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For free‐swimming marine species like sharks, only population genetics and demographic history analyses can be used to assess population health/status as baseline population numbers are usually unknown. We investigated the population genetics of blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus; one of the most abundant reef‐associated sharks and the apex predator of many shallow water reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Our sampling includes 4 widely separated locations in the Indo‐Pacific and 11 islands in French Polynesia with different levels of coastal development. Four‐teen microsatellite loci were analysed for samples from all locations and two mitochondrial DNA fragments, the control region and cytochrome b, were examined for 10 locations. For microsatellites, genetic diversity is higher for the locations in the large open systems of the Red Sea and Australia than for the fragmented habitat of the smaller islands of French Polynesia. Strong significant structure was found for distant locations with FST values as high as ~0.3, and a smaller but still significant structure is found within French Polynesia. Both mitochondrial genes show only a few mutations across the sequences with a dominant shared haplotype in French Polynesia and New Caledonia suggesting a common lineage different to that of East Australia. Demographic history analyses indicate population expansions in the Red Sea and Australia that may coincide with sea level changes after climatic events. Expansions and flat signals are indicated for French Polynesia as well as a significant recent bottleneck for Moorea, the most human‐impacted lagoon of the locations in French Polynesia.  相似文献   

Reef shark species have undergone sharp declines in recent decades, as they inhabit coastal areas, making them an easy target in fisheries (i.e., sharks are exploited globally for their fins, meat, and liver oil) and exposing them to other threats (e.g., being part of by-catch, pollution, and climate change). Reef sharks play a critical role in coral reef ecosystems, where they control populations of smaller predators and herbivorous fishes either directly via predation or indirectly via behavior, thus protecting biodiversity and preventing potential overgrazing of corals. The urgent need to conserve reef shark populations necessitates a multifaceted approach to policy at local, federal, and global levels. However, monitoring programmes to evaluate the efficiency of such policies are lacking due to the difficulty in repeatedly sampling free-ranging, wild shark populations. Over nine consecutive years, we monitored juveniles of the blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) population around Moorea, French Polynesia, and within the largest shark sanctuary globally, to date. We investigated the roles of spatial (i.e., sampling sites) and temporal variables (i.e., sampling year, season, and month), water temperature, and interspecific competition on shark density across 10 coastal nursery areas. Juvenile C. melanopterus density was found to be stable over 9 years, which may highlight the effectiveness of local and likely federal policies. Two of the 10 nursery areas exhibited higher juvenile shark densities over time, which may have been related to changes in female reproductive behavior or changes in habitat type and resources. Water temperatures did not affect juvenile shark density over time as extreme temperatures proven lethal (i.e., 33°C) in juvenile C. melanopterus might have been tempered by daily variation. The proven efficiency of time-series datasets for reef sharks to identify critical habitats (having the highest juvenile shark densities over time) should be extended to other populations to significantly contribute to the conservation of reef shark species.  相似文献   

Empirical data on the abundance and habitat preferences of coral reef top predators are needed to evaluate their ecological impacts and guide management decisions. We used longline surveys to quantify the shark assemblage at French Frigate Shoals (FFS) atoll from May to August 2009. Fishing effort consisted of 189 longline sets totaling 6,862 hook hours of soak time. A total of 221 sharks from 7 species were captured, among which Galapagos (Carcharhinus galapagensis, 36.2%), gray reef (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, 25.8%) and tiger (Galeocerdo cuvier, 20.4%) sharks were numerically dominant. A lack of blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) distinguished the FFS shark assemblage from those at many other atolls in the Indo-Pacific. Compared to prior underwater visual survey estimates, longline methods more accurately represented species abundance and composition for the majority of shark species. Sharks were significantly less abundant in the shallow lagoon than adjacent habitats. Recaptures of Galapagos sharks provided the first empirical estimate of population size for any Galapagos shark population. The overall recapture rate was 5.4%. Multiple closed population models were evaluated, with Chao M(h) ranking best in model performance and yielding a population estimate of 668 sharks with 95% confidence intervals ranging from 289-1720. Low shark abundance in the shallow lagoon habitats suggests removal of a small number of sharks from the immediate vicinity of lagoonal islets may reduce short-term predation on endangered monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) pups, but considerable fishing effort would be required to catch even a small number of sharks. Additional data on long-term movements and habitat use of sharks at FFS are required to better assess the likely ecological impacts of shark culling.  相似文献   

