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The present paper compares current mathematical striated sphincter models. Current models are subdivided in four categories: (1) simple models, (2) implementations of the urethral resistance relation, (3) models with realistic muscle dynamics and (4) finite element models. In our research group a neural network model, representing Onuf's nucleus, the spinal motor nucleus that innervates the external urethral and anal sphincters, was developed. A realistic sphincter model is needed to test the neural network. To decide whether or not a model is applicable in our research two requirements should be fulfilled: (1) the presence of realistic muscle dynamics preferably by implementation of a Huxley type muscle model and (2) the model should consist of more than one muscle unit to form a more dimensional model. Reviewing the literature, if a myogenic sphincter is modelled, mainly the Hill-equation is applied. Moreover, single muscle unit models are published. In general a multi-unit muscle model of the sphincter is lacking, prohibiting the study of the inherent properties of sphincter muscles, which could give information on the realistic behaviour of elements in circular muscles. It is concluded that the functionality of current sphincter models is limited for our purpose.  相似文献   

Representation of realistic muscle geometries is needed for systematic biomechanical simulation of musculoskeletal systems. Most of the previous musculoskeletal models are based on multibody dynamics simulation with muscles simplified as one-dimensional (1D) line-segments without accounting for the large muscle attachment areas, spatial fibre alignment within muscles and contact and wrapping between muscles and surrounding tissues. In previous musculoskeletal models with three-dimensional (3D) muscles, contractions of muscles were among the inputs rather than calculated, which hampers the predictive capability of these models. To address these issues, a finite element musculoskeletal model with the ability to predict contractions of 3D muscles was developed. Muscles with realistic 3D geometry, spatial muscle fibre alignment and muscle-muscle and muscle-bone interactions were accounted for. Active contractile stresses of the 3D muscles were determined through an efficient optimization approach based on the measured kinematics of the lower extremity and ground force during gait. This model also provided stresses and strains of muscles and contact mechanics of the muscle-muscle and muscle-bone interactions. The total contact force of the knee predicted by the model corresponded well to the in vivo measurement. Contact and wrapping between muscles and surrounding tissues were evident, demonstrating the need to consider 3D contact models of muscles. This modelling framework serves as the methodological basis for developing musculoskeletal modelling systems in finite element method incorporating 3D deformable contact models of muscles, joints, ligaments and bones.  相似文献   

This paper describes a finite element scheme for realistic muscle-driven simulation of human foot movements. The scheme is used to simulate human ankle plantar flexion. A three-dimensional anatomically detailed finite element model of human foot and lower leg is developed and the idea of generating natural foot movement based entirely on the contraction of the plantar flexor muscles is used. The bones, ligaments, articular cartilage, muscles, tendons, as well as the rest soft tissues of human foot and lower leg are included in the model. A realistic three-dimensional continuum constitutive model that describes the biomechanical behaviour of muscles and tendons is used. Both the active and passive properties of muscle tissue are accounted for. The materials for bones and ligaments are considered as homogeneous, isotropic and linearly elastic, whereas the articular cartilage and the rest soft tissues (mainly fat) are defined as hyperelastic materials. The model is used to estimate muscle tissue deformations as well as stresses and strains that develop in the lower leg muscles during plantar flexion of the ankle. Stresses and strains that develop in Achilles tendon during such a movement are also investigated.  相似文献   

This paper describes a finite element scheme for realistic muscle-driven simulation of human foot movements. The scheme is used to simulate human ankle plantar flexion. A three-dimensional anatomically detailed finite element model of human foot and lower leg is developed and the idea of generating natural foot movement based entirely on the contraction of the plantar flexor muscles is used. The bones, ligaments, articular cartilage, muscles, tendons, as well as the rest soft tissues of human foot and lower leg are included in the model. A realistic three-dimensional continuum constitutive model that describes the biomechanical behaviour of muscles and tendons is used. Both the active and passive properties of muscle tissue are accounted for. The materials for bones and ligaments are considered as homogeneous, isotropic and linearly elastic, whereas the articular cartilage and the rest soft tissues (mainly fat) are defined as hyperelastic materials. The model is used to estimate muscle tissue deformations as well as stresses and strains that develop in the lower leg muscles during plantar flexion of the ankle. Stresses and strains that develop in Achilles tendon during such a movement are also investigated.  相似文献   

