion by activating the cAMP/PKA and PLC/PKC pathways. Here, we investigated the effect of the soybean diet on the expression of PKAalpha and PKCalpha, and insulin secretion in response to glucose and activators of adenylate cyclase and PKC in adult pancreatic rat islets. Rats from mothers fed with 17% or 6% protein (casein) during pregnancy and lactation were maintained with 17% casein (CC and CR groups) or soybean (SC and SR groups) diet until 90 days of life. The soybean diet improved the insulin response to a physiological concentration of glucose in control islets, but only in the presence of supra-physiological concentrations of glucose in islets from CR and SR groups. PMA also improved the insulin response in islets of SC and SR groups. The expression of PKCalpha was similar in all groups. Forskolin increased the insulin secretion; however, the magnitude of the increment was lower in islets from CR and SR groups than in control animals and in those from rats maintained with soybean diet than in rats fed with casein diet. The PKAalpha expression was similar between SR and CR groups and lower in SC than in CC islets. Thus, soybean diet improved the secretory pattern of beta cells, at least in part, by activating the cAMP/PKA-signaling cascade.  相似文献   

Role of SCN in daily rhythms of plasma glucose, FFA, insulin and glucagon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The daily changes in plasma glucose, FFA, insulin and glucagon concentrations in rats under 12 hr-12 hr light-dark conditions, and the role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus in these changes were examined. In sham-operated rats, the four parameters showed significant daily rhythms. However, after bilateral lesions of the SCN, daily rhythms could not be detected in these parameters under the present experimental conditions. Furthermore, after the SCN lesions the plasma glucose concentration remained at the minimum level of that in sham-operated rats, while the plasma insulin and glucagon concentrations reduced to approximately the mean level and about half the minimum level of sham-operated rats, respectively, and the FFA concentration lowered to somewhat below the minimum level. Gradual increase in the plasma insulin concentration at the end of the light period was observed in intact rats even after starvation for 24 hr. These findings suggest that the SCN is essential for generation of the daily changes in the plasma glucose, FFA, insulin and glucagon concentrations and also that it plays critical roles in regulation of the secretion of pancreatic hormones. The gradual increase in the plasma insulin level observed at the end of the light period is discussed in connection with initiation of spontaneous feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

The activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase during infusions of glucagon, isoproterenol, or cyanide in isolated liver of fed rats submitted to short-term insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH) was investigated. A condition of hyperinsulinemia/hypoglycemia was obtained with an intraperitoneal injection of regular insulin (1.0 U kg(-1)). The control group received ip saline. The experiments were carried out 60 min after insulin (IIH group) or saline (COG group) injection. The rats were anesthetized and after laparotomy, blood was collected from the vena cava for glucose and insulin measurements. The liver was then infused with glucagon (1 nM), isoproterenol (2 microM), or cyanide (0.5 mM) during 20 min and a sample of the organ was collected for determination of the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase 5 min after starting and 10 min after stopping the infusions. The infusions of cyanide, glucagons, and isoproterenol did not change the activities of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase. However, glycogen catabolism was decreased during the infusions of glucagon and isoproterenol in IIH rats, being more intense with isoproterenol (p < 0.05), than glucagon. It was concluded that short-term IIH promoted changes in the liver responsiveness of glycogen degradation induced by glucagon and isoproterenol without a change in the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase.  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence in the literature that elevated plasma free fatty acids (FFA) play a role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. CVT-3619 is a selective partial A(1) adenosine receptor agonist that inhibits lipolysis and lowers circulating FFA. The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of CVT-3619 on insulin resistance induced by high-fat (HF) diet in rodents. HF diet feeding to rats for 2 wk caused a significant increase in insulin, FFA, and triglyceride (TG) concentrations compared with rats fed chow. CVT-3619 (1 mg/kg) caused a time-dependent decrease in fasting insulin, FFA, and TG concentrations. Acute administration of CVT-3619 significantly lowered the insulin response, whereas glucose response was not different with an oral glucose tolerance test. Treatment with CVT-3619 for 2 wk resulted in significant lowering of FFA, TG, and insulin concentrations in rats on HF diet. To determine the effect of CVT-3619 on insulin sensitivity, hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp studies were performed in C57BL/J6 mice fed HF diet for 12 wk. Glucose infusion rate was decreased significantly in HF mice compared with chow-fed mice. CVT-3619 treatment 15 min prior to the clamp study significantly (P < 0.01) increased glucose infusion rate to values similar to that for chow-fed mice. In conclusion, CVT-3619 treatment lowers FFA and TG concentrations and improves insulin sensitivity in rodent models of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

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