The relationship between genetic diversity and species diversity provides insights into biogeography and historic patterns of evolution and is critical for developing contemporary strategies for biodiversity conservation. Although concordant large‐scale clines in genetic and species diversity have been described for terrestrial organisms, whether these parameters co‐vary in marine species remains largely unknown. We examined patterns of genetic diversity for 11 coral reef fish species sampled at three locations across the Pacific Ocean species diversity gradient (Australia: ~1600 species; New Caledonia: ~1400 species; French Polynesia: ~800 species). Combined genetic diversity for all 11 species paralleled the decline in species diversity from West to East, with French Polynesia exhibiting lowest total haplotype and nucleotide diversities. Haplotype diversity consistently declined toward French Polynesia in all and nucleotide diversity in the majority of species. The French Polynesian population of most species also exhibited significant genetic differentiation from populations in the West Pacific. A number of factors may have contributed to the general positive correlation between genetic and species diversity, including location and time of species origin, vicariance events, reduced gene flow with increasing isolation, and decreasing habitat area from West to East. However, isolation and habitat area, resulting in reduced population size, are likely to be the most influential.  相似文献   

Human pressures have put many top predator populations at risk of extinction. Recent years have seen alarming declines in sharks worldwide, while their resilience remains poorly understood. Studying the ecology of small populations of marine predators is a priority to better understand their ability to withstand anthropogenic and environmental stressors. In the present study, we monitored a naturally small island population of 40 adult sicklefin lemon sharks in Moorea, French Polynesia over 5 years. We reconstructed the genetic relationships among individuals and determined the population’s mating system. The genetic network illustrates that all individuals, except one, are interconnected at least through one first order genetic relationship. While this species developed a clear inbreeding avoidance strategy involving dispersal and migration, the small population size, low number of breeders, and the fragmented environment characterizing these tropical islands, limits its complete effectiveness.  相似文献   

Conservation of top predators has been emphasized as essential in an ecosystem due to their role in trophic chain regulation. Optimizing conservation strategies for these endangered marine top predators requires direct estimates of breeding patterns and connectivity as these are essential to understanding the population dynamics. There have been some attempts to investigate breeding patterns of reef sharks from litter reconstruction using molecular analyses. However, direct fine‐scale migrations of female sharks for parturition as well as connectivity at a medium scale like between islands remain mostly unknown. We used microsatellite DNA markers and a likelihood‐based parentage analysis to determine breeding patterns of female blacktip reef sharks in Moorea (Society Islands, French Polynesia). Most females gave birth at their home island but some migrated to specific nursery areas outside the area they are attached to, sometimes going to another island 50 km away across deep ocean. Our analysis also revealed that females migrated to the same nursery for every birthing event. Many offspring showed a high level of inbreeding indicating an overall reduced population size, restricted movements and dispersal, or specific mating behaviour. Females represent the vectors that transport the genes at nursery grounds, and their fidelity should thus define reproductive units. As females seem to be philopatric, males could be the ones dispersing genes between populations. These results highlight the need to conserve coastal zones where female reef sharks seem to exhibit philopatry during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Spatial separation within predator communities can arise via territoriality but also from competitive interactions among and within species. However, linking competitive interactions to predator distribution patterns is difficult and theoretical models predict different habitat selection patterns dependent on habitat quality and how competition manifests itself. While models generally consider competitors to be either equal in ability, or for one phenotype to have a fixed advantage over the other, few studies consider that an animal may only have a competitive advantage in specific habitats. We used  10 years of telemetry data, habitat surveys and behavioral experiments, to show spatial partitioning between and within two species of reef shark (grey reef Carcharhinus amblyrhinchos and blacktip reef sharks C. melanopterus) at an unfished Pacific atoll. Within a species, sharks remained within small ‘sub‐habitats’ with very few movements of individuals between sub‐habitats, which previous models have suggested could be caused by intra‐specific competition. Blacktip reef sharks were more broadly distributed across habitat types but a greater proportion used lagoon and backreef habitats, while grey reef sharks preferred forereef habitats. Grey reef sharks at a nearby atoll where blacktip reef sharks are absent, were distributed more broadly between habitat types than when both species were present. A series of individual‐based models predict that habitat separation would only arise if there are competitive interactions between species that are habitat‐specific, with grey reefs having a competitive advantage on the forereefs and blacktips in the lagoons and backreef. We provide compelling evidence that competition helps drive distribution patterns and spatial separation of a marine predator community, and highlight that competitive advantages may not be constant but rather dependent on habitats.  相似文献   

