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Laboratory reactors fitted with removable ceramic porcelain growth surfaces were inoculated with a consortium of biofilm forming environmental isolates. A Minolta colorimeter CR-200 (Minolta Camera Co., Ltd, Ramsey, NJ) was used in conjunction with a specially designed adapter to evaluate the reflective color of the porcelain disks as biofilm accumulated on them. Areal viable cell counts were monitored over a period of eleven days in two separate experiments and direct color measurements of the untreated, microbially fouled test surfaces were collected. This colorimetric assay was both non-destructive and immediate. A strong linear relationship between log cell density and log color change was observed. The Pearson product moment correlation coefficient for all 45 observations combined was r = 0.95. Separate regression lines for each experiment were not significantly different (P = 0.19). When adjusted for time, the (partial) correlation coefficient between log cell density and log color change was r = 0.87, which suggests that the relationship between the two measures can not be explained by their mutual dependence on time. Reflective color measurement provided a rapid, non-destructive and quantitative measure of biofllm accumulation.  相似文献   

To address questions of protein stability, researchers have increasingly turned to combinatorial approaches that permit the rapid analysis of libraries of protein variants. Phage-display has proved to be a powerful tool for analyzing protein stability due to the large library size and the robustness of the phage particle to a variety of denaturing conditions. With the B1 domain of protein G (GB1) and a camelid heavy chain antibody as model systems, we are using phage-display libraries to experimentally address questions that have generally been addressed in silico, either through computational studies or statistical analysis of known protein structures. One effort has focused on identifying novel solutions to repacking the hydrophobic core of GB1, while maintaining stability comparable to the wild type protein. In a second study, a small set of substitutions in complimentarity-determining region 3 was found to stabilize the framework of the camelid antibody. Another major focus has been to obtain quantitative data on beta-sheet stability determinants. We have successfully adapted a phage-display method for quantitating affinities of protein variants (shotgun alanine scanning) to analysis of GB1 stability. Using this method, we have analyzed the energetic contributions of cross-strand side chain-side chain interactions. Finally, we discuss parameters to consider in using phage-display to discriminate subtle stability differences among fully folded variants. Overall, this method provides a fast approach for quantitatively addressing biophysical questions.  相似文献   

An indirect, F(ab)2-based ELISA was used to assess the reactions of seven carlaviruses with antisera to 16 viruses within the group and with antisera to seven other filamentous viruses. There were no specific reactions with antisera to non-carlaviruses and serological relationships between the seven carlaviruses were generally consistent with results reported by other workers using different methods. Thus, hop latent, hop mosaic, carnation latent, potato virus S and lily symptomless viruses seem antigenically similar while American hop latent and poplar mosaic viruses are distinct from these viruses and from each other. The F(ab)2-based method is simple and rapid and it is particularly useful for probing relationships when only small quantities of antisera are available.  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of the human disease anthrax, Bacillus cereus, a food-borne pathogen capable of causing human illness, and Bacillus thuringiensis, a well-characterized insecticidal toxin producer, all cluster together within a very tight clade (B. cereus group) phylogenetically and are indistinguishable from one another via 16S rDNA sequence analysis. As new pathogens are continually emerging, it is imperative to devise a system capable of rapidly and accurately differentiating closely related, yet phenotypically distinct species. Although the gyrB gene has proven useful in discriminating closely related species, its sequence analysis has not yet been validated by DNA:DNA hybridization, the taxonomically accepted "gold standard". We phylogenetically characterized the gyrB sequences of various species and serotypes encompassed in the "B. cereus group," including lab strains and environmental isolates. Results were compared to those obtained from analyses of phenotypic characteristics, 16S rDNA sequence, DNA:DNA hybridization, and virulence factors. The gyrB gene proved more highly differential than 16S, while, at the same time, as analytical as costly and laborious DNA:DNA hybridization techniques in differentiating species within the B. cereus group.  相似文献   

