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杂交水稻产量性状配合力研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用 9个不育系和 7个恢复系配制 40个杂交组合 ,对 6个产量性状的亲本一般配合力和组合特殊配合力效应进行分析。结果表明 ,杂种一代 (F1)各性状的形成同时受亲本一般配合力和组合特殊配合力的影响。单株穗数、每穗总粒数、千粒重三性状主要受一般配合力作用 ;每穗实粒数、结实率、单株粒重三性状则一般配合力和组合特殊配合力的作用同样明显 ,或特殊配合力作用更明显些。不育系珍汕 97A、龙特浦A、K1 8A和恢复系明恢 63、直龙、1 0 2 5的一般配合力高 ,利用它们容易配制出高产组合。两年试验结果千粒重、单株粒重二性状的形成均是不育系的作用大于恢复系 ,近期育种工作重点应放在不育系的选育上。  相似文献   

研究杂交组合的遗传特性,挖掘优异的种质资源对于杂种优势利用具有重要意义。本试验以8个恢复系为父本、21个不育系为母本,按照不完全双列杂交8×21(NCII)设计配制168个组合,对8个农艺性状的配合力及遗传参数进行分析。结果表明:有效穗数、穗长、千粒重主要受基因加性效应影响,株高、实粒数、结实率主要受基因非加性效应互作影响;杂交组合的株高、有效穗数、穗长、千粒重、单株产量的表现主要依赖于母本,总粒数受父本影响更大,实粒数、结实率取决于双亲的表现;有效穗数、单株产量在后代遗传中的稳定性较差,易受环境和基因非加性效应影响;843A、宜香1A、沪旱7A、昌恢871、昌恢T025、雅占为配合力好的亲本,宜香1A、昌恢T025具有最好的一般配合力(GCA)效应值;宜香1A/昌香恢1号、千乡059A/昌恢121、广8A/昌恢881为较优组合,宜香1A/昌香恢1号特殊配合力(SCA)最优。对恢复系主要农艺性状进行配合力分析,为杂交水稻恢复系的选育提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

以4个高粱不育系13163A、1358A、128A和407A,以及6个恢复系9.1R、213R、272R、381R、矮182R和早21R为试验材料,按照不完全双列杂交设计(NCII),对其F1的穗部主要性状进行配合力分析。结果表明:亲本穗部主要性状存在显著的遗传差异,主要表现为加性基因效应遗传的性状有:穗长、一级枝梗数、二级枝梗数、穗粒数;狭义遗传力大小顺序分别为:二级枝梗数一级枝梗数穗长穗粒数穗粒重千粒重。不同亲本的一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)在不同穗部性状间存在较大差异。不育系407A和恢复系早21R、9.1R是综合性状较好的亲本材料,利用它们可组配出产量较高的杂交组合。恢复系272R组配的杂交种具有穗粒数较多、千粒重较小的特点,能满足市场上对小粒高粱的需求。深入分析高粱杂交亲本穗部主要性状表现,有利于对亲本材料的进一步了解和利用。  相似文献   

分析中国与南亚水稻恢复系资源产量及其构成要素的一般配合力差异,为引进与利用南亚资源提供参考。利用来自中国和印度等国的37份恢复系材料,按照NCⅡ设计,分别与冈46A、泸98A和德香074杂交,获得111份杂交种作为试验材料,在四川泸州和德阳两个环境下,分析8个产量性状的配合力。结果表明:(1)8个性状在两个环境下,一般配合力和特殊配合力方差达到显著或极显著水平,一般配合力方差均大于特殊配合力方差,表明这些性状基因的加性效应占主导地位。(2)8个性状杂种一代性状受恢复系的影响大于不育系。(3)印度和孟加拉材料有效穗一般配合力好于中国资源,其他性状一般配合力中国资源优于南亚来源材料。中国与南亚恢复资源产量性状配合力有一定的差异,印度和孟加拉资源有效穗配合力较好,中国恢复系资源其他性状较好。  相似文献   