During a survey of the population of blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus melanopterus in Moorea (French Polynesia) between 2007 and 2011, population structural characteristics were estimated from 268 individuals. Total length (LT) ranged from 48 to 139 cm and 48 to 157 cm for males and females, respectively, demonstrating that the average LT of females was larger than that of males. The C. melanopterus population at Moorea showed an apparent spatial sexual segregation with females preferentially frequenting lagoons and males the fore‐reefs. Mean growth rate was c. 6 cm year?1. Males reached sexual maturity at 111 cm LT. This study reports on the population characteristics of this widespread carcharhinid shark species and makes comparisons with other locations, confirming high geographic variability in the population structure of the species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of reproductive strategy (benthic or pelagic eggs) and habitat preferences (lagoon or outer slope) on both diversity and genetic differentiation using a set of populations of seven coral reef fish species over different geographic scales within French Polynesia. We hypothesized that a Holocene sea-level decrease contributed to severe reduction of population size for species inhabiting lagoons and a subsequent decrease of genetic diversity. Conversely, we proposed that species inhabiting stable environments, such as the outer slope, should demonstrate higher genetic diversity but also more structured populations because they have potentially reached a migration-genetic drift equilibrium. Sequences of the 5' end of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region were compared among populations sampled in five isolated islands within two archipelagos of French Polynesia. For all the species, no significant divergences among populations were found. Significant differences in mtDNA diversity between lagoonal and outer-slope species were demonstrated both for haplotype diversity and sequence divergence but none were found between species with different egg types. Pairwise mismatch distributions suggested rapid population growth for all the seven species involved in this study, but they revealed different distributions, depending on the habitat preference of the species. Although several scenarios can explain the observed patterns, the hypothesis of population size reduction events relative to Holocene sea-level regression and its consequence on French Polynesia coral reefs is the most parsimonious. Outer-slope species have undergone a probable weak and/or old bottleneck (outer reefs persisted during low sea level, leading to reef area reductions), whereas lagoonal species suffered a strong and/or recent bottleneck since Holocene sea-level regression resulted in the drying out of all the atolls that are maximum 70 meters deep. Since present sea level was reached between 5000 and 6000 years ago, different demographic events (bottlenecks or founder events) have lead to the actual populations of lagoons in French Polynesia.  相似文献   

