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The fluorescence titration curve of skeletal muscle troponin containing TnI with 2-[4'-iodoacetamido)anilino)naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid-labeled Cys-48 and/or Cys-64 was composed of two transition curves. One transition occurred at the pCa region higher than 8.0, and the other between pCa 8.0 and 6.0. The transition at the lower pCa region had a midpoint of pCa 6.85, and the midpoint did not depend on Mg2+. The time course of the fluorescence change subsequent to the rapid pCa-jump of the solution was biphasic. The fast phase was due to the transition at the lower pCa region, and the rate constant of the process was characteristic of the conformational change of the protein induced by Ca2+ binding to the low affinity Ca2+-binding sites of TnC. The slow phase was from the transition at the higher pCa region, and its rate constant was characteristic of the conformational change of the protein induced by Ca2+ binding to the high affinity Ca2+-binding sites of TnC. Therefore we can conclude that the fluorescence probe bound to Cys-48 and/or Cys-64 of TnI detects the conformational change of the Tn complex induced by Ca2+ binding to both the low and high affinity Ca2+-binding sites of TnC. The fluorescence probe bound to Cys-133 of TnI or Met residues of TnT detected the conformational change of the Tn complex induced by Ca2+ binding to the low affinity Ca2+-binding sites of TnC.  相似文献   

The binding of the NH2-terminal region of troponin T (TnT) to the COOH-terminal region of tropomyosin (Tm) and the head-to-tail overlap between Tm molecules is thought to provide a pivotal link between troponin (Tn) and Tm (White, S.P., Cohen, C., and Phillips, G.N., Jr. (1987) Nature 325, 826-828). To further explore the structure-function relationship of the NH2-terminal region of TnT, we studied the binding of a 26,000-dalton TnT fragment (26K-TnT, Ohtsuki, I., Shiraishi, F., Suenaga, N., Miyata, T., and Tanokura, M.J. (1984) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 95, 1337-1342) which corresponds to residues 46-259 of TnT2f, the major isoform of TnT in rabbit fast twitch muscle, to immobilized alpha-Tm. Both 26K-TnT and TnT2f were retained by the alpha-Tm affinity column in the presence of 150 mM NaCl. However, upon increasing the NaCl concentration 26K-TnT was eluted from the column at a higher ionic strength than was TnT. When applied alone, the binary complex of TnI and TnC (TnC.TnI) was not retained by the alpha-Tm affinity column. When applied subsequently to prebound TnT2f or 26K-TnT, TnI.TnC was retained by the alpha-Tm affinity column and eluted together with TnT2f or 26K-TnT as ternary troponin complexes. Whether Ca2+ was present or not, Tn containing 26K-TnT was eluted at a higher ionic strength than was Tn containing TnT2f, indicating that removal of the first 45 residues of TnT2f strengthens the binding of Tn to Tm. In the presence of Tm, reconstituted Tn containing 26K-TnT conferred Ca2+ sensitivity on actomyosin-S1 MgATPase, and the steepness of the pCa-ATPase relation was unchanged with respect to the actoS1 ATPase regulated by TnT2f. It is concluded that the first 45 residues of TnT2f are not essential for anchoring the troponin complex to the thin filament and do not play a crucial role in the cooperative response of regulated actoS1 ATPase to Ca2+.  相似文献   

In addition to the core structure conserved in all troponin I isoforms, cardiac troponin I (cTnI) has an ~30 amino acids NH(2)-terminal extension. This peptide segment is a heart-specific regulatory structure containing two Ser residues that are substrates of PKA. Under β-adrenergic regulation, phosphorylation of cTnI in the NH(2)-terminal extension increases the rate of myocardial relaxation. The NH(2)-terminal extension of cTnI is also removable by restrictive proteolysis to produce functional adaptation to hemodynamic stresses. The molecular mechanism for the NH(2)-terminal modifications to regulate the function of cTnI is not fully understood. In the present study, we tested a hypothesis that the NH(2)-terminal extension functions by modulating the conformation of other regions of cTnI. Monoclonal antibody epitope analysis and protein binding experiments demonstrated that deletion of the NH(2)-terminal segment altered epitopic conformation in the middle, but not COOH-terminal, region of cTnI. PKA phosphorylation produced similar effects. This targeted long-range conformational modulation corresponded to changes in the binding affinities of cTnI for troponin T and for troponin C in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. The data suggest that the NH(2)-terminal extension of cTnI regulates cardiac muscle function through modulating molecular conformation and function of the core structure of cTnI.  相似文献   