Systemic movement is central to plant viral infection. Exposure of tobacco plants to low levels of cadmium ions blocks the systemic spread of turnip vein-clearing tobamovirus (TVCV). We identified a tobacco glycine-rich protein, cdiGRP, specifically induced by low concentrations of cadmium and expressed in the cell walls of plant vascular tissues. Constitutive cdiGRP expression inhibited systemic transport of TVCV, whereas suppression of cdiGRP production allowed TVCV movement in the presence of cadmium. cdiGRP exerted its inhibitory effect on TVCV transport by enhancing callose deposits in the vasculature. So cdiGRP may function to control plant viral systemic movement.  相似文献   

The o-nitrophenyl group, a protecting group with latent activation potential, was used as a protecting group for the glycosidic position. It is stable to common conditions used in synthesis and can be activated for displacement and glycoside formation by an alcohol, using zinc chloride as a catalyst. Good to excellent yields of beta-glycosides of the important amino sugar N-acetylglucosamine were obtained. A mechanism for the reaction is proposed.  相似文献   

A fast ELISA was developed and qualified for analysis of polio D-antigen. The original 20 h-protocol was optimized by minimizing the total incubation time to 1 h, and by replacing the signal reagent 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine by a chemiluminogenic signal reagent with a theoretical low intrinsic background and high dynamic range.  相似文献   


The analysis of landscape changes in space and time plays an important role in landscape ecology. Analyzing landscape dynamics through time may be crucial for identifying historical and current processes that shape the actual landscapes and for developing predictive landscape models for ecosystem management and conservation. In this view, the propensity of land cover patches to change is at least partially related to the nature of their contact types. The interactions of a given patch with adjacent land cover types affect both land use exploitation by humans and vegetation dynamics. The aim of this paper is to use patch boundary dynamics for describing the landscape changes that occurred in the Lepini Mountains (central Italy) during 1954 – 2000. Results show an increase in landscape complexity in the Mediterranean land units and a corresponding decrease in landscape complexity in the Temperate land units. This differential trend is due to a complex, human-driven temporal dynamics of Mediterranean ecosystems that generates heterogeneity as opposed to a diffuse landscape abandonment in the Temperate region that leads to a more homogeneous boundary structure.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the leucine binding proteins in E coli have been cloned and their DNA sequences have been determined. One of the binding proteins (LIV-BP) binds leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, and alanine, whereas the other (LS-BP) binds only the D- and L-isomers of leucine. These proteins bind their solutes as they enter the periplasm, then interact with three membrane components, livH, livG, and livM, to achieve the translocation of the solute across the bacterial cell membrane. Another feature of the binding proteins is that they must be secreted into the periplasmic space where they carry out their function. The amino acid sequence of the two binding proteins is 80% homologous, indicating that they are the products of an ancestral gene duplication. Because of these characteristics of the leucine binding proteins, we are using them as models for studying the relationships between protein structure and function.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins) serve to transduce information from agonist-bound receptors to effector enzymes or ion channels. Current models of G protein activation-deactivation indicate that the oligomeric GDP-bound form must undergo release of GDP, bind GTP and undergo subunit dissociation, in order to be in active form (GTP bound subunits and free dimers) and to regulate effectors. The effect of receptor occupation by an agonist is generally accepted to be promotion of guanine nucleotide exchange thus allowing activation of the G protein. Recent studies indicate that transphosphorylation leading to the formation of GTP from GDP and ATP in the close vicinity, or even at the G protein, catalysed by membrane-associated nucleoside diphosphate kinase, may further activate G proteins. This activation is demonstrated by a decreased affinity of G protein-coupled receptors for agonists and an increased response of G protein coupled effectors. In addition, a phosphorylation of G protein subunits and consequent phosphate transfer reaction resulting in G protein activation has also been demonstrated. Finally, endogenously formed GTP was preferentially effective in activating some G proteins compared to exogenous GTR The aim of this report is to present an overview of the evidence to date for a transphosphorylation as a means of G protein activation (see also refs [1 and 2] for reviews). (Mol Cell Biochem 157: 593, 1996)Recipient of Servier Investigator Award  相似文献   