Determination of muscle forces in individual muscles is often essential to assess optimal performance of human motion. Inverse dynamic methods based on the kinematics of the given motion and on the use of optimisation approach are the most widely used for muscle force estimation. The aim of this study was to estimate how the choice of muscle model influences predicted muscle forces. Huxley's (1957, Prog Biophys Biop Chem. 7: 255–318) and Hill's (1938, Proc R Soc B. 126: 136–195) muscle models were used for determination of muscle forces of two antagonistic muscles of the lower extremity during cycling. Huxley's model is a complex model that couples biochemical and physical processes with the microstructure of the muscle whereas the Hill's model is a phenomenological model. Muscle forces predicted by both models are within the same range. Huxley's model predicts more realistic patterns of muscle activation but it is computationally more demanding. Therefore, if the overall muscle forces are to be assessed, it is reasonable to use a simpler implementation based on Hill's model.  相似文献   

Accurate representation of musculoskeletal geometry is needed to characterise the function of shoulder muscles. Previous models of shoulder muscles have represented muscle geometry as a collection of line segments, making it difficult to account for the large attachment areas, muscle–muscle interactions and complex muscle fibre trajectories typical of shoulder muscles. To better represent shoulder muscle geometry, we developed 3D finite element models of the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles and used the models to examine muscle function. Muscle fibre paths within the muscles were approximated, and moment arms were calculated for two motions: thoracohumeral abduction and internal/external rotation. We found that muscle fibre moment arms varied substantially across each muscle. For example, supraspinatus is considered a weak external rotator, but the 3D model of supraspinatus showed that the anterior fibres provide substantial internal rotation while the posterior fibres act as external rotators. Including the effects of large attachment regions and 3D mechanical interactions of muscle fibres constrains muscle motion, generates more realistic muscle paths and allows deeper analysis of shoulder muscle function.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of joint loads implies using subject-specific musculoskeletal models. Moreover, as the lines of action of the muscles are dictated by the soft tissues, which are in turn influenced by gravitational forces, we developed a method to build subject-specific models of the lower limb in a functional standing position. Bones and skin envelope were obtained in a standing position, whereas muscles and a set of bony landmarks were obtained from conventional magnetic resonance images in a lying position. These muscles were merged with the subject-specific skeletal model using a nonlinear transformation, taking into account soft tissue movements and gravitational effects. Seven asymptomatic lower limbs were modelled using this method, and results showed realistic deformations. Comparing the subject-specific skeletal model to a scaled reference model rendered differences in terms of muscle length up to 4% and in terms of moment arm for adductor muscles up to 30%. These preliminary findings enlightened the importance of subject-specific modelling in a functional position.  相似文献   

Controversy persists regarding the relationship of the superficial facial fascia (SMAS) to the mimetic muscles, deep facial fascia, and underlying facial nerve branches. Using fresh cadaver dissection, and supplemented by several hundred intraoperative dissections, we studied facial soft-tissue anatomy. The facial soft-tissue architecture can be described as being arranged in a series of concentric layers: skin, subcutaneous fat, superficial fascia, mimetic muscle, deep facial fascia (parotidomasseteric fascia), and the plane containing the facial nerve, parotid duct, and buccal fat pad. The anatomic relationships existing within the facial soft-tissue layers are (1) the superficial facial fascia invests the superficially situated mimetic muscles (platysma, orbicularis oculi, and zygomaticus major and minor); (2) the deep facial fascia represents a continuation of the deep cervical fascia cephalad into the face, the importance of which lies in the fact that the facial nerve branches within the cheek lie deep to this deep fascial layer; and (3) two types of relationships exist between the superficial and deep facial fascias: In some regions of the face, these fascial planes are separated by an areolar plane, and in other regions of the face, the superficial and deep fascia are intimately adherent to one another through a series of dense fibrous attachments. The layers of the facial soft tissue are supported in normal anatomic position by a series of retaining ligaments that run from deep, fixed facial structures to the overlying dermis. Two types of retaining ligaments are noted as defined by their origin, either from bone or from other fixed structures within the face.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Many people experience transient difficulties in recognizing faces but only a small number of them cannot recognize their family members when meeting them unexpectedly. Such face blindness is associated with serious problems in everyday life. A better understanding of the neuro-functional basis of impaired face recognition may be achieved by a careful comparison with an equally unique object category and by a adding a more realistic setting involving neutral faces as well facial expressions. We used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neuro-functional basis of perceiving faces and bodies in three developmental prosopagnosics (DP) and matched healthy controls. Our approach involved materials consisting of neutral faces and bodies as well as faces and bodies expressing fear or happiness. The first main result is that the presence of emotional information has a different effect in the patient vs. the control group in the fusiform face area (FFA). Neutral faces trigger lower activation in the DP group, compared to the control group, while activation for facial expressions is the same in both groups. The second main result is that compared to controls, DPs have increased activation for bodies in the inferior occipital gyrus (IOG) and for neutral faces in the extrastriate body area (EBA), indicating that body and face sensitive processes are less categorically segregated in DP. Taken together our study shows the importance of using naturalistic emotional stimuli for a better understanding of developmental face deficits.  相似文献   

