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在0~1℃的低温条件下叶绿体毫秒延迟发光的快相明显较室温时的高,说明低温条件有利于水氧化所释放的质子在类囊体膜上形成区域化;磷酸化能在毫秒级范围内就利用水氧化所产生的区域化质子合成ATP,使毫秒延迟发光的快相降低。随着温度升高,水氧化产生的区域化质子易向非区域化质子转变,25℃时毫秒延迟发光的快相主要与膜电位有关而难以观察到水氧化所释放的质子的影响。水氧化产生的质子区域化与叶绿体膜的状态密切相关。  相似文献   

Plastocyanin and chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF(1)) are released from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) thylakoids during a slow freezethaw cycle. CF(1) addition increases the proton uptake of thylakoids previously frozen in sucrose concentrations of 15 mm to 100 mm. Addition of CF(1) and plastocyanin restores the proton uptake of thylakoids frozen in 100 mm sucrose. Plastocyanin and CF(1) release is a manifestation, not the cause, of freeze-thaw damage.Frozen-thawed thylakoids appear to exhibit two levels of response to sucrose as measured by light-dependent proton uptake. Different levels of protection afforded by sucrose may be due, in part, to quantitative differences in CF(1) release. The results suggest at least three freeze-induced lesions in light-dependent proton uptake by thylakoids: plastocyanin release, CF(1) release, and disruption of the semi-permeability of thylakoids.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of 14C-CO2 incorporation into 40-[mu]m paradermal leaf sections of sun- and shade-grown spinach leaves were determined. Chlorophyll, carotenoid, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) content in similar 40-[mu]m paradermal leaf sections was also measured. The carbon fixation gradient did not follow the leaf internal light gradient, which decreases exponentially across the leaf. Instead, the 14C-CO2 fixation was higher in the middle of the leaf. Contrary to expectations, the distribution of carbon fixation across the leaf showed that the spongy mesophyll contributes significantly to the total carbon reduced. Approximately 60% of the carboxylation occurred in the palisade mesophyll and 40% occurred in the spongy mesophyll. Carbon reduction correlated well with Rubisco content, and no correlation between chlorophyll and carotenoid content and Rubisco was observed in sun plants. The correlation among chlorophyll, carotenoids, Rubisco, and carbon fixation was higher in shade leaves than in sun leaves. The results are discussed in relation to leaf photosynthetic and biochemical measurements that generally consider the leaf as a single homogeneous unit.  相似文献   

  • 1 A two-dimensional, highly reproducible, analytical separation procedure for Triton/urea extractable proteins, using isoelectric focusing in the first dimension and gelelectrophoresis with sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) in the second, is described. The separation of erythrocyte membrane proteins compares the reliability with that of published procedures.
  • 2 From the thylakoid membranes of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardii and of spinach, two-dimensional maps of the Triton/urea extractable proteins were established, containing 58 and 33 peptide spots, respectively, which were characterized by their molecular weights and apparent isoelectric points. In Chlamydomonas some of the spots could be attributed to the photosystem I and II particles. A few major spots in the maps of the thylakoid proteins from the two non-related plants were found at the same relative positions.
  • 3 A one-dimensional electrophoretic comparison of the SDS and the Triton/urea-extractable proteins showed that in the Triton/urea extract of thylakoid membranes some proteins of the photosystem II region, and in that of erythrocyte membranes, some components of the band 3 and 5 region are reduced or missing.

The lipid content of thylakoids from dark-treated oat plantswas studied. The levels of chlorophyll, monogalactosyl diacylglycerol2,digalactosyl diacylglycerol, and the phospholipids all declined.The lipids declined more rapidly than the chlorophyll. As thequantity of the galactolipids declined, there was little changein the relative concentration of linolenic acid esterified tothem. In contrast, the relative concentration of linolenic acidesterified to the phospholipids increased as the quantity oflipid declined. The total fatty acid composition and the incorporationof label into thylakoid lipids dropped following the dark treatment.  相似文献   

