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We have measured the static magnetization of unreduced and reduced reaction centers that vary in their quinone content. Measurements were performed in the temperature range 0.7 degrees K less than T less than 200 degrees K and magnetic fields of up to 10 kG. The electronic g-value, crystal field parameters D, E, and the exchange interaction, J, between the quinone spin and Fe2+ were determined using the spin Hamiltonian formalism. The effective moment mu eff/Fe2+ of both reduced and unreduced samples were determined to be 5.35 +/- 0.15 Bohr magnetons. This shows, in agreement with previous findings, that Fe2+ does not change its valence state when the reaction centers are reduced. Typical values of D congruent to +5 cm-1 and E/D congruent to 0.27 are consistent with Fe being in an octahedral environment with rhombic distortion. The values of D and E were approximately the same for reaction centers having one and two quinones. These findings imply that quinone is most likely not a ligand of Fe. The Fe2+ and the spin on the quinone in reduced reaction centers were found to be coupled with an exchange interaction 0 less than /J/ less than 1 cm-1. The validity of the spin Hamiltonian was checked by using an orbital Hamiltonian to calculate energy levels of the 25 states of the S = 2, L = 2 manifold and comparing the magnetization of the lowest five states with those obtained from the spin Hamiltonian. Using the orbital Hamiltonian, we calculated the position of the first excited quintet state to be 340 cm-1 above the ground state quintet. This is in good agreement with the temperature dependence of the quadrupole splitting as determined by Mossbauer spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of the reduced quinone-iron acceptor complex in reaction centers were measured in a variety of environments and compared with spectra calculated from a theoretical model. Spectra were obtained at microwave frequencies of 1, 9, and 35 GHz and at temperatures from 1.4 to 30 K. The spectra are characterized by a broad absorption peak centered at g = 1.8 with wings extending from g approximately equal to 5 to g less than 0.8. The peak is split with the low-field component increasing in amplitude with temperature. The theoretical model is based on a spin Hamiltonian, in which the reduced quinone, Q-, interacts magnetically with Fe2+. In this model the ground manifold of the interacting Q-Fe2+ system has two lowest doublets that are separated by approximately 3 K. Both perturbation analyses and exact numerical calculations were used to show how the observed spectrum arises from these two doublets. The following spin Hamiltonian parameters optimized the agreement between simulated and observed spectra: the electronic g tensor gFe, x = 2.16, gFe, y = 2.27, gFez = 2.04, the crystal field parameters D = 7.60 K and E/D = 0.25, and the antiferromagnetic magnetic interaction tensor, Jx = -0.13 K, Jy = -0.58 K, Jz = -0.58 K. The model accounts well for the g value (1.8) of the broad peak, the observed splitting of the peak, the high and low g value wings, and the observed temperature dependence of the shape of the spectra. The structural implications of the value of the magnetic interaction, J, and the influence of the environment on the spin Hamiltonian parameters are discussed. The similarity of spectra and relaxation times observed from the primary and secondary acceptor complexes Q-AFe2+ and Fe2+Q-B leads to the conclusion that the Fe2+ is approximately equidistant from QA and QB.  相似文献   

A specific carotenoid associated with reaction centers purified from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides shows an optical absorbance change in response to photochemical activity, at temperatures down to 35 K. The change corresponds to a bathochromic shift of 1 nm of each absorption band. The same change is induced by either chemical oxidation or photo-oxidation of reaction center bacteriochlorophyll (P-870). Reduction of the electron acceptor of the reaction center, either chemically or photochemically, does not cause a carotenoid absorbance change or modify a change already induced by oxidation of P-870. The change of the carotenoid spectrum can therefore be correlated with the appearance of positive charge in the reaction center. In these studies we observed that at 35 K the absorption band of reaction center bacteriochlorophyll near 600 nm exhibits a shoulder at 605 nm. The resolution into two components is more pronounced in the light-dark difference spectrum. This observation is consistent with our earlier finding, that the "special pair" of bacteriochlorophyll molecules that acts as photochemical electron donor has a dimer-like absorption spectrum in the near infrared.  相似文献   

