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Choline Kinase and Phosphorylcholine Phosphatase in Plants   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6  
Choline kinase was present in barley and wheat roots and leaves of barley, wheat, tobacco, spinach and squash plants. The kinase was purified 25-fold from spinach leaves. The enzyme had a broad pH optimum between 7.5 and 10.0. Mg(++) was required for activity and in the presence of Mg(++) the enzyme was relatively stable. Maximum enzyme activity was obtained when the Mg(++): ATP ratio was 1:1. The K(m) was 1 x 10(-4)m. The kinase from leaves was similar to that from rapeseed or from yeast, except that the leaf and seed enzymes were not inhibited by compounds which attach sulfhydryl groups.Only a very slow hydrolysis of phosphorylcholine by similar plant extracts was observed. This phosphatase activity was purified 200- or 300-fold and appeared to be caused by a nonspecific acid phosphatase.The activity of both the kinase and the phosphatase did not seem sufficient to account for the rapid equilibration of the large phosphorylcholine reservoir of plants with exogenous P(32)-labeled orthophosphate.  相似文献   

Choline Administration Elevates Brain Phosphorylcholine Concentrations   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
Abstract: The phosphorylcholine concentration of rat brain rises and falls in response to parallel changes in the concentration of circulating choline. A single oral dose of choline chloride (20 mmol/kg) elevated whole-brain concentrations of both choline and phosphorylcholine 5 h after administration; a greater proportion of exogenously administered choline was retained by the brain in its phosphorylated form than as the free arnine. Striatal phosphorylcholine concentrations were elevated within 2 h of choline administration and continued to be significantly greater than control values for up to 34 h after treatment. The response of striatal choline levels to exogenous choline was of shorter duration than that of phosphorylcholine and was correlated with a significant increase in striatal acetylcholine concentrations. The consumption of a choline-free diet for 7 days lowered both serum choline and striatal phosphorylcholine concentrations, but had no effect on striatal choline or acetylcholine. These results suggest that choline kinase is unsaturated by its substrate in vivo and may thus serve to modulate the response of brain choline concentrations to alterations in the supply of circulating choline.  相似文献   

Carnitine and derivatives in rat tissues   总被引:22,自引:22,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. Free carnitine, acetylcarnitine, short-chain acylcarnitine and acid-insoluble carnitine (probably long-chain acylcarnitine) have been measured in rat tissues. 2. Starvation caused an increase in the proportion of carnitine that was acetylated in liver and kidney; at least in liver fat-feeding had the same effect, whereas a carbohydrate diet caused a very low acetylcarnitine content. 3. In heart, on the other hand, starvation did not cause an increase in the acetylcarnitine/carnitine ratio, whereas fat-feeding caused a decrease. The acetylcarnitine content of heart was diminished by alloxan-diabetes or a fatty diet, but not by re-feeding with carbohydrate. 4. Under conditions of increased fatty acid supply the acid-insoluble carnitine content was increased in heart, liver and kidney. 5. The acylation state of carnitine was capable of very rapid change. Concentrations of carnitine derivatives varied with different methods of obtaining tissue samples, and very little acid-insoluble carnitine was found in tissues of rats anaesthetized with Nembutal. In liver the acetylcarnitine (and acetyl-CoA) content decreased if freezing of tissue samples was delayed; in heart this caused an increase in acetylcarnitine. 6. Incubation of diaphragms with acetate or dl-β-hydroxybutyrate caused the acetylcarnitine content to become elevated. 7. Perfusion of hearts with fatty acids containing an even number of carbon atoms, dl-β-hydroxybutyrate or pyruvate resulted in increased contents of acetylcarnitine and acetyl-CoA. Accumulation of these acetyl compounds was prevented by the additional presence of propionate or pentanoate in the perfusion medium; this prevention was not due to extensive propionylation of CoA or carnitine. 8. Perfusion of hearts with palmitate caused a severalfold increase in the content of acid-insoluble carnitine; this increase did not occur when propionate was also present. 9. Comparison of the acetylation states of carnitine and CoA in perfused hearts suggests that the carnitine acetyltransferase reactants may remain near equilibrium despite wide variations in their steady-state concentrations. This is not the case with the citrate synthase reaction. It is suggested that the carnitine acetyltransferase system buffers the tissue content of acetyl-CoA against rapid changes.  相似文献   

The 100,000 × g extracts of rat intestine and colon were incubated invitro with Na2[75Se]O3. Chromatography of this material on a Sephadex G-100 column produced three radioactive peaks corresponding to molecular weights of 17,000, 68,000 and > 90,000. The 17,000 peak corresponded to a protein which sedimented in the 2S region of a 5–20% (wv) linear sucrose density gradient. Selenium binding to this protein was specific, stable and sensitive to thiol inhibitors such as p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (1 mM) and iodoacetamide (2 mM). Chromatography of rat serum - [75Se] complex on Sephadex G-100 yielded only two radioactive peaks that corresponded to molecular weights of 68,000 and > 90,000. The 2S selenium binding protein of intestine and colon may mediate the biological functions of selenium in those tissues.  相似文献   

