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We studied the meiofauna community at deep-sea hydrothermal vents along a gradient of vent fluid emissions in the axial summit trought (AST) of the East Pacific Rise 9°50′N region. The gradient ranged from extreme high temperatures, high sulfide concentrations, and low pH at sulfide chimneys to ambient deep-sea water conditions on bare basalt. We explore meiofauna diversity and abundance, and discuss its possible underlying ecological and evolutionary processes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

After sampling in five physico-chemically different habitats, the meiofauna was sorted, counted and classified. Abundances were low at all sites. A total of 52 species were identified at vent habitats. The vent community was dominated by hard substrate generalists that also lived on bare basalt at ambient deep-sea temperature in the axial summit trough (AST generalists). Some vent species were restricted to a specific vent habitat (vent specialists), but others occurred over a wide range of physico-chemical conditions (vent generalists). Additionally, 35 species were only found on cold bare basalt (basalt specialists). At vent sites, species richness and diversity clearly increased with decreasing influence of vent fluid emissions from extreme flow sulfide chimney (no fauna), high flow pompei worm (S: 4–7, H''loge: 0.11–0.45), vigorous flow tubeworm (S: 8–23; H''loge: 0.44–2.00) to low flow mussel habitats (S: 28–31; H''loge: 2.34–2.60).


Our data suggest that with increasing temperature and toxic hydrogen sulfide concentrations and increasing amplitude of variation of these factors, fewer species are able to cope with these extreme conditions. This results in less diverse communities in more extreme habitats. The finding of many species being present at sites with and without vent fluid emissions points to a non endemic deep-sea hydrothermal vent meiofaunal community. This is in contrast to a mostly endemic macrofauna but similar to what is known for meiofauna from shallow-water vents.  相似文献   

Bathymodiolinae are giant mussels that were discovered at hydrothermal vents and harboring chemosynthetic symbionts. Due to their close phylogenetic relationship with seep species and tiny mussels from organic substrates, it was hypothesized that they gradually evolved from shallow to deeper environments, and specialized in decaying organic remains, then in seeps, and finally colonized deep‐sea vents. Here, we present a multigene phylogeny that reveals that most of the genera are polyphyletic and/or paraphyletic. The robustness of the phylogeny allows us to revise the genus‐level classification. Organic remains are robustly supported as the ancestral habitat for Bathymodiolinae. However, rather than a single step toward colonization of vents and seeps, recurrent habitat shifts from organic substrates to vents and seeps occurred during evolution, and never the reverse. This new phylogenetic framework challenges the gradualist scenarios “from shallow to deep.” Mussels from organic remains tolerate a large range of ecological conditions and display a spectacular species diversity contrary to vent mussels, although such habitats are yet underexplored compared to vents and seeps. Overall, our data suggest that for deep‐sea mussels, the high specialization to vent habitats provides ecological success in this harsh habitat but also brings the lineage to a kind of evolutionary dead end.  相似文献   

Symbiotic associations between animals and chemoautotrophic bacteria crowd around hydrothermal vents. In these associations, symbiotic bacteria use chemical reductants from venting fluid for the energy to support autotrophy, providing primary nutrition for the host. At vents along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center, the partially oxidized sulfur compounds (POSCs) thiosulfate and polysulfide have been detected in and around animal communities but away from venting fluid. The use of POSCs for autotrophy, as an alternative to the chemical substrates in venting fluid, could mitigate competition in these communities. To determine whether ESLC symbioses could use thiosulfate to support carbon fixation or produce POSCs during sulfide oxidation, we used high-pressure, flow-through incubations to assess the productivity of three symbiotic mollusc genera—the snails Alviniconcha spp. and Ifremeria nautilei, and the mussel Bathymodiolus brevior—when oxidizing sulfide and thiosulfate. Via the incorporation of isotopically labelled inorganic carbon, we found that the symbionts of all three genera supported autotrophy while oxidizing both sulfide and thiosulfate, though at different rates. Additionally, by concurrently measuring their effect on sulfur compounds in the aquaria with voltammetric microelectrodes, we showed that these symbioses excreted POSCs under highly sulfidic conditions, illustrating that these symbioses could represent a source for POSCs in their habitat. Furthermore, we revealed spatial disparity in the rates of carbon fixation among the animals in our incubations, which might have implications for the variability of productivity in situ. Together, these results re-shape our thinking about sulfur cycling and productivity by vent symbioses, demonstrating that thiosulfate may be an ecologically important energy source for vent symbioses and that they also likely impact the local geochemical regime through the excretion of POSCs.  相似文献   

