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BACKGROUND: The micronuclei (MN) assay is used to assess the chromosomal/mitotic spindle damage induced by ionizing radiation or mutagenic agents in vivo or in vitro. Because visual scoring of MN is cumbersome semi-automatic procedures that relay either on flow cytometry or image analysis were developed: both offer some advantages but also have shortcomings. METHODS: In the present study laser scanning cytometer (LSC), the instrument that combines analytical capabilities of flow and image cytometry, has been adapted for quantitative analysis of MN. The micronucleation of human breast carcinoma MCF-7 and leukemic HL-60 and U-937 cells was induced by in vitro treatment with mitomycin C. Cellular DNA was stained with propidium iodide (PI), protein was counterstained with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). Two approaches were used to detect MN: (a) the threshold contour was set based on the data from the photosensor measuring red fluorescence of PI and MN were identified on the bivariate PI versus PI/FITC fluorescence distributions by their characteristic position; (b) the threshold contour was set on the data from the sensor measuring FITC fluorescence which made it possible, using the LSC software dedicated for FISH analysis, to assay both the frequency and DNA content of individual MN within each measured cell. RESULTS: The capability of LSC to relocate MN for visual examination was useful to confirm their identification. Visual identification of MN combined with their multiparameter characterization that took into an account their DNA content and protein/DNA ratio made it possible establish the gating parameters that excluded objects that were not MN; 93.3+/-3.3 events within the selected gate were MN. It was also possible to successfully apply FISH software to characterize individual cells with respect to quantity of MN residing in them. The percentage of MN assayed by LSC correlated well with that estimated visually by microscopy, both for MCF-7 (r = 0.93) and HL-60 cells (r = 0.87). CONCLUSIONS: LSC can be used to obtain unbiased estimate of MN frequencies. Unlike flow cytometry, it also allows one to characterize individual cells with respect to frequency and DNA content of MN residing in these cells. These analytical capabilities of LSC may be helpful not only to score MN but also to study mechanisms by which clastogenic agents induce MN.  相似文献   

Analysis of apoptosis by laser scanning cytometry   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Flow cytometry techniques that are widely used in studies of cell death, and particularly in the identification of apoptotic cells, generally rely on the measurement of a single characteristic biochemical or molecular attribute. These methods fail to recognize cell death lacking that attribute, as in some examples of atypical apoptosis. Since apoptosis was originally defined by morphologic criteria, we suggest that for any new cell system the cytometry-defined apoptosis be confirmed by morphologic examination. This quality assurance measure is now provided by laser scanning cytometry (LSC). LSC measurements of cell fluorescence are precise and highly sensitive, comparable to flow cytometry (FCM), and can be carried out on cells on slides, permitting cell by cell correlation of fluorescence cytometry with visual microscopic morphology. In this report we describe adaptations of various flow cytometry techniques for detection of apoptosis by laser scanning cytometry. We also describe features unique to LSC that are useful in recognizing apoptosis. Hyperchromicity of DNA, reflecting chromatin condensation, is evidenced by high maximal pixel values for fluorescence of the DNA-bound fluorochrome. Mitochondrial probes that have been adapted to LSC to measure the drop in mitochondrial transmembrane potential that occurs early in apoptosis include rhodamine 123, 3,3'-dihexiloxadicarbocyanine [DiOC6(3)], and the aggregate dye 5,5',6,6'tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolcarbocyanine iodide (JC-1). The changes in plasma membrane phospholipids and transport function, also early in apoptosis, are probed by a combination of the fluoresceinated annexin V and DNA fluorochromes such as propidium or 7-aminoactinomycin D. We also review methods of detection of apoptosis based on analysis of DNA fragmentation and their application to clinical oncology. Visual examination of the presumed apoptotic cells detected by cytometry makes it possible to discriminate those that are genuine from monocytes/macrophages that have ingested nuclear fragments via apoptotic bodies. Applications of flow cytometry and laser scanning cytometry in analysis of cell death are discussed and their respective advantages and disadvantages compared.  相似文献   