Using absorbance changes at 540 nm and the per cent chlorophyll in 10K pellet after digitonin fractionation as the criteria of thylakoid stacking, high light induced unstacking of thylakoids and randomization of pigment protein complexes of chloroplast was characterized. Cation-induced increase in absorbance at 540 nm was abolished when chloroplasts were exposed to high light. Also, the high light induced decrease in absorbance at 540 nm was more pronounced In low salt chloroplasts as compared to the decrease in 540 nm absorbance in chloroplasts isolated in high salt. The decrease In the fraction of chlorophyll in digitonin fractionated 10K pellet was much more than the decrease in chlorophyll in 10K pellet from high salt chloroplasts exposed to high light These results suggest that high light causes unstacking of thylakoids.  相似文献   

当空气中CO_2浓度增至较高水平(5%)时,小麦叶片毫秒延迟发光(ms-DLE)显示出强烈的振荡。若再通入正常空气,DLE仍恢复到原有水平。当将空气中的CO2含量从无增加亚空气水平时,DLE下降但不伴随明显振荡,而继续增高CO2浓度会诱导振荡出现,该振荡随CO2浓度增高而加强。解联剂尼日利亚菌素可以消除CO2诱导的DLE振荡。  相似文献   

Using chloroplasts from barley leaves we attempt to purify andpartially characterize the NADH dehydrogenase complex. The enzymaticactivity was assayed as NADH-ferricyanide and NADH-nitro bluetetrazolium oxidoreductase. Analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis and subsequent enzymatic renaturation, the chloroplastsoluble fraction contains principally a 66 kDa enzyme. The membranousfraction solubilized with deoxycholate and analyzed by nativeelectrophoresis and NADH-nitro blue tetrazolium staining revealedthree enzymes: one with similar electrophoretic mobility tothat described for the soluble enzyme, another one which isa complex separated in 3% polyacrylamide gel and a third one,another complex separated in the top of the 5–22% linearpolyacrylamide gel gradient. The complex polypeptidic patternswere similar but different to those found for any thylakoidalproteinic complex known. Nine major polypeptides were detectedin the complex polypeptidic patterns, four of them constituentsof the small size thylakoid enzyme. The molecular masses ofsix polypeptides agreed with those indicated as encoded by 6chloroplast ndh genes. All the enzymes, including the 66 kDasoluble enzyme, contained a 53 kDa polypeptide, which is probablythe NADH-binding complex subunit. Isoelectric focusing of thethylakoidal enzyme points to a basic isoelectric point. Ion-exchangeor hydroxylapatite column chromatography followed by nativeelectrophoresis of the active fractions only separated the smallsize enzyme, which showed complex inactivation. (Received March 16, 1995; Accepted September 18, 1996)  相似文献   

The excited energy transfer from phycobiliproteins to thylakoids of higher plants was investigated. When incubated with spinach thylakoids, phycobiliproteins isolated from red and blue-green algae have transferred the light energy which they absorbed to spinach PS Ⅱ. The efficiency of energy transfer dependent upon the kind of phycobiliproteins used. If spinach thylakoids were replaced by thylakoids of Brassica chinensis; R-phycoerythrin or C-phycocyanin could transfer the excited energy to PS Ⅱ of B. chinensis only in the presence of allophycocyanin.  相似文献   

A recently developed technique for dilution of the naturally high protein packing density in isolated grana membranes was applied to study the dependence of the light harvesting efficiency of photosystem (PS) II on macromolecular crowding. Slight dilution of the protein packing from 80% area fraction to the value found in intact grana thylakoids (70%) leads to an improved functionality of PSII (increased antenna size, enhanced connectivity between reaction centers). Further dilution induces a functional disconnection of light-harvesting complex (LHC) II from PSII. It is concluded that efficient light harvesting by PSII requires an optimal protein packing density in grana membranes that is close to 70%. We hypothesize that the decreased efficiency in overcrowded isolated grana thylakoids is caused by excited state quenching in LHCII, which has previously been correlated with neoxanthin distortion. Resonance Raman spectroscopy confirms this increase in neoxanthin distortion in overcrowded grana as compared with intact thylakoids. Furthermore, analysis of the changes in the antenna size in highly diluted membranes indicates a lipid-induced dissociation of up to two trimeric LHCII from PSII, leaving one trimer connected. This observation supports a hierarchy of LHCII-binding sites on PSII.  相似文献   