用具提莫菲维小麦细胞质的六倍体小黑麦的3个不育系和3个恢复系作为亲本,进行3×3不完全双列杂交,对所组配的F1代8个农艺性状的杂种优势分析结果表明,除千粒重外,其余性状出现正向超亲优势的组合较少,多数呈低亲或中亲遗传,且各组合间的差异比较显著。配合力分析表明,一般配合力与特殊配合力的方差均达到了显著水平,F1各性状均受基因加性效应和非加性效应共同作用;从总体上看,不育系A1、A2及恢复系R1、R2的一般配合力良好,其配制的组合优势较强,具一定的利用价值。对一般配合力与亲本表型值进行了相关分析,二者无显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

为了解谷子(Setaria italica)两系杂交后代的产量和品质相关性状的杂种优势,以3个高度雄性不育系为母本(A1、A2和A3),6个抗除草剂恢复系为父本(R1、R2、R3、R4、R5和R6),采用不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)设计配制了18个组合,分析组合的株高、粒重和蛋白含量等11个性状的配合力和杂种优势特性。结果表明,不同亲本间及杂交组合间的性状均存在显著差异。其中,两系杂交组合的小区产量与千粒重、单穗粒重、株高、穗长显著相关,而与小米的品质(粗蛋白、粗脂肪、总淀粉)无显著相关。同一性状不同亲本的一般配合力(GCA)效应值不同,A1 (不育系)和R1 (恢复系)的产量和品质性状的GCA正效应值较大,是改良谷子高产优质的潜在优良亲本。而杂交组合的特定特殊配合力(SCA)效应值与亲本GCA效应值表现并不一致,其中A1×R5、A1×R6、A2×R1、A2×R4的SCA效应值较高,属于优异组合。此外,各性状的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均大于65%,主要受加性效应和非加性效应共同控制。谷子杂交组合的株高、穗重、小区产量具有显著的中亲优势,部分杂交组合具有较强的超亲优势。株高、穗长、穗码、千粒重、脂肪的狭义遗传力较高,加性遗传作用较大,而穗重、茎节数、蛋白非加性遗传作用更为突出。虽然产量性状和品质性状的杂种优势特性不同,但均由加性效应与显性效应共同作用决定。  相似文献   

几个优良籼稻亲本品质性状的配合力和杂种优势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以3个不育系和10个恢复系为材料,采用NCII交配设计研究10个米质性状的配合力和杂种优势。结果表明:①大多数品质性状的量值介于双亲之间,除粒重表现一定的超亲优势、垩白度和粒宽表现一定的正向平均优势外,其他品质性状优势不明显。②杂种稻米的品质性状主要受不育系或恢复系的影响,其中粒长、粒宽和直链淀粉含量3个性状,不育系的影响要高于恢复系;而对于整精米率、粒重、垩白率、垩白度和糊化温度,则恢复系的影响要高于不育系。③就优质育种的利用价值而言,不育系以广占63-4S为好,恢复系以扬稻6号为好,R527、镇恢084次之,用上述亲本选配的杂交组合米质较好;恢复系特青、盐恢559表现为一般配合力效应低,特殊配合力方差小,优质育种利用价值不大。  相似文献   

利用K型、D型和W型三种不育胞质与三个保持系培育成的9个(三套)同质异核或同核异质不育系,以其与5个恢复系按p×q交配模式设计,研究三种不育胞质对F1粒长、粒宽、千粒重和长/宽等谷粒性状的遗传效应.结果表明:各性状均以不育胞质一般配合力效应最重要,随性状而异,还有与保持系、恢复系及二者的一、二级特殊配合力效应;三种不育胞质各性状的一般配合力效应均表现显著或极显著差异,K胞质在千粒重方面、D胞质在粒长和长/宽方面、W胞质在粒宽方面有加性促进作用.因此,注意选择不育胞质源和对质核组合的评价,可进一步改良杂交水稻谷粒性状.  相似文献   