Huang QQ  Chen A  Jin JP 《Gene》1999,229(1-2):1-10
Three muscle type-specific troponin T (TnT) genes are present in vertebrate to encode a number of protein isoforms via alternative mRNA splicing. While the genomic structures of cardiac and fast skeletal muscle TnT genes have been documented, this study cloned and characterized the slow skeletal muscle TnT (sTnT) gene. Complete nucleotide sequence and genomic organization revealed that the mouse sTnT gene spans 11.1kb and contains 14 exons, which is smaller and simpler than the fast skeletal muscle and cardiac TnT genes. Potentially representing a prototype of the TnT gene family, the 5'-region of the sTnT gene contains fewer unsplit large exons, among which two alternatively spliced exons are responsible for the NH2-terminal variation of three sTnT isoforms. The sTnT gene structure shows that the alternatively spliced central segment found in human sTnT cDNAs may be a result from splicing using an alternative acceptor site at the intron 11-exon 12 boundary. Together with the well-conserved protein structure, the highly specific expression of sTnT in slow skeletal muscles indicates a differentiated function of this member of the TnT gene family. The determination of genomic structure and alternative splicing pathways of sTnT gene lays a foundation to further understand the TnT structure-function evolution as well as contractile characteristics of different types of muscle fiber.  相似文献   

Numerous troponin T (TnT) isoforms are produced by alternative splicing from three genes characteristic of cardiac, fast skeletal, and slow skeletal muscles. Apart from the developmental transition of fast skeletal muscle TnT isoforms, switching of TnT expression during muscle development is poorly understood. In this study, we investigated precisely and comprehensively developmental changes in chicken cardiac and slow skeletal muscle TnT isoforms by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting with specific antisera. Four major isoforms composed of two each of higher and lower molecular weights were found in cardiac TnT (cTnT). Expression of cTnT changed from high- to low-molecular-weight isoforms during cardiac muscle development. On the other hand, such a transition was not found and only high-molecular-weight isoforms were expressed in the early stages of chicken skeletal muscle development. Two major and three minor isoforms of slow skeletal muscle TnT (sTnT), three of which were newly found in this study, were expressed in chicken skeletal muscles. The major sTnT isoforms were commonly detected throughout development in slow and mixed skeletal muscles, and at developmental stages until hatching-out in fast skeletal muscles. The expression of minor sTnT isoforms varied from muscle to muscle and during development.  相似文献   

The cross-linking of the F-actin-caldesmon complex with 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]carbodiimide in the presence of N-hydroxysuccinimide generated four major adducts which were identified on polyacrylamide gels. By cross-linking 3H-actin to 14C-caldesmon, these were found to represent 1:1 cross-linked complexes of actin and caldesmon displaying different electrophoretic mobilities. Tropomyosin did not noticeably affect the cross-linking process. The same four fluorescent species resulting from the cross-linking of caldesmon to F-actin labeled with N-[7-(dimethylamino)-4-methyl-3-coumarinyl]maleimide were subjected separately to partial cleavages with hydroxylamine or cyanogen bromide. These treatments yielded fluorescent 41- and 37-kDa fragments, respectively, from each cross-linked entity indicating unambiguously that caldesmon was cross-linked only to the NH2-terminal actin stretch of residues 1-12. This region is also known to serve for the carbodiimide-mediated cross-linking of the myosin subfragment-1 heavy chain (Sutoh, K. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 3654-3661). A covalent caldesmon-F-actin conjugate containing a protein molar ratio close to 1:19 was isolated following dissociation of uncross-linked caldesmon. It showed a low level of activation of the ATPase activity of skeletal myosin subfragment-1, and the binding of Ca2(+)-calmodulin to the derivative did not cause the reversal of the ATPase inhibition. In contrast, the reversible binding of caldesmon to F-actin cross-linked to myosin subfragment-1 did not inhibit the accelerated ATPase of the complex. The overall data point to the dual involvement of the actin's NH2 terminus in the inhibitory binding of caldesmon and in actomyosin interactions in the presence of ATP.  相似文献   

Jin JP  Root DD 《Biochemistry》2000,39(38):11702-11713
Troponin T (TnT) plays an allosteric signal transduction role in the actin thin-filament-based Ca(2+)-regulation of striated muscle contraction. Developmentally regulated alternative RNA splicing produces TnT isoforms differing in their NH(2)-terminal structure. Physical property variations of the NH(2)-terminal hypervariable region of TnT may have a role in tuning the Ca(2+)-sensitivity and overall cooperativity of the muscle. We have previously demonstrated that metal ion or monoclonal antibody binding to the NH(2)-terminal region can modulate the epitopic conformation and troponin I and tropomyosin binding affinity of TnT. To further establish the molecular basis of this conformational and functional modulation, we have characterized the NH(2)-terminal variable region-originated secondary conformational effect in TnT using fluorescence spectral analysis. The chicken fast skeletal muscle TnT isoform, TnT8e16, containing a cluster of transition-metal ion binding sites (Tx) in the NH(2)-terminal variable region was used in this study. TnT8e16 was titrated for Cu(II) binding-induced changes in fluorescence intensity and anisotropy of the COOH-domain Trp residues (W234, W236, and W285), which demonstrated considerable environmental sensitivity in TnT denaturation studies. Nonlinear Stern-Volmer plots of Trp quenching indicated a metal ion binding-induced conformational change in TnT. Fluorescence anisotropy changes upon metal ion binding indicated a decrease in the mobility of the Trp residues and an increase in the flexibility of fluorescein-labeled Cys263 in the COOH domain. These data support a model that the alternatively spliced NH(2)-terminal variable region of TnT modulates conformation and flexibility of other domains of the protein.  相似文献   