Luminescence emitted by tryptophan residues of reaction center (RC) preparations was studied. The RG preparations were isolated from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides by treatment with lauryl dimethyl amine oxide (LDAO). After excitation at lambda 280 nm the quantum yield of luminescence is 0,02. It is shown that 60% of tryptophanyls are located inside the protein globule in the surrounding of relaxating polar groups and the rest approximately 40% on the outer surface of the globule--predominantly in the positively charged region of the LDAO-RC protein--in the surrounding of protein-bound water molecules. There is a correlation between the pH dependencies of the position of the peak of luminescence from tryptophanyls and effectivity of electron transfer from the primary (quinone) to secondary acceptor. The two parameters are invariant at pH from 7 to 9 and vary at pH less than 7 and pH greater than 9. The phenomena responsible for the observed correlation are discussed on the basis of pH-dependent changes in the RC protein which govern electron transport activity at the reaction center.  相似文献   

The photochemical reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides were reconstituted with soybean phospholipids into liposomes by the cholate-dialysis method. The transmembrane orientation of the reaction centers in the proteoliposomes and the morphology of the vesicles were investigated. The orientation was determined by the reduction of externally added cytochrome c after its photooxidation by a flash. The structure of the vesicles was examined by electron microscope. Discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation yielded several proteoliposome fractions with different vesicular sizes and reaction-center orientations. The proportion of the reaction centers that exposed their cytochrome c reacting sites to the outside of the vesicles increased from 45 to 85% with an increase of the vesicular size. The proportion also depended on the ionic composition of the dialysis buffer. The optimal ionic environment during the dialysis (100 mM NaCl or 2.5 mM MgSO4) gave a liposome yield of 25-30% with a highly asymmetric orientation (greater than 60%). Entrapping of cytochrome c molecules into the phospholipid vesicles had little effect on the orientation of the reaction centers.  相似文献   

The time-course of fluorescence from reaction centers isolated from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides was measured using single-photon counting techniques. When electron transfer is blocked by the reduction of the electron-accepting quinones, reaction centers exhibit a relatively long-lived (delayed) fluorescence due to back reactions that regenerate the excited state (P*) from the transient radical-pair state, PF. The delayed fluorescence can be resolved into three components, with lifetimes of 0.7, 3.2 and 11 ns at 295 K. The slowest component decays with the same time-constant as the absorbance changes due to PF, and it depends on both temperature and magnetic fields in the same way that the absorbance changes do. The time-constants for the two faster components of delayed fluorescence are essentially independent of temperature and magnetic fields. The fluorescence also includes a very fast (prompt) component that is similar in amplitude to that obtained from unreduced reaction centers. The prompt fluorescence presumably is emitted mainly during the period before the initial charge-transfer reaction creates PF from P*. From the amplitudes of the prompt and delayed fluorescence, we calculate an initial standard free-energy difference between P* and PF of about 0.16 eV at 295 K, and 0.05 eV at 80 K, depending somewhat on the properties of the solvent. The multiphasic decay of the delayed fluorescence is interpreted in terms of relaxations in the free energy of PF with time, totalling about 0.05 eV at 295 K, possibly resulting from nuclear movements in the electron-carriers or the protein.  相似文献   

57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements on reaction centers differing in ubiquinone content, detergent, oxidation state, or the presence of o-phenanthroline all show a single quadrupole doublet of similar splitting (ΔEQ), center shift (δ) and temperature dependence. The results are indicative of high-spin Fe2+ with an approximately invariant first coordination sphere. A crystal field model with strong electron delocalization can account for the temperature dependence of ΔEQ, but further data are needed to achieve a unique parameterization.  相似文献   