杂交水稻苗瘟抗性的配合力和遗传力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用7×7不完全双列杂交设计,对反映杂交水稻苗瘟抗性的5个指标进行了配合力和遗传力分析.结果表明,杂交水稻苗瘟抗性遗传力高,受加性和非加性基因效应共同控制,但以加性效应为主;恢复系的苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应明显相对重要于不育系,不育系苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应对F1代的抗性有显著的影响;14个供试亲本中,多恢1号、成恢149、K42A、K40A具有较好的苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应.因此,在杂交水稻抗苗瘟育种中,对恢复系的抗性GCA选择和对亲本的抗性GCA评鉴至关重要,但不应忽视不育系对组合的抗性贡献和对组合的抗性评鉴;多恢1号、成恢149、K42A和K40A可作为优良抗苗瘟亲本加以利用.  相似文献   

利用返回式卫星“实践八号”搭载3份玉米自交系08-641、RP125和18-599, 从SP4代中选出多个诱变系按不完全双列杂交设计配制杂交组合, 在四川和云南两个环境条件下进行种植鉴定。配合力分析结果表明, 3份玉米自交系经空间诱变后各性状的配合力发生不同程度的变化, 同组诱变系材料在四川和云南两种环境条件下的配合力表现存在较大差异, 且表现配合力差异的性状不同。诱变系C03的穗长、穗行数、行粒数和单株产量4个性状一般配合力(General combining ability, GCA)在该组试验中的正向效应值均表现为最大, 且显著高于基础材料08-641, 可能具有较大育种潜势; 诱变系C01和C04部分产量构成性状的GCA显著高于对照, 但单株产量GCA表现不明显, 需在育种中加以改良利用; 诱变系C06、R18和S22所配杂交组合在产量及产量构成性状上的特殊配合力(Specific combining ability, SCA)表现较优, 这些结果为玉米杂交种的选育提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Crosses were made between three cytoplasmic male-sterile and five restorer sunflower inbred lines. F1 hybrids, including their parents, were studied for their embryogenetic ability. Sterilized seeds were germinated in culture tubes on agar-solidified basal medium. Seven days after germination, epidermal layers from hypocotyls were transferred into MS and B5 liquid-midia for 5 and 8 days respectively. Then they were transferred to MS-120 solid-medium with a high level of sucrose (120 g/l). The experimental design was complete randomized blocks with three replications. Each replication per genotype consisted of three Erlenmeyer flasks with 20–25 epidermal layers (explants). Analysis of variance indicated the presence of significant variation among genotypes for all traits studied. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) showed significant effects for the studied traits. The highest value of GCA for the number of embryogenic explants per 100 explants plated (EE/100EP) belongs to parental female line ’CMS-PET1 B9’. This inberd line also gave a high positive GCA effect for the number of embryos per ten embryogenic explants (E/10EE). Additionally, it had the highest values for EE/100EP and E/10EE (41.70 and 19.28 respectively) and should be a promising parent in crossing programmes for the enhancement of somatic embryogenesis in the sunflower. The highest values of specific combining ability (SCA) for EE/100EP and E/10EE belong to the F1 hybrid ’CMS-PET1B9 ’x’ RT1B11’ which has produced 53.45 embryogenic explants/100 explants and 9.67 embryos per ten embryogenic explants. Received: 4 December 1998 / 16 June 1999  相似文献   

