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Coordination between cell fate specification and cell cycle control in multicellular organisms is essential to regulate cell numbers in tissues and organs during development, and its failure may lead to oncogenesis. In mammalian cells, as part of a general cell cycle checkpoint mechanism, the F-box protein β-transducin repeat-containing protein (β-TrCP) and the Skp1/Cul1/F-box complex control the periodic cell cycle fluctuations in abundance of the CDC25A and B phosphatases. Here, we find that the Caenorhabditis elegans β-TrCP orthologue LIN-23 regulates a progressive decline of CDC-25.1 abundance over several embryonic cell cycles and specifies cell number of one tissue, the embryonic intestine. The negative regulation of CDC-25.1 abundance by LIN-23 may be developmentally controlled because CDC-25.1 accumulates over time within the developing germline, where LIN-23 is also present. Concurrent with the destabilization of CDC-25.1, LIN-23 displays a spatially dynamic behavior in the embryo, periodically entering a nuclear compartment where CDC-25.1 is abundant.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) is an ideal model organism to study the cell fate specification mechanisms during embryogenesis. It is generally believed that cell fate specification in C. elegans is mainly mediated by lineage-based mechanisms, where the specification paths are driven forward by a succession of asymmetric cell divisions. However, little is known about how each binary decision is made by gene regulatory programs. In this study, we endeavor to obtain a global understanding of cell lineage/fate divergence processes during the early embryogenesis of C. elegans. We reanalyzed the EPIC data set, which traced the expression level of reporter genes at single-cell resolution on a nearly continuous time scale up to the 350-cell stage in C. elegans embryos. We examined the expression patterns for a total of 131 genes from 287 embryos with high quality image recordings, among which 86 genes have replicate embryos. Our results reveal that during early embryogenesis, divergence between sister lineages could be largely explained by a few genes. We predicted genes driving lineage divergence and explored their expression patterns in sister lineages. Moreover, we found that divisions leading to fate divergence are associated with a large number of genes being differentially expressed between sister lineages. Interestingly, we found that the developmental paths of lineages could be differentiated by a small set of genes. Therefore, our results support the notion that the cell fate patterns in C. elegans are achieved through stepwise binary decisions punctuated by cell divisions. Our predicted genes driving lineage divergence provide good starting points for future detailed characterization of their roles in the embryogenesis in this important model organism.  相似文献   

Cdc25 phosphatases are key positive cell cycle regulators that coordinate cell divisions with growth and morphogenesis in many organisms. Intriguingly in C. elegans, two cdc-25.1(gf) mutations induce tissue-specific and temporally restricted hyperplasia in the embryonic intestinal lineage, despite stabilization of the mutant CDC-25.1 protein in every blastomere. We investigated the molecular basis underlying the CDC-25.1(gf) stabilization and its associated tissue-specific phenotype. We found that both mutations affect a canonical beta-TrCP phosphodegron motif, while the F-box protein LIN-23, the beta-TrCP orthologue, is required for the timely degradation of CDC-25.1. Accordingly, depletion of lin-23 in wild-type embryos stabilizes CDC-25.1 and triggers intestinal hyperplasia, which is, at least in part, cdc-25.1 dependent. lin-23(RNAi) causes embryonic lethality owing to cell fate transformations that convert blastomeres to an intestinal fate, sensitizing them to increased levels of CDC-25.1. Our characterization of a novel destabilizing cdc-25.1(lf) intragenic suppressor that acts independently of lin-23 indicates that additional cues impinge on different motifs of the CDC-25.1 phosphatase during early embryogenesis to control its stability and turnover, in order to ensure the timely divisions of intestinal cells and coordinate them with the formation of the developing gut.  相似文献   