Primary structure of the reaction center from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The reaction center is a pigment-protein complex that mediates the initial photochemical steps of photosynthesis. The amino-terminal sequences of the L, M, and H subunits and the nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences of the L and M structural genes from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides have previously been determined. We report here the sequence of the H subunit, completing the primary structure determination of the reaction center from R. sphaeroides. The nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the H subunit was determined by the dideoxy method after subcloning fragments into single-stranded M13 phage vectors. This information was used to derive the amino acid sequence of the corresponding polypeptide. The termini of the primary structure of the H subunit were established by means of the amino and carboxy terminal sequences of the polypeptide. The data showed that the H subunit is composed of 260 residues, corresponding to a molecular weight of 28,003. A molecular weight of 100,858 for the reaction center was calculated from the primary structures of the subunits and the cofactors. Examination of the genes encoding the reaction center shows that the codon usage is strongly biased towards codons ending in G and C. Hydropathy analysis of the H subunit sequence reveals one stretch of hydrophobic residues near the amino terminus; the L and M subunits contain five such stretches. From a comparison of the sequences of homologous proteins found in bacterial reaction centers and photosystem II of plants, an evolutionary tree was constructed. The analysis of evolutionary relationships showed that the L and M subunits of reaction centers and the D1 and D2 proteins of photosystem II are descended from a common ancestor, and that the rate of change in these proteins was much higher in the first billion years after the divergence of the reaction center and photosystem II than in the subsequent billion years represented by the divergence of the species containing these proteins.  相似文献   

Reaction centers of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26, give rise to large triplet state EPR signals upon illumination at low temperature (11 K). Utilizing monochromatic polarized light to generate the EPR spectra (magnetophotoselection) we have shown that the intensities of the observed triplet signals are strongly dependent upon the wavelength and polarization direction of the excitation. These data can be used to calculate the orientations of the excited transition moments with respect to each other and with respect to the triplet state principal magnetic axes system. Our quantitative approach is to follow the procedure outlined in a previous publication (Frank, H.A., Friesner, R., Nairn, J.A., Dismukes, G.C. and Sauer, K. (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 547, 484-501) where computer simulations of the observed triplet state spectra were employed. The results presented in the present work indicate that the transition moment at 870 nm which is associated with the bacteriochlorophyll 'special pair' lies almost entirely along one of the principal magnetic axes of the triplet state. Aso, the 870 nm transition moment makes an angle of approx. 60 degrees with the 546 nm transition moment which is associated with a bacteriopheophytin. This latter result is in agreement with previous photoselection studies on the same bacterial species (Vermeglio, A., Breton, J., Paillotin, G. and Cogdell, R. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 501, 514-530).  相似文献   

The interaction of metal ions with isolated photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs) from the purple bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Rhodobacter capsulatus, and Rhodopseudomonas viridis has been investigated with transient optical and magnetic resonance techniques. In RCs from all species, the electrochromic response of the bacteriopheophytin cofactors associated with Q(A)(-)Q(B) --> Q(A)Q(B)(-) electron transfer is slowed in the presence of Cu(2+). This slowing is similar to the metal ion effect observed for RCs from Rb. sphaeroides where Zn(2+) was bound to a specific site on the surface of the RC [Utschig et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 8278]. The coordination environments of the Cu(2+) sites were probed with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, providing the first direct spectroscopic evidence for the existence of a second metal site in RCs from Rb. capsulatus and Rps. viridis. In the dark, RCs with Cu(2+) bound to the surface exhibit axially symmetric EPR spectra. Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectral results indicate multiple weakly hyperfine coupled (14)N nuclei in close proximity to Cu(2+). These ESEEM spectra resemble those observed for Cu(2+) RCs from Rb. sphaeroides [Utschig et al. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 2961] and indicate that two or more histidines ligate the Cu(2+) at the surface site in each RC. Thus, RCs from Rb. sphaeroides, Rb. capsulatus, and Rps. viridis each have a structurally analogous Cu(2+) binding site that is involved in modulating the Q(A)(-)Q(B) --> Q(A)Q(B)(-) electron-transfer process. Inspection of the Rps. viridis crystal structure reveals four potential histidine ligands from three different subunits (M16, H178, H72, and L211) located beneath the Q(B) binding pocket. The location of these histidines is surprisingly similar to the grouping of four histidine residues (H68, H126, H128, and L211) observed in the Rb. sphaeroides RC crystal structure. Further elucidation of these Cu(2+) sites will provide a means to investigate localized proton entry into the RCs of Rb. capsulatus and Rps. viridis as well as locate a site of protein motions coupled with electron transfer.  相似文献   

Linear dicroism of chromatophores and isolated reaction centers from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides strain R-26 was studied using a novel technique of orientation. The results are discussed in view of the reaction center structure and its position in the membrane. The advantages of the new orientation technique are also outlined.  相似文献   

