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Canopy CO2-exchange rates (CER), air temperatures, and dew points were measured throughout ten days during the 1987 growing season for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench], and five soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] cultivars, and throughout seven days in 1988, on maize (Zea maize L.). The objective was to determine if the decline in CER per unit light during the afternoon is associated with a vapor pressure deficit (VPD) increase. Some of the soybean and maize plots were kept as dry as possible. A VPD term significantly contributed (P0.05) to a canopy CER regression model in 54 of 80 data sets in 1987. Grain sorghum was less sensitive than the well-watered soybean genotypes to an increasing VPD (P0.05) on three of the ten measurement days and less sensitive than cotton (P0.05) on only one day. Cotton demonstrated less VPD sensitivity than soybean (P0.05) on one day. The moisture stressed soybean plots showed a greater CER sensitivity to VPD (P0.05) than the well-watered soybean plots. In 1988, the frequently irrigated maize plots were less sensitive to VPD (P0.05) than the rain-fed plots early in the season, before the rain-fed plots were excessively damaged by moisture stress. These results indicate that the afternoon declines in canopy CER found in a number of different species are associated with increases in the VPD; recent work of others suggests that this may be due to partial stomatal closure.Abbreviations CER carbon dioxide exchange rate - VPD vapor pressure deficit - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - DAP days after planning  相似文献   

J. H. Bouton 《Plant and Soil》1988,110(1):143-144
Pearl millet inbred lines previously selected for differences in acetylene reduction activity (ARA) in seedling agar tubes were found to support low soil ARA. Lines selected for high ARA gave better performance than lines selected for low ARA. None of the high ARA lines was found to approach the ARA of alfalfa with their average rates over 40 fold lower.  相似文献   

We investigated net photosynthetic rate (PN) of ear and two uppermost (flag and penultimate) leaves of wheat cultivars Hongmangmai (drought resistant) and Haruhikari (drought sensitive) during post-anthesis under irrigated and non-irrigated field conditions. The PNof ear and flag leaf were significantly higher and less affected by drought in Hongmangmai than in Haruhikari. The rate of reduction in stomatal conductance (gs) was similar for the two cultivars, but intercellular CO2concentration (Ci) in the flag leaf of Hongmangmai was lower than that of Haruhikari in non-irrigated treatment. No differences were observed in leaf water potential (1) and osmotic adjustment of the flag leaf of the cultivars. These results imply that differences in photosynthetic inhibition on the flag leaf at low leaf 1between the cultivars were primarily due to non-stomatal effects. Hence the main physiological factor associated with yield stability of Hongmangmai under drought stress may be attributed to the capacity for chloroplast activity in the flag leaf, which apparently allows sustained PNof flag leaf during grain filling under drought stress. The higher PNof ear in Hongmangmai under drought could also be related to its drought resistance.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the page numbers.  相似文献   

Gas exchange and abscisic acid content of Digitalis lanata EHRH. have been examined at different levels of plant water stress. Net photosynthesis, transpiration and conductance of attached leaves declined rapidly at first, then more slowly following the withholding of irrigation. The intercellular partial pressure of CO2 decreased slightly. The concentration of 2-cis(S)ABA increased about eight-fold in the leaves of non-irrigated plants as compared with well-watered controls. A close linear correlation was found between the ABA content of the leaves and their conductance on a leaf area basis. In contrast, the plot of net assimilation versus ABA concentration was curvilinear, leading to an increased efficiency of water use during stress. After rewatering, photosynthesis reached control values earlier than transpiration, leaf conductance and ABA content. From these data it is concluded that transpiration through the stomata is directly controlled by the ABA content, whereas net photosynthesis is influenced additionally by other factors.Possible reasons for the responses of photosynthesis and water use efficiency to different stress and ABA levels are discussed.Abbreviations A net CO2 assimilation - ABA abscisic acid - Ci intercellular CO2 concentration - g stomatal conductance - T transpiration - WUE water use efficiency  相似文献   

