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Protein import into mitochondria is initiated by the recognition and binding of precursor proteins by import components in the cytosol, on the mitochondrial surface, and in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Following their synthesis on cytoplasmic ribosomes, some precursor proteins interact with molecular chaperones in the cytosol which function in maintaining the precursor protein in an import-competent state and may also aid in the delivery of the precursor to the mitochondria. A multisubunit protein import receptor then recognises and binds precursor proteins before feeding them into the outer membrane import site. Some proteins are sorted from the import site into the outer membrane, but most precursor proteins travel through the outer membrane import site into the mitochondria, where the later steps of protein import take place.  相似文献   

Most of the mitochondrial and chloroplastic proteins are synthesized in the cytosol as precursor proteins carrying an N-terminal targeting peptide (TP) directing them specifically to a correct organelle. However, there is a group of proteins that are dually targeted to mitochondria and chloroplasts using an ambiguous N-terminal dual targeting peptide (dTP). Here, we have investigated pattern properties of import determinants of organelle-specific TPs and dTPs combining mathematical multivariate data analysis (MVDA) with in vitro organellar import studies. We have used large datasets of mitochondrial and chloroplastic proteins found in organellar proteomes as well as manually selected data sets of experimentally confirmed organelle-specific TPs and dTPs from Arabidopsis thaliana. Two classes of organelle-specific TPs could be distinguished by MVDA and potential patterns or periodicity in the amino acid sequence contributing to the separation were revealed, dTPs were found to have intermediate sequence features between the organelle-specific TPs. Interestingly, introducing positively charged residues to the dTPs showed clustering towards the mitochondrial TPs in silico and resulted in inhibition of chloroplast, but not mitochondrial import in in vitro organellar import studies. These findings suggest that positive charges in the N-terminal region of TPs may function as an 'avoidance signal' for the chloroplast import.  相似文献   

All but a small fraction of the hundreds of proteins in a mitochondrion are synthesized in thecytoplasm and imported into the organelle. Water-filled channels are integral to the process oftranslocating proteins since channels can provide an aqueous pathway through the hydrophobicenvironment of the membrane. The MCC (multiple conductance channel) and PSC(peptide-sensitive channel) are two high-conductance channels previously identified inelectrophysiological studies of mitochondrial membranes. MCC and PSC are the putative pores of the importcomplexes of the inner and outer membranes, respectively. The genetic, biochemical, andbiophysical evidence regarding these assignments are summarized herein. These findingssupport the identification of MCC and PSC as the protein import channels of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Electron cryo-tomography is a powerful tool in structural biology, capable of visualizing the three-dimensional structure of biological samples, such as cells, organelles, membrane vesicles, or viruses at molecular detail. To achieve this, the aqueous sample is rapidly vitrified in liquid ethane, which preserves it in a close-to-native, frozen-hydrated state. In the electron microscope, tilt series are recorded at liquid nitrogen temperature, from which 3D tomograms are reconstructed. The signal-to-noise ratio of the tomographic volume is inherently low. Recognizable, recurring features are enhanced by subtomogram averaging, by which individual subvolumes are cut out, aligned and averaged to reduce noise. In this way, 3D maps with a resolution of 2 nm or better can be obtained. A fit of available high-resolution structures to the 3D volume then produces atomic models of protein complexes in their native environment. Here we show how we use electron cryo-tomography to study the in situ organization of large membrane protein complexes in mitochondria. We find that ATP synthases are organized in rows of dimers along highly curved apices of the inner membrane cristae, whereas complex I is randomly distributed in the membrane regions on either side of the rows. By subtomogram averaging we obtained a structure of the mitochondrial ATP synthase dimer within the cristae membrane.  相似文献   

Peculiar evolutionary properties of the subunit 8 of mitochondrial ATP synthase (ATPase8) are revealed by comparative analyses carried out between both closely and distantly related species of echinoderms. The analysis of nucleotide substitution in the three echinoids demonstrated a relaxation of amino acid functional constraints. The deduced protein sequences display a well conserved domain at the N-terminus, while the central part is very variable. At the C-terminus, the broad distribution of positively charged amino acids, which is typical of other organisms, is not conserved in the two different echinoderm classes of the sea urchins and of the sea stars. Instead, a motif of three amino acids, so far not described elsewhere, is conserved in sea urchins and is found to be very similar to the motif present in the sea stars. Our results indicate that the N-terminal region seems to follow the same evolutionary pattern in different organisms, while the maintenance of the C-terminal part in a phylum-specific manner may reflect the co-evolution of mitochondrial and nuclear genes.  相似文献   