The sudden addition of various salts to pre-illuminated ohloroplastsenhances the rate of delayed light-emission. It is argued thatthis stimulation of luminescence is, with some salts, due entirelyto the electrical potential developed as the ions diffuse acrossthe thylakoid membranes. By varying the magnitude of the concentrationgradients and applying the Goldman voltage equation it has beenpossible to obtain quantitative estimates for the relative ionicpermeabilities of the thylakoids. It seems that chloride permeatesas much as 10 times slower than K+. Predictions of the effectsof using mixed salt solutions and of preincubation of the chloroplastswith salt at various levels have been made and tested experimentally.From this it is apparent that the action of salts of weak acids,such as benzoic acid, although particularly effective in stimulatingluminescence, cannot be satisfactorily explained on the diffusionpotential hypothesis. Over all the results seem to give quantitative information onthe relative ionic permeabilities of the thylakoids and supportsthe model that delayed light may originate from a charge transfercomplex specifically orientated in this membrane system.  相似文献   

Chloroplast subfractions were tested with a UV cross-linking assay for proteins that bind to the 5′ untranslated region of the chloroplast psbC mRNA of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. These analyses revealed that RNA-binding proteins of 30–32, 46, 47, 60, and 80 kD are associated with chloroplast membranes. The buoyant density and the acyl lipid composition of these membranes are compatible with their origin being the inner chloroplast envelope membrane. However, unlike previously characterized inner envelope membranes, these membranes are associated with thylakoids. One of the membrane-associated RNA-binding proteins appears to be RB47, which has been reported to be a specific activator of psbA mRNA translation. These results suggest that translation of chloroplast mRNAs encoding thylakoid proteins occurs at either a subfraction of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane or a previously uncharacterized intra-chloroplast compartment, which is physically associated with thylakoids.  相似文献   

Passive transport of ions and metabolites across the peribacteroid membrane (PBM) was investigated on symbiosome preparations isolated from the broad bean (Vicia faba L.) root nodules and suspended in a potassium-free medium. Optical density of the symbiosome suspension at 546 nm was monitored as an indicator of light-scattering changes. Depolarization of the PBM with tetraphenylphosphonium cation (TPP+) caused an increase in light scattering of symbiosome suspension. This effect was enhanced after adding a K+ ionophore valinomycin to the incubation medium. A similar effect was observed after supplementing the symbiosome suspension with nigericin, a K+/H+ antiporter. Similar experiments on bacteroid suspensions prepared from isolated symbiosomes did not reveal any appreciable changes in light scattering in the presence of the same membrane-active substances. The light scattering by symbiosome suspensions decreased after adding malate or succinate, while the subsequent addition of centimolar concentrations of K+ substantially accelerated this process. Light scattering by the symbiosome suspension was insensitive to the addition of glutamate, a substance normally impermeant through the PBM of legume root nodules. These results suggest that the changes in light scattering by symbiosomes reflect the osmotically induced changes of symbiosome volume. These volume changes were assigned to alteration of the peribacteroid space (PBS). The incubation of symbiosomes in a potassium-free medium acidified their the PBS; this acidification was accelerated by valinomycin, carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP), and nigericin, and it was abolished in the presence of comparatively high concentrations of K+ in the incubation medium. The results indicate a relatively high permeability of the PBM to K+ ions.  相似文献   

Mechanism of Protein Transport across the Chloroplast Envelope   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Fuks B  Schnell DJ 《Plant physiology》1997,114(2):405-410