Fluorescence intensity (FI) is the basis for classifying phenotypes by fluorescence-label flow cytometry. FI is customarily recorded as an arbitrary relative value, but with proper calibration it can be expressed in stoichiometric units called molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome (MESF) that reflect the concentrations of the fluorescent conjugates and the receptors they stain. Forthcoming availability of authoritative standards and consensus methods will alleviate many of the difficulties encountered in making valid MESF measurements. FI calibration establishes the true values for the critical parameters of the fluorescence measurement, a useful feature for quality control. It further allows the establishment of a comparable window of analysis across different times and laboratories, and it permits numeric assessment of antibody-binding capacity (ABC) values in selected cell populations. The relation between ABC values and receptor expression is complicated by several factors, but careful assessment of the binding chemistry can establish the actual number of receptors on cells stained by fluorescent conjugates.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that couple protein turnover to cell cycle progression are critical for coordinating the events of cell duplication and division. Despite the importance of cell cycle-regulated proteolysis, however, technologies to measure this phenomenon are limited, and typically involve monitoring cells that are released back into the cell cycle after synchronization. We describe here the use of laser scanning cytometry (LSC), a technical merger between fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, to determine cell cycle-dependent changes in protein stability in unperturbed, asynchronous, cultures of mammalian cells. In this method, the ability of the LSC to accurately measure whole cell fluorescence is employed, together with RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence, to relate abundance of a particular RNA and protein in a cell to its point at the cell cycle. Parallel monitoring of RNA and protein levels is used, together with protein synthesis inhibitors, to reveal cell cycle-specific changes in protein turnover. We demonstrate the viability of this method by analyzing the proteolysis of two prominent human oncoproteins, Myc and Cyclin E, and argue that this LSC-based approach offers several practical advantages over traditional cell synchronization methods.  相似文献   

Clinical applications of laser scanning cytometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tárnok A  Gerstner AO 《Cytometry》2002,50(3):133-143
This study reviews existing and potential clinical applications of laser scanning cytometry (LSC) and outlines possible future developments. LSC provides a technology for solid phase cytometry. Fluorochrome-labeled specimens are immobilized on microscopic slides that are placed on a conventional epifluorescence microscope and analyzed by one or two lasers. Data comparable to flow cytometry are generated. In addition, the position of each event is recorded, a feature that allows relocalization and visualization of each measured event. The major advantage of LSC compared with other cytometric methods is the combination of two features: (a) the minimal clinical sample volume needed and (b) the connection of fluorescence data and morphological information for the measured event. Since the introduction of LSC, numerous methods have been established for the analysis of cells, cellular compartments, and tissues. Although most cytometric methods use only two or three colors, the characterization of specimens with up to five fluorochromes is possible. Most clinical applications have been designed to determine ploidy and immunophenotype; other applications include analyses of tissue biopsies and sections, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and the combination of vital and nonvital information on a single-cell basis. With the currently available assays, LSC has proven its wide spectrum of clinical applicability in slide-based cytometry and can be introduced as a standard technology in multiple clinical settings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study describes a three laser flow cytometer, reagents, and software used to simultaneously evaluate nine distinct fluorescent parameters on one cell sample. We compare the quality of data obtained with (1) full software compensation and (2) the use of partial spectral compensation of selected pairs of parameters in analog hardware, in combination with final software compensation. An application characterizing low frequency murine B cell subpopulations is given. METHODS: The fluorochromes used are: fluorescein (FITC), phycoerythrin (PE), Cy5PE and Cy7PE, excited at 488 nm by an argon laser; Texas Red (TR), allophycocyanin (APC), and Cy7APC excited at 595 nm by a pumped dye laser; and cascade blue (CB) and cascade yellow (CY) excited at 407 nm by a violet-enhanced krypton laser. Custom additions to commercial electronics and an extended optical bench allow the measurement of these nine parameters plus forward and side scatter light