Cardiac muscle development is characterised by the activation of contractile protein genes and subsequent modulation of expression resulting, ultimately, in the formation of a mature four-chambered organ. Myocardial gene expression is also altered in the adult in response to pathological stimuli and this is thought to contribute to the altered contractile characteristics of the diseased heart. We have examined the expression of the slow skeletal troponin T (TnT) gene in the human heart during development and in disease using whole mount in situ hybridisation and real-time quantitative (TaqMan) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Slow skeletal TnT mRNA shows transitory and regional expression in the early foetal heart, which occurs at different times in atria and ventricles. In ventricular myocardium, expression is seen in the outer epicardial layer at a time when the coronary circulation is being established. Expression was detected at low levels in the adult human heart and was significantly increased in end-stage heart failure. Similarly, expression was readily detectable during early rat heart development and was up-regulated in pressure overload hypertrophy in adult. Together these data show for the first time that slow skeletal TnT mRNA is readily detectable during early human heart development. They further suggest that slow skeletal TnT may be responsive to myocardial stress and that elevated levels may contribute to myocardial dysfunction in adult disease. (Mol Cell Biochem 263: 91–97, 2004)  相似文献   

Zhang Z  Biesiadecki BJ  Jin JP 《Biochemistry》2006,45(38):11681-11694
The structure of the NH2-terminal region of troponin T (TnT) is hypervariable among the muscle type-specific isoforms and is also regulated by alternative RNA splicing. This region does not contain binding sites for other thin filament proteins, but alteration of its structure affects the Ca2+ regulation of muscle contraction. Here we report a truncated cardiac TnT produced during myocardial ischemia reperfusion. Amino acid sequencing and protein fragment reconstruction determined that it is generated by a posttranslational modification selectively removing the NH2-terminal variable region and preserving the conserved core structure of TnT. Triton X-100 extraction of cardiac muscle fibers promoted production of the NH2-terminal truncated cardiac TnT (cTnT-ND), indicating a myofibril-associated proteolytic activity. Mu-calpain is a myofibril-associated protease and is known to degrade TnT. Supporting a role of mu-calpain in producing cTnT-ND in myocardial ischemia reperfusion, calpain inhibitors decreased the level of cTnT-ND in Triton-extracted myofibrils. Mu-calpain treatment of the cardiac myofibril and troponin complex specifically reproduced cTnT-ND. In contrast, mu-calpain treatment of isolated cardiac TnT resulted in nonspecific degradation, suggesting that this structural modification is relevant to physiological structures of the myofilament. Triton X-100 treatment of transgenic mouse cardiac myofibrils overexpressing fast skeletal muscle TnT produced similar NH2-terminal truncations of the endogenous and exogenous TnT, despite different amino acid sequences at the cleavage site. With the functional consequences of removing the NH2-terminal variable region of TnT, the mu-calpain-mediated proteolytic modification of TnT may act as an acute mechanism to adjust muscle contractility under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Inhibition of rabbit skeletal muscle acto-S1 ATPase by troponin T   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Conformational and structural modulations of the NH2-terminal region of fibrinogen and fibrin associated with plasmin cleavage have been examined utilizing specific antibody probes. The E region derived from the NH2-terminal aspects of fibrinogen undergoes complex structural and conformational changes throughout the cleavage process as indicated by differences in the quantitative and qualitative expression of antigenic determinants by the E region of each isolated cleavage fragment. When the range of antigenic determinants recognized by the antibody probe is limited to a specific molecular marker on the gamma chain within the E region, fg-E-neo, evidence for a systematic and progressive modulation of this site during plasmin cleavage is observed. Fg-E-neo undergoes progressive exposure as the cleavage of fibrinogen proceeds from X to Y to D:E complex. Separation of the D:E complex into its constituent, D and E fragments, is associated with further exposure of fg-E-neo determinants. The sequential cleavage of fibrin by plasmin also leads to progressive exposure of the fg-E-neo site; however, comparison of corresponding fragments derived from fibrinogen and fibrin reveals significant differences in the character of fg-E-neo expression. Immunochemical differences between fibrin and fibrinogen E fragments are not abolished by further exposure of the fragments to plasmin, are apparently not due to the presence or absence of fibrinopeptides, and are maintained following denaturation and renaturation of the fragments. These results suggest that the differential expression of fg-E-neo by the E fragments may be primarily dependent upon differences in amino acid compositions of the fragments.  相似文献   

