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The functional analysis of genes frequently requires manipulation of large genomic regions embedded in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). We have designed a yeast-bacteria shuttle vector, pClasper, that can be used to clone specific regions of interest from YACs by homologous recombination. The important feature of pClasper is the presence of the mini-F factor replicon. This leads to a significant increase in the size of the plasmid inserts that can be maintained in bacteria after cloning by homologous recombination in yeast. The utility of this vector lies in its ability to maintain large fragments in bacteria and yeast, allowing for mutagenesis in yeast and simplified preparation of plasmid DNA in bacteria. Using PCR-generated recombinogenic fragments in pClasper we cloned a 27 kb region from a YAC containing the Hoxc cluster and a 130 kb region containing the entire Hoxb cluster. No rearrangements were seen when the recombinants in the shuttle vector were transferred to bacteria. We outline the potential uses of pClasper for functional studies of large genomic regions by transgenic and other analyses.  相似文献   

A novel procedure is described for the cloning of partial EcoRI fragments of bovine DNA: it reduces the chance of sequence rearrangements due to multiple insertions (co-cloning) of restriction fragments in the resulting YAC. The DNA to be inserted has been dephosphorylated, whereas the matching ends of the vector, pYAC4, have not. The ligation was essentially complete, the transformation efficiency was close to 19 transformants per ng of vector and the frequency of clones carrying YAC, 60-100 kb in size, was close to 70%. The YACs show segregative and replicative stability.  相似文献   

The dinucleosome is an informative unit for analysis of the higher-order chromatin structure. DNA fragments forming stable dinucleosomes were screened from a dinucleosome DNA library after the reconstitution of nucleosomes in vitro and digestion with micrococcal nuclease. Reconstituted dinucleosomes showed a diversity of sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease, suggesting that the biochemical stability of a dinucleosome depends, in part, on the DNA fragments. The DNA fragments after the screening were classified into three groups represented by clones bf10, af14 and af32 according to the sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease. Mapping of the nucleosome boundaries by Southern blotting of the DNA after restriction digestion and by primer extension analysis showed that each nucleosome position of clone af32 was fixed. Analysis of reconstituted dinucleosomes using mutant DNA fragments of clone af32 revealed a unique property characteristic of a key nucleosome, given that the replacement of a DNA fragment corresponding to the right nucleosome position resulted in marked sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease, whereas the replacement of the other nucleosome fragment had almost no effect on sensitivity as compared to the original af32 construct. The mutant construct in which the right nucleosome was removed showed multiple nucleosome phases, suggesting that the right nucleosome stabilized first each mononucleosome and then the dinucleosome. An oligonucleotide bending assay revealed that the DNA fragment in the right nucleosome included curved DNA, suggesting that the positioning activity of the nucleosome was attributed to its DNA structure. These results suggest that information for forming stable dinucleosome is embedded in the genomic DNA and that a further characterization of the key nucleosome is useful for understanding the building up of the chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) provide a powerful tool for the isolation and mapping of large regions of mammalian chromosomes. We developed a rapid and efficient method for the isolation of DNA fragments representing the extreme ends of YAC clones by the insertion of a rescue plasmid into the YAC vector by homologous recombination. Two rescue vectors were constructed containing a yeast LYS2 selectable gene, a bacterial origin of replication, an antibiotic resistance gene, a polylinker containing multiple restriction sites, and a fragment homologous to one arm of the pYAC4 vector. The 'end-cloning' procedure involves transformation of the rescue vector into yeast cells carrying a YAC clone, followed by preparation of yeast DNA and transformation into bacterial cells. The resulting plasmids carry end-specific DNA fragments up to 20 kb in length, which are suitable for use as hybridization probes, as templates for direct DNA sequencing, and as probes for mapping by fluorescence in situ hybridization. These vectors are suitable for the rescue of end-clones from any YAC constructed using a pYAC-derived vector. We demonstrate the utility of these plasmids by rescuing YAC-end fragments from a human YAC library.  相似文献   

We report a protocol for cloning large DNA fragments in yeast artificial chromosomes (YAC). A partial library has been constructed from a somatic hybrid containing chromosome 21 as the single source of human DNA. About 4.0 Mb of human DNA was recovered in 17 YAC clones. Three clones were analyzed by in situ hybridization and mapped on chromosome 21. One clone hybridized with the chromosome 21 centromeric region and may provide new insight both on the molecular structure of centromere and on the localization of Alzheimer disease gene.  相似文献   