Linear dicroism of chromatophores and isolated reaction centers from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides strain R-26 was studied using a novel technique of orientation. The results are discussed in view of the reaction center structure and its position in the membrane. The advantages of the new orientation technique are also outlined.  相似文献   

The relative orientation of the pigments of reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides has been studied by the photoselection technique. A high value (+0.45) of p=(delta AV--delta AH)/(delta AV + delta AH) is obtained when exciting and observing within the 870 nm band which is contradictory to the results of Mar and Gingras (Mar, T. and Gringras, G. (1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 440, 609-621) and Shuvalov et al. (Shuvalov, V.A., Asadov, A.A. and Krakhmaleva, I.N. (1977) FEBS Lett. 16, 240-245). It is shown that the low values of p obtained by both groups were erroneous due to excitation conditions. Analysis of the polarization of light-induced changes when exciting with polarized light in single transitions (spheroiden band and bacteriopheophytin Qx bands) enable us to propose a possible arrangement of the pigments within the reaction center. It is concluded that the 870 nm band corresponds to a single transition and is one of the two bands of the primary electron donor (P-870). The second band of the bacteriochlorophyll dimer is centered at 805 nm. The Qx transitions of the molecules constituting the bacteriochlorophyll dimer are nearly parallel (angle less than 25 degrees). The two bacteriopheophytin molecules present slightly different absorption spectra in the near infra-red. Both bacteriopheophytin absorption bands are subject to a small shift under illumination. The angle between the Qy bacteriopheophytin transitions is 55 degrees or 125 degrees. Both Qy transitions are nearly perpendicular to the 870 nm absorption band. Finally, the carotenoid molecules makes an angle greater than 70 degrees with the 870 nm band and the other bacteriochlorophyll molecules.  相似文献   

Low-temperature absorption, circular dichroism and resonance Raman spectra of the LM units isolated with sodium dodecyl sulfate from wild-type Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides reaction centers (Agalidis, I. and Reiss-Husson, F. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 724, 340–351) are described in comparison with those of intact reaction centers. In LM unit, the Qy absorption band of P-870 at 77 K shifted from 890 nm (in reaction center) to 870 nm and was broadened by about 30%. In contrast, the 800 nm bacteriochlorophyll absorption band including the 810 species remained unmodified. It was concluded that the 810 nm transition is not the higher excitonic component of P-870. The Qx band of P-870 shifted from 602 nm (in reaction center) to 598 nm in LM, whereas the Qx band of the other bacteriochlorophylls was the same in reaction center and LM and had two components at about 605 and 598 nm. The QxII band of bacteriopheophytin was upshifted to 538 nm and a slight blue shift of the Qy band of bacteriopheophytin was observed. Resonance Raman spectra of spheroidene in LM showed that its native cis-conformation was preserved. Resonance Raman spectroscopy also demonstrated that in LM the molecular interactions assumed by the conjugated carbonyls of bacteriochlorophyll molecules were altered, but not those assumed by the bacteriopheophytins carbonyls. In particular at least one Keto group of bacteriochlorophyll free in reaction center, becomes intermolecularly bounded in LM (possibly with extraneous water). This group may belong to the primary donor molecules.  相似文献   

Replacement of Fe2+ by Zn2+ in reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides enabled us to perform ENDOR (electron nuclear double resonance) experiments on the anion radicals of the primary and secondary ubiquinone acceptors (QA- and QB-. Differences between the QA and QB sites, hydrogen bonding to the oxygens, interactions with the protons of the proteins and some symmetry properties of the binding sites were deduced from an analysis of the ENDOR spectra.  相似文献   

