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一般认为网蝽科及其近缘类群所特有的伪储精囊与其它半翅目异翅亚目昆虫的储精囊具有相同的储存精子的功能,但近期的功能形态学研究否定了伪储精囊的储精功能并认定其为雌性生殖附腺。本文从成虫性成熟过程中的内生殖系统发育角度,描述了菊方翅网蝽Corythucha marmorata的卵巢、侧输卵管、伪储精囊、精巢、精囊和雄性生殖附腺的结构及其形态变化。在成虫性成熟过程中,雄虫内生殖器官精囊和雄性附腺逐渐加长,且成熟期的雄性附腺充满粉红色分泌物;雌虫内生殖器官的成熟过程分为卵巢小管的卵室形成、卵黄沉积和卵粒成熟三个阶段,且排完卵后卵巢重新孕卵,出现周期性形态变化;交配时侧输卵管基部膨大为精液接受器,并接受精液(含精子和精浆);交配1d后侧输卵管恢复为正常状态,精液或至少部分精浆弥漫性渗入伪储精囊,并在伪储精囊内形成黄棕色沉积核;未交配雌虫的伪储精囊一直保持透明状,而已交配雌虫的伪储精囊具有明显的黄棕色沉积核。据精液传递和粉红色雄性生殖附腺分泌物渗入雌虫伪储精囊两个关键证据推断,菊方翅网蝽雌虫的伪储精囊具有储存精液的功能。  相似文献   

棕尾别麻蝇雄性附腺分泌物的生理功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棕尾别麻蝇Boettcherisca peregrina Robinean-Desvoidy雄性附腺的分泌物中包含许多生物活性分子,将成熟的雄性附腺分泌物注射到未交配的雌虫体内,发现其能影响雌虫生殖活性的很多方面:如降低雌虫的再次交配率;增加卵巢内的含卵量;缩短交配后雌虫的寿命。另外,还证明附腺分泌物中存在有可抑制革兰氏阳性菌的物质的存在。  相似文献   

为了阐明温度对中华真地鳖Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker.各虫态存活率、发育历期、卵孵化率的影响,及温度对中华真地鳖保护酶活性的影响,分别测定了中华真地鳖在不同温度(18℃,22℃,26℃,30℃和34℃)下饲养对存活率、发育历期、卵孵化率,及保护酶活性的影响。结果显示,温度对中华真地鳖的存活率和发育历期有显著影响,在18℃、22℃、26℃、30℃下中华真地鳖存活率分别为0.45、0.49、0.55、0.56,显著高于在34℃下0.27的存活率(df=4,20;F=7.414;P=0.001)。相同温度下雌性若虫期发育历期大于雄性若虫期发育历期。在这5个温度下,卵期分别为74.6,65.9,53.3,44.5,39.4 d(F=24.251;df=4,20;P0.05);雌虫世代发育历期分别为286.2,258.6,228.2,198.6,182.5 d(F=72.846;df=4,20;P0.05);雄虫世代发育历期分别为263.3,232.6,216.2,186.4,169.3 d(F=38.332;df=4,20;P0.05)。中华真地鳖体内存在着清除自由基的SOD、POD、CAT保护酶系统,且不同温度饲养对保护酶POD、SOD活性、CAT的活性有明显的影响(P0.05),其中CAT活性在26℃最高,在34℃最低;POD活性在26℃和30℃下最高,在34℃下最低;SOD活性在30℃下最高。结合发育历期、存活率和卵孵化率考虑,26℃和30℃可做为人工大规模饲养的参考温度。  相似文献   

王彦阳  梁广文 《昆虫学报》2012,55(3):367-370
为了明确中华真地鳖Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker在自然界的分布及土壤性质对其存活的影响, 运用森下氏分散指数(Morisita’s index of dispersion)研究了中华真地鳖种群空间格局; 测试了4种不同土壤含水量(16%~29%)条件下中华真地鳖的卵孵化率与若虫存活率, 还测试了以野外不同来源土壤(山脚栖息土、 堆肥、 菜园土、 蘑菇料发酵土和黄砂红壤土)饲养时中华真地鳖若虫的存活率。结果表明, 中华真地鳖若虫在室外为聚集分布, 成虫为均匀分布, 从地面到40 cm的土壤深度都分布有中华真地鳖。土壤初始含水量21%和24%的卵孵化率最高, 其他含水量的卵孵化率均显著较低(P<0.05), 土壤初始含水量29%时的若虫存活率最低。堆肥、 山脚栖息土更适合中华真地鳖生存。结果可为该虫的采集、 饲养和深入研究提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

