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Most commonly used expression systems in bacteria are based on the Escherichia coli lac promoter. Furthermore, lac operon elements are used today in systems and synthetic biology. In the majority of the cases the gratuitous inducers IPTG or TMG are used. Here we report a systematic comparison of lac promoter induction by TMG and IPTG which focuses on the aspects inducer uptake, population heterogeneity and a potential influence of the transacetylase, LacA. We provide induction curves in E. coli LJ110 and in isogenic lacY and lacA mutant strains and we show that both inducers are substrates of the lactose permease at low inducer concentrations but can also enter cells independently of lactose permease if present at higher concentrations. Using a gfp reporter strain we compared TMG and IPTG induction at single cell level and showed that bimodal induction with IPTG occurred at approximately ten-fold lower concentrations than with TMG. Furthermore, we observed that lac operon induction is influenced by the transacetylase, LacA. By comparing two Plac-gfp reporter strains with and without a lacA deletion we could show that in the lacA+ strain the fluorescence level decreased after few hours while the fluorescence further increased in the lacA strain. The results indicate that through the activity of LacA the IPTG concentration can be reduced below an inducing threshold concentration—an influence that should be considered if low inducer amounts are used.  相似文献   

A quantitative evaluation of 20 second-generation carbohydrate force fields was carried out using ab initio and density functional methods. Geometry-optimized structures (B3LYP/6-31G(d)) and relative energies using augmented correlation consistent basis sets were calculated in gas phase for monosaccharide carbohydrate benchmark systems. Selected results are: (i). The interaction energy of the alpha-d-glucopyranose.H(2)O heterodimer is estimated to be 4.9 kcal/mol, using a composite method including terms at highly correlated (CCSD(T)) level. Most molecular mechanics force fields are in error in this respect; (ii). The (3)E envelope (south) pseudorotational conformer of methyl 5-deoxy-beta-d-xylofuranoside is 0.66 kcal/mol more stable than the (3)E envelope (north) conformer and the alpha-anomer of methyl d-glucopyranoside is 0.82 kcal/mol more stable than the beta-anomer; (iii). The relative energies of the (gg, gt and tg) rotamers of methyl alpha-d-glucopyranoside and methyl alpha-d-galactopyranoside are (0.13, 0.00, 0.15) and (0.64, 0.00, 0.77) kcal/mol, respectively. The results of the quantum mechanical calculations are compared with the results of calculations using the 20 second-generation carbohydrate force fields. No single force field is consistently better than the others for all the test cases. A statistical assessment of the performance of the force fields indicates that CHEAT(95), CFF, certain versions of Amber and of MM3 have the best overall performance, for these gas phase monosaccharide systems.  相似文献   

Our objective is to produce a protein biosensor (or molecular switch) that is specifically activated in solution by a monoclonal antibody. Many effector-dependent enzymes have evolved in nature, but the introduction of a novel regulatory mechanism into a normally unregulated enzyme poses a difficult design problem. We used site-saturation mutagenesis and screening to generate effector-activated variants of the reporter enzyme beta-glucuronidase (GUS). The specific activity of the purified epitope-tagged GUS variant was increased by up to approximately 500-fold by the addition of an equimolar concentration of a monoclonal antibody. This molecular switch is modular in design, so it can easily be re-engineered for the detection of other peptide-specific antibodies. Such antibody-activated reporters could someday enable point-of-care serological assays for the rapid detection of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

An extract from 50 kinds of fruits and vegetables was fermented to produce a new beverage. Natural fermentation of the extract was carried out mainly by lactic acid bacteria (Leuconostoc spp.) and yeast (Zygosaccharomyces spp. and Pichia spp.). Two new saccharides were found in this fermented beverage. The saccharides were isolated using carbon-Celite column chromatography and preparative high performance liquid chromatography. Gas liquid chromatography analysis of methylated derivatives as well as MALDI-TOF MS and NMR measurements were used for structural confirmation. The (1)H and (13)C NMR signals of each saccharide were assigned using 2D-NMR including COSY, HSQC, HSQC-TOCSY, CH(2)-HSQC-TOCSY, and CT-HMBC experiments. The saccharides were identified as beta-D-fructopyranosyl-(2-->6)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-D-glucopyranose and beta-D-fructopyranosyl-(2-->6)-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)]-D-glucopyranose.  相似文献   