Climate variation is an important factor shaping the demographic histories of many marine species, though impacts likely differ depending on species life history, habitat preferences and ecology. Investigating how species responded to historic climate fluctuations may provide critical insights into a species’ response to current climate change. Despite their ecological diversity, shark species share many similar life history characteristics and may be especially vulnerable to anthropogenic and climate impacts. We compared patterns of genetic variability, mismatch distributions and demographic reconstructions from coalescence approaches among temperate and tropical shark species with differing ecological characteristics, to investigate the effect of the past glaciation cycles on population abundance. Genetic diversity at two mitochondrial DNA regions (ND2 and control region) was assayed in four North Pacific species, Pacific spiny dogfish, Pacific sleeper sharks, salmon shark, and bluntnose sixgill shark. In addition, control region sequences acquired from GenBank for five shark species [tope shark (California/Australia), white shark (California), blacktip shark (eastern and western Gulf of Mexico), lemon shark (Bahamas), and whale shark] were analyzed. General patterns in genetic diversity, mismatch analyses and Bayesian skyline plots supported our hypothesis that species biology affected the impact of climate variation on demographic history. Consequently, our results suggest that effects of contemporary climate change on sharks may be to some degree predictable from species biology, distribution, habitat and the impact of past climate events.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the genetic structure of blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) continental nurseries in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea using mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and eight nuclear microsatellite loci scored in neonate and young-of-the-year sharks. Significant structure was detected with both markers among nine nurseries (mitochondrial PhiST = 0.350, P < 0.001; nuclear PhiST = 0.007, P < 0.001) and sharks from the northwestern Atlantic, eastern Gulf of Mexico, western Gulf of Mexico, northern Yucatan, and Belize possessed significantly different mitochondrial DNA haplotype frequencies. Microsatellite differentiation was limited to comparisons involving northern Yucatan and Belize sharks with nuclear genetic homogeneity throughout the eastern Gulf of Mexico, western Gulf of Mexico, and northwestern Atlantic. Differences in the magnitude of maternal vs. biparental genetic differentiation support female philopatry to northwestern Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea natal nursery regions with higher levels of male-mediated gene flow. Philopatry has produced multiple reproductive stocks of this commercially important shark species throughout the range of this study.  相似文献   

Polynesians’ detailed observations of shark behaviour encompass the notion of a divinity, the fleeting image of a sky god, as well as potential source of food and valued tools. Due to prevailing cosmogony, sharks benefited from being a taboo species, historically limiting their exploitation. We examine how the reputedly fierce warriors of ‘Anaa (an atoll in Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia) came to be symbolically identified with a marine predator, being called “Parata,” the vernacular name of the oceanic whitetip shark Carcharinus longimanus. Both sharks and indigenous cultures are currently under threat in the East Pacific and we propose that an understanding of these sacred relationships could be used to help protect them.  相似文献   

From January 2017 - December 2019, 75 out of 850 (8.8 %) great hammerhead sharks from the Arabian Gulf had skin lesions of black irregular discolorations on the ventral surface of the head. The lesions consisted of pencil-like lineations often advancing forward by about 2 mm in back-and-forth looped scribbles often forming a relatively linear bands of about 5–7 cm wide. Similar lesions were also found in the blacktip reef shark from the same area within the same period, and consisted of straight to irregular black lines, extended indiscriminately across the skin of the sharks. Microscopic examination of the skin revealed the presence of dark-brown eggs exhibiting the spindle or ellipsoidal eggs characteristic of Huffmanela sp. The morphometrics of eggs from both hosts were similar (62.9–89.9 μm long and 29.3–56.1 μm wide). The eggshells were smooth with polar plugs protruding or not, with an abruptly truncated crown-like or shoulder-like collar surrounding the plug. The eggs were only found in the epidermal layer of the skin. Based on the unique morphometrics of the eggs, we report a new species, named: Huffmanela selachii n. sp.. This appears to be the first report of Huffmanela from either the great hammerhead shark or the blacktip reef shark, and the third reported Huffmanela in sharks from the Arabian Gulf. It is also one of few species reported from connecting waters of the greater Indian Ocean. This new finding contributes to our understanding of the diversity and ubiquity of Huffmanela sp. in marine creatures.  相似文献   