Mitochondria evolved from an endosymbiotic proteobacterium in a process that required the transfer of genes from the bacterium to the host cell nucleus, and the translocation of proteins thereby made in the host cell cytosol into the internal compartments of the organelle. According to current models for this evolution, two highly improbable events are required to occur simultaneously: creation of a protein translocation machinery to import proteins back into the endosymbiont and creation of targeting sequences on the protein substrates themselves. Using a combination of two independent prediction methods, validated through tests on simulated genomes, we show that at least 5% of proteins encoded by an extant proteobacterium are predisposed for targeting to mitochondria, and propose we that mitochondrial targeting information was preexisting for many proteins of the endosymbiont. We analyzed a family of proteins whose members exist both in bacteria and in mitochondria of eukaryotes and show that the amino-terminal extensions occasionally found in bacterial family members can function as a crude import sequence when the protein is presented to isolated mitochondria. This activity leaves the development of a primitive translocation channel in the outer membrane of the endosymbiont as a single hurdle to initiating the evolution of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Two components of the chloroplast envelope, Tic20 and Tic22, were previously identified as candidates for components of the general protein import machinery by their ability to covalently cross-link to nuclear-encoded preproteins trapped at an intermediate stage in import across the envelope (Kouranov, A., and D.J. Schnell. 1997. J. Cell Biol. 139:1677–1685). We have determined the primary structures of Tic20 and Tic22 and investigated their localization and association within the chloroplast envelope. Tic20 is a 20-kD integral membrane component of the inner envelope membrane. In contrast, Tic22 is a 22-kD protein that is located in the intermembrane space between the outer and inner envelope membranes and is peripherally associated with the outer face of the inner membrane. Tic20, Tic22, and a third inner membrane import component, Tic110, associate with import components of the outer envelope membrane. Preprotein import intermediates quantitatively associate with this outer/inner membrane supercomplex, providing evidence that the complex corresponds to envelope contact sites that mediate direct transport of preproteins from the cytoplasm to the stromal compartment. On the basis of these results, we propose that Tic20 and Tic22 are core components of the protein translocon of the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The human pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis harbors hydrogenosomes, organelles of mitochondrial origin that generate ATP through hydrogen‐producing fermentations. They contain neither genome nor translation machinery, but approximately 500 proteins that are imported from the cytosol. In contrast to well‐studied organelles like Saccharomyces mitochondria, very little is known about how proteins are transported across the two membranes enclosing the hydrogenosomal matrix. Recent studies indicate that—in addition to N‐terminal transit peptides—internal targeting signals might be more common in hydrogenosomes than in mitochondria. To further characterize the extent to which N‐terminal and internal motifs mediate hydrogenosomal protein targeting, we transfected Trichomonas with 24 hemagglutinin (HA) tag fusion constructs, encompassing 13 different hydrogenosomal and cytosolic proteins of the parasite. Hydrogenosomal targeting of these proteins was analyzed by subcellular fractionation and independently by immunofluorescent localization. The investigated proteins include some of the most abundant hydrogenosomal proteins, such as pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFO), which possesses an amino‐terminal targeting signal that is processed on import into hydrogenosomes, but is shown here not to be required for import into hydrogenosomes. Our results demonstrate that the deletion of N‐terminal signals of hydrogenosomal precursors generally has little, if any, influence upon import into hydrogenosomes. Although the necessary and sufficient signals for hydrogenosomal import recognition appear complex, targeting to the organelle is still highly specific, as demonstrated by the finding that six HA‐tagged glycolytic enzymes, highly expressed under the same promoter as other constructs studied here, localized exclusively to the cytosol and did not associate with hydrogenosomes.  相似文献   

Tom20 is the master receptor for protein import into mitochondria. Analysis of motifs present in Tom20 sequences from fungi and animals found several highly conserved regions, including features of the transmembrane segment, the ligand-binding domain and functionally important flexible segments at the N terminus and the C terminus of the protein. Hidden Markov model searches of genome sequence data revealed novel isoforms of Tom20 in vertebrate and invertebrate animals. A three-dimensional comparative model of the novel type I Tom20, based on the structurally characterized type II isoform, shows important differences in the amino acid residues lining the ligand-binding groove, where the type I protein from animals is more similar to the fungal form of Tom20. Given that the two receptor types from mouse interact with the same set of precursor protein substrates, comparative analysis of the substrate-binding site provides unique insight into the mechanism of substrate recognition. No Tom20-related protein was found in genome sequence data from plants or protozoans, suggesting the receptor Tom20 evolved after the split of animals and fungi from the main lineage of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Modified versions of subunit f were produced by mutagenesis of theATP17 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A version of subunit f devoid of thelast 28 amino acid residues including the unique transmembranous domaincomplemented the oxidative phosphorylation of the null mutant. However, atwo-fold decrease in the specific ATP synthase activity was measured andattributed to a decrease in the stability of the mutant ATP synthase complexas shown by the low oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity at alkaline pH. Themodification or not by non-permeant maleimide reagents of cysteine residuesintroduced at the N and C termini of subunit f indicated aNin-Cout orientation. From the C terminus of subunit fit was possible to cross-link subunit 4 (also called subunit b), which isanother component of the F0 sector and which also displays a shorthydrophilic segment exposed to the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