Interactions between troponin C (TnC) and troponin I (TnI) play an important role in the Ca2(+)-dependent regulation of vertebrate striated muscle contraction. Previous attempts to elucidate the molecular details of TnC-TnI interactions, mainly involving chemically modified proteins or fragments thereof, have led to the widely accepted idea that the "inhibitory region" (residues 96-116) of TnI binds to an alpha-helical segment of TnC comprising residues 89-100 in the nonregulatory, COOH-terminal domain. In an attempt to identify other possible physiologically important interactions between these proteins, 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]carbodiimide (EDC) was used to produce zero-length cross-links in the complex of rabbit skeletal muscle TnC and TnI. TnC was activated with EDC and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) and then mixed with an equimolar amount of TnI [Grabarek, Z., & Gergely, J. (1988) Biophys. J. 53, 392a]. The resulting cross-linked TnCXI was cleaved with cyanogen bromide, trypsin, and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease (SAP). Cross-linked peptides were purified by reverse-phase HPLC and characterized by sequence analysis. The results indicated that residues from the regulatory Ca2(+)-binding site II in the NH2-terminal domain of TnC (residues 46-78) formed cross-links with TnI segments spanning residues 92-167. The most highly cross-linked residues in TnI were Lys-105 and Lys-107, located in the inhibitory region. These results yield the first evidence for an interaction between the N-terminal domain of TnC and the inhibitory region of TnI.  相似文献   

The amino-terminus of the CaATPase from rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum was obtained by treating the reduced and alkylated enzyme with pronase with subsequent isolation of the acetyl peptides by ion-exchange chromatography and electrophoresis. Two peptides, N-Acetyl-Met-Glu and N-Acetyl-Met-Glu-Ala-Ala were co-purified. For all amino-terminally acetylated methionyl peptides reported so far, penultimate residues are found to be either aspartic or glutamic acids.  相似文献   

Physicalexercise and contraction increase c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase(JNK) activity in rat and human skeletal muscle, and eccentriccontractions activate JNK to a greater extent than concentric contractions in human skeletal muscle. Because eccentric contractions include a lengthening or stretch component, we compared the effects ofisometric contraction and static stretch on JNK and p38, the stress-activated protein kinases. Soleus and extensor digitorum longus(EDL) muscles dissected from 50- to 90-g male Sprague-Dawley rats weresubjected to 10 min of electrical stimulation that produced contractions and/or to 10 min of stretch (0.24 N tension, 20-25% increase in length) in vitro. In the soleus muscle, contraction resulted in a small, but significant, increase in JNK activity (1.8-fold above basal) and p38 phosphorylation (4-fold). Static stretchhad a much more profound effect on the stress-activated proteinkinases, increasing JNK activity 19-fold and p38 phosphorylation 21-fold. Increases in JNK activation and p38 phosphorylation in response to static stretch were fiber-type dependent, with greater increases occurring in the soleus than in the EDL. Immunohistochemistry performed with a phosphospecific antibody revealed that activation ofJNK occurred within the muscle fibers. These studies suggest that thestretch component of a muscle contraction may be a major contributor tothe increases in JNK activity and p38 phosphorylation observed afterexercise in vivo.


A lethal form of nemaline myopathy, named "Amish Nemaline Myopathy" (ANM), is linked to a nonsense mutation at codon Glu180 in the slow skeletal muscle troponin T (TnT) gene. We found that neither the intact nor the truncated slow TnT protein was present in the muscle of patients with ANM. The complete loss of slow TnT is consistent with the observed recessive pattern of inheritance of the disease and indicates a critical role of the COOH-terminal T2 domain in the integration of TnT into myofibrils. Expression of slow and fast isoforms of TnT is fiber-type specific. The lack of slow TnT results in selective atrophy of type 1 fibers. Slow TnT confers a higher Ca2+ sensitivity than does fast TnT in single fiber contractility assays. Despite the lack of slow TnT, individuals with ANM have normal muscle power at birth. The postnatal onset and infantile progression of ANM correspond to a down-regulation of cardiac and embryonic splice variants of fast TnT in normal developing human skeletal muscle, suggesting that the fetal TnT isoforms complement slow TnT. These results lay the foundation for understanding the molecular pathophysiology and the potential targeted therapy of ANM.  相似文献   

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