Parental selection is crucial for hybrid breeding, but the methods available for such a selection are not very effective. In this study, a 6×6 incomplete diallel cross was designed using 12 rapeseed germplasms, and a total of 36 hybrids together with their parental lines were planted in 4 environments. Four yield-related traits and seed oil content (OC) were evaluated. Genetic distance (GD) was estimated with 359 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers. Heterosis levels, general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were evaluated. GD was found to have a significant correlation with better-parent heterosis (BPH) of thousand seed weight (TSW), SCA of seeds per silique (SS), TSW, and seed yield per plant (SY), while SCA showed a statistically significant correlation with heterosis levels of all traits at 1% significance level. Statistically significant correlations were also observed between GCA of maternal or paternal parents and heterosis levels of different traits except for SS. Interestingly, maternal (TSW, SS, and OC) and paternal (siliques per plant (SP) and SY) inheritance of traits was detected using contribution ratio of maternal and paternal GCA variance as well as correlations between GCA and heterosis levels. Phenotype and heterosis levels of all the traits except TSW of hybrids were significantly correlated with the average performance of parents. The correlations between SS and SP, SP and OC, and SY and OC were statistically significant in hybrids but not in parents. Potential applications of parental selection in hybrid breeding were discussed.  相似文献   

Combining ability is a measure for selecting elite parents and predicting hybrid performance in plant breeding. However, the genetic basis of combining ability remains unclear and a global view of combining ability from diverse mating designs is lacking. We developed a North Carolina II (NCII) population of 96 Oryza sativa and four male sterile lines to identify parents of greatest value for hybrid rice production. Statistical analyses indicated that general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) contributed variously to different agronomic traits. In a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) of agronomic traits, GCA and SCA, we identified 34 significant associations (< 2.39 × 10?7). The superior alleles of GCA loci (Ghd8, GS3 and qSSR4) accumulated in parental lines with high GCA and explained 30.03% of GCA variance in grain yield, indicating that molecular breeding of high GCA parental lines is feasible. The distinct distributions of these QTLs contributed to the differentiation of parental GCA in subpopulations. GWAS of SCA identified 12 more loci that showed dominance on corresponding agronomic traits. We conclude that the accumulation of superior GCA and SCA alleles is an important contributor to heterosis and QTLs that greatly contributed to combining ability in our study would accelerate the identification of elite inbred lines and breeding of super hybrids.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-one rice hybrids produced in two sets of half-dialell crosses and their parents (13 cytoplasmic male sterile lines and 19 restorers) were used to predict the F1 performances of seven yield traits through the parental genetic distances (GD) based on SSR markers. The positive loci (PL) and effect-increasing loci (IL), which were screened from SSR polymorphic loci by the F1 traits of 32 parents, together with total loci (TL), were utilized to estimate parental GD and the models were found to predict the traits of hybrids derived from different parents, fixed parents, and different environments, respectively. The results were as follows: (1) 550 polymorphic loci were detected from 174 SSR markers: a dendrogram based on these loci could separate all the sterile and restorer lines used in the present study, which indicated that parental genetic diversity of F1 was large; (2) the correlations between F1 traits and parental GDs based on IL ranged from 0.61 to 0.87 with a mean of 0.76, and they were higher than those on TL or on PL; (3) predictions based on IL for F1 traits (except grain weight per plant) derived from different environments were ideal, but worse for F1 traits derived from different parents; and (4) IL was more effective than TL and PL in predicting traits of F1 with fixed parents, and predictions for fixed restorer combinations were more effective than those for fixed sterile line combinations. These results should facilitate molecular prediction for hybrid yield and other traits by means of both elite sterile and restorer lines.  相似文献   