During 1987–1990 nine cases of mortality in captive blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) were attributed to bite wounds to the valvular intestine. Necropsies revealed lacerations, amputation of the scroll valve folds, or complete severance of the valvular intestine. Wounding resulting from attack by tankmates occurred during episodes of intestinal eversion, an apparently regular event of unclear physiological function in sharks with a scroll valve intestine. This paper adds intestinal biting as a putative cause of mortality in captive shark species having a scroll valve intestine.  相似文献   

A novel image analysis‐based technique applied to unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) survey data is described to detect and locate individual free‐ranging sharks within aggregations. The method allows rapid collection of data and quantification of fine‐scale swimming and collective patterns of sharks. We demonstrate the usefulness of this technique in a small‐scale case study exploring the shoaling tendencies of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus in a large lagoon within Moorea, French Polynesia. Using our approach, we found that C. melanopterus displayed increased alignment with shoal companions when distributed over a sandflat where they are regularly fed for ecotourism purposes as compared with when they shoaled in a deeper adjacent channel. Our case study highlights the potential of a relatively low‐cost method that combines UAV survey data and image analysis to detect differences in shoaling patterns of free‐ranging sharks in shallow habitats. This approach offers an alternative to current techniques commonly used in controlled settings that require time‐consuming post‐processing effort.  相似文献   

Identifying critical habitat for highly mobile species such as sharks is difficult, but essential for effective management and conservation. In regions where baseline data are lacking, non‐traditional data sources have the potential to increase observational capacity for species distribution and habitat studies. In this study, a research and education organization conducted a 5‐year (2013–2018) survey of shark populations in the coastal waters of west‐central Florida, an area where a diverse shark assemblage has been observed but no formal population analyses have been conducted. The objectives of this study were to use boosted regression tree (BRT) modeling to quantify environmental factors impacting the distribution of the shark assemblage, create species distribution maps from the model outputs, and identify spatially explicit hot spots of high shark abundance. A total of 1036 sharks were captured, encompassing eleven species. Abundance hot spots for four species and for immature sharks (collectively) were most often located in areas designated as “No Internal Combustion Engine” zones and seagrass bottom cover, suggesting these environments may be fostering more diverse and abundant populations. The BRT models were fitted for immature sharks and five species where n > 100: the nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum), blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus), blacknose shark (C. acronotus), Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae), and bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo). Capture data were paired with environmental variables: depth (m), sea surface temperature (°C), surface, middle, and bottom salinity (psu), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), and bottom type (seagrass, artificial reef, or sand). Depth, temperature, and bottom type were most frequently identified as predictors with the greatest marginal effect on shark distribution, underscoring the importance of nearshore seagrass and barrier island habitats to the shark assemblage in this region. This approach demonstrates the potential contribution of unconventional science to effective management and conservation of coastal sharks.  相似文献   

Population genetics has been increasingly applied to study large sharks over the last decade. Whilst large shark species are often difficult to study with direct methods, improved knowledge is needed for both population management and conservation, especially for species vulnerable to anthropogenic and climatic impacts. The tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, is an apex predator known to play important direct and indirect roles in tropical and subtropical marine ecosystems. While the global and Indo‐West Pacific population genetic structure of this species has recently been investigated, questions remain over population structure and demographic history within the western Indian (WIO) and within the western Pacific Oceans (WPO). To address the knowledge gap in tiger shark regional population structures, the genetic diversity of 286 individuals sampled in seven localities was investigated using 27 microsatellite loci and three mitochondrial genes (CR, COI, and cytb). A weak genetic differentiation was observed between the WIO and the WPO, suggesting high genetic connectivity. This result agrees with previous studies and highlights the importance of the pelagic behavior of this species to ensure gene flow. Using approximate Bayesian computation to couple information from both nuclear and mitochondrial markers, evidence of a recent bottleneck in the Holocene (2,000–3,000 years ago) was found, which is the most probable cause for the low genetic diversity observed. A contemporary effective population size as low as 111 [43,369] was estimated during the bottleneck. Together, these results indicate low genetic diversity that may reflect a vulnerable population sensitive to regional pressures. Conservation measures are thus needed to protect a species that is classified as Near Threatened.  相似文献   

