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There exist many methods to detect recombination or mosaic structure in a sample of DNA sequences. But how reliable are they? Four methods were investigated with respect to their power to detect recombination in simulated samples with different amounts of recombination and mutation. In addition, we investigated the impact of the shape of the underlying genealogy on their performances. We found that the methods detected far fewer recombinations than were theoretically possible and that methods based on the principle of incompatibility in general had more power than methods that did not make use of this principle explicitly. This seemed, in particular, to be the case for phylogenies generated under population expansion scenarios which result in long branches at the tips and small deep branches. In addition to the results obtained through simulations, a series of new theoretical results on recombination is presented.  相似文献   

张丽  张良  刘书成  张义军  韩艺 《遗传》2010,32(6):555-560
随着分子生物学技术的发展, 海洋食品物种鉴定方法由原来的蛋白质水平深入到了DNA水平。目前应用于海洋食品物种鉴定的DNA技术主要是FINS(Forensically informative nucleotide sequencing)、PCR-RFLP和物种特异性PCR标记技术等, 能够实现对新鲜、冰冻、腌制或灌装食品物种进行鉴定, 而对混合样本的鉴定及量化分析是尚待解决的一个问题。基因数据库对物种鉴定的影响也越来越大, 是海洋加工食品物种鉴定可利用的另一种重要信息资源。文章综述了DNA技术在海洋食品物种鉴定中的应用研究进展, 并展望DNA技术在海洋食品检测中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Two DNA-based techniques were used for species identification of enterococci.PvuII digestion of the genus-specific PCR product yielded four different restriction profiles among 20 enterococcal species; one of them was species-specific forE. faecium. In the second case, 32 reference strains belonging to 20 enterococcal species were divided to 12 groups by amplification of internal transcribed spacer of rRNA operon. Interspecies and some intraspecies profile variability was determined. Both methods gave similar results.  相似文献   

The pondweeds (Potamogetonaceae) are among the most important plant groups in the aquatic environment. Owing to their high morphological and ecological diversity, species identification of this aquatic family remains problematic. DNA barcoding involves sequencing a standard DNA region and has been shown to be a powerful tool for species identification. In the present study, we tested four barcoding markers (rbcL, matK, internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and trnH-psbA) in 15 Potamogeton species and two Stuckenia species, representing most species of the Potamogetonaceae in China. The results show that all four regions can distinguish and support the newly proposed genera of Stuckenia from Potamogeton. Using ITS and trnH-psbA, significant interspecific genetic variability was shown. However, intraspecific genetic variability of trnH-psbA is high and so it is not suitable for barcoding in Potamogetonaceae. The ITS and matK regions showed good discrimination. However, matK was not easy to sequence using universal primers. The best performing single locus was ITS, making it a potentially useful DNA barcode in Potamogetonaceae.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) recommended the combination of rbcL and matK as the plant barcode based on assessments of recoverability, sequencing quality, and levels of species discrimination. Subsequently, based on a study of more than 6600 samples belonging to 193 families from seven phyla, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 2 locus was proposed as a universal barcode sequence for all major plant taxa used in traditional herbal medicine. Neither of these two studies was based on a detailed analysis of a particular family. Here, Zingiberaceae plants, including many closely related species, were used to compare the genetic divergence and species identification efficiency of ITS2, rbcL, matK, psbK-psbI, trnH-psbA, and rpoB.The results indicate that ITS2 has the highest interspecific divergence and significant differences between inter- and intraspecific divergence, whereas matK and rbcL have much lower divergence values. Among 260 species belongingto 30 genera in Zingiberaceae, the discrimination ability of the ITS2 locus was 99.5% at the genus level and 73.1% at the species level. Thus, we propose that ITS2 is the preferred DNA barcode sequence for identifying Zingiberaceae plants.  相似文献   

Enrichment of barcode databases with mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcode sequences in different animal taxa has become important for identification of animal source in food samples to prevent commercial fraud. In this study, COI barcode sequence in seventy one river buffalo samples were determined, analyzed and deposited in Genbank barcode database and barcode of life database (BOLD) to contribute for construction of public reference library for COI barcode sequence in river buffalo. Moreover COI barcode sequence was used to identify the closely related buffalo groups: river buffalo, swamp buffalo, lowland anoa and African buffalo. Results indicated the success of the COI barcode in the identification of each of the tested groups. Whereas a suggested sequence of other mitochondrial segment representing two successive transfer RNA (tRNA) genes; tRNA-Threonine (MT-TT) and tRNA-Proline (MT-TP) was failed to be used as a barcode marker for differentiation between the tested buffalo groups.  相似文献   

物种分布模型(SDMs)通过量化物种分布和环境变量之间的关系,并将其外推到未知的景观单元,模拟、预测地理空间中生物的潜在分布,是生态学、生物地理学、保护生物学等研究领域的重要工具.然而,目前物种分布模型主要采用非生物因素作为预测变量,由于数据量化和建模表达困难,生物因素特别是种间作用在物种分布模型中常被忽略,将种间作用...  相似文献   