Summary In the selfed progeny of a spontaneously produced triploid interchange heterozygote four different double trisomic plants were observed. In all the plants the frequency of alternate orientation of multivalents was lower compared to their respective types in the sib single trisomic plants. The frequency of alternate co-orientation of the interchange complex in these trisomics was also reduced compared to that of parental euploid disomic interchange heterozygotes. It is suggested that the presence of extra chromosomes influences the orientation behaviour of higher associations in different trisomics.  相似文献   

Summary Continued inbreeding by self pollination resulted in a proportion of sterile plants in some families of the inbred line IP 1475 of Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke. Cytological examinations of the sterile plants revealed mild to extreme desynapsis and also chromosome fragmentation in some plants. Segregation ratios in the selfed families did not fit into any simple Mendelian ratio; however, in one F2 family of the cross desynaptic x normal, segregation into 15 normal: 1 desynaptic was observed. Plants from a segregating family were classified as normals, desynaptics with 2–6 univalents, desynaptics with 2–10 univalents, desynaptics with 10–14 univalents and desynaptics with chromosome fragmentation. Estimation of the content of phosphate and potassium from the flag leaves did not reveal significant differences between the five groups of plants.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was carried out with pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum [L.] Leeke) growing in a sandy soil in which the upper (topsoil) and lower (subsoil) parts of the pots were separated by a perlite layer to prevent capillary water movement. Using microtensiometers a study was made to establish whether it was possible to measure hydraulic lift by which the upper part of the soil was rewetted when water was supplied exclusively to the lower part of the soil.Hydraulic lift occurred during the first seven days of the period of measurement, with a maximum water release to the soil of 2.7 Vol. % during one night (equivalent to 10.8 mL water in the top 10 cm of the soil profile). This magnitude was obtained at very high root length densities, so that water release from the roots would be expected to be much smaller under field conditions.Hydraulic lift ceased when the soil matric potential in the topsoil dropped below-10 kPa at the end of the light period and could not be re-established, neither by extending the dark period, nor after rewatering the topsoil. The disappearance of hydraulic lift could be explained in part through osmotic adaptation of plant roots and, thus prevention of water release from the roots in the topsoil. It is concluded that hydraulic lift may affect nutrient uptake from drying topsoil by extending the time period favourable for uptake from the topsoil.  相似文献   

Summary Six mycorrhizal fungi were tested as inoculants for pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum Leeke) grown in pots maintained in a greenhouse. VAM fungi varied in their ability to stimulate plant growth and phosphorus uptake. Inoculation withGigaspora margarita, G. calospora andGlomus fasciculatum increased shoot drymatter 1.3 fold over uninoculated control. In another pot trial, inoculation withGigaspora calospora andGlomus fasciculatum resulted in dry matter and phosphorus uptake equivalent to that produced by adding phosphorus at 8 kg/ha.The influence of inoculatingGigaspora calospora on pearl millet at different levels of phosphorus fertilizer (0 to 60 kg P/ha) as triple superphosphate in sterile and unsterile alfisol soil was also studied. In sterile soil, mycorrhizal inoculation increased dry matter and phosphorus uptake at levels less than 20 kg/ha. At higher P levels the mycorrhizal effect was decreased. These studies performed in sterilized soil suggest that inoculation of pearl millet with efficient VAM fungi could be extremely useful in P deficient soils. However, its practical utility depends on screening and isolation of fungal strains which perform efficiently in natural (unsterilized) field conditions.  相似文献   

