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Cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions play a critical role in tissue morphogenesis and in homeostasis of adult tissues. The integrin family of adhesion receptors regulates cellular interactions with the extracellular matrix, which provides three-dimensional information for tissue organization. It is currently thought that pancreatic islet cells develop from undifferentiated progenitors residing within the ductal epithelium of the fetal pancreas. This process involves cell budding from the duct, migration into the surrounding mesenchyme, differentiation, and clustering into the highly organized islet of Langerhans. Here we report that alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(v)beta(5), two integrins known to coordinate epithelial cell adhesion and movement, are expressed in pancreatic ductal cells and clusters of undifferentiated cells emerging from the ductal epithelium. We show that expression and function of alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(v)beta(5) integrins are developmentally regulated during pancreatic islet ontogeny, and mediate adhesion and migration of putative endocrine progenitor cells both in vitro and in vivo in a model of pancreatic islet development. Moreover, we demonstrate the expression of fibronectin and collagen IV in the basal membrane of pancreatic ducts and of cell clusters budding from the ductal epithelium. Conversely, expression of vitronectin marks a population of epithelial cells adjacent to, or emerging from, pancreatic ducts. Thus, these data provide the first evidence for the contribution of integrins alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(v)beta(5) and their ligands to morphogenetic events in the human endocrine pancreas.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the developmental signals that specify the types and numbers of pancreatic cells. Previous studies suggested that Notch signaling in the pancreas inhibits differentiation and promotes the maintenance of progenitor cells, but it remains unclear whether Notch also controls cell fate choices as it does in other tissues. To study the impact of Notch in progenitors of the beta cell lineage, we generated mice that express Cre-recombinase under control of the Pax4 promoter. Lineage analysis of Pax4(+) cells demonstrates they are specified endocrine progenitors that contribute equally to four islet cell fates, contrary to expectations raised by the dispensable role of Pax4 in the specification of the alpha and PP subtypes. In addition, we show that activation of Notch in Pax4(+) progenitors inhibits their differentiation into alpha and beta endocrine cells and shunts them instead toward a duct fate. These observations reveal an unappreciated degree of developmental plasticity among early endocrine progenitors and raise the possibility that a bipotent duct-endocrine progenitor exists during development. Furthermore, the redirection of Pax4(+) cells from alpha and beta endocrine fates toward a duct cell type suggests a positive role for Notch signaling in duct specification and is consistent with the more widely defined role for Notch in cell fate determination.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal hormone peptide YY is a potent inhibitor of food intake and is expressed early during differentiation of intestinal and pancreatic endocrine cells. In order to better understand the role of peptide YY in energy homeostasis and development, we created mice with a targeted deletion of the peptide YY gene. All intestinal and pancreatic endocrine cells developed normally in the absence of peptide YY with the exception of pancreatic polypeptide (PP) cells, indicating that peptide YY expression was not required for terminal differentiation. We used recombination-based cell lineage trace to determine if peptide YY cells were progenitors for gastrointestinal endocrine cells. Peptide YY(+) cells gave rise to all L-type enteroendocrine cells and to islet partial differential and PP cells. In the pancreas, approximately 40% of pancreatic alpha and rare beta cells arose from peptide YY(+) cells, suggesting that most beta cells and surprisingly the majority of alpha cells are not descendants of peptide YY(+)/glucagon-positive/insulin-positive cells that appear during early pancreagenesis. Despite the anorectic effects of exogenous peptide YY(3-36) following intraperitoneal administration, mice lacking peptide YY showed normal growth, food intake, energy expenditure, and responsiveness to peptide YY(3-36). These observations suggest that targeted disruption of the peptide YY gene does not perturb terminal endocrine cell differentiation or the control of food intake and energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