Two isomeric cholesteryl galactosides, cholesteryl beta-D-galactofuranoside and -pyranoside, have been synthesized by the Koenigs-Knorr reaction. Glycosylation of cholesterol with 2,3,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-D-galactofuranosyl bromide, followed by Zemplén saponification with sodium methoxide, gave cholesteryl beta-D-galactofuranoside. By using 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-D-galactopyranosyl bromide as the glycosyl donor, followed by alkaline hydrolysis, cholesteryl beta-D-galactopyranoside was obtained. The title compounds were characterized by their IR spectra and by their (1)H and (13)C NMR spectra. Structure considerations of the two cholesteryl galactosides correlated with data in the literature, thus confirming that cholesteryl beta-D-galactopyranoside is an antigenic lipid of Lyme disease agent, Borrelia burgdorferi.  相似文献   

The lactose (lac) repressor is an allosteric protein that can respond to environmental changes. Mutations introduced into the DNA binding domain and the effector binding pocket affect the repressor's ability to respond to its environment. We have demonstrated how the observed phenotype is a consequence of altering the thermodynamic equilibrium constants. We discuss mutant repressors, which (1) show tighter repression; (2) induce with a previously noninducing species, orthonitrophenyl-β-d-galactoside; and (3) transform an inducible switch to one that is corepressed. The ability of point mutations to change multiple thermodynamic constants, and hence drastically alter the repressor's phenotype, shows how allosteric proteins can perform a wide array of similar yet distinct functions such as that exhibited in the Lac/Gal family of bacterial repressors.  相似文献   

1-O-Acetyl-beta-D-galactopyranose (AcGal), a new substrate for beta-galactosidase, was synthesized in a stereoselective manner by the trichloroacetimidate procedure. Kinetic parameters (K(M) and k(cat)) for the hydrolysis of 1-O-acetyl-beta-D-galactopyranose catalyzed by the beta-D-galactosidase from Penicillium sp. were compared with similar characteristics for a number of natural and synthetic substrates. The value for k(cat) in the hydrolysis of AcGal was three orders of magnitude greater than for other known substrates. The beta-galactosidase hydrolyzes AcGal with retention of anomeric configuration. The transglycosylation activity of the beta-D-galactosidase in the reaction of AcGal and methyl beta-D-galactopyranoside (1) as substrates was investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC techniques. The transglycosylation product using AcGal as a substrate was beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->6)-1-O-acetyl-beta-D-galactopyranose (with a yield of approximately 70%). In the case of 1 as a substrate, the main transglycosylation product was methyl beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->6)-beta-D-galactopyranoside. Methyl beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->3)-beta-D-galactopyranoside was found to be minor product in the latter reaction.  相似文献   

Previous N-ethylmaleimide-labeling studies show that ligand binding increases the reactivity of single-Cys mutants located predominantly on the periplasmic side of LacY and decreases reactivity of mutants located for the most part of the cytoplasmic side. Thus, sugar binding appears to induce opening of a periplasmic pathway with closing of the cytoplasmic cavity resulting in alternative access of the sugar-binding site to either side of the membrane. Here we describe the use of a fluorescent alkylating reagent that reproduces the previous observations with respect to sugar binding. We then show that generation of an H+ electrochemical gradient (Δμ¯H+, interior negative) increases the reactivity of single-Cys mutants on the periplasmic side of the sugar-binding site and in the putative hydrophilic pathway. The results suggest that Δμ¯H+, like sugar, acts to increase the probability of opening on the periplasmic side of LacY.  相似文献   