Transfer of yeast artificial chromosomes from yeast to mammalian cells.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human DNA can be cloned as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), each of which contains several hundred kilobases of human DNA. This DNA can be manipulated in the yeast host using homologous recombination and yeast selectable markers. In relatively few steps it is possible to make virtually any change in the cloned human DNA from single base pair changes to deletions and insertions. In order to study the function of the cloned DNA and the effects of the changes made in the yeast, the human DNA must be transferred back into mammalian cells. Recent experiments indicate that large genes can be transferred from the yeast host to mammalian cells in tissue culture and that the genes are transferred intact and are expressed. Using the same methods it may soon be possible to transfer YAC DNA into the mouse germ line so that the expression and function of genes cloned in YACs can be studied in developing and adult mammalian animals.  相似文献   

A library of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) with human DNA inserts has been assembled from a human/hamster somatic cell hybrid containing Xq24-Xqter human DNA. Screening of the agar-embedded transformants for human DNA used a manifold of 3000 stainless-steel pins to transfer colonies onto the surface of media. This facilitated the recovery of the 1 in 300 clones that contained a human DNA insert (the remainder had hamster DNA and were discarded). The library described here consists of about two genomic equivalents (102 Mb) of human DNA in 467 clones: 167 were generated by EcoRI partial digestion and contain 25.5 Mb of human DNA; 252 used partial digestion with TaqI and cover 64.2 Mb; and 48 were from sheared DNA inserts and cover 11.7 Mb. Clones were screened by hybridization with 70 probes previously assigned to Xq24-Xq28. Eleven probes did not hybridize to any YACs in the library, and 16 probes hybridized to one YAC each, 23 to two, 13 to three, and 7 to four. Also, individual YACs large enough to detect features like the clustering of polymorphic sequences in subregions of Xq24-Xqter have been obtained. For example, XY58 contained five probe sequences previously independently isolated. The overall yield of YACs containing probe sequences was indistinguishable from Poisson statistical expectations for random cloning (P = 0.9). Thus, YAC libraries such as the one described here can include most, if not all, of the sequences in the source DNA from which the library is derived. These results support the possibility that YACs may provide a reliable bridge between linkage studies and conventional recombinant DNA analyses in mapping of the human genome.  相似文献   

Sequence-tagged sites (STSs) derived from end fragments of chromosome-specific yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) can facilitate the assembly of an overlapping YAC/STS map. Contigs form rapidly by iteratively screening YAC collections with end-fragment STSs from YACs that have not yet been detected by any previous STS. The map is rendered rapidly useful during its assembly by incorporating supplementary STSs from genes and genetic linkage probes with known locations. Methods for the systematic development and testing of the end-fragments STSs are given here, and a group of 100 STSs is presented for the X chromosome. The mapping strategy is shown to be successful in simulations with portions of the X chromosome already largely mapped into overlapping YACs by other means.  相似文献   

Identification of a telomeric DNA sequence in Plasmodium berghei.   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
M Ponzi  T Pace  E Dore    C Frontali 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(11):2991-2995
A fragment of Plasmodium berghei DNA was cloned using a technique designed to select for telomeric sequences. The cloned fragment recognizes Bal31-sensitive bands in P. berghei genomic digests. It contains at its distal end at least 70 tandem repeats of the heptanucleotide sequence CCCTGAAA. The presence of natural single strand discontinuities in the telomeric regions of P. berghei DNA is demonstrated by the selective incorporation of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in the absence of DNase. The number of copies of the cloned sequence present in each genome agrees with an estimate of 6-12 chromosomes per nucleus.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the isolation of megabase-size DNA fromSorghum bicolor. Sorghum protoplasts were isolated from young leaf tissue, embedded in an agarose matrix as microbeads or plugs, followed by cell lysis and protein degradation. The DNA prepared by this method was larger than 1 Mb in size and readily digestible with restriction enzymes. The DNA was shown to be suitable for physical mapping, and was successfully used for the construction of BAC and YAC libraries.  相似文献   

A linking library consists of genomic DNA fragments which contain a specific rare restriction enzyme site; such clones are very useful as probes in pulsed field gel electrophoresis and in mapping and cloning large regions of DNA. However, identifying those linking clones which map to a certain chromosomal region can be laborious. Therefore, we have developed a straightforward procedure for constructing a linking library directly from flow-sorted chromosomes. As a test of the approach, a NotI linking library was constructed from the chromosome 17 fraction of a flow-sort of human chromosomes, using only 70 ng of DNA. Thirteen of sixteen linking clones were mapped to chromosome 17, suggesting that the library is highly enriched for this chromosome. This method should be generally applicable to other chromosomes and enzymes as well.  相似文献   