Independent short-term effects of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 50–400 μmol m−2 s−1, external CO2 concentration (C a) of 85–850 cm3 m−3, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) of 0.9–2.2 kPa on net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), leaf internal CO2 concentration (C i), and transpiration rates (E) were investigated in three cacao genotypes. In all these genotypes, increasing PPFD from 50 to 400 μmol m−2 s−1 increased P N by about 50 %, but further increases in PPFD up to 1 500 μmol m−2 s−1 had no effect on P N. Increasing C a significantly increased P N and C i while g s and E decreased more strongly than in most trees that have been studied. In all genotypes, increasing VPD reduced P N, but the slight decrease in g s and the slight increase in C i with increasing VPD were non-significant. Increasing VPD significantly increased E and this may have caused the reduction in P N. The unusually small response of g s to VPD could limit the ability of cacao to grow where VPD is high. There were no significant differences in gas exchange characteristics (g s, C i, E) among the three cacao genotypes under any measurement conditions.  相似文献   

Correlation and path-coefficient analyses have been successful tools in developing selection criteria. Since increased seed yield is an important goal in our pearl millet x elephantgrass [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br. x P. purpureum Schum.] hexaploid breeding program, we used correlation and path-coefficient analyses on seed data. This study was conducted to develop appropriate selection criteria by determining the direct and indirect effects of seed-yield components on seed yield plant-1. Number of tillers plant-1, panicles tiller-1, seeds panicle-1, 100-seed weight, and seed yield plant-1, were estimated for individual plants in seven families. Phenotypic (rp) and genetic correlations (rg) were calculated, and path analyses (phenotypic and genetic) were carried out according to predetermined causal relationships. Phenotypic and genetic correlations differed in several cases due to large environmental variance and covariance. Phenotypically, all components were positively and significantly associated with seed yield plant-1. Genotypically, only seeds panicle-1 and 100-seed weight were significantly correlated. These two components were also positively correlated (r p=0.55, r g=0.63), so simultaneous improvement for both components would be feasible. Panicles tiller-1 and seeds panicle-1 were negatively correlated (r g=-0.97). In the path analyses, all direct effects of the components on seed yield plant-1 were positive. Phenotypic indirect effects were not as important as genetic indirect effects. The components seeds panicle-1 and 100-seed weight influenced seed yield plant-1 the greatest, both directly and indirectly.Florida Agricultural Experimental Station Journal Series No. R-03339  相似文献   

Much effort has been expended to improve irrigation efficiency and drought tolerance of agronomic crops; however, a clear understanding of the physiological mechanisms that interact to decrease source strength and drive yield loss has not been attained. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms contributing to inhibition of net carbon assimilation under drought stress, three cultivars of Gossypium hirsutum were grown in the field under contrasting irrigation regimes during the 2012 and 2013 growing season near Camilla, Georgia, USA. Physiological measurements were conducted on three sample dates during each growing season (providing a broad range of plant water status) and included, predawn and midday leaf water potential (ΨPD and ΨMD), gross and net photosynthesis, dark respiration, photorespiration, and chlorophyll a fluorescence. End-of-season lint yield was also determined. ΨPD ranged from −0.31 to −0.95 MPa, and ΨMD ranged from −1.02 to −2.67 MPa, depending upon irrigation regime and sample date. G. hirsutum responded to water deficit by decreasing stomatal conductance, increasing photorespiration, and increasing the ratio of dark respiration to gross photosynthesis, thereby limiting PN and decreasing lint yield (lint yield declines observed during the 2012 growing season only). Conversely, even extreme water deficit, causing a 54% decline in PN, did not negatively affect actual quantum yield, maximum quantum yield, or photosynthetic electron transport. It is concluded that PN is primarily limited in drought-stressed G. hirsutum by decreased stomatal conductance, along with increases in respiratory and photorespiratory carbon losses, not inhibition or down-regulation of electron transport through photosystem II. It is further concluded that ΨPD is a reliable indicator of drought stress and the need for irrigation in field-grown cotton.  相似文献   

