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Pax3 and Pax7 paralogous genes have functionally diverged in vertebrate evolution, creating opportunity for a new distribution of roles between the two genes and the evolution of novel functions. Here we focus on the regulation and function of Pax7 in the brain and neural crest of amphibian embryos, which display a different pax7 expression pattern, compared to the other vertebrates already described. Pax7 expression is restricted to the midbrain, hindbrain and anterior spinal cord, and Pax7 activity is important for maintaining the fates of these regions, by restricting otx2 expression anteriorly. In contrast, pax3 displays broader expression along the entire neuraxis and Pax3 function is important for posterior brain patterning without acting on otx2 expression. Moreover, while both genes are essential for neural crest patterning, we show that they do so using two distinct mechanisms: Pax3 acts within the ectoderm which will be induced into neural crest, while Pax7 is essential for the inducing activity of the paraxial mesoderm towards the prospective neural crest.  相似文献   

Wnt signals have been shown to be involved in multiple steps of vertebrate neural patterning, yet the relative contributions of individual Wnts to the process of brain regionalization is poorly understood. Wnt1 has been shown in the mouse to be required for the formation of the midbrain and the anterior hindbrain, but this function of wnt1 has not been explored in other model systems. Further, wnt1 is part of a Wnt cluster conserved in all vertebrates comprising wnt1 and wnt10b, yet the function of wnt10b during embryogenesis has not been explored. Here, we report that in zebrafish wnt10b is expressed in a pattern overlapping extensively with that of wnt1. We have generated a deficiency allele for these closely linked loci and performed morpholino antisense oligo knockdown to show that wnt1 and wnt10b provide partially redundant functions in the formation of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB). When both loci are deleted, the expression of pax2.1, en2, and her5 is lost in the ventral portion of the MHB beginning at the 8-somite stage. However, wnt1 and wnt10b are not required for the maintenance of fgf8, en3, wnt8b, or wnt3a expression. Embryos homozygous for the wnt1-wnt10b deficiency display a mild MHB phenotype, but are sensitized to reductions in either Pax2.1 or Fgf8; that is, in combination with mutant alleles of either of these loci, the morphological MHB is lost. Thus, wnt1 and wnt10b are required to maintain threshold levels of Pax2.1 and Fgf8 at the MHB.  相似文献   

The mid/hindbrain junction region, which expresses Fgf8, can act as an organizer to transform caudal forebrain or hindbrain tissue into midbrain or cerebellar structures, respectively. FGF8-soaked beads placed in the chick forebrain can similarly induce ectopic expression of mid/hindbrain genes and development of midbrain structures (Crossley, P. H., Martinez, S. and Martin, G. R. (1996) Nature 380, 66-68). In contrast, ectopic expression of Fgf8a in the mouse midbrain and caudal forebrain using a Wnt1 regulatory element produced no apparent patterning defects in the embryos examined (Lee, S. M., Danielian, P. S., Fritzsch, B. and McMahon, A. P. (1997) Development 124, 959-969). We show here that FGF8b-soaked beads can not only induce expression of the mid/hindbrain genes En1, En2 and Pax5 in mouse embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5) caudal forebrain explants, but also can induce the hindbrain gene Gbx2 and alter the expression of Wnt1 in both midbrain and caudal forebrain explants. We also show that FGF8b-soaked beads can repress Otx2 in midbrain explants. Furthermore, Wnt1-Fgf8b transgenic embryos in which the same Wnt1 regulatory element is used to express Fgf8b, have ectopic expression of En1, En2, Pax5 and Gbx2 in the dorsal hindbrain and spinal cord at E10.5, as well as exencephaly and abnormal spinal cord morphology. More strikingly, Fgf8b expression in more rostral brain regions appears to transform the midbrain and caudal forebrain into an anterior hindbrain fate through expansion of the Gbx2 domain and repression of Otx2 as early as the 7-somite stage. These findings suggest that normal Fgf8 expression in the anterior hindbrain not only functions to maintain development of the entire mid/hindbrain by regulating genes like En1, En2 and Pax5, but also might function to maintain a metencephalic identity by regulating Gbx2 and Otx2 expression.  相似文献   