The transglycosylation reactions catalyzed by beta-1,3-D-glucanases (laminaranases) were used to synthesize a number of 4-methylumbelliferyl (MeUmb) (1-->3)-beta-D-gluco-oligosaccharides having the common structure [beta-D-Glcp-(1-->3)](n)-beta-D-Glcp-MeUmb, where n=1-5. The beta-1,3-D-glucanases used were purified from the culture liquid of Oerskovia sp. and from a homogenate of the marine mollusc Spisula sachalinensis. Laminaran and curdlan were used as (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan donor substrates, while MeUmb-beta-D-glucoside (MeUmbGlcp) was employed as a transglycosylation acceptor. Modification of [beta-D-Glcp-(1-->3)](2)-beta-D-Glcp-MeUmb (MeUmbG(3)) gives 4,6-O-benzylidene-D-glucopyranosyl or 4,6-O-ethylidene-D-glucopyranosyl groups at the non-reducing end of artificial oligosaccharides. The structures of all oligosaccharides obtained were solved by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. The synthetic oligosaccharides were shown to be substrates for a beta-1,3-1,4-D-glucanase from Rhodothermus marinus, which releases MeUmb from beta-di- and beta-triglucosides and from acetal-protected beta-triglucosides. When acting upon substrates with d.p.>3, the enzyme exhibits an endolytic activity, primarily cleaving off MeUmbGlcp and MeUmbG(2).  相似文献   

The senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-betaG) assay is one of the few accepted markers of cell aging. However, the cytochemical method using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl beta-D-galactopyranoside (X-Gal) as substrate is limited in sensitivity and is only semiquantitative. Here, we modified the X-Gal method by replacing X-Gal with fluorescein di-beta-D-galactopyranoside (FDG) as substrate for SA-betaG, and the activity was measured fluorimetrically. We showed in Hs68 cells that the FDG fluorescein fluorescence increased with increasing passages of the cells in parallel with the X-Gal method. A major advantage of the FDG method is that it is a quantitative method for the SA-betaG activity. For example, we showed that the FDG fluorescein in p30(+1) of Hs68 cells was generally stronger than that in p26(+1) cells, whereas the X-Gal method gave similar results (95 and 100%) for p26(+1) and p30(+1) cells. The FDG method was precise with a relative standard deviation lower than 10%. We further demonstrated that FDG and X-Gal could be added simultaneously for SA-betaG assay because the FDG fluorescein diffused readily through formaldehyde-fixed cell membrane and could be detected in the suspension buffer. Thus, a double-substrate method, i.e., X-Gal for rapid qualitative assay and FDG for quantitative assay, can be conducted simultaneously to provide a simple and reliable assay of SA-betaG activity as a marker of cell aging.  相似文献   

5-Thio-D-arabinopyranose (5) and 5-thio-D-xylopyranose (10) were synthesized from the corresponding D-pentono-1,4-lactones. After regioselective bromination at C-5, transformation into 5-S-acetyl-5-thio derivatives, reduction into lactols and deprotection afforded the title compounds in 49 and 42% overall yield, respectively.  相似文献   

Jun Tsukahara 《FEBS letters》2009,583(18):2987-2990
Lipoproteins of Escherichia coli are sorted to the outer membrane through a pathway composed of five Lol proteins. LolA transports lipoproteins released from the inner membrane by LolCDE to LolB on the outer membrane via the periplasm. Interaction between LolA and LolB was speculated to be strong when LolA binds lipoprotein. However, due to a lack of a sensitive method, the kinetics of this reaction have not been examined in detail. We report here the detection of lipoprotein transfer in real time by means of surface plasmon resonance. The kinetic parameters of lipoprotein transfer were determined with wild-type LolA and a mutant defective in it.