The scheme for the isolation and purification of low-molecular cell-wall protein without type specificity, including the extraction of the cell walls of group A streptococci, type M 29, with 1% solution of Triton X-100, the separation of the extract by ion-exchange chromatography in DEAE-trisacryl M with the subsequent two-stage gel filtration in superfine Sephadex G-50, is described. The isolated protein had a molecular weight of 4,000 daltons and contained no admixtures of group-specific polysaccharide A, phosphorus, nucleic acids and Fc receptors and interacted with antisera to group A streptococcal cells of heterologous type M in the enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Purified protein was characterized by a high content of glycine. The antigenic determinants of immobilized protein, recognized by antibodies in EIA, were sensitive to the action of trypsin and resistant to the action of pepsin, papain, pronase E and sodium periodate.  相似文献   

Agropyron bessarabicum (2n = 14),A. rechingeri (2n = 28),A. junceiforme (2n = 28),A. elongatum (2n = 14),A. flaccidifolium (2n = 28) andA. scirpeum (2n = 28) were studied by isoelectric focusing of seed soluble proteins.—The protein profiles obtained from the six taxa showed a striking degree of similarity; typically they consist of 40 bands. No qualitative but only quantitative differences (in the intensity of some bands) were found.—Combined with the cytological information available these protein data indicate that the two polyploid complexes must be placed in the recently erected genusThinopyrum with the genome designations:T. bessarabicum Jj1 Jj1,T. sartorii (=A. rechingeri) Jj1 Jj1 Jj3 Jj3,T. junceiforme Jj1 Jj1 Jj2 Jj2,T. elongatum Je1 Je1,T. flaccidifolium Je1 Je1 Je1 Je1 andT. scirpeum Je1 Je1 Je2 Je2.  相似文献   

Biofouling is a major problem faced by marine industries. Physical and chemical treatments are available to control fouling, but most are costly, time consuming or negatively affect the environment. The use of aeration (ie continuous streams of air bubbles) to prevent fouling was examined. Experiments were conducted at three sites with different benthic communities. Experimental panels (10 cm × 10 cm; PVC and concrete) were deployed with or without aeration. Aeration flowed continuously from spigots 0.5 m below the panels at a rate of ~3.3 to 5.0 l min?1. After 1 and 4 weeks, aerated PVC panels from all sites had significantly less fouling than non-aerated controls. Aeration reduced fouling on both the PVC and concrete surfaces. Fouling was reduced on panels directly in bubble streams while panels 30 cm and 5 m away had significantly more fouling. Thus, under the conditions used in this study, aeration appears to be an effective and simple way to prevent fouling.  相似文献   

The Laurell technique of two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis was used to distinguish between isolates of granulosis virus (GV) from Plodia interpunctella (GV strains A and B), Ephestia cautella, Spodoptera littoralis (GV strain 65), Pieris brassicae, and Cydia pomonella. Granules, alkali-soluble proteins, and virus particles of P. interpunctella GV strain A and granules of P. interpunctella GV strain B were used as sources of antigens. They were reacted with the immunoglobulins of antisera prepared against whole granules of each strain of virus. Peaks of precipitation were most clearly defined when antigens were pretreated with 0.1 m Na2CO3, 2% Triton X, and succinic anhydride, Granules and alkali-soluble proteins of P. interpunctella GV strain A treated in this way exhibited at least one peak of precipitation when reacted with each of the antisera studied. Four peaks were observed in both the homologous reaction and in the heterologous reaction with antiserum prepared against granules of P. interpunctella GV strain B. Four different peaks were present in the homologous reaction between immunoglobulins and virus particles of P. interpunctella GV strain A. Two peaks were present in the heterologous reaction with antiserum prepared against granules of P. interpunctella GV strain B and one in that with the antiserum prepared against granules of S. littoralis GV strain 65.  相似文献   

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