为了明确中华真地鳖Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker在自然界的分布及土壤性质对其存活的影响,运用森下氏分散指数( Morisita's index of dispersion)研究了中华真地鳖种群空间格局;测试了4种不同土壤含水量(16%~29%)条件下中华真地鳖的卵孵化率与若虫存活率,还测试了以野外不同来源土壤(山脚栖息土、堆肥、菜园土、蘑菇料发酵土和黄砂红壤土)饲养时中华真地鳖若虫的存活率.结果表明,中华真地鳖若虫在室外为聚集分布,成虫为均匀分布,从地面到40 cm的土壤深度都分布有中华真地鳖.土壤初始含水量21%和24%的卵孵化率最高,其他含水量的卵孵化率均显著较低(P<0.05),土壤初始含水量29%时的若虫存活率最低.堆肥、山脚栖息土更适合中华真地鳖生存.结果可为该虫的采集、饲养和深入研究提供科学的依据.  相似文献   

中华真地鳖雌虫产卵习性及其卵的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内饲养条件下,通过对不同月龄的中华真地鳖EupolyphagasinensisWalker雌成虫产卵量调查,并对卵块的质量品级和发育进度进行划分。结果表明1月龄至3月龄中华真地鳖的产卵能力较强;饱满、无破损、形状规则的卵块孵化较好;在卵的各发育阶段,卵块和卵粒的形态变化较明显,以此确立了卵发育的分级标准。  相似文献   

无土壤基质饲养中华真地鳖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金涛  吴振廷  吴磊  梁广文 《昆虫知识》2007,44(6):916-919
设置中华真地鳖Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker的无基质和有基质饲养条件,研究生长繁育期和越冬期各龄段中华真地鳖的生长、蜕皮、存活率和雌虫产卵情况。有基质饲养条件以饲养土为基质;无基质饲养条件不以任何材料作为饲养基质,只用黑色潮湿的材料对试虫保湿和避光。结果表明:在食料充足的条件下,有、无饲养基质对中华真地鳖的生长发育无明显影响。无基质饲养条件下的生长繁育期大龄若虫和成虫存活率较高,且成虫的月产卵数也相对较高。表明无基质饲养技术可在地鳖虫饲养实践中推广,据此初步设想了无基质饲养地鳖虫的容器构造。  相似文献   

为阐明椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima (Gestro)生殖密切相关的结构、卵巢发育以及繁殖特性,以显微解剖和室内观察的方法,对该虫的雌雄成虫的生殖系统构造、卵巢发育进度以及繁殖力进行了研究。结果表明,椰心叶甲雄性内生殖器包括精巢、贮精囊、输精管、附腺和射精管,其中贮精囊由侧输精管特化形成;雄性外生殖器由阳茎、阳茎基和阳基组成,无抱握器。雌性内生殖器包括卵巢、侧输卵管、中输卵管、受精囊和附腺,左右卵巢呈对称分布,每侧有5根卵巢管,为无滋式;雌性外生殖器由背产卵瓣、内产卵瓣和腹产卵瓣组成。根据相关形态特征,卵巢发育进度可分为发育初期(Ⅰ级)、成熟待产期(Ⅱ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅲ级)和产卵末期(Ⅳ级)4个级别,各等级在卵巢和卵巢管的分区长度及怀卵量上存在显著差异。椰心叶甲种群在椰子叶上的最高产卵量变化幅度最小(2.39粒/♀),但产卵期最长(348 d),推测应用椰子叶饲养椰心叶甲能确保获得稳定的卵量。由于椰心叶甲种群在鱼尾葵上具有较短的产卵前期(12.7 d)和雌成虫寿命(161.8 d),以及较高的产卵量(397.7粒/♀),表明了椰心叶甲种群在鱼尾葵上具有较强的繁殖力。  相似文献   