In higher plants, one-third to one-half of the mitochondrial tRNAs are encoded in the nucleus and are imported into mitochondria. This process appears to be highly specific for some tRNAs, but the factors that interact with tRNAs before and/or during import, as well as the signals present on the tRNAs, still need to be identified. The rare experiments performed so far suggest that, besides the probable implication of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, at least one additional import factor and/or structural features shared by imported tRNAs must be involved in plant mitochondrial tRNA import. To look for determinants that direct tRNA import into higher plant mitochondria, we have transformed BY2 tobacco cells with Arabidopsis thaliana cytosolic tRNA(Val)(AAC) carrying various mutations. The nucleotide replacements introduced in this naturally imported tRNA correspond to the anticodon and/or D-domain of the non-imported cytosolic tRNA(Met-e). Unlike the wild-type tRNA(Val)(AAC), a mutant tRNA(Val) carrying a methionine CAU anticodon that switches the aminoacylation of this tRNA from valine to methionine is not present in the mitochondrial fraction. Furthermore, mutant tRNAs(Val) carrying the D-domain of the tRNA(Met-e), although still efficiently recognized by the valyl-tRNA synthetase, are not imported any more into mitochondria. These data demonstrate that in plants, besides identity elements required for the recognition by the cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA molecules contain other determinants that are essential for mitochondrial import selectivity. Indeed, this suggests that the tRNA import mechanism occurring in plant mitochondria may be different from what has been described so far in yeast or in protozoa.  相似文献   

A large number of plastid localized proteins are post-translationally imported as precursor proteins from the cytosol into the organelle. Recognition and translocation is accomplished by a subset of chloroplast envelope proteins, which were identified by different but complementary methods. The o uter e nvelope p roteins OEP 86, OEP 75, OEP 70 (a heat shock cognate 70 homologue) and OEP 34 are clearly involved in the import event and can be isolated as one functionally active translocation unit. For three of these proteins cDNA clones have been very recently obtained, namely OEP 86, OEP 75 and OEP 34. OEP 86 seems to be a precursor protein receptor which could be regulated by GTP binding and ATP-dependent phosphorylation-dephosphorylation. OEP 75 is part of the translocation pore traversing the membrane in multiple β-sheets. OEP 34 is tightly associated with OEP 75. It represents a new type of GTP-binding protein which possesses endogenous GTPase activity. Multiple GTP binding and hydrolysis cycles as well as protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation events might, therefore, regulate the interaction of a precursor protein with the translocation machinery of the outer envelope, making it very distinct from the mitochondrial outer membrane system. Further proteins of the inner envelope membrane, namely IEP 97 and IEP 36, have been implied to function in the translocation event. These recent data allow not only identification of the players in the game but also speculation about mechanisms and regulation of translocation.  相似文献   

Oxa1 serves as a protein insertase of the mitochondrial inner membrane that is evolutionary related to the bacterial YidC insertase. Its activity is critical for membrane integration of mitochondrial translation products and conservatively sorted inner membrane proteins after their passage through the matrix. All Oxa1 substrates identified thus far have bacterial homologs and are of endosymbiotic origin. Here, we show that Oxa1 is critical for the biogenesis of members of the mitochondrial carrier proteins. Deletion mutants lacking Oxa1 show reduced steady‐state levels and activities of the mitochondrial ATP/ADP carrier protein Aac2. To reduce the risk of indirect effects, we generated a novel temperature-sensitive oxa1 mutant that allows rapid depletion of a mutated Oxa1 variant in situ by mitochondrial proteolysis. Oxa1-depleted mitochondria isolated from this mutant still contain normal levels of the membrane potential and of respiratory chain complexes. Nevertheless, in vitro import experiments showed severely reduced import rates of Aac2 and other members of the carrier family, whereas the import of matrix proteins was unaffected. From this, we conclude that Oxa1 is directly or indirectly required for efficient biogenesis of carrier proteins. This was unexpected, since carrier proteins are inserted into the inner membrane from the intermembrane space side and lack bacterial homologs. Our observations suggest that the function of Oxa1 is relevant not only for the biogenesis of conserved mitochondrial components such as respiratory chain complexes or ABC transporters but also for mitochondria-specific membrane proteins of eukaryotic origin.  相似文献   