The peptide hormone Urocortin 3 (Ucn 3) is abundantly and exclusively expressed in mouse pancreatic beta cells where it regulates insulin secretion. Here we demonstrate that Ucn 3 first appears at embryonic day (E) 17.5 and, from approximately postnatal day (p) 7 and onwards throughout adult life, becomes a unifying and exclusive feature of mouse beta cells. These observations identify Ucn 3 as a potential beta cell maturation marker. To determine whether Ucn 3 is similarly restricted to beta cells in humans, we conducted comprehensive immunohistochemistry and gene expression experiments on macaque and human pancreas and sorted primary human islet cells. This revealed that Ucn 3 is not restricted to the beta cell lineage in primates, but is also expressed in alpha cells. To substantiate these findings, we analyzed human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived pancreatic endoderm that differentiates into mature endocrine cells upon engraftment in mice. Ucn 3 expression in hESC-derived grafts increased robustly upon differentiation into mature endocrine cells and localized to both alpha and beta cells. Collectively, these observations confirm that Ucn 3 is expressed in adult beta cells in both mouse and human and appears late in beta cell differentiation. Expression of Pdx1, Nkx6.1 and PC1/3 in hESC-derived Ucn 3+ beta cells supports this. However, the expression of Ucn 3 in primary and hESC-derived alpha cells demonstrates that human Ucn 3 is not exclusive to the beta cell lineage but is a general marker for both the alpha and beta cell lineages. Ucn 3+ hESC-derived alpha cells do not express Nkx6.1, Pdx1 or PC1/3 in agreement with the presence of a separate population of Ucn 3+ alpha cells. Our study highlights important species differences in Ucn 3 expression, which have implications for its utility as a marker to identify mature beta cells in (re)programming strategies.  相似文献   

We used transgenesis to explore the requirement for downregulation of hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF6) expression in the assembly, differentiation, and function of pancreatic islets. In vivo, HNF6 expression becomes downregulated in pancreatic endocrine cells at 18. 5 days post coitum (d.p.c.), when definitive islets first begin to organize. We used an islet-specific regulatory element (pdx1(PB)) from pancreatic/duodenal homeobox (pdx1) gene to maintain HNF6 expression in endocrine cells beyond 18.5 d.p.c. Transgenic animals were diabetic. HNF6-overexpressing islets were hyperplastic and remained very close to the pancreatic ducts. Strikingly, alpha, delta, and PP cells were increased in number and abnormally intermingled with islet beta cells. Although several mature beta cell markers were expressed in beta cells of transgenic islets, the glucose transporter GLUT2 was absent or severely reduced. As glucose uptake/metabolism is essential for insulin secretion, decreased GLUT2 may contribute to the etiology of diabetes in pdx1(PB)-HNF6 transgenics. Concordantly, blood insulin was not raised by glucose challenge, suggesting profound beta cell dysfunction. Thus, we have shown that HNF6 downregulation during islet ontogeny is critical to normal pancreas formation and function: continued expression impairs the clustering of endocrine cells and their separation from the ductal epithelium, disrupts the spatial organization of endocrine cell types within the islet, and severely compromises beta cell physiology, leading to overt diabetes.  相似文献   

To analyze cell lineage in the pancreatic islets, we have irreversibly tagged all the progeny of cells through the activity of Cre recombinase. Adult glucagon alpha and insulin beta cells are shown to derive from cells that have never transcribed insulin or glucagon, respectively. Also, the beta-cell progenitors, but not alpha-cell progenitors, transcribe the pancreatic polypeptide (PP) gene. Finally, the homeodomain gene PDX1, which is expressed by adult beta-cells, is also expressed by alpha-cell progenitors. Thus the islet alpha- and beta-cell lineages appear to arise independently during ontogeny, probably from a common precursor.  相似文献   

In this Special Issue of the Int. J. Dev. Biol., we summarize our own studies on the development of the mouse endocrine pancreas, with special emphasis on the cell lineage relationships between the four islet cell types. Considerable knowledge concerning the ontogeny of the endocrine pancreas has been gained in recent years, mainly through the use of two complementary genetic approaches in mice: gene inactivation and genetic labelling of precursor cells. However, neither gene inactivation in KO mice nor co-localisation of hormones in single cells during development can be taken as evidence for cell lineage relationships among different cell types. The beta-cell lineage analysis was started by selectively ablating specific islet cell types in transgenic mice. We used the diphtheria toxin A subunit coding region under the control of insulin, glucagon or pancreatic polypeptide (PP) promoters, in order to eliminate insulin-, glucagon- or PP-expressing cells, respectively. Contrary to the common view, we demonstrated that glucagon cells are not precursors of insulin-producing cells. These results were in addition the first evidence of a close ontogenetic relationship between insulin and somatostatin cells. We pursued these analyses using a novel, more subtle approach: progenitor cell labelling through the expression of Cre recombinase in doubly transgenic mice. We were able to unequivocally establish that 1) adult glucagon- and insulin-producing cells derive from precursors which have never transcribed insulin or glucagon, respectively; 2) insulin cell progenitors, but not glucagon cell progenitors transcribe the PP gene and 3) adult glucagon cells derive from progenitors which do express pdx1.  相似文献   