Chilling of leaves of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) at 5?C inmoderate light for 5 h caused almost complete suppression ofphotosynthetic oxygen evolution in the leaves. Comparison ofelectron transport activities determined in the presence andabsence of an uncoupler, methylamine, indicated that thylakoidsprepared from such treated leaves were uncoupled without anysignificant changes in the capacity for electron transport.Immunoblotting revealed that the amount of coupling factor 1(CF1) associated with membranes was reduced by the chillingtreatment in the light. Thylakoids prepared from leaves thathad been chilled in moderate light for 5 h and then re-warmedfor 1 h were coupled and capable of synthesising ATP. However,the capacity of leaf photosynthesis was not restored by therewarming. These results indicate that the thylakoids are uncoupledby the dissociation of some CF1 complexes from the thylakoidmembranes during the chilling treatment of leaves in the lightand that thylakoids are recoupled by reassociation of CF1 duringthe subsequent rewarming of the treated leaves at 25?C. It alsoappears that chilling in the light causes irreversible damageto reaction(s) other than those involved in electron transportand photophosphorylation. 1 Present address: Department of Biological Science, Facultyof Science, Himeji Institute of Technology, Kamigori, Ako-gun,Hyogo, 678-12 Japan (Received July 1, 1991; Accepted October 4, 1991)  相似文献   

A complex between chloroplast-coupling factor 1 (CF1) and subunit III of the membrane-spanning portion of the chloroplast ATP synthase (CF0), isolated as described in the accompanying paper (C.M. Wetzel and R.E. McCarty [1993] Plant Physiol 102: 241-249), has been further characterized. A comparison of the ATPase activities of CF1, CF1-subunit III, and the chloroplast ATP synthase (CF1-CF0) holoenzyme revealed that the properties of CF1-subunit III more closely resemble those of CF1-CF0 than those of CF1. In particular, the Ca2+-ATPase activity after reduction of the enzyme with dithiothreitol was much lower in CF1-subunit III and CF1-CF0 than in CF1, suggesting that the association of the inhibitory [epsilon] subunit is tightened by the presence of either CF0 or subunit III. Cold stability is a property of CF1-CF0 in thylakoid membranes. The ATPase activity of CF1 incubated in the cold in the presence of asolectin liposomes was lost more rapidly than that of either CF1-subunit III or CF1-CF0 incorporated into liposomes. Removal of the [epsilon] subunit from all three preparations resulted in marked stimulation of their ATPase activity. Although subunit III was also removed during depletion of the [epsilon] subunit, it is not known whether the two subunits interact directly. CF1 deficient in the [epsilon] subunit binds to liposomes containing either subunit III or CF0. Taken together, these results provide evidence that the association of CF1 and subunit III of CFo is specific and may play a role in enzyme regulation.  相似文献   

The writer has made an investigation of various samples of basic fuchsin for use in the Endo medium for differentiating the bacteria of the colon-typhoid group. Various different concentrations of the fuchsin samples have been used in making the media. The conclusions are as follows:

American made fuchsins differ markedly in their alcohol solubility properties. They contain materials which are very readily soluble in 95% alcohol, but which are precipitated by sodium sulphite.

This precipitation may be prevented by increasing the dilution of the fuchsin in alcohol.

In order to secure more dependable results in the use of decolorized basic fuchsin as an indicator in Endo Agar, it is advisable to test the fuchsin in different dilutions in alcohol in order to secure a completely decolorized solution. It is also advisable to carefully test those fuchsins which decolorize only in high dilutions with a known organism in Endo agar before relying on it as a satisfactory indicator for the presence of sewage organisms.  相似文献   

A chloroplast ATP synthase complex (CF1 [chloroplast-coupling factor 1]-CF0 [membrane-spanning portion of chloroplast ATP synthase]) depleted of all CF0 subunits except subunit III (also known as the proteolipid subunit) was purified to study the interaction between CF1 and subunit III. Subunit III has a putative role in proton translocation across the thylakoid membrane during photophosphorylation; therefore, an accurate model of subunit inter-actions involving subunit III will be valuable for elucidating the mechanism and regulation of energy coupling. Purification of the complex from a crude CF1-CF0 preparation from spinach (Spinacia oleracea) thylakoids was accomplished by detergent treatment during anion-exchange chromatography. Subunit III in the complex was positively identified by amino acid analysis and N-terminal sequencing. The association of subunit III with CF1 was verified by linear sucrose gradient centrifugation, immunoprecipitation, and incorporation of the complex into asolectin liposomes. After incorporation into liposomes, CF1 was removed from the CF1-III complex by ethylenediaminetetracetate treatment. The subunit III-proteoliposomes were competent to rebind purified CF1. These results indicate that subunit III directly interacts with CF1 in spinach thylakoids.  相似文献   

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