The orientation responses of the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) as influenced by the olfactory stimulants emanating from either resistant or susceptible pearl millet, Pennisetum americanum, kernels were studied using a Y-tube olfactometer. The rice weevils were more attracted towards odours from millet grains than to blank controls and to susceptible entries more than to resistant entries, in general. However, there were exceptions. Odours from some resistant entries caused statistically the same, or even more positive orientations than those from some susceptible entries, and this suggests that the relative resistance of an entry and its olfactory attractiveness may not be strongly related, or that the resistance to infestation might be influenced by factors other than attractiveness. The partial damage of the millet kernel pericarp by abrasion slightly increased the orientational response of the weevils to odours from some susceptible and some resistant entries alike.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA has been isolated from paired lines of pearl millet maintainer and cytoplasmic male sterile plants. Evaluation of the DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis shows that good quality DNA of high molecular weight can be obtained from mitochondria of both maintainer and male sterile pearl millet.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Global climate models predict decreases in leaf stomatal conductance and transpiration due to increases in atmospheric CO2. The consequences of these reductions are increases in soil moisture availability and continental scale run-off at decadal time-scales. Thus, a theory explaining the differential sensitivity of stomata to changing atmospheric CO2 and other environmental conditions must be identified. Here, these responses are investigated using optimality theory applied to stomatal conductance.


An analytical model for stomatal conductance is proposed based on: (a) Fickian mass transfer of CO2 and H2O through stomata; (b) a biochemical photosynthesis model that relates intercellular CO2 to net photosynthesis; and (c) a stomatal model based on optimization for maximizing carbon gains when water losses represent a cost. Comparisons between the optimization-based model and empirical relationships widely used in climate models were made using an extensive gas exchange dataset collected in a maturing pine (Pinus taeda) forest under ambient and enriched atmospheric CO2.

Key Results and Conclusion

In this interpretation, it is proposed that an individual leaf optimally and autonomously regulates stomatal opening on short-term (approx. 10-min time-scale) rather than on daily or longer time-scales. The derived equations are analytical with explicit expressions for conductance, photosynthesis and intercellular CO2, thereby making the approach useful for climate models. Using a gas exchange dataset collected in a pine forest, it is shown that (a) the cost of unit water loss λ (a measure of marginal water-use efficiency) increases with atmospheric CO2; (b) the new formulation correctly predicts the condition under which CO2-enriched atmosphere will cause increasing assimilation and decreasing stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

In agroforestry systems, the effect of shade trees on coffee net photosynthesis (A n) has been the object of debates among coffee scientists. In this study, we undertook over 600 coffee A n “spot” measurements under four different artificial shade levels (100, 72, 45 and 19% of full solar irradiance) and analyzed limitations to A n by low light availability (photon flux density, PFD) and stomatal conductance (g s). These gas exchange measurements were carried out during two consecutive coffee growing seasons in a commercial plantation in the Orosi valley of Costa Rica. Levels of A n were related to PFD and g s in order to calculate envelope functions which were used to establish PFD or g s limitations to A n. Under the growing conditions of the present trial, mean leaf A n remained stable for growth irradiance (GI) as low as 45% of full sun and decreased by ~20% at 19% GI. Limitation to A n due to g s was strong in full sun and decreasing with increasing shade levels. On the other hand, limitation due to PFD remained at a similar level for all shade treatments. These different evolutions of limitations of A n by PFD and g s in response to shade explain the absence of a decrease in coffee leaf A n with a shade level up to 55%. Consequently, these results confirm that Arabica coffee is a shade-adapted plant with leaves that can maintain a high photosynthetic performance under low light availability.  相似文献   

