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This paper reports the effect of tosyl-phenylalanyl-chloromethyl ketone, Pepstatin, Antipain, Leupeptin and Trasylol, all inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, on the growth and morphology of normal and polyoma transformed baby hamster kidney cells in culture. Above 1 μM, tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone inhibited the growth of both normal and transformed cells to the same extent, and also inhibited the incorporation of radioactive leucine into protein. Pepstatin and Antipain also had no differential effect on the growth of normal or transformed cells, while Leupeptin and Trasylol inhibited the growth of normal cells more than transformed cells.  相似文献   

Virally transformed fibroblasts do not have on their surface a major protein (large external transformation-sensitive, LETS) which is present in normal cells. Cocultivation of the transformation cells with normal cells whose surface proteins have been prelabelled induces an accelerated release of the LETS protein from the normal cells. We have investigated various conditions which affect this phenomenon. Our results show that alteration of cell surface proteins by cocultivation with the transformed cells is time and dose-dependent and requires cell contact. Serum was depleted at least 99% of plasminogen by affinity chromatography and used in the cocultivation experiments. It was found that activation of plasminogen was not required for the accelerated turnover of the LETS protein. Other diffusible proteases are also unlikely to be involved. The possibility that transformed cells have a membrane bound activity is discussed. The role of plasminogen activation was also tested for its relevance in transformation related proteolysis, growth and morphology of cells.  相似文献   

Virally transformed fibroblasts do not have on their surface a major protein (large external transformation-sensitive, LETS) which is present in normal cells. Cocultivation of the transformed cells with normal cells whose surface proteins have been prelabelled induces an accelerated release of the LETS protein from the normal cells. We have investigated various conditions which affect this phenomenon. Our results show that alteration of cell surface proteins by cocultivation with the transformed cells is time and dose-dependent and requires cell contact. Serum was depleted at least 99% of plasminogen by affinity chromatography and used in the cocultivation experiments. It was found that activation of plasminogen was not required for the accelerated turnover of the LETS protein. Other diffusible proteases are also unlikely to be involved. The possibility that transformed cells have a membrane bound activity is discussed. The role of plasminogen activation was also tested for its relevance in transformation related proteolysis, growth and morphology of cells.  相似文献   

The rate of synthesis and thickness of the surface coat material in a range of virus-transformed and chemically-transformed cell lines were measured by ellipsometry. Cell lines transformed by polyoma virus, SV 40 virus, Rous sarcoma virus and murine sarcoma virus had a significantly thicker coat than the normal parent cells. An increase in the thickness of the cell coat was not a consistent feature of the transformed cell state since this change was not detected in cell lines transformed by methylcholanthrene. The rate of synthesis of the surface coat was significantly faster in transformed cells than in normal cells. Coat synthesis in normal and transformed cells was inhibited rapidly by treatment with cycloheximide. Inhibition of cellular RNA synthesis by actinomycin D produced rapid inhibition of coat synthesis in normal and chemically-transformed cell, but in certain virus-transformed cell lines coat synthesis continued for up to h. The significance of these changes in the pattern of coat synthesis in transformed cells in relation to their altered surface properties is discussed.  相似文献   

Test of Con A induced cell agglutination, method of binding cells to Con A coated nylon fibres and modified procedure of cell-to-cell binding were used in the investigation of architectural surface changes in normal and polyoma virus transformed hamster cells infected with influenza virus. In both cell types influenza virus infection caused 1) increase in fixation resistant Con A agglutination, 2) decrease in the level of surface membrane fluidity and cell plasticity. It has postulated that influenza virus infection results in stabilization of the cell surface architecture. These changes are amplified by polyoma virus transformation. Con A acts in this system, as an indicator rather than as a modifier of architectural changes.  相似文献   