Advanced button mushroom cultivars that are less sensitive to mechanical bruising are required by the mushroom industry, where automated harvesting still cannot be used for the fresh mushroom market. The genetic variation in bruising sensitivity (BS) of Agaricus bisporus was studied through an incomplete set of diallel crosses to get insight in the heritability of BS and the combining ability of the parental lines used and, in this way, to estimate their breeding value. To this end nineteen homokaryotic lines recovered from wild strains and cultivars were inter-crossed in a diallel scheme. Fifty-one successful hybrids were grown under controlled conditions, and the BS of these hybrids was assessed. BS was shown to be a trait with a very high heritability. The results also showed that brown hybrids were generally less sensitive to bruising than white hybrids. The diallel scheme allowed to estimate the general combining ability (GCA) for each homokaryotic parental line and to estimate the specific combining ability (SCA) of each hybrid. The line with the lowest GCA is seen as the most attractive donor for improving resistance to bruising. The line gave rise to hybrids sensitive to bruising having the highest GCA value. The highest negative SCA possibly indicates heterosis effects for resistance to bruising. This study provides a foundation for estimating breeding value of parental lines to further study the genetic factors underlying bruising sensitivity and other quality-related traits, and to select potential parental lines for further heterosis breeding. The approach of studying combining ability in a diallel scheme was used for the first time in button mushroom breeding.  相似文献   

Rice stem borer (Chilo agamemnon Bles.) is a primary insect pest of rice and is a major limiting factor to rice production. Breeding for insect-resistant crop varieties has been an economic way of integrated pest management (IPM) as it offers a viable and ecologically acceptable approach. This study was aimed to evaluate rice genotypes for their resistance against rice stem borer. Seven parental genotypes with twenty one F1 crosses were evaluated for genotypic variation in field experiments. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for the studied traits in almost all crosses and parents. In addition, the mean squares of parents versus their crosses were signifi- cant for stem borer resistance and other associated traits. Moreover, both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances were highly significant for all characters studied in the F1 generation. Based on GCA, 4 genotypes (Sakha101, Gz6903-3-4-2-1, Gz9577-4-1-1 and Hassawi) exhibited highly significant negative values for stem borer resistance (–0.53, –1.06, –0.18 and –0.49, respectively) indicating they are the best combiners for stem borer resistance. Based on SCA analysis, nine cross combinations showed highly significant negative effects for stem borer resistance. Similarly, the cross Giza178 Hassawi was the best combination with significantly highest value for early maturity. In addition, seven crosses showed highly significant negative SCA for plant height trait. On the other hand, for panicle length, number of primary branches/panicle, panicle weight and 1000-grain weight, seven, four, eight and six crosses showed highly significant positive SCA, respectively. The result further revealed that the non-additive dominance genetic variance was higher than the additive variance for all evaluated traits indicating that non-additive genetic variances have a role in their inheritance. The broad-sense heritability estimates were high for all the studied traits. The stem borer resistance was significantly correlated with panicle weight and 1000-grain weight, which also showed a highly significant correlation with grain yield/plant. Thus these traits can be effectively employed in a breeding program to confer resistance against stem borer infestation in rice. It was further supported by biplot analysis, which clustered these potentially important traits into two quadrants showing their importance in any future breeding program to control stem borer infestation. This study has contributed valuable information for evaluation of genetic diversity in the local rice germplasm and its utilization in futuristic rice genetic improvement programs.  相似文献   

籼型杂交稻光合特性的配合力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以6个籼型杂交稻三系不育系和5个恢复系按不完全双列杂交设计配制的30个杂交稻组合及其亲本品种为材料,对其光合性状进行了测定和分析,结果表明:(1)杂交稻组合的光合特性存在显著或极显著的组合间遗传差异,光合特性的遗传变异主要来自基因的非加性效应;(2)胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率、叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量受不育系的影响大于恢复系,而气孔导度、叶绿素a+b含量受恢复系的影响大于不育系;(3)杂交稻光合性状的广义遗传力均大于狭义遗传力,各性状主要受基因互作及环境的影响。狭义遗传力的大小依次为叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b、叶绿素a、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、类胡萝卜素和蒸腾速率,这些性状具有中等遗传力;(4)9个光合性状杂交稻F1表型值与父母本一般配合力效应值之和的相关系数均达极显著水平。因此,可以根据父母本一般配合力效应值之和来预测杂交稻组合光合性状的表现,有利于高效选育高光效杂交稻组合。  相似文献   

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