signals. RESULTS: We find the use of partial analog compensation reduces the variation in the background staining levels introduced by the compensation process. Novel B cell populations with frequencies below 1% are characterized. CONCLUSIONS: Nine color flow cytometry is capable of providing measurements with high information content. The choice of reagent-dye combinations and the ability to compensate in multi-parameter measurement space are crucial to obtaining satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Immune responses arise from a wide variety of cells expressing unique combinations of multiple cell-surface proteins. Detailed characterization is hampered, however, by limitations in available probes and instrumentation. Here, we use the unique spectral properties of semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots) to extend the capabilities of polychromatic flow cytometry to resolve 17 fluorescence emissions. We show the need for this power by analyzing, in detail, the phenotype of multiple antigen-specific T-cell populations, revealing variations within complex phenotypic patterns that would otherwise remain obscure. For example, T cells specific for distinct epitopes from one pathogen, and even those specific for the same epitope, can have markedly different phenotypes. The technology we describe, encompassing the detection of eight quantum dots in conjunction with conventional fluorophores, should expand the horizons of flow cytometry, as well as our ability to characterize the intricacies of both adaptive and innate cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

Styles JA  Clark H  Festing MF  Rew DA 《Cytometry》2001,44(2):153-155
BACKGROUND: The evaluation of the safety of drugs and other chemicals is an important aspect of toxicology work. The mouse micronucleus assay is a standard in vivo genotoxicity assay. Chromosomal damage is an indicator of genotoxicity, which manifests in the formation of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes from bone marrow and in peripheral blood erythrocytes. The assay is laborious to perform by manual counting. The laser scanning cytometer allows automated and rapid quantitation of cellular and subcellular fluorescence in monodisperse cell samples on a microscope slide. The object of this study was to evaluate the application of this new technology in the mouse micronucleus genotoxicity assay. Materials and Methods One hundred forty-four mice of various strains were dosed with combinations of carcinogens and antioxidants. Duplicate blood films were prepared 3 days later. One set of slides was stained with acridine orange, and the proportion of micronucleated erythrocytes was counted in 5,000 cells per slide. The duplicates were stained with propidium iodide (40 microg/ml). Five thousand cells per sample were examined using a laser scanning cytometer. The proportion of micronucleated erythrocytes was measured. RESULTS: A coefficient of correlation of 0.96 was found between the data from the two assays. The automation of the assay on the LSC produced a considerable time saving and efficiency gain. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that with further development, laser scanning cytometry is likely to become the preferred modality for the performance of standard genotoxicity assays.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Removal of the nucleic acid-bound fluorochrome is desirable when stained cells have to be reanalyzed using other fluorochromes. It is also often desirable to remove DNA-bound antitumor drugs from drug-treated cells, to improve cell staining. We have previously observed that in aqueous solutions, the methylxanthine caffeine (CFN) decreases interactions between planar aromatic molecules such as intercalating dyes or antitumor drugs and nucleic acids. The aim of this study was to explore whether this property of CFN can be utilized to remove the DNA-bound intercalating dyes propidium iodide (PI) or 7-aminoactinomycin D (7-AAD) from the cells and whether the bleached cells can be restained and reanalyzed. METHODS: HL-60 cells were fixed in 70% ethanol and their DNA was stained with PI or 7-AAD. The cells were then rinsed with a 0.05 M solution of CFN in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or with PBS alone. The decrease in intensity of cell fluorescence during rinsing was measured by laser scanning cytometry (LSC) to obtain the bleaching kinetics of individual cells. The bleached cells were then restained with PI, 7-AAD, or the protein-specific fluorochrome sulforhodamine 101(S101). Their fluorescence was measured again by LSC. In addition, free DNA was subjected to gel electrophoresis, DNA bands in the gels were stained with ethidium bromide (EB), and the gels were rinsed with a solution of CFN or PBS to bleach the DNA band's fluorescence. RESULTS: Rinsing the PI or 7-AAD-stained cells with solutions of CFN led to nearly complete removal of PI and a more than 75% decrease in 7-AAD fluorescence after 