The TicS5 (Translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts, 55 kDa) protein was identified in pea as a putative regulator, possibly linking chloroplast protein import to the redox state of the photosynthetic machinery. Two Tic55 homologs have been proposed to exist in Arabidopsis: atTic55-11 and AtPTC52 (Protochlorophyllide-dependent Trans- Iocon Component, 52 kDa; has also been called atTic55-1V). Our phylogenetic analysis shows that attic55-11 is an ortholog of psTic55 from pea (Pisum sativurn), and that AtPTC52 is a more distant homolog of the two. AtPTC52 was included in this study to rule out possible functional links between the proteins in Arabidopsis. No detectable mutant phenotypes were found in two independent T-DNA knockout mutant plant lines for each Arabidopsis protein, when compared with wild- type: visible appearance, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic performance, and chloroplast protein import, for example, were all normal. Both wild-type and tic55-11 mutant chloroplasts exhibited deficient protein import when treated with diethylpyrocarbonate, indicating that Tic55 is not the sole target of this reagent in relation to protein import. Furthermore, ptc52 mutant chloroplasts were not defective with respect to pPORA import, which was previously reported to involve PTC52 in barley. Thus, we conclude that atTic55-11 and AtPTC52 are not strictly required for functional protein import in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The import of nuclear-encoded preproteins is necessary to maintain chloroplast function. The recognition and transfer of most precursor proteins across the chloroplast envelopes are facilitated by two membrane-inserted protein complexes, the translocons of the chloroplast outer and inner envelope (Toc and Tic complexes, respectively). Several signals have been invoked to regulate the import of preproteins. In our study, we were interested in redox-based import regulation mediated by two signals: regulation based on thiols and on the metabolic NADP+/NADPH ratio. We sought to identify the proteins participating in the regulation of these transport pathways and to characterize the preprotein subgroups whose import is redox-dependent. Our results provide evidence that the formation and reduction of disulfide bridges in the Toc receptors and Toc translocation channel have a strong influence on import yield of all tested preproteins that depend on the Toc complex for translocation. Furthermore, the metabolic NADP+/NADPH ratio influences not only the composition of the Tic complex, but also the import efficiency of most, but not all, preproteins tested. Thus, several Tic subcomplexes appear to participate in the translocation of different preprotein subgroups, and the redox-active compo- nents of these complexes likely play a role in regulating transport.  相似文献   

A subset of mitochondrial carrier proteins from plants contain a cleavable N-terminal extension. We have used a reconstituted protein import assay system into intermembrane space-depleted mitochondria to study the role of the cleavable extension in the carrier import pathway. Insertion of carrier proteins into the inner membrane can be stimulated by the addition of a soluble intermembrane space fraction isolated from plant mitochondria. Greater stimulation of import of the adenine nucleotide carrier (ANT) and phosphate carrier (Pic), which contain N-terminal cleavable extensions, was observed compared to the import of the oxoglutarate malate carrier (OMT), which does not contain a cleavable extension. Removal of the N-terminal cleavable extension from ANT and Pic resulted in loss of stimulation of insertion into the inner membrane. Conversely, addition of the N-terminal extension from ANT or Pic to OMT resulted in significantly enhanced insertion into the inner membrane. The polytopic inner membrane proteins TIM17 and TIM23 that are imported via the carrier import pathway contain no cleavable extension, displayed high-level stimulation of insertion into the inner membrane by addition of the intermembrane space fraction. Addition of the N-terminal cleavable extension from carrier proteins to TIM23 enhanced insertion of TIM23 into the inner membrane even in the absence of the soluble intermembrane space fraction. Together, these results demonstrate that the cleavable N-terminal extensions present on carrier proteins from plants are required for efficient insertion into the inner mitochondrial membrane, and that they can stimulate insertion of any carrier-like protein into the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial protein import is critical for organelle biogenesis, bioenergetic function, and health. The mechanism of which is poorly understood, particularly of the mammalian system. To address this problem we have established an assay to quantitatively monitor mitochondrial import inside mammalian cells. The reporter is based on a split luciferase, whereby the large fragment is segregated in the mitochondrial matrix and the small complementary fragment is fused to the C-terminus of a purified recombinant precursor protein destined for import. Following import the complementary fragments combine to form an active luciferase–providing a sensitive, accurate and continuous measure of protein import. This advance allows detailed mechanistic examination of the transport process in live cells, including the analysis of import breakdown associated with disease, and high-throughput drug screening. Furthermore, the set-up has the potential to be adapted for the analysis of alternative protein transport systems within different cell types, and multicellular model organisms.  相似文献   

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