亚洲柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama是柑橘黄龙病的传播媒介。本文利用Ste REO Discovery V20体视显微镜对亚洲柑橘木虱成虫内生殖系统进行解剖观察,并探索了亚洲柑橘木虱雌雄成虫内生殖系统的形态变化规律。结果表明:雄虫内生殖系统由1对精巢、1对输精管、1个精泵、1个射精管、1对附腺和1个贮精囊组成。雌虫内生殖系统由1对卵巢、1对侧输卵管、1个中输卵管、2个附腺、1个黏腺和1个受精囊组成。交配前期和交配期的雄虫精巢饱满,精巢在交配后期明显萎缩。交配期和交配后期的雄虫贮精囊都明显大于交配前期的贮精囊。雌虫受精囊在交配前期、交配期和交配后期依次增大,交配前期的受精囊呈不饱满状态,交配期和交配后期受精囊呈饱满状态,内有白色精包。交配后期的雌虫卵巢内有大量成熟的橙黄色卵。  相似文献   

粘虫(Pseudaletia separata(Walker))生殖系统的解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何继龙 《昆虫学报》1963,(3):282-291
本文内容是研究粘虫(Pseudaletia separata(Walker)生殖系统的形态构造。全文分为雄性内部生殖器、雄性外部生殖器、雌性内部生殖器及雌性外部生殖器四部分。 粘虫的雄性内生殖器中, 有睾丸一对, 左右并列, 呈扁椭圆形, 外被紫红色睾丸膜; 输精管一对, 基部膨大成二对贮精囊; 射精管分成复射精管及单射精管两部分。雄性外生殖器的构造极为复杂, 第9腹节的背、腹板分别形成马鞍状的背兜及基腹弧; 第10腹节仅有其附肢特化成钩形突、颚形突和背兜侧突等; 抱握器占雄性外生殖器中的大部分, 其顶上角具长约1毫米的端刺一枚, 此为本种特征之一, 可以此与近似种区别; 阳茎由基部球状的阳茎囊和端部柄状的阳茎端组成, 内具内阳茎及角状器:雄性外生殖器中有关器官的肌肉来源亦作了叙述。 精液是以贮存于精球的方式授入雌体, 精球分为精球体、精球柄及系带三部分。 雌性内生殖器中, 卵巢为多滋式, 一对, 各由四个卵巢管组成, 两组卵巢管再与一对侧输卵管相连, 后者通入中输卵管中, 中输卵管后端连有外生殖腔, 其外方的开口是为产卵孔; 受精囊为长形梨状物, 分成主囊及副囊两部分, 两者在顶部愈合, 并由此发出受精管与外生殖腔相通, 在主囊顶端有受精囊腺; 附腺一对, 与附腺囊相连, 后者通入附腺主囊, 并由此开口入外生殖腔。雌性外生殖器是由交配囊和产卵器组成, 前者复可分成囊导管、囊体及囊颈三部分, 其外方的开口为交配囊孔, 有导精管从囊颈连于外生殖腔; 产卵器由第8、9腹节组成, 非呈特殊构造。  相似文献   

瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)是雌雄同体、异体交配的腹足纲贝类,其生殖系统较为复杂,通过解剖学和组织切片技术对成体瘤背石磺的生殖系统及产卵前后的组织学变化进行了系统的研究.结果表明:(1)雄性生殖系统主要南阴茎囊、阴茎、雄性附性腺、两性腺(早期主要产生精于)和储精囊等部分组成,而雌性生殖系统则由两性腺(后期主要产生卵子)、生殖细胞输送管、蛋白腺、黏液腺、受精囊和阴道等组成;(2)雄性生殖系统的组织学结构在产卵前后变化较小,但两性腺、卵蛋白腺和黏液腺的组织学在产卵前后变化显著;(3)产卵后的两性腺由于成熟卵子的排放,整体结构松散,部分腺泡中有少量未排出的成熟卵细胞和卵黄合成早期的卵母细胞;(4)产卵前的卵蛋白腺中含有许多强嗜碱性的小颗粒(组织学结构类似于卵鞘中的胚胎外周蛋白),产卵后腺体中的颗粒相对较大,且呈嗜酸性;(5)产卵前的黏液腺中存在嗜碱性区、嗜酸性区和混杂区三种区域,但是产卵前黏液腺以嗜酸性细胞为主,而产卵后的黏液腺中以嗜碱性细胞区域为主,且分泌管道中有一些嗜碱性物质.由此可见,卵蛋白腺的主要功能是分泌卵蛋白包裹受精卵形成卵外周蛋白层,而黏液腺则在产卵过程中分泌黏液物质形成卵鞘结构及链状的卵带.  相似文献   