Retinoylation (retinoic acid acylation) is a posttranslational modification of proteins occurring in a variety of cell types in vitro and in tissues in vivo. The widespread occurrence of retinoylation suggests that it may play a role in many effects of retinoic acid (RA) on cells. One metabolic pathway for retinoylation involves the intermediate formation of retinoyl-CoA and subsequent transfer and covalent binding of the retinoyl moiety to protein. However, such reactions are not well known. To gain further insight into retinoylation, we studied the synthesis of retinoyl-CoA, the first step in this multi-stage process. The formation of [(3)H]-retinoyl-CoA was determined in incubation mixtures containing rat liver extract, [(3)H]-RA, ATP, CoA, and MgCl(2). No retinoyl-CoA was formed in the presence of boiled extract, or in the absence of ATP, CoA, or MgCl(2) (a divalent cation). A greater amount of retinoyl-CoA was obtained from microsomal fractions of rat liver than from other subfractions. The presence of retinoyl-CoA was also detected in extracts prepared from rat testis, kidney, brain, spleen, and pancreas. The level of retinoylation in various tissue extracts was related directly to the amount of retinoyl-CoA formed. V(max) and K(m) values for RA in the formation of liver retinoyl-CoA were estimated to be 1.0 x 10(-4) micromol/min/mg protein and 24 nM, respectively. Synthesis of retinoyl-CoA was suppressed by fatty acids and fatty acyl-CoAs. These results indicate that ATP-dependent generation of retinoyl-CoA occurs in rat tissues and may play a significant physiological role in RA actions mediated by retinoylation.  相似文献   

Isoenzymes of arginase in rat tissues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

##正## The monomer of phosphorylcholine derivative, O-(5-(2-methacryloxy)-3, 3-dimethyl-3-azapentyl)-O'-(ω-hydroxy-octyl)-phosphatequaternary ammonium salt, was designed and synthesized successfully. It was characterized by the spectra of ~1HNMR and Mass spectra (ESI+), and every signal was assigned. Then the lubricating characteristics of the phosphorylcholinederivative were investigated on the tribological setup of ball-oh-flat. The Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene(UHMWPE) flat was rotated against a stainless steel ball with 6 mm diameter. The load was 2.3 N, which corresponded to amaximal Hertz contact pressure of 29 MPa. Water, phosphorylcholine derivative, and Acrylic Acid (AA) solution were used aslubricants, respectively. Compared with AA, the phosphorylcholine derivative shows significant lubrication. It can be stronglyhydrated under water due to the charged segment in chemical structure. The thick water layers within the chains serves asboundary lubricants, and this is thought to be the molecular origins of lubricating behavior.  相似文献   

Rat tissues were tested for their ability to inhibit the binding of [3H]dihydromorphine or [3H]naloxone to membrane-bound opiate receptors. By this criterion, morphine-like substances were found in lung, heart, liver, and kidney as well as in brain. The relative activity of the extracts, based on initial tissue weight, differed with the radioactive ligand employed. With dihydromorphine, the order was as above. With naloxone, lung was most active, followed by heart, brain, liver, and kidney. The ability of all tissue extracts to inhibit opiate binding was reduced by 100 mM NaCl and slightly reduced by 1 mM MnCl2. Gel filtration using Sephadex G-25 indicated that the inhibitory Substances were heterogeneous in molecular weight. Only with brain and kidney extracts was there significant activity at the elution volume where enkephalins would be expected. Fraction tion using Amberlite XAD-2, a resin which selectively absorbs hydrophobic materials, again indicated that the major portion of activit in all tissue extracts was due to substances other than enkephalins.  相似文献   

On labelling rat tissues with 32P, a radioactive phosphate ester can be isolated with the same chromatographic and ionophoretic properties and susceptibility towards a specific phosphodiesterase and acid as glycerol vic-cyclic phosphate. By comparison with precursor phosphoglycero-derivatives in the same tissues it is calculated that the concentration in liver, kidney and brain is in the order of 0.7--4.0 nmol/g wet wt.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to try to differentiate histochemically between the various enzymes which may catalyze the hydrolysis of ATP in developing rat dental tissues. Freeze cut and freeze dried sections of molar and incisor teeth were incubated in lead capture-based media at pH 5.0, 7.2 or 9.4 with one of the following substrates: -glycerophosphate, AMP, ADP, ATP, AMP-PNP and tetrasodium pyrophosphate. To establish the enzymatic nature of the hydrolysis parallel sections were incubated after prior fixation in either formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde.By comparing the enzymatic stainings obtained with the various substrates and at the different pH: s, it was concluded that ATP can be visibly hydrolyzed in rat dental tissues by alkaline phosphatase (stratum intermedium, apical part of maturation ameloblasts, basal part of all ameloblasts, odontoblasts and subodontoblastic layer), specific ATPase (apical and basal parts of secretory ameloblasts) and ATP pyrophosphatase and/or adenylate cyclase (stratum intermedium, odontoblasts). Acid phosphatase, specific ADPase, 5-nucleotidase, inorganic pyrophosphatase, 3:5-cyclic-AMP-phosphodiesterase and adenylate kinase on the other hand, seem not to be engaged in the ATP hydrolysis to such a degree as to complicate the interpretation of the histochemical staining. The alkaline phosphatase part of the ATP hydrolysis appeared to be rather insensitive to aldehyde fixation, while the hydrolysis effected by specific ATPase and ATP pyrophosphatase and/or adenylate cyclase was extinguished after fixation with formaldehyde for 4 h or glutaraldehyde for 10 min.  相似文献   

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