Deep‐sea hydrothermal vents provide ephemeral habitats for animal communities that depend on chemosynthetic primary production. Sporadic volcanic and tectonic events destroy local vent fields and create new ones. Ongoing dispersal and cycles of extirpation and colonization affect the levels and distribution of genetic diversity in vent metapopulations. Several species exhibit evidence for stepping‐stone dispersal along relatively linear, oceanic, ridge axes. Other species exhibit very high rates of gene flow, although natural barriers associated with variation in depth, deep‐ocean currents, and lateral offsets of ridge axes often subdivide populations. Various degrees of impedance to dispersal across such boundaries are products of species‐specific life histories and behaviours. Though unrelated to the size of a species range, levels of genetic diversity appear to correspond with the number of active vent localities that a species occupies within its range. Pioneer species that rapidly colonize nascent vents tend to be less subdivided and more diverse genetically than species that are slow to establish colonies at vents. Understanding the diversity and connectivity of vent metapopulations provides essential information for designing deep‐sea preserves in regions that are under consideration for submarine mining of precious metals.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vents represent a unique habitat in the marine ecosystem characterized with high water temperature and toxic acidic chemistry. Vents are distributed at depths ranging from a few meters to several thousand meters. The biological communities of shallow-water vents have, however, been insufficiently studied in most biogeographic areas. We attempted to characterize the macrofauna and macroflora community inhabiting the shallow-water vents off Kueishan Island, Taiwan, to identify the main abiotic factors shaping the community structure and the species distribution. We determined that positively buoyant vent fluid exhibits a more pronounced negative impact to species on the surface water than on the bottom layer. Species richness increased with horizontal distance from the vent, and continuing for a distance of 2000 m, indicating that the vent fluid may exert a negative impact over several kilometers. The community structure off Kueishan Island displayed numerous transitions along the horizontal gradient, which were broadly congruent with changes in environmental conditions. Combination of variation in Ca2+, Cl-, temperature, pH and depth were revealed to show the strongest correlation with the change in benthic community structure, suggesting multiple factors of vent fluid were influencing the associated fauna. Only the vent crabs of Kueishan Island may have an obligated relationship with vents and inhabit the vent mouths because other fauna found nearby are opportunistic taxa that are more tolerant to acidic and toxic environments.  相似文献   

This study investigated postlarval dispersal of soft-bottom macrofauna at a spatially complex intertidal mudflat comprising patches of bare sediment and an ecosystem engineer, the mussel Mytilus edulis. At each of four sites in Guard Point Cove, Maine, USA, we took core samples and deployed bedload traps in bare sediment and mussel bed habitats to estimate ambient densities, rates of sediment flux, and several measures of postlarval dispersal. Univariate and multivariate nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) results showed few significant site effects and no habitat×site interactions. In contrast, there were numerous significant habitat effects. Compared to the bare sediment, the mussel bed habitat had: fewer species; higher ambient density and proportional abundance of the oligochaete Tubificoides benedeni (the dominant species in both habitats); lower ambient densities and proportional abundances of major taxa and the nonoligochaetes as a group; and higher sediment flux and relative (i.e., per capita) dispersal of nonoligochaetes. Macrofauna species dispersed in relative proportions that were different from those in the ambient assemblage. Per capita T. benedeni transport rates were low in mussel beds compared to those for nonoligochaetes, consistent with the view that beds represent favorable habitat for oligochaetes. The number of total macrofauna individuals trap−1 day−1 was negatively correlated with ambient density and positively correlated with sediment flux in both habitats, but these relationships were significant only in the mussel bed. The results indicate that altered transport rates of sediment and postlarvae are important mechanisms by which mussels act as ecosystem engineers to modify soft-bottom habitats. Differential transport rates caused by aggregations of mussels and other foundation species must be considered in explanations of spatial pattern in soft-bottom communities.  相似文献   