Structured summary

MINT-7259948: mlolB (uniprotkb:P61320) binds (MI:0407) to pal (uniprotkb:P0A912) by surface plasmon resonance (MI:0107)  相似文献   

Ke W  Whitfield DM 《Carbohydrate research》2004,339(18):2841-2850
The selective silylation of monosaccharide building blocks is useful for preparing complex oligosaccharides. We now report that the diol, methyl (dimethylthexylsilyl 3-O-pivaloyl-beta-L-idopyranosyl)uronate, can be selectively silylated at the O-2 position by trialkylsilyl triflates. After protection of O-4, the O-2 silyl group can be selectively replaced by acetate by taking advantage of a trialkylsilyl-acetate exchange reaction catalyzed by Sc(OTf)3 in the presence of acetic anhydride. The high O-2 selectivity is shown for triethylsilyl (TES), tert-butyldimethylsilyl (TBS), and triisopropylsilyl (TIPS). The selective cleavage reaction only worked well for TES and TBS derivatives. A selection of silyl triflates and silyl chlorides were used as silylating reagents with ethyl 3,4-O-isopropylidene-1-thio-beta-D-galactopyranoside. In most cases, silylation afforded 2,6-di-O-silylated products in high yields. Studies on the cleavage reaction showed that only the primary silylated protecting groups were replaced by acetyl groups. This reaction worked with a variety of silyl protecting groups but not the tert-butyldiphenylsilyl (TBDPS) protecting group. Unfortunately, the 1-thioethyl group was also sensitive to the Sc(OTf)3, leading in these conditions to alpha/beta mixtures of the 1-acetates, which compromised the synthetic utility of this reaction for these compounds. The sequence presented here is a useful synthetic route to differentially protected L-iduronic acid building blocks.  相似文献   

Fermented beverage of plant extract was prepared from about 50 kinds of vegetables and fruits. Natural fermentation was carried out mainly by lactic acid bacteria (Leuconostoc spp.) and yeast (Zygosaccharomyces spp. and Pichia spp.). Three kinds of saccharides have been found in this beverage and produced by fermentation. The saccharides isolated from the beverage using carbon-Celite column chromatography and preparative HPLC, were identified as a new saccharide, beta-d-fructopyranosyl-(2-->6)-d-glucopyranose, laminaribiose and maltose by examination of constituted sugars, GLC and GC-MS analyses of methyl derivatives and MALDI-TOF-MS and NMR measurements of the saccharides.  相似文献   

Two new acyl sucroses were isolated from the epigeal parts of Petunia nyctaginiflora Juss. (Solanaceae). Their structures were determined to be 2, 3, 4-tri (5-methylhexanoyl)-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-beta-D-fructofuranoside (2) and 2, 3, 4-tri (6-methylheptanoyl)-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-beta-D-fructofuranoside (4) on the basis of chemical and spectroscopic evidence.  相似文献   

An improved synthesis of 5-thio-D-ribose from D-ribono-1,4-lactone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5-Thio-D-ribopyranose was synthesized from D-ribono-1,4-lactone (1) by two approaches: (i) 5-bromo-5-deoxy-D-ribono-1,4-lactone (2) was successively transformed into 5-bromo-5-deoxy, 5-S-acetyl-5-thio or 5-thiocyanato-D-ribofuranose derivatives; appropriate treatment then lead to 5-thio-D-ribopyranose (7) in 46-48% overall yield and; (ii) 2 was transformed into the 5-S-acetyl-5-thio-D-ribono-1,4-lactone derivative (11). Reduction and deprotection of 11 afforded 5-thio-D-ribopyranose (7) in 57% overall yield.  相似文献   