The primary quinone acceptor radical anion Q(A)(-)(*) (a menaquinone-9) is studied in reaction centers (RCs) of Rhodopseudomonas viridis in which the high-spin non-heme Fe(2+) is replaced by diamagnetic Zn(2+). The procedure for the iron substitution, which follows the work of Debus et al. [Debus, R. J., Feher, G., and Okamura, M. Y. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 2276-2287], is described. In Rps. viridisan exchange rate of the iron of approximately 50% +/- 10% is achieved. Time-resolved optical spectroscopy shows that the ZnRCs are fully competent in charge separation and that the charge recombination times are similar to those of native RCs. The g tensor of Q(A)(-)(*) in the ZnRCs is determined by a simulation of the EPR at 34 GHz yielding g(x) = 2.00597 (5), g(y) = 2.00492 (5), and g(z) = 2.00216 (5). Comparison with a menaquinone anion radical (MQ(4)(-)(*)) dissolved in 2-propanol identifies Q(A)(-)(*) as a naphthoquinone and shows that only one tensor component (g(x)) is predominantly changed in the RC. This is attributed to interaction with the protein environment. Electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) experiments at 9 GHz reveal a shift of the spin density distribution of Q(A)(-)(*) in the RC as compared with MQ(4)(-)(*) in alcoholic solution. This is ascribed to an asymmetry of the Q(A) binding site. Furthermore, a hyperfine coupling constant from an exchangeable proton is deduced and assigned to a proton in a hydrogen bond between the quinone oxygen and surrounding amino acid residues. By electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) techniques performed on Q(A)(-)(*) in the ZnRCs, two (14)N nuclear quadrupole tensors are determined that arise from the surrounding amino acids. One nitrogen coupling is assigned to a N(delta)((1))-H of a histidine and the other to a polypeptide backbone N-H by comparison with the nuclear quadrupole couplings of respective model systems. Inspection of the X-ray structure of Rps. viridis RCs shows that His(M217) and Ala(M258) are likely candidates for the respective amino acids. The quinone should therefore be bound by two H bonds to the protein that could, however, be of different strength. An asymmetric H-bond situation has also been found for Q(A)(-)(*) in the RC of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments are performed on the radical pair state P(960)(+) (*)Q(A)(-)(*) in ZnRCs of Rps. viridis that were treated with o-phenanthroline to block electron transfer to Q(B). The orientations of the two radicals in the radical pair obtained from transient EPR and their distance deduced from pulsed EPR (out-of-phase ESEEM) are very similar to the geometry observed for the ground state P(960)Q(A) in the X-ray structure [Lancaster, R., Michel, H. (1997) Structure 5, 1339].  相似文献   

We report on the x-ray absorption fine structure of the Fe(2+) site in photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Crystallographic studies show that Fe(2+) is ligated with four N(epsilon) atoms from four histidine (His) residues and two O(epsilon) atoms from a Glu residue. By considering multiple scattering contributions to the x-ray absorption fine structure function, we improved the structural resolution of the site: His residues were split into two groups, characterized by different Fe-N(epsilon) distances, and two distinct Fe-O(epsilon) bond lengths resolved. The effect of the environment was studied by embedding the reaction centers into a polyvinyl alcohol film and into a dehydrated trehalose matrix. Incorporation into trehalose caused elongation in one of the two Fe-N(epsilon) distances, and in one Fe-O(epsilon) bond length, compared with the polyvinyl alcohol film. The asymmetry detected in the cluster of His residues and its response to incorporation into trehalose are ascribed to the hydrogen bonds between two His residues and the quinone acceptors. The structural distortions observed in the trehalose matrix indicate a strong interaction between the reaction-centers surface and the water-trehalose matrix, which propagates deeply into the interior of the protein. The absence of matrix effects on the Debye-Waller factors is brought back to the static heterogeneity and rigidity of the ligand cluster.  相似文献   

R J Debus  G Feher  M Y Okamura 《Biochemistry》1986,25(8):2276-2287
Reaction centers (RCs) from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26.1 were depleted of Fe by a simple procedure involving reversible dissociation of the H subunit. The resulting intact Fe-depleted RCs contained 0.1-0.2 Fe per RC as determined from atomic absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Fe-depleted RCs that have no metal ion occupying the Fe site differed from native RCs in the following respects: (1) the rate of electron transfer from QA- to QB exhibited nonexponential kinetics with the majority of RCs having a rate constant slower by only a factor of approximately 2, (2) the efficiency of light-induced charge separation (DQA----D+QA-) produced by a saturating flash decreased to 63%, and (3) QA appeared readily reducible to QA2-. Various divalent metal ions were subsequently incorporated into the Fe site. The electron transfer characteristics of Fe-depleted RCs reconstituted with Fe2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ were essentially the same as those of native RCs. These results demonstrate that neither Fe2+ nor any divalent metal ion is required for rapid electron transfer from QA- to QB. However, the presence of a metal ion in the Fe site is necessary to establish the characteristic, native, electron-transfer properties of QA. The lack of a dominant role of Fe2+ or other divalent metals in the observed rate of electron transfer from QA- to QB suggests that a rate-limiting step (for example, a protonation event or a light-induced structural change) precedes electron transfer.  相似文献   