By immunofluorescence on cytospin preparations and on semithin sections of mouse pancreatic buds, we have found glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-containing cells at embryonal day 10.5 (E 10.5) in dorsal buds and at E 11.5 in ventral buds. Insulin-containing cells appear in dorsal buds at E 11.5, and one to two days later in ventral buds. Somatostatin-containing cells are detectable from E 13.5 in both dorsal and ventral buds. A quantitative analysis shows that up to E 15.5, PP-containing cells are relatively abundant in both buds. By PCR amplification of oligo(dT)-primed cDNAs prepared from total pancreatic RNA, we also detect PP mRNA from E 10.5 onwards, thus confirming the early expression of the PP gene in the developing mouse pancreas. Analysis of endocrine cells in situ suggests three major patterns of cell distribution in embryonic pancreas. First, individual hormone-containing cells are located within the epithelium of pancreatic ducts. In both dorsal and ventral buds, the majority of these endocrine cells contain PP, but many also contain glucagon, insulin or somatostatin. Secondly, clusters of endocrine cells are found in the pancreatic interstitium. Many of these cells contain both glucagon and PP which, by immunogold labelling of consecutive thin sections, can be shown to co-exist within individual secretory granules. Finally, starting on E 18.5, typical islets are formed with centrally located B cells and with the adult 'one cell-one hormone' phenotype. These results suggest an intriguing ontogenic relationship between A- and PP-cells, and also indicate that PP-containing cells may occupy a hitherto unexpected place in the lineage of endocrine islet cells.  相似文献   

The clonal isolation of putative adult pancreatic precursors has been an elusive goal of researchers seeking to develop cell replacement strategies for diabetes. We report the clonal identification of multipotent precursor cells from the adult mouse pancreas. The application of a serum-free, colony-forming assay to pancreatic cells enabled the identification of precursors from pancreatic islet and ductal populations. These cells proliferate in vitro to form clonal colonies that coexpress neural and pancreatic precursor markers. Upon differentiation, individual clonal colonies produce distinct populations of neurons and glial cells, pancreatic endocrine beta-, alpha- and delta-cells, and pancreatic exocrine and stellate cells. Moreover, the newly generated beta-like cells demonstrate glucose-dependent Ca(2+) responsiveness and insulin release. Pancreas colonies do not express markers of embryonic stem cells, nor genes suggestive of mesodermal or neural crest origins. These cells represent a previously unidentified adult intrinsic pancreatic precursor population and are a promising candidate for cell-based therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Differentiation of the pancreatic islets in grass snake Natrix natrix embryos, was analyzed using light, transmission electron microscopy, and immuno-gold labeling. The study focuses on the origin of islets, mode of islet formation, and cell arrangement within islets. Two waves of pancreatic islet formation in grass snake embryos were described. The first wave begins just after egg laying when precursors of endocrine cells located within large cell agglomerates in the dorsal pancreatic bud differentiate. The large cell agglomerates were divided by mesenchymal cells thus forming the first islets. This mode of islet formation is described as fission. During the second wave of pancreatic islet formation which is related to the formation of the duct mantle, we observed four phases of islet formation: (a) differentiation of individual endocrine cells from the progenitor layer of duct walls (budding) and their incomplete delamination; (b) formation of two types of small groups of endocrine cells (A/D and B) in the wall of pancreatic ducts; (c) joining groups of cells emerging from neighboring ducts (fusion) and rearrangement of cells within islets; (d) differentiated pancreatic islets with characteristic arrangement of endocrine cells. Mature pancreatic islets of the grass snake contained mainly A endocrine cells. Single B and D or PP–cells were present at the periphery of the islets. This arrangement of endocrine cells within pancreatic islets of the grass snake differs from that reported from most others vertebrate species. Endocrine cells in the pancreas of grass snake embryos were also present in the walls of intralobular and intercalated ducts. At hatching, some endocrine cells were in contact with the lumen of the pancreatic ducts.  相似文献   