In vertebrate embryos, positioning of the boundary between the midbrain and hindbrain (MHB) and subsequent isthmus formation are dependent upon the interaction between the Otx2 and Gbx genes. In zebrafish, sequential expression of gbx1 and gbx2 in the anterior hindbrain contributes to this process, whereas in mouse embryos, a single Gbx gene (Gbx2) is responsible for MHB development. In the present study, to investigate the regulatory mechanism of gbx2 in the MHB/isthmic region of zebrafish embryos, we cloned the gene and showed that its organization is conserved among different vertebrates. Promoter analyses revealed three enhancers that direct reporter gene expression after the end of epiboly in the anterior-most hindbrain, which is a feature of the zebrafish gbx2 gene. One of the enhancers is located upstream of gbx2 (AMH1), while the other two enhancers are located downstream of gbx2 (AMH2 and AMH3). Detailed analysis of the AMH1 enhancer showed that it directs expression in the rhombomere 1 (r1) region and the dorsal thalamus, as has been shown for gbx2, whereas no expression was induced by the AMH1 enhancer in other embryonic regions in which gbx2 is expressed. The AMH1 enhancer is composed of multiple regulatory subregions that share the same spatial specificity. The most active of the regulatory subregions is a 291-bp region that contains at least two Pax2-binding sites, both of which are necessary for the function of the main component (PB1-A region) of the AMH1 enhancer. In accordance with these results, enhancer activity in the PB1-A region, as well as gbx2 expression in r1, was missing in no isthmus mutant embryos that lacked functional pax2a. In addition, we identified an upstream conserved sequence of 227bp that suppresses the enhancer activity of AMH1. Taken together, these findings suggest that gbx2 expression during the somitogenesis stage in zebrafish is regulated by a complex mechanism involving Pax2 as well as activators and suppressors in the regions flanking the gene.  相似文献   

The valentino (val) mutation in zebrafish perturbs hindbrain patterning and, as a secondary consequence, also alters development of the inner ear. We have examined the relationship between these defects and expression of fgf3 and fgf8 in the hindbrain. The otic vesicle in val/val mutants is smaller than normal, yet produces nearly twice the normal number of hair cells, and some hair cells are produced ectopically between the anterior and posterior maculae. Anterior markers pax5 and nkx5.1 are expressed in expanded domains that include the entire otic epithelium juxtaposed to the hindbrain, and the posterior marker zp23 is not expressed. In the mutant hindbrain, expression of fgf8 is normal, whereas the domain of fgf3 expression expands to include rhombomere 4 through rhombomere X (an aberrant segment that forms in lieu of rhombomeres 5 and 6). Depletion of fgf3 by injection of antisense morpholino (fgf3-MO) suppresses the ear patterning defects in val/val embryos: Excess and ectopic hair cells are eliminated, expression of anterior otic markers is reduced or ablated, and zp23 is expressed throughout the medial wall of the otic vesicle. By contrast, disruption of fgf8 does not suppress the val/val phenotype but instead interacts additively, indicating that these genes affect distinct developmental pathways. Thus, the inner ear defects observed in val/val mutants appear to result from ectopic expression of fgf3 in the hindbrain. These data also indicate that val normally represses fgf3 expression in r5 and r6, an interpretation further supported by the effects of misexpressing val in wild-type embryos. This is in sharp contrast to the mouse, in which fgf3 is normally expressed in r5 and r6 because of positive regulation by kreisler, the mouse ortholog of val. Implications for co-evolution of the hindbrain and inner ear are discussed.  相似文献   

The Pax3/7 gene family has a fundamental and conserved role during neural crest formation. In people, PAX3 mutation causes Waardenburg syndrome, and murine Pax3 is essential for pigment formation. However, it is unclear exactly how Pax3 functions within the neural crest. Here we show that pax3 is expressed before other pax3/7 members, including duplicated pax3b, pax7 and pax7b genes, early in zebrafish neural crest development. Knockdown of Pax3 protein by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides results in defective fate specification of xanthophores, with complete ablation in the trunk. Other pigment lineages are specified and differentiate. As a consequence of xanthophore loss, expression of pax7, a marker of the xanthophore lineage, is reduced in neural crest. Morpholino knockdown of Pax7 protein shows that Pax7 itself is dispensable for xanthophore fate specification, although yellow pigmentation is reduced. Loss of xanthophores after reduction of Pax3 correlates with a delay in melanoblast differentiation followed by significant increase in melanophores, suggestive of a Pax3-driven fate switch within a chromatophore precursor or stem cell. Analysis of other neural crest derivatives reveals that, in the absence of Pax3, the enteric nervous system is ablated from its inception. Therefore, Pax3 in zebrafish is required for specification of two specific lineages of neural crest, xanthophores and enteric neurons.  相似文献   