Many species are becoming active earlier in the season as the climate becomes warmer. In parallel to phenological responses to climate change, many species have also been affected by habitat changes due to anthropogenic land use. As habitat type can directly affect microclimatic conditions, concurrent changes in climate and habitat could have interacting effects on the phenology of species. Temperature‐related shifts in phenology, however, have mostly been studied independent of habitat types. Here, I used long‐term data from a highly standardized monitoring program with 519 transects to study how phenology of butterflies is affected by ambient temperature and habitat type. I compared forests, agricultural areas and settlements, reflecting three major land use forms, and considered butterfly species that were observed in all three of these habitats. Seasonal appearance of the butterflies was affected both by the ambient temperature and the habitat type. As expected, warmer temperatures led to an overall advancement of the appearance and flight period of most species. Surprisingly, however, phenology of species was delayed in settlement habitats, even though this habitat type is generally associated with higher temperatures. A possible explanation is dispersal among habitat types, such that source–sink effects affect local phenology. When there is little productivity in settlement areas, observed butterflies may have immigrated from forest or agricultural habitats and thus appear later in settlements. My findings suggest that a spillover of individuals among habitats may affect phenology trends and indicate that phenological studies need to be interpreted in the context of habitat types. This becomes especially important when defining strategies to prevent or mitigate effects of climate and land‐use changes on phenology and abundance of species.  相似文献   

Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are subject to major disturbances that alter the physical and chemical environment and eradicate the resident faunal communities. Vent fields are isolated by uninhabitable deep seafloor, so recolonization via dispersal of planktonic larvae is critical for persistence of populations. We monitored colonization near 9°50′N on the East Pacific Rise following a catastrophic eruption in order to address questions of the relative contributions of pioneer colonists and environmental change to variation in species composition, and the role of pioneers at the disturbed site in altering community structure elsewhere in the region. Pioneer colonists included two gastropod species: Ctenopelta porifera, which was new to the vent field, and Lepetodrilus tevnianus, which had been rare before the eruption but persisted in high abundance afterward, delaying and possibly out-competing the ubiquitous pre-eruption congener L. elevatus. A decrease in abundance of C. porifera over time, and the arrival of later species, corresponded to a decrease in vent fluid flow and in the sulfide to temperature ratio. For some species these successional changes were likely due to habitat requirements, but other species persisted (L. tevnianus) or arrived (L. elevatus) in patterns unrelated to their habitat preferences. After two years, disturbed communities had started to resemble pre-eruption ones, but were lower in diversity. When compared to a prior (1991) eruption, the succession of foundation species (tubeworms and mussels) appeared to be delayed, even though habitat chemistry became similar to the pre-eruption state more quickly. Surprisingly, a nearby community that had not been disturbed by the eruption was invaded by the pioneers, possibly after they became established in the disturbed vents. These results indicate that the post-eruption arrival of species from remote locales had a strong and persistent effect on communities at both disturbed and undisturbed vents.  相似文献   

Interest in the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities has been stimulated by recent data that demonstrate that fungal communities influence the competitive hierarchies, productivity, diversity, and successional patterns of plant communities. Although natural communities of AM fungi are diverse, we have a poor understanding of the mechanisms that promote and maintain that diversity. Plants may coexist by inhabiting disparate temporal niches; plants of many grasslands are either warm or cool season specialists. We hypothesized that AM fungi might be similarly seasonal. To test our hypothesis, we tracked the sporulation of individual AM fungal species growing within a North Carolina grassland. Data were collected in 1996 and 1997; in 1997, sampling focused on two common species. We found that AM fungi, especially Acaulospora colossica and Gigaspora gigantea, maintained different and contrasting seasonalities. Acaulospora colossica sporulated more frequently in the warm season, but Gi. gigantea sporulated more frequently in the cool season. Moreover, AM fungal species were spatially aggregated at a fine scale. Contrasting seasonal and spatial niches may facilitate the maintenance of a diverse community of AM fungi. Furthermore, these data may illuminate our understanding of the AM fungal influence on plant communities: various fungal species may preferentially associate with different plant species and thereby promote diversity in the plant community.  相似文献   