The photoreductive trapping of the transient, intermediate acceptor, I-, in purified reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26 was investigated for different external conditions. The optical spectrum of I- was found to be similar to that reported for other systems by Shuvalov and Klimov ((1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 400, 587--599) and Tiede et al. (P.M. Tiede, R.C. Prince, G.H. Reed and P.L. Dutton (1976) FEBS Lett. 65, 301--304). The optical changes of I- showed characteristics of both bacteriopheophytin (e.g. bleaching at 762, 542 nm and red shift at 400 nm) and bacteriochlorophyll (bleaching at 802 and 590 nm). Two types of EPR signals of I- were observed: one was a narrow singlet at g = 2.0035, deltaH = 13.5 G, the other a doublet with a splitting of 60 G centered around g = 2.00, which was only seen after short illumination times in reaction centers reconstituted with menaquinone. The optical and EPR kinetics of I- on illumination in the presence of reduced cytochrome c and dithionite strongly support the following three-step scheme in which the doublet EPR signal is due to the unstable state DI-Q-Fe2+ and the singlet EPR signal is due to DI-Q2-Fe2+. : formula: (see text), where D is the primary donor (BChl)2+. The above model was supported by the following observations: (1) During the first illumination, sigmoidal kinetics of the formation of I- was observed. This is a direct consequence of the three-sequential reactions. (2) During the second and subsequent illuminations first-order (exponential) kinetics were observed for the formation of I-. This is due to the dark decay, k4, to the state DIQ2-Fe2+ formed after the first illumination. (3) Removal of the quinone resulted in first-order kinetics. In this case, only the first step, k1, is operative. (4) The observation of the doublet signal in reaction centers containing menaquinone but not ubiquinone is explained by the longer lifetime of the doublet species I-(Q-Fe2%) in reaction centers containing menaquinone. The value of tau2 was determined from kinetic measurements to be 0.01 s for ubiquinone and 4 s for menaquinone (T = 20 degrees C). The temperature and pH dependence of the dark electron transfer reaction I-(Q-Fe2+) yields I(Q2-Fe2+) was studied in detail. The activation energy for this process was found to be 0.42 eV for reaction centers containing ubiquinone and 0.67 eV for reaction centers with menaquinone. The activation energy and the doublet splitting were used to calculate the rate of electron transfer from I- to MQ-Fe2+ using Hopfield's theory for thermally activated electron tunneling. The calculated rate agrees well with the experimentally determined rate which provides support for electron tunneling as the mechanism for electron transfer in this reaction. Using the EPR doublet splitting and the activation energy for electron transfer, the tunneling matrix element was calculated to be 10(-3) eV. From this value the distance between I- and MQ- was estimated to be 7.5--10 A.  相似文献   

Aqueous mixtures of reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and gelatin were dried to form thin films. Following hydration, these films were stretched as much as two to three times their original length. Polarized absorption spectra showing linear dichroism were obtained for both unstretched and stretched films, with the planes and stretching axes of the films mounted in various geometries relative to the electric vector of the measuring beam. These data were analyzed in terms of the following model: Reaction centers possess an axis of symmetry that is fixed in relation to the reaction center structure. In unstretched films this axis is confined to the film plane and oriented at random within the plane. In stretched films the symmetry axis is aligned with the direction of stretching. In both preparations reaction centers are distributed randomly with respect to rotation about the axis of symmetry. The data are consistent with this model when the analysis acknowledges less than perfect orientation. For perfect orientation in a stretched film the model predicts uniaxial symmetry about the axis of stretching. The approach to this condition was examined with films stretched to different extents. Extrapolation yielded dichroic ratios for the ideal case of perfect orientation, and allowed calculation of the angles between the axis of symmetry and the various optical transition dipoles in the reaction center. This treatment included the two absorption bands of the bacteriochlorophyll 'special pair' (photochemical electron donor) in the Qx region, at 600 and 630 nm, which we were able to resolve in light minus dark difference spectra.  相似文献   

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