Leaf conductance gL is strongly influenced by environmental factors like CO2, irradiance and air humidity. According to Ball et al. (1987), gL is correlated with an index calculated as the product of net CO2 exchange rate A and ambient water vapour concentration Wa, divided by ambient CO2 concentration ca. However, this empirical model does not apply to high values of gL observed at ca below CO2 compensation concentration . Therefore, we applied modified indices in which A is replaced by estimates for the rate of carboxylation. Such estimates, P1 and P2, were determined by adding to A the quotient of and the sum of gas phase resistance rg and intracellular resistance for CO2 exchange ri, P1 = A+/(rg + ri), or the quotient of and ri, P2 = A + /ri. If P2 is chosen, ca in the Ball index has to be replaced by the intercellular CO2 concentration ci. By using the modified indices P1·Wa/ca and P2·Wa/ci, we analysed data from the C3 species Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, the C3–C4 intermediate species Diplotaxis tenuifolia, and the C4 species Zea mays. The data were collected at widely varying levels of irradiance and CO2 concentration. For all species uniform relationships between gL and the new indices were found for the whole range of CO2 concentrations below and above . Correlations between gL and P1·Wa/ca were closer than those between gL and P2·Wa/ci because P1/ca implicitly contains gL. Highly significant correlations were also obtained for the relationships between gL and the ratios P1/ca and P2/ci.  相似文献   

Modeling stomatal behavior is critical in research on land–atmosphere interactions and climate change. The most common model uses an existing relationship between photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. However, its parameters have been determined using infrequent and leaf‐scale gas‐exchange measurements and may not be representative of the whole canopy in time and space. In this study, we used a top‐down approach based on a double‐source canopy model and eddy flux measurements throughout the growing season. Using this approach, we quantified the canopy‐scale relationship between gross photosynthesis and stomatal conductance for 3 years and their relationships with leaf nitrogen content throughout each growing season above a paddy rice canopy in Japan. The canopy‐averaged stomatal conductance (gsc) increased with increasing gross photosynthesis per unit green leaf area (Ag), as was the case with leaf‐scale measurements, and 41–90% of its variation was explained by variations in Ag adjusted to account for the leaf‐to‐air vapor‐pressure deficit and CO2 concentration using the Leuning model. The slope (m) in this model (gsc versus the adjusted Ag) was almost constant within a 15‐day period, but changed seasonally. The m values determined using an ensemble dataset for two mid‐growing‐season 15‐day periods were 30.8 (SE = 0.5), 29.9 (SE = 0.7), and 29.9 (SE = 0.6) in 2004, 2005, and 2006, respectively; the overall mid‐season value was 30.3 and did not greatly differ among the 3 years. However, m appeared to be higher during the early and late growing seasons. The ontogenic changes in leaf nitrogen content strongly affected Ag and thus gsc. In addition, we have discussed the agronomic impacts of the interactions between leaf nitrogen content and gsc. Despite limitations in the observations and modeling, our canopy‐scale results emphasize the importance of continuous, season‐long estimates of stomatal model parameters for crops using top‐down approaches.  相似文献   

Whole-canopy measurements of water flux were used to calculate stomatal conductance (g s ) and transpiration (E) for seedlings of western water birch (Betula occidentalis Hook.) under various soil-plant hydraulic conductances (k), evaporative driving forces (ΔN; difference in leaf-to-air molar fraction of water vapor), and soil water potentials (Ψs). As expected, g s dropped in response to decreased k or ΨS, or increased ΔN(> 0.025). Field data showed a decrease in mid-day g s with decreasing k from soil-to-petiole, with sapling and adult plants having lower values of both parameters than juveniles. Stomatal closure prevented E and Ψ from inducing xylem cavitation except during extreme soil drought when cavitation occurred in the main stem and probably roots as well. Although all decreases in g s were associated with approximately constant bulk leaf water potential (ψl), this does not logically exclude a feedback response between ΨL and g s . To test the influence of leaf versus root water status on g s , we manipulated water status of the leaf independently of the root by using a pressure chamber enclosing the seedling root system; pressurizing the chamber alters cell turgor and volume only in the shoot cells outside the chamber. Stomatal closure in response to increased ΔN, decreased k, and decreased ΨS was fully or partially reversed within 5 min of pressurizing the soil. Bulk ΨL remained constant before and after soil pressurizing because of the increase in E associated with stomatal opening. When ΔN was low (i.e., < 0.025), pressurizing the soil either had no effect on g s , or caused it to decline; and bulk ΨL increased. Increased Ψl may have caused stomatal closure via increased backpressure on the stomatal apparatus from elevated epidermal turgor. The stomatal response to soil pressurizing indicated a central role of leaf cells in sensing water stress caused by high ΔN, low k, and low ΨS. Invoking a prominent role for feedforward signalling in short-term stomatal control may be premature.  相似文献   