10 min. The rinse with PBS decreased the PI cell fluorescence intensity by less than 30% and the 7-AAD fluorescence by about 50%. The differences in kinetics of PI or 7-AAD removal by CFN from G2/M versus G1 cells suggest that these intercalators bind more strongly to DNA in chromatin of G2/M than G1 cells. The CFN-bleached cells were then successfully stained with S101 and again with PI or 7-AAD. The bivariate analysis of the LSC merged files of the cells sequentially stained with PI and S101 revealed typical DNA/protein distributions. The fluorescence of EB-stained DNA bands in gels was also nearly completely removed by rinsing gels in 0.05 M CFN; PBS alone had a distinctly lesser effect. CONCLUSION: Solutions of CFN can dissociate the DNA-bound PI, 7-AAD, EB, and possibly other intercalating fluorochromes. The bleached cells can be restained and reanalyzed by LSC. This approach can also be used to remove such fluorochromes from nucleic acids immobilized in gels and perhaps in other solid matrices. Analysis of the kinetics of fluorochrome removal from cells can possibly be used to study their binding affinities to nucleic acids in situ.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Effectiveness of antitumor drugs to suppress unrestricted proliferation of cancer cells is commonly measured by cell clonogenicity assays. Assays of clonogenicity are also used in studies of stem/progenitor cells and in analysis of carcinogenic transformation. The conventional assays are limited to providing information about frequency of colonies (cloning efficiency) and do not reveal the qualitative (phenotype) attributes of individual colonies that may yield clues on mechanisms by which cell proliferation was affected by the studied agent. METHODS: Laser scanning cytometry (LSC) was adapted to identify and characterize size and phenotype of colonies of MCF-7 cells growing in microscope slide chambers, untreated and treated with the cytotoxic ribonuclease, onconase (Onc). Individual colonies were located and data representing each colony were segmented based on >650-nm fluorescence excited by a He-Ne laser of the cells whose protein was stained with BODIPY 630/650-X. The DNA of the cells was stained with propidium iodide (red fluorescence) whereas specific proteins (estrogen receptor [ER] or tumor suppressor p53) were detected immunocytochemically (green fluorescence), each excited by an Ar ion laser. RESULTS: A plethora of attributes of individual colonies were measured, such as (a) morphometric features (area, circumference, area/circumference ratio, DNA or protein content per area ratio), (b) number of cells (nuclei), (c) DNA content, (d) protein content and protein/DNA ratio, and (e) expression of ER or p53 per colony, per total protein, per nucleus or per DNA, within a colony. Also cell cycle distribution within individual colonies and heterogeneity of colonies with respect to all the measured features could be assessed. The colonies growing in the presence of Onc had many of the above attributes different than the colonies from the untreated cultures. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of the features of cell colonies by LSC provides a wealth of information about the progeny of individual cells. Changes in colony size and phenotype, reflecting altered cell shape, cell size, colony protein/DNA ratio, and expression of individual proteins, may reveal mechanisms by which drugs suppress the proliferative capacity of the cells. This may include inducing growth imbalance and differentiation and modulating expression of the genes that may be associated with cell cycle, apoptosis, or differentiation in a progeny of individual cells. Extensions of LSC may make it applicable for automatic analysis of cloning efficiency and multiparameter analysis of cell colonies in soft agar. Such analyses may be useful in studies of the mechanisms and effectiveness of antitumor drugs, in the field of carcinogenesis, and for analyzing primary cultures and assessing tumor prognosis and drug sensitivity. The assay can also be adapted to analysis of microbial colonies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Evaluation of chemotaxis assays traditionally relies on cumbersome and at times inaccurate visual counting. Moreover, many physiologic parameters that could be evaluated in conjunction with chemotactic migration, aside from morphologic changes, usually are not assessed due to the lack of a simultaneous method of analysis. We tested the suitability of laser scanning cytometry (LSC) as a convenient platform for counting migrated cells and for concurrent analysis of some features associated with their physiologic status. METHODS: We induced migration of THP-1 monocytes across Nuclepore filters with monocyte chemotactic protein-1 or vascular endothelial growth factor, alone or in combination. Filters were collected, and cells were fixed on filters and stained with the nuclear stain propidium iodide. Chemotactic indices were obtained by counting representative microscopic fields and by scanning the filters in LSC mode. RESULTS: We found an excellent correlation between direct counting and LSC. In addition, the software tools embodied in the LSC instrument allowed the observation of changes in nuclear compactness (increase in propidium iodide brightness) and morphology (increase in nuclear area and perimeter) that occurred in transmigrated cells. Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor acted as additive stimuli on these parameters. CONCLUSIONS: LSC analysis of cells undergoing chemotaxis provides a reliable and comprehensive assessment of the numbers and distribution of migrated cells and some of their nuclear parameters. The method can be easily extended to include the assessment of coincident molecular changes in cells due to chemotactic stimulation.  相似文献   

Z Bacso  J F Eliason 《Cytometry》2001,45(3):180-186
BACKGROUND: Phosphatidylserine (PS) binding by annexin V (AV) is an early membrane marker of apoptosis. Using laser scanning cytometry (LSC) and the comet assay, we showed that the DNA of AV(+) cells is so highly fragmented that it cannot be quantified by the comet assay (Bacso et al.: Cancer Res 60:4623-8, 2000). METHODS: The "halo" assay was used instead of the comet assay to quantify DNA damage associated with apoptosis. The LSC was used to measure both AV fluorescence and DNA damage on the same Jurkat cells following treatment with anti-Fas. The data from both sets of measurements were merged, allowing direct correlation of membrane and nuclear markers of cell death. RESULTS: AV(+) cells had significant DNA damage determined by the ratio between nuclear DNA and peripheral (migrated) DNA. Cells in the early and late stages of apoptosis could be discriminated on the basis of DNA content. In addition, it was possible to distinguish between apoptotic and necrotic cells in the AV(+) propidium iodide-positive population based on DNA content and DNA damage. The addition of specific inhibitors for caspases-8, 9, and 3 blocked both PS externalization and DNA fragmentation, indicating these events are downstream from caspase activation. CONCLUSIONS: This technique allows accurate distinction between apoptotic and necrotic cells and cytometric grading of apoptosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between apoptosis and proliferation in a series of human solid malignant tumors, making use of objective, reproducible techniques newly developed for laser scanning cytometry (LSC). STUDY DESIGN: Apoptosis was detected by in situ end labeling of DNA strand breaks with FITC-conjugated nucleotide. Proliferation was detected by Ki-67 antibody. Two parameters were detected independently and simultaneously with DNA measurement on aliquots of cell suspensions obtained by mechanical dissociation of fresh tumors and placed on microscope slides. RESULTS: The number of cells undergoing apoptosis varied from 0.5% to 28.1% (average, 5.4 +/- 6.0). Aneuploid tumors showed a higher percentage of apoptotic cells (7.9 +/- 7.2) as compared to diploid tumors (3.4 +/- 4.0). Tumors with the greatest number of apoptotic cells on LSC also had the largest number of apoptotic cells on light microscopic examination. The number of cells labeled by Ki-67 ranged from 1.7% to 56.7% (average, 20.0 +/- 15.5). Aneuploid tumors were characterized by a higher Ki-67 index (average, 28.3 +/- 14.3%) than the diploid tumors (13.2 +/- 13.3%). CONCLUSION: Overall, there was a very weak or no correlation between apoptosis and proliferation. However, a subset of aneuploid tumors had a high percentage of cells positive for Ki-67 and low percentage of apoptotic cells. Diploid tumors did not show any correlation between apoptosis and proliferation, although many of those tumors had both low apoptotic and proliferative indices. Whether those differences are of prognostic significance remains to be determined in follow-up studies that include more cases and clinical data. Here we have shown that LSC is a powerful new tool of potential clinical value for fast, objective analysis of apoptosis, proliferation and DNA ploidy in solid malignant tumors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During induction of apoptosis, the pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family (Bax) undergoes translocation to the mitochondria. The translocation, which leads to accumulation of Bax in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, appears to be the critical event determining release of cytochrome c to cytosol: the latter event triggers the irreversible steps of apoptosis, namely, the activation of caspases and the initiation of the degradation of many proteins. The aim of this study was to utilize the morphometric capabilities of the laser scanning cytometer (LSC) and adapt this instrument to detect and measure in situ the process of translocation of Bax to mitochondria. METHODS: Human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells growing on microscope slides were