Despite the frequent isolation of nitrate-respiring Epsilonproteobacteria from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, the genes coding for the nitrate reduction pathway in these organisms have not been investigated in depth. In this study we have shown that the gene cluster coding for the periplasmic nitrate reductase complex (nap) is highly conserved in chemolithoautotrophic, nitrate-reducing Epsilonproteobacteria from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Furthermore, we have shown that the napA gene is expressed in pure cultures of vent Epsilonproteobacteria and it is highly conserved in microbial communities collected from deep-sea vents characterized by different temperature and redox regimes. The diversity of nitrate-reducing Epsilonproteobacteria was found to be higher in moderate temperature, diffuse flow vents than in high temperature black smokers or in low temperatures, substrate-associated communities. As NapA has a high affinity for nitrate compared with the membrane-bound enzyme, its occurrence in vent Epsilonproteobacteria may represent an adaptation of these organisms to the low nitrate concentrations typically found in vent fluids. Taken together, our findings indicate that nitrate reduction is widespread in vent Epsilonproteobacteria and provide insight on alternative energy metabolism in vent microorganisms. The occurrence of the nap cluster in vent, commensal and pathogenic Epsilonproteobacteria suggests that the ability of these bacteria to respire nitrate is important in habitats as different as the deep-sea vents and the human body.  相似文献   

Non‐native fish generally cause native fish decline, and once non‐natives are established, control or elimination is usually problematic. Because non‐native fish colonization has been greatest in anthropogenically altered habitats, restoring habitat similar to predisturbance conditions may offer a viable means of non‐native fish control. In this investigation we identified habitats favoring native over non‐native fish in a Mojave Desert oasis (Ash Meadows) and used this information to restore one of its major warm water spring systems (Kings Pool Spring). Prior to restoration, native fishes predominated in warm water (25–32°C) stream and spring‐pool habitat, whereas non‐natives predominated in cool water (≤23°C) spring‐pool and marsh/slack water habitat. Native Amargosa pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis) and Ash Meadows speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus nevadensis) inhabited significantly faster mean water column velocities (MWCV) and greater total depth (TD) than non‐native Sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna) and Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in warm water stream habitat, and Ash Meadows speckled dace inhabited significantly faster water than non‐natives in cool water stream habitat. Modification of the outflow of Kings Pool Spring from marsh to warm water stream, with MWCV, TD, and temperature favoring native fish, changed the fish composition from predominantly non‐native Sailfin molly and Mosquitofish to predominantly Ash Meadows pupfish. This result supports the hypothesis that restoring spring systems to a semblance of predisturbance conditions would promote recolonization of native fishes and deter non‐native fish invasion and proliferation.  相似文献   

Specific and genetic diversity at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hydrothermal vent communities are ancient (i.e. early Mesozoic) and characterized by high biomasses, low number of species and high levels of endemism. However, little is known about the ecology and behaviour of the vent macro-and megafauna. Data on the biology and the life-history of hydrothermal-vent organisms are scarce and lead us to hypothesize various ways in which such species disperse and colonize their habitat. Such biological and ecological patterns are important for assessing both the spatial and temporal distribution of the vent fauna and the evolution of such peculiar species with geological times and, therefore need to be reviewed. Scattered information referring to vent-site distribution, bottom currents, temporal evolution of the vent emissions and their implication on the related fauna have been accumulated over the last decade. To date, several ecological and genetic studies have attempted to analyse vent fauna structures to understand how populations and communities evolve with time in such a patchy and unstable environment. They also provide faunistic comparisons across the vent communities discovered so far on well-separated oceanic ridges. This article provides a synthetic overview on biodiversity in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, genetic diversity of hydrothermal-vent species and factors responsible for similarities or differences among the vent fauna within and between well-separated venting areas of the Atlantic and Pacific ridges.  相似文献   