揭示作物光合作用、蒸腾作用和水分利用效率(WUE)对大气CO2浓度变化的响应, 对预测未来大气CO2浓度升高条件下作物生产力与需水规律的变化具有重要意义。在自然CO2浓度、CO2倍增和倍增后恢复到自然CO2浓度3种情况下, 对大豆(Glycine max)、甘薯(Ipomoea batatas)、花生(Arachis hypogaea)、水稻(Oryza sativa)、棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)、玉米(Zea mays)、高粱(Sorghum vulgare)和谷子(Setaria italica) 8种作物的气体交换参数进行了研究。结果表明: CO2浓度倍增可以提高光合速率, 降低蒸腾速率, 从而提高WUE, 其中光合速率提高的贡献更大; C3比C4作物的光合速率、WUE增幅大, C3作物光合速率提高对WUE的贡献大于C4作物; 通过对比倍增后恢复到自然CO2浓度时气体交换参数随环境条件变化的响应确定了其内在调控机制; 倍增后恢复到自然CO2浓度时作物光合速率低于自然CO2浓度下的光合速率, 而蒸腾速率无明显差异。由此判断: CO2浓度倍增下存在光合下调现象, 这可能是由于Rubisco酶蛋白含量、活化水平和比活性降低等“非气孔因素”造成的, 并非由气孔导度的降低引起的。  相似文献   

Summary Well watered plants of Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp cv. California Blackeye No. 5 had maximum photosynthetic rates of 16 mol m-2 s-1 (at ambient CO2 concentration and environmental parameters optimal for high CO2 uptake). Leaf conductance declined with increasing water vapour concentration difference between leaf and air (w), but it increased with increasing leaf temperature at a constant small w. When light was varied, CO2 assimilation and leaf conductance were correlated linearly. We tested the hypothesis that g was controlled by photosynthesis via intercellular CO2 concentration (c i). No unique relationship between (1) c i, (2) the difference between ambient CO2 concentration (c a) and c i, namely c a-c i, or (3) the c i/c a ratio and g was found. g and A appeared to respond to environmental factors fairly independently of each other. The effects of different rates of soil drying on leaf gas exchange were studied. At unchanged air humidity, different rates of soil drying were produced by using (a) different soils, (b) different irrigation schemes and (c) different soil volumes per plant. Although the soil dried to wilting point the relative leaf water content was little affected. Different soil drying rates always resulted in the same response of photosynthetic capacity (A max) and corresponding leaf conductance (g(Amax)) when plotted against percent relative plant-extractable soil water content (W e %) but the relationship with relative soil water content (W e ) was less clear. Above a range of W e of 15%–25%, A max and g(Amax) were both high and responded little to decreasing W e . As soon as W e fell below this range, A max and g(Amax) declined. The data suggest root-to-leaf communication not mediated via relative leaf water content. However, g(Amax) was initially more affected than A max.List of abbreviations A CO2 assimilation - A max photosynthetic capacity at favourable ambient conditions - c a CO2 concentration of the air in the leaf chamber - c i intercellular - CO2 concentration - E transpiration - g leaf conductance - g(Amax) leaf conductance corresponding to photosynthetic capacity - I photon flux rate - T l leaf temperature - W e relative plant-extractable soil water content - W e absolute plant-extractable soil water content - W l relative leaf water content - W s relative soil water content - w difference in water vapour mole fraction between leaf and air - leaf water potential  相似文献   

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