A. Lum-Kong   《Journal of Zoology》1992,226(3):469-490
In Loligo forbesi Steenstrup, the female reproductive system consists of the ovary and accessory reproductive organs which include the oviducal gland, the nidamental gland, the accessory nidamental gland and seminal receptacle. Histological studies were made on the accessory reproductive organs of female L. forbesi. The various changes observed during maturation are described and the functional significance discussed. The secretions produced by the oviducal gland and nidamental gland apparently form the egg coats. The seminal receptacle serves to store spermatozoa after mating. The function of the accessory nidamental gland is unknown.  相似文献   

Sexual conflicts often arise between mating partners because each sex tries to maximize its own reproductive success. One major male strategy to influence a partner's resource allocation is the transfer of accessory gland proteins. This has been shown to occur in simultaneous hermaphrodites as well as in organisms with separate sexes. Although accessory gland proteins affect the investment of resources in both male and female function, we here specifically focus on female investment. In the great pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, previous studies found that the accessory gland protein ovipostatin reduced female fecundity by suppressing egg laying in the partner in the short term (days). To investigate whether this reduction in egg laying is a commonly found effect of mating in freshwater snails, we compared egg output for evidence of suppression in isolated and paired snails of eight pulmonate species. Furthermore, we determined whether the suppression of egg laying caused a shift in resource allocation to the eggs. We found that in five of the eight species egg laying was suppressed, with fewer and lighter egg masses being laid when they had access to a mating partner. In mated pairs of L. stagnalis and Biomphalaria alexandrina, allocation of resources to the eggs was altered in opposite ways: individuals of L. stagnalis laid fewer but larger and heavier eggs; individuals of B. alexandrina laid smaller and lighter eggs, with no change in egg numbers. Such changes in the female function are most likely the result of combined effects of receiving accessory gland proteins, and the cost of mating in both male and female roles. Thus, effects of the maternal environment, including the receipt of accessory gland proteins, on offspring investment are not restricted to species with separate sexes.  相似文献   

钱静  沈和定  管菊 《动物学杂志》2015,50(4):600-606
雌雄同体贝类精子的储存和利用规律一直是国内外贝类生物学研究的难点之一,本文利用活体解剖、显微观察、组织切片和扫描电镜技术,综合研究了平疣桑椹石磺(Platevindex mortoni)的生殖系统及精子储存场所。结果显示,其生殖系统包括生殖器本部、雌性生殖部分和雄性生殖部分。生殖器本部由两性腺、两性输送管、蛋白腺、黏液腺、支囊组成;雌性生殖部分包括输卵管、受精囊、阴道,位于身体中后方体腔内;雄性生殖部分包括输精管、刺激器、阴茎、阴茎鞘和阴茎牵引肌,位于身体前端右侧体腔内;其阴茎有阴茎鞘,阴茎表面布满倒刺。平疣桑椹石磺阴茎为直线状,无雄性附属腺。未交配的性成熟个体支囊内充满细长精子,受精囊内无精子;而交配后充当雌性个体的支囊内均为细长的自体精子,受精囊内有大量活力较强的粗短精子,其支囊为自体精子的存储场所,而受精囊为异体精子的存储场所。其精子储运情况为:两性腺内精子成熟后暂存于支囊,交配时通过输精管运输至阴茎,由阴茎输送精子至对方的阴道,异体精子进入受精囊内存储待用。  相似文献   

The reproductive tract of B. truncatus was investigated histologically in order to study possible effects of castration upon the accessory sex glands. In the female part of the reproductive tract—subdivided into albumen gland, oviduct, muciparous gland, oothecal gland, uterus, vagina and bursa copulatrix—13 histochemically different secretory cell types were distinguished. The majority produce different types of (acid) mucopolysaccharides. The roles of the various parts of the female tract in the production of an egg mass were elucidated by comparing the histochemistry of the egg mass to that of the female tract; the abundance and location of the cell types were also taken into account for this purpose.