Conventional molecular simulation techniques such as grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) strictly rely on purely random search inside the simulation box for predicting the adsorption isotherms. This blind search is usually extremely time demanding for providing a faithful approximation of the real isotherm and in some cases may lead to non-optimal solutions. A novel approach is presented in this article which does not use any of the classical steps of the standard GCMC method, such as displacement, insertation, and removal. The new approach is based on the well-known genetic algorithm to find the optimal configuration for adsorption of any adsorbate on a structured adsorbent under prevailing pressure and temperature. The proposed approach considers the molecular simulation problem as a global optimization challenge. A detailed flow chart of our so-called genetic algorithm molecular simulation (GAMS) method is presented, which is entirely different from traditions molecular simulation approaches. Three real case studies (for adsorption of CO2 and H2 over various zeolites) are borrowed from literature to clearly illustrate the superior performances of the proposed method over the standard GCMC technique. For the present method, the average absolute values of percentage errors are around 11% (RHO-H2), 5% (CHA-CO2), and 16% (BEA-CO2), while they were about 70%, 15%, and 40% for the standard GCMC technique, respectively.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic theory predicts that when populations diverge by drift the interspecific divergence (D matrix), calculated from species means, will be proportional to the average value of the additive genetic variance-covariance matrix, or G matrix. Most empirical studies in which this hypothesis has been investigated have ignored phylogenetic nonindependence among included taxa. Baker and Wilkinson (2003; also Revell et al. 2007) used a test for constraint in which the D matrix is calculated from phylogenetically independent contrasts (Felsenstein 1985) instead of directly from the species means. I use computer simulations to show that, on average, when the process of evolution is genetic drift, the divergence matrix calculated from independent contrasts (D(IC)) is more highly correlated with G than is the divergence matrix calculated ignoring phylogenetic nonindependence (D). This effect is more pronounced when speciation is initially slow but increases over time than when speciation decreases over time. Finally, when evolution is primarily by drift but phenotype space is bounded (as if by functional constraint) the average correlation is decreased between both G and D or D(IC), however the correlation between G and D(IC) is much larger than between G and D. Although limited in scope, to my knowledge this is the first study to use individual-based quantitative genetic simulations in a phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

Three molecular methods, RAPD-PCR analysis, electrophoretic karyotyping and RFLP of the PCR-amplified ITS regions (ITS1, ITS2 and the intervening 5.8S rDNA), were studied for accurate identification of Hanseniaspora and Kloeckera species as well as for determining inter- and intraspecific relationships of 74 strains isolated from different sources and/or geographically distinct regions. Of these three methods, PCR-RFLP analysis of ITS regions with restriction enzymes DdeI and HinfI is proposed as a rapid identification method to discriminate unambiguously between all six Hanseniaspora species and the single non-ascospore-forming apiculate yeast species Kloeckera lindneri. Electrophoretic karyotyping produced chromosomal profiles by which the seven species could be divided into four groups sharing similar karyotypes. Although most of the 60 strains examined exhibited a common species-specific pattern, a different degree of chromosomal-length polymorphism and a variable number of chromosomal DNA fragments were observed within species. Cluster analysis of the combined RAPD-PCR fingerprints obtained with one 10-mer primer, two microsatellite primers and one minisatellite primer generated clusters which with a few exceptions are in agreement with the groups as earlier recognized in DNA-DNA homology studies.  相似文献   

Zhang AB  Feng J  Ward RD  Wan P  Gao Q  Wu J  Zhao WZ 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30986
Species identification via DNA barcodes is contributing greatly to current bioinventory efforts. The initial, and widely accepted, proposal was to use the protein-coding cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region as the standard barcode for animals, but recently non-coding internal transcribed spacer (ITS) genes have been proposed as candidate barcodes for both animals and plants. However, achieving a robust alignment for non-coding regions can be problematic. Here we propose two new methods (DV-RBF and FJ-RBF) to address this issue for species assignment by both coding and non-coding sequences that take advantage of the power of machine learning and bioinformatics. We demonstrate the value of the new methods with four empirical datasets, two representing typical protein-coding COI barcode datasets (neotropical bats and marine fish) and two representing non-coding ITS barcodes (rust fungi and brown algae). Using two random sub-sampling approaches, we demonstrate that the new methods significantly outperformed existing Neighbor-joining (NJ) and Maximum likelihood (ML) methods for both coding and non-coding barcodes when there was complete species coverage in the reference dataset. The new methods also out-performed NJ and ML methods for non-coding sequences in circumstances of potentially incomplete species coverage, although then the NJ and ML methods performed slightly better than the new methods for protein-coding barcodes. A 100% success rate of species identification was achieved with the two new methods for 4,122 bat queries and 5,134 fish queries using COI barcodes, with 95% confidence intervals (CI) of 99.75-100%. The new methods also obtained a 96.29% success rate (95%CI: 91.62-98.40%) for 484 rust fungi queries and a 98.50% success rate (95%CI: 96.60-99.37%) for 1094 brown algae queries, both using ITS barcodes.  相似文献   