Sediments associated with hydrothermal venting, methane seepage and large organic falls such as whale, wood and plant detritus create deep-sea networks of soft-sediment habitats fueled, at least in part, by the oxidation of reduced chemicals. Biological studies at deep-sea vents, seeps and organic falls have looked at macrofaunal taxa, but there has yet to be a systematic comparison of the community-level attributes of sediment macrobenthos in various reducing ecosystems. Here we review key similarities and differences in the sediment-dwelling assemblages of each system with the goals of (1) generating a predictive framework for the exploration and study of newly identified reducing habitats, and (2) identifying taxa and communities that overlap across ecosystems. We show that deep-sea seep, vent and organic-fall sediments are highly heterogeneous. They sustain different geochemical and microbial processes that are reflected in a complex mosaic of habitats inhabited by a mixture of specialist (heterotrophic and symbiont-associated) and background fauna. Community-level comparisons reveal that vent, seep and organic-fall macrofauna are very distinct in terms of composition at the family level, although they share many dominant taxa among these highly sulphidic habitats. Stress gradients are good predictors of macrofaunal diversity at some sites, but habitat heterogeneity and facilitation often modify community structure. The biogeochemical differences across ecosystems and within habitats result in wide differences in organic utilization (i.e., food sources) and in the prevalence of chemosynthesis-derived nutrition. In the Pacific, vents, seeps and organic-falls exhibit distinct macrofaunal assemblages at broad-scales contributing to ß diversity. This has important implications for the conservation of reducing ecosystems, which face growing threats from human activities.  相似文献   

Spillover in ecological systems, that is the dispersal or foraging of organisms across habitat borders, can affect ecosystem functioning and food web interactions of local communities. While spillover of organisms from perennial habitats into agricultural fields received some attention in the context of ecosystem service provisioning, the spillover into semi-natural habitats has rarely been addressed, although spillover of generalist predators or competition for pollinators can have consequences for nature conservation. We studied predation rates of ground-dwelling predators on 20 calcareous grasslands, with either coniferous forest or a crop field as adjacent habitat. As prey items we exposed 32,000 ladybird eggs on the grasslands. Within two study periods (June to September) predation rates were higher at warm compared to cool days, but did not depend on the study period itself or the distance from the edge where prey items were placed. In each study period we found higher predation rates when coniferous forest was the adjacent habitat, however, only on cool days. On warm days, prey items were consumed to very high extents (often 100%), which did not allow the detection of possible differences between adjacent habitat types. The higher predation rates on grasslands adjacent to forests can be explained by predator spillover from forests to grasslands. We conclude that semi-natural habitats provide not only ecosystem services in adjacent human dominated habitats, but are also exposed to antagonistic spillover effects. Such antagonistic spillover should be considered in conservation strategies for semi-natural habitats.  相似文献   

Nematodes are very common in the deep sea and are an important component of deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities. In early 2006, the eruption of the underwater volcano at 9°50’N East Pacific Rise wiped out almost the entire faunal communities of the area. This provided us with the opportunity to study nematode primary succession at vents as well as on adjacent seafloor basalt. Nematode abundance and richness were extremely low at all studied sites in late 2006 and 2007, and increased only slightly in 2009. Interestingly, the most abundant species during early succession were also prominent in this area prior to the eruption. Our results show that nematodes are extremely influenced by volcanic eruptions and need a long period of time to colonize the lava-flooded area in greater numbers and richness. We hypothesize that low food availability on the young bare basalt and harsh environmental conditions at early succession vent sites might hinder a more successful nematode establishment. In addition to the newly established active vent sites we also studied an inactive vent site that was not directly hit by the eruption but whose vent fluid had ceased after the eruption. At this inactive and older vent, diversity was also relatively low but was higher than at the younger, newly established sites. In addition to the ecological analyses, we here describe the two most abundant species found at inactive vents, namely Neochromadora aff. poecilosoma De Mann 1893 and Linhomoeus caudipapillosus sp. n.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vents and hydrocarbon seeps in the deep ocean are rare oases fueled by chemosynthesis. Biological communities inhabiting these ecosystems are often distributed in widely separated habitats, raising intriguing questions on how these organisms achieve connectivity and whether habitat types facilitate intraspecific divergence. The deep-sea patellogastropod limpet Bathyacmaea nipponica that colonizes both vents and seeps across ∼2,400 km in the Northwest Pacific is a feasible model to answer these questions. We analyzed 123 individuals from four vents and three seeps using a comprehensive method incorporating population genomics and physical ocean modeling. Genome survey sequencing and genotyping-by-sequencing resulted in 9,838 single-nucleotide polymorphisms for population genomic analyses. Genetic divergence and demographic analyses revealed four habitat-linked (i.e., three seep and one vent) genetic groups, with the vent genetic group established via the opportunistic invasion of a few limpet larvae from a nearby seep genetic group. TreeMix analysis uncovered three historical seep-to-vent migration events. ADMIXTURE and divMigrate analyses elucidated weak contemporary gene flow from a seep genetic group to the vent genetic group. Physical ocean modeling underlined the potential roles of seafloor topography and ocean currents in shaping the genetic connectivity, contemporary migration, and local hybridization of these deep-sea limpets. Our study highlighted the power of integrating genomic and oceanographic approaches in deciphering the demography and diversification of deep-sea organisms. Given the increasing anthropogenic activities (e.g., mining and gas hydrate extraction) affecting the deep ocean, our results have implications for the conservation of deep-sea biodiversity and establishment of marine protected areas.  相似文献   