treated with the DNA topoisomerase I inhibitor, camptothecin (CPT). CPT is known to induce apoptosis preferentially of S-phase cells. The cells were fixed and permeabilized on the slides, their DNA was stained with propidium iodide (PI), Bax was detected immunocytochemically with the fluoresceinated antibody, and red and green fluorescence emission was measured by the LSC. RESULTS: Prior to induction of apoptosis, Bax was uniformly and diffusely dispersed in the cell nucleus and cytoplasm. Its translocation and accumulation in mitochondria in cells undergoing apoptosis were detected and measured by the LSC as the increase in intensity of maximal pixel of Bax immunofluorescence. Bivariate analysis of DNA content versus maximal pixel of Bax fluorescence revealed that the CPT-induced Bax translocation into mitochondria was preferential to S-phase cells. Total cellular Bax immunofluorescence measured by flow cytometry, however, was increased in all phases of the cycle without a preference to S-phase cells. CONCLUSION: Changes in abundance and localization of particular proteins that undergo translocation within the cell, leading to their altered local density, may be conveniently detected by the LSC by taking advantage of its morphometric capabilities. Measurement of total cellular Bax immunofluorescence by flow cytometry combined with analysis of its translocation by LSC revealed that apoptosis of S-phase cells induced by CPT was unrelated to overall Bax abundance per cell but correlated with its accumulation in mitochondria.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a rapid and simple method for DNA content analysis of urinary tract epithelial tumors with laser scanning cytometry (LSC). STUDY DESIGN: The subjects were 25 patients (37 specimens) who underwent surgery for urinary tract epithelial tumors. Tissue specimens of such tumors were frozen immediately after tumor resection and stored at -80 degrees C until used. Touch preparations were made and fixed in ethanol at room temperature. The cell nucleus was stained with propidium iodide solution containing RNase, and DNA ploidy was analyzed by LSC. Nuclear debris and overlapping nuclei were gated out by special statistical filters. In LSC, a normal diploid reference peak was determined by observing lymphocytes morphologically on the computer display of the instrument and/or under the microscope. RESULTS: DNA ploidy could be evaluated in all tumor tissues. The time it took from preparing the tumor specimen to the last measurement was about 40 minutes at the shortest, and measurement of all the specimens was completed within one hour. The coefficient of variation was 2.8-7.8% (mean, 4.4%). All eight specimens (100%) at grade 1 (G1) were DNA diploid, but 20% and 85.7% of the G2 and G3 cells, respectively, were DNA aneuploid. In total, 15 of the 37 specimens were DNA aneuploid. All 17 pTa-pT1 specimens (100%) were DNA diploid, but 100% and 50% of the T2 and T3 tumors, respectively, were DNA aneuploid. CONCLUSION: One can now supplement a morphologic diagnosis with useful information using LSC of touch preparations of tumors obtained at surgery or of imprints of archived, frozen specimens. LSC provides excellent DNA histograms for surgical specimens and has great potential for clinical application in pathology.  相似文献   

Laser scanning cytometry (LSC) is a relatively new slide-based technology developed for commercial use by CompuCyte (Cambridge, MA) for performing multiple fluorescence measurements on individual cells. Because techniques developed for performing four or more measurements on individual lymphoid cells based on light scatter as a triggering parameter for cell identification are not suitable for the identification of fixed epithelial tumor cells, an alternative approach is required for the analysis of such cells by LSC. Methods for sample preparation, event triggering, and the performance of multiple LSC measurements on disaggregated fixed human cells were developed using normal lymphocytes and two human breast cancer cell lines, JC-1939 and MCF-7, as test populations. Optimal conditions for individual cell identification by LSC were found to depend on several factors, including deposited cell density (cells per unit area), the dynamic range of probe fluorescence intensities, and intracellular distribution of the fluorescent probe. Sparsely deposited cells exhibited the least cell overlap and the brightest immunofluorescent staining. Major advantages of using DNA probes over a cytoplasmic immunofluorescent protein marker such as tubulin for event triggering are that the former exhibit greater fluorescence intensity within a relatively sharply demarcated nuclear region. The DNA-binding dye LDS-751 was found to be suboptimal for quantitative DNA measurements but useful as a triggering measurement that permits the performance of simultaneous fluorescein isothiocyanate-, phycoerythrin-, and indodicarbocyanine-based measurements on each cell. A major potential advantage of LSC over flow cytometry is the high yields of analyzable cells by LSC, permitting the performance of multiple panels of multicolor measurements on each tumor. In conclusion, we have developed and optimized a technique for performing multiple fluorescence measurements on fixed epithelial cells by LSC based on event triggering using the DNA-binding dye LDS 751. Although not ideal for quantitative measurements of cell DNA content, the large Stokes shift of this dye permits the performance of three or more additional fluorescence measurements on each cell.  相似文献   