Measurement of the rate of agglutination with the positively charged poly- -lysine of normal lymphocytes, Moloney-virus-transformed lymphoma cells, normal fibroblasts and SV40 transformed fibroblasts, has shown that the normal cells were agglutinated at a higher rate than the transformed cells. The labeling density of cationized ferritin in electron micrographs of sectioned cells, also indicated a higher charge density for the normal lymphocytes and fibroblasts. The normal cells showed a more regular clustered distribution of cationized ferritin than the transformed cells, and pre-fixation of cells with glutaraldehyde before labeling with cationized ferritin resulted in a random distribution in both types of cells. The transformed cells had a higher agglutinability than the normal cells by Concanavalin A (ConA) and this difference was also found after treatment of the cells with neuraminidase. Labeling with ConA-ferritin showed the same distribution on the sectioned normal and transformed cells. The results indicate that there was a difference in the redistribution of surface charge by cationized ferritin in normal and transformed cells and that there was no detectable difference in redistribution of ConA-binding sites with ConA-ferritin.  相似文献   

Enucleation of normal and transformed cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quantitative analysis based on centrifugal force requirements for enucleation was developed to examine the response of a number of untransformed and transformed cell lines to cytochalasin mediated enucleation. Examination of the extent of cell enucleation as a function of centrifugal force resulted in a series of response curves demonstrating that enucleation g force requirements varied between Balb/c 3T3, Swiss 3T3, and Kirsten sarcoma virus transformed Balb/c 3T3 (3T3-K). A four times greater centrifugal force was required to reach 50% enucleation for transformed Balb/c 3T3-K when compared to Swiss 3T3. A qualitative correlation could be observed between ease of enucleation and the existence of a well-formed stress fiber network. A comparison of cytochalasin B and D suggested that cytochalasin D was far more effective in the enucleation of transformed cells. Experiments with 2-deoxyglucose and monensin provided evidence that decreasing cellular ATP levels, either directly or potentially by uncoupling ion transport from ATP generation, can decrease the efficiency of enucleation. It is suggested that the organization of the cytoskeleton is affected by the altered cellular ATP levels which can affect the centrifugal requirements of enucleation.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of oncogenictransformation is anchorage-independent growth (27). Herewe demonstrate that responses to substrate rigidity play a major rolein distinguishing the growth behavior of normal cells from that oftransformed cells. We cultured normal or H-ras-transformedNIH 3T3 cells on flexible collagen-coated polyacrylamide substrateswith similar chemical properties but different rigidity. Compared withcells cultured on stiff substrates, nontransformed cells on flexiblesubstrates showed a decrease in the rate of DNA synthesis and anincrease in the rate of apoptosis. These responses on flexiblesubstrates are coupled to decreases in cell spreading area and tractionforces. In contrast, transformed cells maintained their growth andapoptotic characteristics regardless of substrate flexibility. Theresponses in cell spreading area and traction forces to substrateflexibility were similarly diminished. Our results suggest that normalcells are capable of probing substrate rigidity and that propermechanical feedback is required for regulating cell shape, cell growth,and survival. The loss of this response can explain the unregulated growth of transformed cells.


The cell surface morphology of two cell lines--from the mink lung (Mv1Lu) and from the Kirsten sarcoma virus transformed derivate (Ki-Mv1Lu)--was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Marked differences are seen in cell morphology of these two lines at high cell densities. Mv1Lu cells at high densities had uniform flat polygonal shape with microvilli at their surface. A marked diversity in cell morphology was characteristic of Ki-Mv1Lu cells at comparable cell densities: variation in shape, in thickness degrees, and in the expression of cell surface ultrastructure (microvilli, blebs, filopodia). No dependence of Ki-Mv1Lu cell morphology from cell densities was observed. At low cell densities of Mv1Lu cells, cells with the morphology differing from the typical pattern of confluent Mv1Lu cells were seen. Morphological diversity of these cells was comparable with that of Ki-Mv1Lu cells. Nothing has been found in cell surface morphology that could be absolutely specific for transformed cells only.  相似文献   