Chown SL 《PLoS biology》2012,10(1):e1001232
The diversity of many marine benthic groups is unlike that of most other taxa. Rather than declining from the tropics to the poles, much of the benthos shows high diversity in the Southern Ocean. Moreover, many species are unique to the Antarctic region. Recent work has shown that this is also true of the communities of Antarctic deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Vent ecosystems have been documented from many sites across the globe, associated with the thermally and chemically variable habitats found around these, typically high temperature, streams that are rich in reduced compounds and polymetallic sulphides. The animal communities of the East Scotia Ridge vent ecosystems are very different to those elsewhere, though the microbiota, which form the basis of vent food webs, show less differentiation. Much of the biological significance of deep-sea hydrothermal vents lies in their biodiversity, the diverse biochemistry of their bacteria, the remarkable symbioses among many of the marine animals and these bacteria, and the prospects that investigations of these systems hold for understanding the conditions that may have led to the first appearance of life. The discovery of diverse and unusual Antarctic hydrothermal vent ecosystems provides opportunities for new understanding in these fields. Moreover, the Antarctic vents south of 60°S benefit from automatic conservation under the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and the Antarctic Treaty. Other deep-sea hydrothermal vents located in international waters are not protected and may be threatened by growing interests in deep-sea mining.  相似文献   

Using a large body of observational data on the occurrence ofSorex shrews in boreal forests, we test two models that predict the structure of small mammal communities along a gradient of increasing habitat productivity. Tilman’s (1982) model predicts a humped curve of species richness along productivity gradients. In contrast, we found a linear increase in species richness with increasing logarithm of the pooled density of shrews, which we use as a measure of habitat productivity for shrews. The model of Hanski and Kaikusalo (1989) assumes a trade-off between exploitative and interference competitive abilities, and it predicts that the size structure of small mammal communities should shift from the dominance of small species (superior in exploitative competition) in unproductive habitats to the dominance of large species (superior in interference competition) in productive habitats. Shrew assemblages show such a shift. Though it is not possible to draw definite conclusions about the role of interspecific competition from our observational data, the changing size structure of local shrew assemblages with increasing habitat productivity is a predictable feature of their community structure.  相似文献   

Cocito  Silvia  Bianchi  C. Nike  Morri  Carla  Peirano  Andrea 《Hydrobiologia》2000,426(1):113-121
The major epibenthic communities on subtidal rocks of Palaeochori Bay and the marine tract on the southern coast of Milos Island (Greece) were described down to 44 m depth. Six sites were investigated by snorkelling and SCUBA diving. Samples, photographs and video images were also taken to integrate information. Three out of the six sites were close to hydrothermal vents, a common feature in the area. In total, nine major epibenthic communities were found, most of which were characterised by a diverse algal growth down to the maximum depth explored. Macrobenthic cover was severely reduced only in the close proximity of vents, a white flocculent bacterial mat covering the rock at the point from which fluid escaped. Large-scale effects of vents on the epibenthic communities were not detected. However, the abundance of species with warm-water affinity was recognisable in both algal and animal dominated communities, which may be related to higher winter temperature in the vent area. Epifaunal communities under overhangs were composed of distinct groups of suspension feeders at vent as compared to non-vent sites: this might indicate differences in trophic conditions. Mounds of the bioconstructional coralline alga Mesophyllum lichenoides were conspicuous only at vent sites, thus suggesting enhanced biodeposition of carbonates due to vent activity.  相似文献   

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