The male part appeared to contain 12 histochemically different secretory cell types. These produce mainly (phospho lipoproteins together with some polysaccharides and neutral lipids.

Castration causes an acceleration of the growth of the snails. The volumes of female (albumen gland) and male (prostate gland) accessory sex glands were measured on histological sections. It appeared that growth of the albumen gland is not arrested by castration. This was not established beyond doubt for the prostate gland. The results suggest that the stimulating effects of the dorsal body hormone on the growth and synthetic capacity of the female accessory sex glands—such effects have been established for Lymnaea stagnalis—are not exerted via the ovotestis in B. truncatus.  相似文献   

Smith DT  Sirot LK  Wolfner MF  Hosken DJ  Wedell N 《Heredity》2012,109(4):222-225
The accessory gland proteins (Acps) that male Drosophila melanogaster produce and transfer to females during copulation are key to male and female fitness. One Acp, the sex peptide (SP), is largely responsible for a dramatic increase in female egg laying and decrease in female receptivity after copulation. While genetic variation in male SP expression levels correlate with refractory period duration in females, it is unknown whether male SP expression influences female egg laying or if any effect of SP is mediated by SP retention in the female reproductive tract. Here we measured the amount of SP retained in the female reproductive tract after mating and female egg laying after copulating with virgin males. We found no correlation between male SP expression levels and egg laying, or the amount of SP in the female reproductive tract after mating. Additionally, the amount of SP retained in the female did not influence egg laying. These finding suggests that additional factors, such as variation in other Acps, are important for the retention of SP in females and its quantitative effects on egg laying. It also shows that egg laying and refractory period response to SP is at least partially uncoupled.  相似文献   

Male accessory gland in Drosophila is a secretory tissue of the reproductive system. The proteins synthesized in the accessory gland are tissue specific, stage specific-seen only during the adult stage and sex specific in the sense of male limited expression. These secretions that form a component of the seminal fluid are transferred to the female at the time of copulation and play an important role in reproduction. In conjunction with sperm, these secretory proteins assure reproductive success by reducing the female's receptivity to mating and escalating the rate of egg laying. Some of these proteins are antibacterial in nature with a likely function of protecting the female's genital tract against microbial infection during/after mating. Most of the genes involved in the synthesis of accessory gland proteins are autosomal but a few are still X-linked. Their male specific expression is achieved at the time of sex determination. The level of expression of these genes is dose dependent and they follow Mendelian pattern of segregation. Further, majority of these proteins are rapidly evolving with high rates of non-synonymous substitutions. In this review, by considering the work carried out in different fields, we have tried to generate a comprehensive picture about the male accessory gland and the role of its proteins in the reproduction of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Using light and scanning electron microscopy, the internal male and female reproductive anatomy of the praying mantid Ciulfina klassi is identified and described. This is the first detailed study to investigate the internal reproductive morphology of any Mantodea. The female structures identified were (1) paired ovaries with primitive panoistic type ovarioles, (2) a single blind-ended spermatheca with secretory gland cells and surrounding layer of striated muscle, and (3) female accessory glands associated with the production of the ootheca (the egg casing). The male structures identified were (1) paired multi-tubular testes, in which different stages of spermatogenesis were observed, (2) tubular vasa deferentia, (3) seminal vesicles, (4) male accessory glands and (5) a single muscular ejaculatory duct. Knowledge of basic reproductive morphology can be used to infer function and so provide key information for future research into reproductive behavior and physiology in the Mantodea.  相似文献   

昆虫雄性附腺蛋白是精液蛋白的主要来源,对雌雄虫生殖过程具有重要生理功能,按功能可分为精包结构蛋白和功能蛋白两类。精包结构蛋白参与精包的形成;功能蛋白在交配过程中随精子一起转移到雌虫体内,导致雌虫行为和生理的深刻变化,如降低雌虫再交配率、提高产卵量、促进精子转移、储存和竞争等。随着对昆虫雄性附腺功能蛋白研究的深入,特别对果蝇附腺功能蛋白的详细研究,从分子水平上阐述蛋白质序列与功能的关系,明确其作用机制,可为进一步阐明昆虫生殖和进化机制等提供新依据。  相似文献   

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