When LETS protein positive and negative cells were co-cultured, the positive cells remained as positive and the negative cells remained as negative. Apparently the transformed cells do not secrete factors which are sufficient to influence the distribution of surface LETS protein on normal cells.  相似文献   

Transformed fibroblasts in interphase and normal fibroblasts in mitosis were agglutinated by Con A and the lectin from wheat germ, whereas normal fibroblasts in interphase and transformed fibroblasts in mitosis were not agglutinated by these lectins. The percentage of fluorescent cells at non-saturation concentrations of fluorescent ConA was also higher with transformed interphase and normal mitotic cells, than with normal interphase and transformed mitotic cells. Under the same conditions, a similar number of radioactively labeled ConA molecules were bound to normal and transformed cells in interphase and mitosis. Our results indicate different cyclic changes in the surface membrane of normal and transformed fibroblasts, so that regarding interaction with these lectins, normal mitotic cells resemble transformed interphase cells and transformed mitotic resemble normal interphase cells. The data suggest that there is a reversed cyclic change in the mobility of specific surface membrane sites in normal and transformed cells.  相似文献   

We have studied the surface proteins of normal and transformed chick cells using four-labelling techniques with different specificities, (a) lactoperoxidase catalysed iodination (b) galactose oxidase/B3H4 (c) pyridoxal phosphate/B3H4 and (d) periodate/B3H4. All methods labelled a large external transformation-sensitive (LETS) protein, in agreement with previous studies. In addition, using galactose oxidase and periodate labelling techniques, we present evidence which suggests that the transformed cell surface glycoproteins are more sialylated.The LETS protein was also labelled with [14C]glucosamine and after trypsinization a small band of identical molecular weight to LETS remained, possibly representing an internal pool of the protein. In contrast LETS protein labelled with [3H]fucose was completely removed by trypsin, suggesting that the internal pool of the protein is incompletely glycosylated. Evidence is also presented to show that although the level of the protein is drastically reduced at the transformed cell surface, it is still synthesised and shed into the medium.  相似文献   

The objective ofthis study was to assess the effects of two structurally distinct yetselective proteasome inhibitors (PS-341 and lactacystin) on leukocyteadhesion, endothelial cell adhesion molecule (ECAM) expression, andnuclear factor-B (NF-B) activation in tumor necrosisfactor (TNF)--stimulated human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVEC) and the transformed, HUVEC-derived, ECV cell line. We foundthat TNF (10 ng/ml) significantly enhanced U-937 and polymorphonuclearneutrophil (PMN) adhesion to HUVEC but not to ECV; TNF alsosignificantly enhanced surface expression of vascular cell adhesionmolecule 1 and E-selectin (in HUVEC only), as well as intercellularadhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1; in HUVEC and ECV). Pretreatment of HUVECwith lactacystin completely blocked TNF-stimulated PMN adhesion,partially blocked U-937 adhesion, and completely blocked TNF-stimulatedECAM expression. Lactacystin attenuated TNF-stimulated ICAM-1expression in ECV. Pretreatment of HUVEC with PS-341 partially blockedTNF-stimulated leukocyte adhesion and ECAM expression. These effects oflactacystin and PS-341 were associated with inhibitory effects onTNF-stimulated NF-B activation in both HUVEC and ECV. Our resultsdemonstrate the importance of the 26S proteasome in TNF-inducedactivation of NF-B, ECAM expression, and leukocyte-endothelialadhesive interactions in vitro.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of chromatin from normal and viral transformed cells to breakage by ultrasound was studied in an in vitro system in which DNA repair was reduced to a minimum. The extent of damage to heterochromatin and euchromatin was assessed by estimating the molecular weight of the DNA fragments extracted from these fractions. In both normal and transformed cells, the euchromatin fraction was more susceptible to breakage. This finding is explained on the basis of the differences in the structure of the two kinds of chromatin.  相似文献   

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