Stem cells are capable of both self-renewal (proliferation) and differentiation. Determining the regulatory mechanisms controlling the balance between stem cell proliferation and differentiation is not only an important biological question, but also holds the key for using stem cells as therapeutic agents. The Caenorhabditis elegans germ line has emerged as a valuable model to study the molecular mechanisms controlling stem cell behavior. In this study, we describe a large-scale RNAi screen that identified kin-10, which encodes the β subunit of protein kinase CK2, as a novel factor regulating stem cell proliferation in the C. elegans germ line. While a loss of kin-10 in an otherwise wild-type background results in a decrease in the number of proliferative cells, loss of kin-10 in sensitized genetic backgrounds results in a germline tumor. Therefore, kin-10 is not only necessary for robust proliferation, it also inhibits the proliferative fate. We found that kin-10’s regulatory role in inhibiting the proliferative fate is carried out through the CK2 holoenzyme, rather than through a holoenzyme-independent function, and that it functions downstream of GLP-1/Notch signaling. We propose that a loss of kin-10 leads to a defect in CK2 phosphorylation of its downstream targets, resulting in abnormal activity of target protein(s) that are involved in the proliferative fate vs. differentiation decision. This eventually causes a shift towards the proliferative fate in the stem cell fate decision.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of vulva development between Caenorhabditis elegans and other nematode species have provided some insight into the evolution of patterning networks. However, molecular genetic details are available only in C. elegans and Pristionchus pacificus. To extend our knowledge on the evolution of patterning networks, we studied the C. elegans male hook competence group (HCG), an equivalence group that has similar developmental origins to the vulval precursor cells (VPCs), which generate the vulva in the hermaphrodite. Similar to VPC fate specification, each HCG cell adopts one of three fates (1°, 2°, 3°), and 2° HCG fate specification is mediated by LIN-12/Notch. We show that 2° HCG specification depends on the presence of a cell with the 1° fate. We also provide evidence that Wnt signaling via the Frizzled-like Wnt receptor LIN-17 acts to specify the 1° and 2° HCG fate. A requirement for EGF signaling during 1° fate specification is seen only when LIN-17 activity is compromised. In addition, activation of the EGF pathway decreases dependence on LIN-17 and causes ectopic hook development. Our results suggest that WNT plays a more significant role than EGF signaling in specifying HCG fates, whereas in VPC specification EGF signaling is the major inductive signal. Nonetheless, the overall logic is similar in the VPCs and the HCG: EGF and/or WNT induce a 1° lineage, and LIN-12/NOTCH induces a 2° lineage. Wnt signaling is also required for execution of the 1° and 2° HCG lineages. lin-17 and bar-1/β-catenin are preferentially expressed in the presumptive 1° cell P11.p. The dynamic subcellular localization of BAR-1-GFP in P11.p is concordant with the timing of HCG fate determination.  相似文献   

The postembryonic nongonadal cell lineages of the nematode Panagrellus redivivus are described and compared with those of Caenorhabditis elegans. The newly hatched larvae of P. redivivus females and males and C. elegans hermaphrodites and males are very similar. An almost identical set of blast cells divides postembryonically in P. redivivus and C. elegans to produce similar changes in the neuronal, muscular, hypodermal, and digestive systems. Most of these cell lineages are invariant; however, there is substantial variability in the number of cell divisions in the relatively extensive lineages of the lateral hypodermis of P. redivivus. Typically, in P. redivivus females, 55 blast cells generate 635 surviving progeny and 29 cell deaths; in P. redivivus males, 59 blast cells generate 758 surviving progeny and 35 cell deaths. The lineages generating the cells of the male tails of P. redivivus and C. elegans are almost identical; thus, the grossly different characteristics of these structures must reflect differences in the morphogenesis of cells equivalent in lineage history. Laser ablation experiments demonstrate that the gonad induces vulva development and that cell-cell interactions are important in specifying the fates of hypodermal precursor cells. The lateral hypodermal lineages provide striking examples of the apparent construction of complex lineages from modular sublineages; one simple pattern of cell divisions and cell fates occurs 70 times in the P. redivivus female. The differences in cell lineage between P. redivivus and C. elegans are relatively minor, and many appear to have involved two types of evolutionary change: the replacement of sublineages, and the modification of sublineages by the four classes of lineage transformations previously proposed based on a comparison of P. redivivus and C. elegans gonadal cell lineages (Sternberg and Horvitz, 1981). These types of differences suggest that the genetic programming of cell lineage includes instructions specifying where and when a particular sublineage is utilized, and other instructions specifying the nature of that sublineage.  相似文献   