Carcharhinid sharks can make up a large fraction of the top predators inhabiting tropical marine ecosystems and have declined in many regions due to intense fishing pressure. There is some support for the hypothesis that carcharhinid species that complete their life-cycle within coral reef ecosystems, hereafter referred to as “reef sharks”, are more abundant inside no-take marine reserves due to a reduction in fishing pressure (i.e., they benefit from marine reserves). Key predictions of this hypothesis are that (a) individual reef sharks exhibit high site-fidelity to these protected areas and (b) their relative abundance will generally be higher in these areas compared to fished reefs. To test this hypothesis for the first time in Caribbean coral reef ecosystems we combined acoustic monitoring and baited remote underwater video (BRUV) surveys to measure reef shark site-fidelity and relative abundance, respectively. We focused on the Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi), the most common reef shark in the Western Atlantic, at Glover''s Reef Marine Reserve (GRMR), Belize. Acoustically tagged sharks (N = 34) were detected throughout the year at this location and exhibited strong site-fidelity. Shark presence or absence on 200 BRUVs deployed at GRMR and three other sites (another reserve site and two fished reefs) showed that the factor “marine reserve” had a significant positive effect on reef shark presence. We rejected environmental factors or site-environment interactions as predominant drivers of this pattern. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that marine reserves can benefit reef shark populations and we suggest new hypotheses to determine the underlying mechanism(s) involved: reduced fishing mortality or enhanced prey availability.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems are suffering severe depletion of apex predators worldwide; shark declines are principally due to conservative life-histories and fisheries overexploitation. On coral reefs, sharks are strongly interacting apex predators and play a key role in maintaining healthy reef ecosystems. Despite increasing fishing pressure, reef shark catches are rarely subject to specific limits, with management approaches typically depending upon no-take marine reserves to maintain populations. Here, we reveal that this approach is failing by documenting an ongoing collapse in two of the most abundant reef shark species on the Great Barrier Reef (Australia). We find an order of magnitude fewer sharks on fished reefs compared to no-entry management zones that encompass only 1% of reefs. No-take zones, which are more difficult to enforce than no-entry zones, offer almost no protection for shark populations. Population viability models of whitetip and gray reef sharks project ongoing steep declines in abundance of 7% and 17% per annum, respectively. These findings indicate that current management of no-take areas is inadequate for protecting reef sharks, even in one of the world's most-well-managed reef ecosystems. Further steps are urgently required for protecting this critical functional group from ecological extinction.  相似文献   

Although marine protected areas (MPAs) are a common conservation strategy, these areas are often designed with little prior knowledge of the spatial behaviour of the species they are designed to protect. Currently, the Coral Sea area and its seamounts (north-east Australia) are under review to determine if MPAs are warranted. The protection of sharks at these seamounts should be an integral component of conservation plans. Therefore, knowledge on the spatial ecology of sharks at the Coral Sea seamounts is essential for the appropriate implementation of management and conservation plans. Acoustic telemetry was used to determine residency, site fidelity and spatial use of three shark species at Osprey Reef: whitetip reef sharks Triaenodon obesus, grey reef sharks Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos and silvertip sharks Carcharhinus albimarginatus. Most individuals showed year round residency at Osprey Reef, although five of the 49 individuals tagged moved to the neighbouring Shark Reef (~14 km away) and one grey reef shark completed a round trip of ~250 km to the Great Barrier Reef. Additionally, individuals of white tip and grey reef sharks showed strong site fidelity to the areas they were tagged, and there was low spatial overlap between groups of sharks tagged at different locations. Spatial use at Osprey Reef by adult sharks is generally restricted to the north-west corner. The high residency and limited spatial use of Osprey Reef suggests that reef sharks would be highly vulnerable to targeted fishing pressure and that MPAs incorporating no-take of sharks would be effective in protecting reef shark populations at Osprey and Shark Reef.  相似文献   

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