Changes in retinoic acid signaling alter otic patterning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retinoic acid (RA) has pleiotropic functions during embryogenesis. In zebrafish, increasing or blocking RA signaling results in enlarged or reduced otic vesicles, respectively. Here we elucidate the mechanisms that underlie these changes and show that they have origins in different tissues. Excess RA leads to ectopic foxi1 expression throughout the entire preplacodal domain. Foxi1 provides competence to adopt an otic fate. Subsequently, pax8, the expression of which depends upon Foxi1 and Fgf, is also expressed throughout the preplacodal domain. By contrast, loss of RA signaling does not affect foxi1 expression or otic competence, but instead results in delayed onset of fgf3 expression and impaired otic induction. fgf8 mutants depleted of RA signaling produce few otic cells, and these cells fail to form a vesicle, indicating that Fgf8 is the primary factor responsible for otic induction in RA-depleted embryos. Otic induction is rescued by fgf8 overexpression in RA-depleted embryos, although otic vesicles never achieve a normal size, suggesting that an additional factor is required to maintain otic fate. fgf3;tcf2 double mutants form otic vesicles similar to RA-signaling-depleted embryos, suggesting a signal from rhombomere 5-6 may also be required for otic fate maintenance. We show that rhombomere 5 wnt8b expression is absent in both RA-signaling-depleted embryos and in fgf3;tcf2 double mutants, and inactivation of wnt8b in fgf3 mutants by morpholino injection results in small otic vesicles, similar to RA depletion in wild type. Thus, excess RA expands otic competence, whereas the loss of RA impairs the expression of fgf3 and wnt8b in the hindbrain, compromising the induction and maintenance of otic fate.  相似文献   

In Xenopus embryos, XMeis3 protein activity is required for normal hindbrain formation. Our results show that XMeis3 protein knock down also causes a loss of primary neuron and neural crest cell lineages, without altering expression of Zic, Sox or Pax3 genes. Knock down or inhibition of the Pax3, Zic1 or Zic5 protein activities extinguishes embryonic expression of the XMeis3 gene, as well as triggering the loss of hindbrain, neural crest and primary neuron cell fates. Ectopic XMeis3 expression can rescue the Zic knock down phenotype. HoxD1 is an XMeis3 direct-target gene, and ectopic HoxD1 expression rescues cell fate losses in either XMeis3 or Zic protein knock down embryos. FGF3 and FGF8 are direct target genes of XMeis3 protein and their expression is lost in XMeis3 morphant embryos. In the genetic cascade controlling embryonic neural cell specification, XMeis3 lies below general-neuralizing, but upstream of FGF and regional-specific genes. Thus, XMeis3 protein is positioned at a key regulatory point, simultaneously regulating multiple neural cell fates during early vertebrate nervous system development.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling is known to be required for the normal development of the vertebrate midbrain and hindbrain, but genetic loss of function analyses in the mouse and zebrafish yield differing results regarding the relative importance of specific Wnt loci. In the zebrafish, Wnt1 and Wnt10b functionally overlap in their control of gene expression in the ventral midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB), but they are not required for the formation of the MHB constriction. Whether other wnt loci are involved in zebrafish MHB development is unclear, although the expression of at least two wnts, wnt3a and wnt8b, is maintained in wnt1/wnt10b mutants. In order to address the role of wnt3a in zebrafish, we have isolated a full length cDNA and examined its expression and function via knockdown by morpholino antisense oligonucleotide (MO)-mediated knockdown. The expression pattern of wnt3a appears to be evolutionarily conserved between zebrafish and mouse, and MO knockdown shows that Wnt3a, while not uniquely required for MHB development, is required in the absence of Wnt1 and Wnt10b for the formation of the MHB constriction. In zebrafish embryos lacking Wnt3a, Wnt1 and Wnt10b, the expression of engrailed orthologs, pax2a and fgf8 is not maintained after mid-somitogenesis. In contrast to acerebellar and no isthmus mutants, in which midbrain and hindbrain cells acquire new fates but cell number is not significantly affected until late in embryogenesis, zebrafish embryos lacking Wnt3a, Wnt1 and Wnt10b undergo extensive apoptosis in the midbrain and cerebellum anlagen beginning in mid-somitogenesis, which results in the absence of a significant portion of the midbrain and cerebellum. Thus, the requirement for Wnt signaling in forming the MHB constriction is evolutionarily conserved in vertebrates and it is possible in zebrafish to dissect the relative impact of multiple Wnt loci in midbrain and hindbrain development.  相似文献   

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