The study of phenomena occurring in the tumor microenvironment is a challenging task because of technical difficulties, particularly when dealing with hypocellular specimens. Laser scanning cytometry (LSC) is a new laboratory technology that has been recently introduced to overcome the limitations of other traditional technologies. By combining the properties and the advantages of flow cytometry (FC) and immunohistochemistry (IHC), LSC allows the investigator to obtain objective information on DNA content, protein expression and cellular localization is combination with morphological features. It has been already shown that LSC results are reliable compared to more traditional technologies, and its implementation in the clinical routine is under way. Its use in oncology, which is rapidly expanding, spans from apoptosis analysis to DNA content quantitation and tumor cell phenotyping. Here we describe the technology underlying this novel fluorescence-based device, review its use in oncology by dissecting the phenomena occurring in the tumor microenvironment and propose its application for the immunological follow-up of malignant lesions undergoing immunotherapeutic manipulation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The fluorochrome-labeled inhibitors of caspases (FLICA) were recently used as markers of activation of these enzymes in live cells during apoptosis (Bedner et al.: Exp Cell Res 259:308-313, 2000). The aims of this study were to (a) explore if FLICA can be used to study intracellular localization of caspases; (b) combine the detection of caspase activation with analysis of the changes with cell morphology detected by microscopy and laser scanning cytometry (LSC); and (c) adapt the assay to fixed cells that would enable correlation, by multiparameter analysis, of caspase activation with the cell attributes that require cell permeabilization in order to be measured. METHODS: Apoptosis of human MCF-7, U-937, or HL-60 cells was induced by camptothecin (CPT) or tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) combined with cycloheximide (CHX). Binding of FLICA to apoptotic versus nonapoptotic cells was studied in live cells as well as following their fixation and counterstaining of DNA. Intensity of cell labeling with FLICA and DNA-specific fluorochromes was measured by LSC. RESULTS: Exposure of live cells to FLICA led to selective labeling of cells that had morphological changes characteristic of apoptosis. The FLICA labeling withstood cell fixation and permeabilization, which made it possible to stain DNA and measure its content for identification of the cell cycle position of labeled cells. When fixed cells were treated with FLICA, both apoptotic and nonapoptotic cells became strongly labeled and the labeling pattern was consistent with the localization of caspases as reported in the literature. A translocation of the FLICA binding targets from mitochondria to cytosol was seen in the MCF-7 cells treated with CPT. FLICA binding was largely (> 90%) prevented by the substrates of the caspases or by the unlabeled caspase inhibitors having the same peptide moiety as the respective FLICA. CONCLUSIONS: The detection of caspase activation combined with cell permeabilization requires exposure of live cells to FLICA followed by their fixation. Cell reactivity with the respective FLICA, under these conditions, identifies the activated caspases and makes it possible to correlate their activation with the cell cycle position and other cell attributes that can be measured only after cell fixation/permeabilization. FLICA can also be used to study intracellular localization of caspases, including their translocation.  相似文献   

AIM: Slide-based cytometry (SBC) allows to "ask a cell a second time." We used this tool for detailed immunophenotyping of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs). METHODS: PBLs primarily stained for CD-markers and DNA were immobilized on a glass slide and analyzed by laser scanning cytometry. Then, iterative restaining was applied for a second and a third analysis. Based on the cells' fixed location, analyses were merged on a single-cell level. RESULTS: We analyzed six virtual immunostainings by "recycling" the PE-channel for four CD-markers. CONCLUSION: Iterative restaining might prove to be a pivotal tool for n-color immunophenotyping exclusive to SBC concepts.  相似文献   

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