A taxonomic key, based on restriction enzyme analysis of the second internal-transcribed spacer (ITS-2) in the nuclear ribosomal DNA gene, was developed for identification of 17 Ixodes tick species in the United States. This key includes: Ixodes affinis Neumann, Ixodes angustus Neumann, Ixodes baergi Cooley and Kohls, Ixodes brunneus Koch, Ixodes cookei Packard, Ixodes dentatus Marx, Ixodes jellisoni Cooley and Kohls, Ixodes kingi Bishopp, Ixodes minor Neumann, Ixodes muris Bishopp and Smith, Ixodes pacificus Cooley and Kohls, Ixodes scapularis Say, Ixodes sculpularis Neumann, I. spinipalpis Hadwen and Nuttall, Ixodes texanus Banks, Ixodes uriae White, and Ixodes woodi Bishopp. A 900-bp fragment of the ITS-2 was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. This fragment was then digested with the restriction enzymes MspI and CfoI, and the digested fragments were size fractionated on a 2.5% high-resolution agarose gel. A dichotomous key was developed based on digested fragment sizes relative to a standard set of size markers. Little intraspecific variation in restriction fragment banding patterns was detected.  相似文献   

Hydrolases acting on polyesters like cutin, polycaprolactone or polyethylene terephthalate (PET) are of interest for several biotechnological applications like waste treatment, biocatalysis and sustainable polymer modifications. Recent studies suggest that a large variety of such enzymes are still to be identified and explored in a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas. For activity-based screening, methods have been established using agar plates which contain nanoparticles of polycaprolactone or PET prepared by solvent precipitation and evaporation. In this protocol article, we describe a straightforward agar plate-based method using emulsifiable artificial polyesters as substrates, namely Impranil® DLN and liquid polycaprolactone diol (PLD). Thereby, the currently quite narrow set of screening substrates is expanded. We also suggest optional pre-screening with short-chain and middle-chain-length triglycerides as substrates to identify enzymes with lipolytic activity to be further tested for polyesterase activity. We applied these assays to experimentally demonstrate polyesterase activity in bacteria from the P. pertucinogena lineage originating from contaminated soils and diverse marine habitats.  相似文献   

Museum collections are treasure troves of biodiversity information thatcan potentially be used for species richness estimation. Using label data on theDanish Asilidae (Diptera), we test eight species richness estimation techniques(abundance-based coverage estimator (ACE), ICE, Chao1, Chao2, first and secondorder Jackknife, Bootstrap and MMMeans) by comparing the estimates to the numberof species likely to occur in Denmark based on distributional information,expert opinion, and a species–area curve. We are investigating which ofthe estimators are most suited for the task. Furthermore, through theuse of four different subsampling schemes we study which kind of label information isnecessary in order to apply these estimation procedures. The first and secondorder Jackknife estimators yield the most accurate estimate of the number ofcollectable species in Denmark, while ACE, Bootstrap and Chao1 only provideslight improvements over observed values. We find that all estimatorsunderestimate the true diversity of Danish Asilidae and speculate that thisperformance is due to a discrepancy between the total and the collectable faunain the region. Finally, we discuss the implications for species richnessestimation and emphasize that for most terrestrial arthropod taxa thesediscrepancies are of such a magnitude that estimated species richness values maybe dangerously low and of limited use in conservation decision making.  相似文献   

Fish species identification is traditionally based on external morphological features. Yet, in many cases fishes and especially their diverse developmental stages are difficult to identify by morphological characters. DNA-based identification methods offer an analytically powerful addition or even an alternative. This work intends to provide an updated and extensive overview on the PCR-methods for fish species identification. Among the ten main methods developed, three PCR-RFLP, PCR-FINS and PCR-specific primers have been the most used. Two other emerging methods, namely real-time PCR and microarray technology, offer new potential for quantification of DNA and simultaneous detection of numerous species, respectively. Almost 500 species have been targeted in the past decade, among which the most studied belong to gadoids, scombroids, and salmonids. The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was by far the most targeted DNA markers. The most common applications belonged to the forensic, taxonomic, and ecological fields. At last, some key problems, such as the degradation of DNA, the reliability of sequences, and the use of scientific names, likely to be encountered during the development of molecular identification methods are described. In conclusion, the tremendous advances in molecular biology in the past 10 years has rendered possible the study of DNA from virtually any substrates, offering new perspectives for the development of various applications, which will likely continue to increase in the future.  相似文献   

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长期以来,非法捕猎是威胁物种多样性及保护的一个国际性难题.由于偷猎对象往往涉及一些国家保护的物种,因此在执法过程中需要对偷猎对象进行准确的物种鉴定,以作为执法的依据.  相似文献   

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