Chromosome 21 has often been used as a model system for the development of genome mapping and cloning strategies in humans. In this report methods for systematic chromosome walking, cloning, and mapping are exemplified in the construction of a 1.5-Mb yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig encompassing and extending 400 kb beyond each of the genetic loci D21S13 and D21S16. Isolation of insert-terminal sequences from YACs in this contig provides a set of closely spaced physical markers. These have been used to generate a long-range genomic restriction map.  相似文献   

FULL-malaria is a database for a full-length-enriched cDNA library from the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (http://133.11. 149.55/). Because of its medical importance, this organism is the first target for genome sequencing of a eukaryotic pathogen; the sequences of two of its 14 chromosomes have already been determined. However, for the full exploitation of this rapidly accumulating information, correct identification of the genes and study of their expression are essential. Using the oligo-capping method, we have produced a full-length-enriched cDNA library from erythrocytic stage parasites and performed one-pass reading. The database consists of nucleotide sequences of 2490 random clones that include 390 (16%) known malaria genes according to BLASTN analysis of the nr-nt database in GenBank; these represent 98 genes, and the clones for 48 of these genes contain the complete protein-coding sequence (49%). On the other hand, comparisons with the complete chromosome 2 sequence revealed that 35 of 210 predicted genes are expressed, and in addition led to detection of three new gene candidates that were not previously known. In total, 19 of these 38 clones (50%) were full-length. From these observations, it is expected that the database contains approximately 1000 genes, including 500 full-length clones. It should be an invaluable resource for the development of vaccines and novel drugs.  相似文献   

We describe the construction of a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library from the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Randomly sheared high molecular weight source DNA was extracted from frozen, ground leaf tissue and blunt-end-ligated to the vector pYAC3. By size-fractionating the ligation products, we achieved an average clone size of 150 kb. Approximately 6% of the YACs contained inserts from the chloroplast genome. We screened clones equivalent to greater than four A. thaliana haploid nuclear genomes and isolated YACs homologous to five single-copy-sequence probes. The library should be useful chromosome walking and genome mapping experiments. In addition, the approach used for its construction should be applicable to other higher plant species.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein synthesis in eubacteria and eukaryotic organelles initiates with an N-formylmethionyl-tRNA(i), resulting in N-terminal formylation of all nascent polypeptides. Peptide deformylase (PDF) catalyzes the subsequent removal of the N-terminal formyl group from the majority of bacterial proteins. Until recently, PDF has been thought as an enzyme unique to the bacterial kingdom. Searches of the genomic DNA databases identified several genes that encode proteins of high sequence homology to bacterial PDF from eukaryotic organisms. The cDNA encoding Plasmodium falciparum PDF (PfPDF) has been cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein is catalytically active in deformylating N-formylated peptides, shares many of the properties of bacterial PDF, and is inhibited by specific PDF inhibitors. Western blot analysis indicated expression of mature PfPDF in trophozoite, schizont, and segmenter stages of intraerythrocytic development. These results provide strong evidence that a functional PDF is present in P. falciparum. In addition, PDF inhibitors inhibited the growth of P. falciparum in the intraerythrocytic culture.  相似文献   

To understand better the organization and linkage of the interleukin genes, IL4 and IL5, we prepared long-range restriction maps of five yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing IL5. We determined that IL4 and IL5 are within 100-170 kb, and that the regions surrounding these genes contain several GC-rich areas. Fluorescence in situ chromosomal analysis demonstrated that three of the five YAC clones contain non-contiguous genomic sequences originating from multiple human chromosomes.  相似文献   

Vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase), an electrogenic proton pump, is highly expressed in Plasmodium falciparum, the human malaria parasite. Although V-ATPase-driven proton transport is involved in various physiological processes in the parasite, the overall features of the V-ATPase of P. falciparum, including the gene organization and biogenesis, are far less known. Here, we report cDNA cloning of proteolipid subunit c of P. falciparum, the smallest and most highly hydrophobic subunit of V-ATPase. RT-PCR analysis as well as Northern blotting indicated expression of the proteolipid gene in the parasite cells. cDNA, which encodes a complete reading frame comprising 165 amino acids, was obtained, and its deduced amino acid sequence exhibits 52 and 57% similarity to the yeast and human counterparts, respectively. Southern blot analysis suggested the presence of a single copy of the proteolipid gene, with 5 exons and 4 introns. Upon transfection of the cDNA into a yeast null mutant, the cells became able to grow at neutral pH, accompanied by vesicular accumulation of quinacrine. In contrast, a mutated proteolipid with replacement of glutamate residue 138 with glutamine did not lead to recovery of the growth ability or vesicular accumulation of quinacrine. These results indicated that the cDNA actually encodes the proteolipid of P. falciparum and that the proteolipid is functional in yeast.  相似文献   

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