To explore the nature of cell lineage modifications that have occurred during evolution, the gonadal cell lineages of the nematode Panagrellus redivivus have been determined and compared to the known gonadal lineages of Caenorhabditis elegans (J. Kimble and D. Hirsh, 1979, Develop. Biol.70, 396–417). Essentially invariant lineages generate the 143 somatic cells of the male gonad and at least 326 somatic cells of the female gonad of P. redivivus. The basic program of gonadogenesis is strikingly similar among both sexes of both species. For example, the early division patterns of the somatic gonad precursors Z1 and Z4 are almost identical. Later division patterns are more divergent and, in a few cases, generate structures that are species specific. In general, similar cell types are produced after similar patterns of cell divisions. Differences among the Z1 and Z4 cell lineages appear to reflect phylogenetic modifications of a common developmental program. The nature of these differences suggests that the evolution of cell lineages involves four distinct classes of alterations: switches in the fate of a cell to that normally associated with another cell; reversals in the polarity of the lineage generated by a blast cell; alterations in the number of rounds of cell division; and an “altered segregation” of developmental potential, so that a potential normally associated with one cell instead becomes associated with its sister. A number of cell deaths occur during gonadogenesis in P. redivivus. The death of Z4.pp, a cell that controls the development of the posterior ovary in C. elegans, probably prevents the development of a posterior ovary in P. redivivus and hence is responsible for the gross difference in the morphologies of the gonads of the P. redivivus female and the C. elegans hermaphrodite. As exemplified by the death of Z4.pp, an alteration in the fate of a “regulatory cell” could facilitate rapid and/or discontinuous evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Elucidating the chromatin dynamics that orchestrate embryogenesis is a fundamental question in developmental biology. Here, we exploit position effects on expression as an indicator of chromatin activity and infer the chromatin activity landscape in every lineaged cell during Caenorhabditis elegans early embryogenesis. Systems‐level analyses reveal that chromatin activity distinguishes cellular states and correlates with fate patterning in the early embryos. As cell lineage unfolds, chromatin activity diversifies in a lineage‐dependent manner, with switch‐like changes accompanying anterior–posterior fate asymmetry and characteristic landscapes being established in different cell lineages. Upon tissue differentiation, cellular chromatin from distinct lineages converges according to tissue types but retains stable memories of lineage history, contributing to intra‐tissue cell heterogeneity. However, the chromatin landscapes of cells organized in a left–right symmetric pattern are predetermined to be analogous in early progenitors so as to pre‐set equivalent states. Finally, genome‐wide analysis identifies many regions exhibiting concordant chromatin activity changes that mediate the co‐regulation of functionally related genes during differentiation. Collectively, our study reveals the developmental and genomic dynamics of chromatin activity at the single‐cell level.  相似文献   

The small nematode C. elegans is characterized by developing through a highly coordinated, reproducible cell lineage that serves as the basis of many studies focusing on the development of multi-lineage organisms. Indeed, the reproducible cell lineage enables discovery of developmental defects that occur in even a single cell. Only recently has attention been focused on how these animals modify their genetically programmed cell lineages to adapt to altered environments. Here, we summarize the current understanding of how C. elegans responds to food deprivation by adapting their developmental program in order to conserve energy. In particular, we highlight the AMPK-mediated and insulin-like growth factor signaling pathways that are the principal regulators of induced cell cycle quiescence.  相似文献   

Timing of cell fate commitment determines distinct retinal cell types, which is believed to be controlled by a tightly coordinated regulatory program of proliferation, cell cycle exit and differentiation. Although homeobox protein Msx2 could induce apoptosis of optic vesicle, it is unclear whether Msx2 regulates differentiation and cell fate commitment of retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) to retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). In this study, we show that overexpression of Msx2 transiently suppressed the expression of Cyclin D1 and blocked cell proliferation. Meanwhile, overexpression of Msx2 delayed the expression of RGC-specific differentiation markers (Math5 and Brn3b), which showed that Msx2 could affect the timing of RGCs fate commitment and differentiation by delaying the timing of cell cycle exit of retinal progenitors. These results indicate Msx2 possesses dual regulatory functions in controlling cell cycle progression of retinal RPCs and timing of RGCs differentiation.  相似文献   

The precise control of cell division during development is pivotal for morphogenesis and the correct formation of tissues and organs. One important gene family involved in such control is the p21/p27/p57 class of negative cell cycle regulators. Loss of function of the C. elegans p27 homolog, cki-1, causes extra cell divisions in numerous tissues including the hypodermis, the vulva, and the intestine. We have sought to better understand how cell divisions are controlled upstream or in parallel to cki-1 in specific organs during C. elegans development. By taking advantage of the invariant cell lineage of C. elegans, we used an intestinal-specific GFP reporter in a screen to identify mutants that undergo cell division abnormalities in the intestinal lineage. We have isolated a mutant with twice the wild-type complement of intestinal cells, all of which arise during mid-embryogenesis. This mutant, called rr31, is a fully dominant, maternal-effect, gain-of-function mutation in the cdc-25.1 cell cycle phosphatase that sensitizes the intestinal lineage to an extra cell division. We showed that cdc-25.1 acts at the G1/S transition, as ectopic expression of CDC-25.1 caused entry into S phase in intestinal cells. In addition, we showed that the cdc-25.1(gf) requires cyclin E. The extra cell division defect was shown to be restricted to the E lineage and the E fate is necessary and sufficient to sensitize cells to this mutation.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that coordinate cell proliferation, cell cycle arrest, and cell differentiation is essential to address the problem of how “normal” versus pathological developmental processes take place. In the bristle lineage of the adult fly, we have tested the capacity of post-mitotic cells to re-enter the cell cycle in response to the overexpression of cyclin E. We show that only terminal cells in which the identity is independent of Notch pathway undergo extra divisions after CycE overexpression. Our analysis shows that the responsiveness of cells to forced proliferation depends on both Prospero, a fate determinant, and on the level of Notch pathway activity. Our results demonstrate that the terminal quiescent state and differentiation are regulated by two parallel mechanisms acting simultaneously on fate acquisition and cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) plays a vital role in proliferation control across eukaryotes. Despite this, how CDK mediates cell cycle and developmental transitions in metazoa is poorly understood. In this paper, we identify orthologues of Sld2, a CDK target that is important for DNA replication in yeast, and characterize SLD-2 in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. We demonstrate that SLD-2 is required for replication initiation and the nuclear retention of a critical component of the replicative helicase CDC-45 in embryos. SLD-2 is a CDK target in vivo, and phosphorylation regulates the interaction with another replication factor, MUS-101. By mutation of the CDK sites in sld-2, we show that CDK phosphorylation of SLD-2 is essential in C. elegans. Finally, using a phosphomimicking sld-2 mutant, we demonstrate that timely CDK phosphorylation of SLD-2 is an important control mechanism to allow normal proliferation in the germline. These results determine an essential function of CDK in metazoa and identify a developmental role for regulated SLD-2 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