Antibodies to insulin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide hormone (PP) and somatostatin were used in the immunofluorescence histochemical procedure to study the ontogeny of pancreatic endocrine cells containing the four hormones in the bovine fetus of approximately 100 days gestation to term. Pancreatic sections from the bovine neonate and adult were also examined for the cellular distribution of the four hormones. Immunoreactive cells staining for insulin, glucagon, PP and somatostatin were present in the pancreas of all fetuses studied. Each endocrine cell type displayed a characteristic distribution within the developing pancreas and in the neonate and adult. The presence of the four islet hormones relatively early in bovine fetal life suggests that they may be important in intra- and extra-islet metabolism in the fetus.  相似文献   

Studies of islet neogenesis have suggested that the regeneration of islet cells can be achieved through redifferentiation of pre-existing islet cells. However, this hypothesis is largely unproven and fails to account for the diversity of observed islet neogenesis. Here we show that cultured neonatal pancreatic cells dedifferentiate into betaIII tubulin-expressing precursors, which then expand and redifferentiate into both neural and pancreatic lineage progenies. Redifferentiation happens not only in the islet cells, but also in the ductal cells that may represent what are called ductal origin "pancreatic stem cells". The in vitro redifferentiation of neonatal pancreatic cells recapitulates the embryonic development by sequential endocrine differentiation accompanied by the coexpression of neuronal marker betaIII tubulin with endocrine hormones until terminal differentiation. The neuronal differentiation of pancreatic cells, however, occurs prior to endocrine differentiation and gradually becomes dominant, thus implying a default neuronal lineage specification for cultured pancreatic cells.  相似文献   

The location and lineage of cells that give rise to endocrine islets during embryogenesis has not been established nor has the origin or identity of adult islet stem cells. We have employed an inducible Cre-ER(TM)-LoxP system to indelibly mark the progeny of cells expressing either Ngn3 or Pdx1 at different stages of development. The results provide direct evidence that NGN3+ cells are islet progenitors during embryogenesis and in adult mice. In addition, we find that cells expressing Pdx1 give rise to all three types of pancreatic tissue: exocrine, endocrine and duct. Furthermore, exocrine and endocrine cells are derived from Pdx1-expressing progenitors throughout embryogenesis. By contrast, the pancreatic duct arises from PDX1+ progenitors that are set aside around embryonic day 10.5 (E9.5-E11.5). These findings suggest that lineages for exocrine, endocrine islet and duct progenitors are committed at mid-gestation.  相似文献   

The pdx1 gene is essential for pancreatic organogenesis in humans and mice; pdx1 mutations have been identified in human diabetic patients. Specific inactivation of pdx1 in adult beta cells revealed that this gene is required for maintenance of mature beta cell function. In the following study, a Cre-lox strategy was used to remove pdx1 function specifically from embryonic beta cells beginning at late-gestation, prior to islet formation. Animals in which pdx1 is lost in insulin-producing cells during embryogenesis had elevated blood glucose levels at birth and were overtly diabetic by weaning. Neonatal and adult mutant islets showed a dramatic reduction in the number of insulin(+) cells and an increase in both glucagon(+) and somatostatin(+) cells. Lineage tracing revealed that excess glucagon(+) and somatostatin(+) cells did not arise by interconversion of endocrine cell types. Examination of mutant islets revealed a decrease in proliferation of insulin-producing cells just before birth and a concomitant increase in proliferation of glucagon-producing cells. We propose that pdx1 is required for proliferation and function of the beta cells generated at late gestation, and that one function of normal beta cells is to inhibit the proliferation of other islet cell types, resulting in the appropriate numbers of the different endocrine cell types.  相似文献   

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