Glycoside hydrolase family 97 (GH 97) is a unique glycoside family that contains inverting and retaining glycosidases. Of these, BtGH97a (SusB) and BtGH97b (UniProtKB/TrEMBL entry Q8A6L0), derived from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, have been characterized as an inverting α-glucoside hydrolase and a retaining α-galactosidase, respectively. Previous studies on the three-dimensional structures of BtGH97a and site-directed mutagenesis indicated that Glu532 acts as an acid catalyst and that Glu439 and Glu508 function as the catalytic base in the inverting mechanism. However, BtGH97b lacks base catalysts but possesses a putative catalytic nucleophilic residue, Asp415. Here, we report that Asp415 in BtGH97b is the nucleophilic catalyst based on the results of crystal structure analysis and site-directed mutagenesis study. Structural comparison between BtGH97b and BtGH97a indicated that OD1 of Asp415 in BtGH97b is located at a position spatially identical with the catalytic water molecule of BtGH97a, which attacks on the anomeric carbon from the β-face (i.e., Asp415 is poised for nucleophilic attack on the anomeric carbon). Site-directed mutagenesis of Asp415 leads to inactivation of the enzyme, and the activity is rescued by an external nucleophilic azide ion. That is, Asp415 functions as a nucleophilic catalyst. The multiple amino acid sequence alignment of GH 97 members indicated that almost half of the GH 97 enzymes possess base catalyst residues at the end of β-strands 3 and 5, while the other half of the family show a conserved nucleophilic residue at the end of β-strand 4. The different positions of functional groups on the β-face of the substrate, which seem to be due to “hopping of the functional group” during evolution, have led to divergence of catalytic mechanism within the same family.  相似文献   

The reaction conditions of galactose oxidase-catalyzed, targeted C-6 oxidation of galactose derivatives were optimized for aldehyde production and to minimize the formation of secondary products. Galactose oxidase, produced in transgenic Pichia pastoris carrying the galactose oxidase gene from Fusarium spp., was used as catalyst, methyl α-d-galactopyranoside as substrate, and reaction medium, temperature, concentration, and combinations of galactose oxidase, catalase, and horseradish peroxidase were used as variables. The reactions were followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy and the main products isolated, characterized, and identified. An optimal combination of all the three enzymes gave aldehyde (methyl α-d-galacto-hexodialdo-1,5-pyranoside) in approximately 90% yield with a substrate concentration of 70 mM in water at 4 °C using air as oxygen source. Oxygen flushing of the reaction mixture was not necessary. The aldehyde existed as a hydrate in water. The main secondary products, a uronic acid (methyl α-d-galactopyranosiduronic acid) and an α,β-unsaturated aldehyde (methyl 4-deoxy-α-d-threo-hex-4-enodialdo-1,5-pyranoside), were observed for the first time to form in parallel. Formation of uronic acid seemed to be the result of impurities in the galactose oxidase preparation. 1H and 13C NMR data of the products are reported for the α,β-unsaturated aldehyde for the first time, and chemical shifts in DMSO-d6 for all the products for the first time. Oxidation of d-raffinose (α-d-galactopyranosyl-(1-6)-α-d-glucopyranosyl-(1-2)-β-d-fructofuranoside) in the same optimum conditions also proceeded well, resulting in approximately 90% yield of the corresponding aldehyde.  相似文献   

A novel cytochrome ba complex was isolated from aerobically grown cells of the thermoacidophilic archaeon Acidianus ambivalens. The complex was purified with two subunits, which are encoded by the cbsA and soxN genes. These genes are part of the pentacistronic cbsAB-soxLN-odsN locus. The spectroscopic characterization revealed the presence of three low-spin hemes, two of the b and one of the as-type with reduction potentials of + 200, + 400 and + 160 mV, respectively. The SoxN protein is proposed to harbor the heme b of lower reduction potential and the heme as, and CbsA the other heme b. The soxL gene encodes a Rieske protein, which was expressed in E. coli; its reduction potential was determined to be + 320 mV. Topology predictions showed that SoxN, CbsB and CbsA should contain 12, 9 and one transmembrane α-helices, respectively, with SoxN having a predicted fold very similar to those of the cytochromes b in bc1 complexes. The presence of two quinol binding motifs was also predicted in SoxN. Based on these findings, we propose that the A. ambivalens cytochrome ba complex is analogous to the bc1 complexes of bacteria and mitochondria, however with distinct subunits and heme types.  相似文献   

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