In Caenorhabditis elegans, cdc-25.1 loss-of-function mutants display a lack of germline proliferation. We found that the proliferation defect of cdc-25.1 mutants was suppressed by wee-1.3 RNAi. Further, among the seven cdk and seven cyclin homologs examined, cdk-1 and cyb-3 RNAi treatment caused the most severe germline proliferation defects in an rrf-1 mutant background, which were similar to those of the cdc-25.1 mutants. In addition, while RNAi of cyd-1 and cye-1 caused significant germline proliferation defects, RNAi of cdk-2 and cdk-4 did not. Compared with the number of germ nuclei in wee-1.3(RNAi) worms, the number in wee-1.3(RNAi);cdk-1(RNAi) and wee-1.3(RNAi);cyb-3(RNAi) worms further decreased to the level of cdk-1(RNAi) and cyb-3(RNAi) worms, respectively, indicating that cdk-1 and cyb-3 are epistatic and function downstream of cdc-25.1 and wee-1.3 in the control of the cell cycle. BrdU labeling of adult worms showed that, while 100% of the wild-type germ nuclei in the mitotic region incorporated BrdU when labeled for more than 12 h at 20°C, a small fraction of the cdc-25.1 mutant germ nuclei failed to incorporate BrdU even when labeled for 68 h. These results indicate that CDC-25.1 is required for maintaining proper rate of germline mitotic cell cycle. We propose that CDC-25.1 regulates the rate of germline mitotic cell cycle by counteracting WEE-1.3 and by positively controlling CDK-1, which forms a complex primarily with CYB-3, but also possibly with CYD-1 and CYE-1.  相似文献   

Cell cycle lengths vary widely among different cells within an animal, yet mechanisms of cell cycle length regulation are poorly understood. In the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo, the first cell division produces two cells with different cell cycle lengths, which are dependent on the conserved partitioning-defective (PAR) polarity proteins. We show that two key cell cycle regulators, the Polo-like kinase PLK-1 and the cyclin-dependent kinase phosphatase CDC-25.1, are asymmetrically distributed in early embryos. PLK-1 shows anterior cytoplasmic enrichment and CDC-25.1 shows PLK-1-dependent enrichment in the anterior nucleus. Both proteins are required for normal mitotic progression. Furthermore, these asymmetries are controlled by PAR proteins and the muscle excess (MEX) proteins MEX-5/MEX-6, and the latter is linked to protein degradation. Our results support a model whereby the PAR and MEX-5/MEX-6 proteins asymmetrically control PLK-1 levels, which asymmetrically regulates CDC-25.1 to promote differences in cell cycle lengths. We suggest that control of Plk1 and Cdc25 may be relevant to regulation of cell cycle length in other developmental contexts.  相似文献   

Retrospective clonal analysis in mice suggested that the vertebrate heart develops from two sources of cells called first and second lineages, respectively. Cells of the first lineage enter the linear heart tube and initiate terminal differentiation earlier than cells of the second lineage. It is thought that both heart lineages arise from a common progenitor cell population prior to the cardiac crescent stage (E7.5 of mouse development). The timing of segregation of different lineages as well as the molecular mechanisms underlying this process is not yet known. Furthermore, gene expression data for those lineages are very limited. Here we provide the first comparative study of cardiac marker gene expression during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis complemented by single cell RT-PCR analysis. In addition we provide fate mapping data of cardiac progenitor cells at different stages of development. Our analysis indicates an early segregation of cardiac lineages and a fairly complex heterogeneity of gene expression in the cardiac progenitor cells. Furthermore, this study sets a reference for all further studies analyzing cardiac development in X. laevis.  相似文献   

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