Cortical neurons that are selectively sensitive to faces, parts of faces and particular facial expressions are concentrated in the banks and floor of the superior temporal sulcus in macaque monkeys. Their existence has prompted suggestions that it is damage to such a region in the human brain that leads to prosopagnosia: the inability to recognize faces or to discriminate between faces. This was tested by removing the face-cell area in a group of monkeys. The animals learned to discriminate between pictures of faces or inanimate objects, to select the odd face from a group, to inspect a face then select the matching face from a pair of faces after a variable delay, to discriminate between novel and familiar faces, and to identify specific faces. Removing the face-cell area produced no or little impairment which in the latter case was not specific for faces. In contrast, several prosopagnosic patients were impaired at several of these tasks. The animals were less able than before to discern the angle of regard in pictures of faces, suggesting that this area of the brain may be concerned with the perception of facial expression and bearing, which are important social signals in primates.  相似文献   

In humans and several other species, face and body symmetry have been found to enhance physical attractiveness. A proposed explanation is that symmetry is a phenotypic indicator of biological fitness. Throughout the world, symmetrical designs also are a common feature in face and body painting and the decorative arts. The implication is that symmetrical designs might provide an additional way to enhance physical attractiveness. To find out, we conducted three experiments, two with human faces and one with abstract or nonrepresentational designs. In Experiments 1 and 2, we showed undergraduate students photographs of pairs of faces and instructed them to choose the more attractive face in each pair. The photographs were of physically symmetrical and asymmetrical faces (as indexed by facial features) that had been decorated with either symmetrical or asymmetrical designs of the kind used in many preindustrial societies. As indexed by the number of times they were chosen, symmetrical faces were judged to be more attractive than asymmetrical faces; adding asymmetrical designs to symmetrical faces decreased their attractiveness; and adding symmetrical designs to asymmetrical faces increased their attractiveness. In Experiment 3, undergraduates made similar choices from pairs of abstract designs taken from several cultures and modified in shape, coloration, and orientation of design features. Symmetrical designs again were judged to be more attractive, with shape and coloration playing the more important roles. We interpret the results as suggesting that the same mechanisms underlying the judgment of physical attractiveness also underlie cultural practices of face painting and abstract art.  相似文献   

The facial muscles of primates are derivates of sphincter colli profundus muscle and platysma myoides. A third superficial muscle layer which is present in primitive mammals is found as a rest in Tupaiiformes. The facial muscles of some Lemuriformes must be considered as a model from which originate the facial musculature of other primates. The new formation of muscles takes place at the margine of the original muscle layers; marginal muscle fibers assume another run and get individualized. So it can be seen in facial muscles of prosimians and platyrrhine monkeys that the profound muscles of mouth and nose and some of the rostral margine of the auricle have orginated from sphincter colli muscle, all others from platysma myoides. Primitive and modified muscle forms and intermediate muscle forms can be observed among prosimians as well as among platyrrhine monkeys and by this it is possible to see the homology of the facial muscles.  相似文献   

The human amygdala is critical for social cognition from faces, as borne out by impairments in recognizing facial emotion following amygdala lesions [1] and differential activation of the amygdala by faces [2-5]. Single-unit recordings in the primate amygdala have documented responses selective for faces, their identity, or emotional expression [6, 7], yet how the amygdala represents face information remains unknown. Does it encode specific features of faces that are particularly critical for recognizing emotions (such as the eyes), or does it encode the whole face, a level of representation that might be the proximal substrate for subsequent social cognition? We investigated this question by recording from over 200 single neurons in the amygdalae of seven neurosurgical patients with implanted depth electrodes [8]. We found that approximately half of all neurons responded to faces or parts of faces. Approximately 20% of all neurons responded selectively only to the whole face. Although responding most to whole faces, these neurons paradoxically responded more when only a small part of the face was shown compared to when almost the entire face was shown. We suggest that the human amygdala plays a predominant role in representing global information about faces, possibly achieved through inhibition between individual facial features.  相似文献   

Structure and function are reviewed in the masticatory muscles and in the muscles of the lower face and tongue. The enormous strength of jaw closure is in large part due to the pinnated arrangement of the muscle fibres in the masseter. This muscle, like other masticatory muscles, is unusual in that the cell bodies of the muscle spindle afferents lie in the brain stem rather than in an external ganglion; spindles are absent in the lower facial muscles. Although few data are available, the numbers of motor units in the masticatory muscles, and probably in the lower facial muscles also, appear to he much greater than in limb muscles. The motor units in the facial and tongue muscles are largely composed of histochemical type II (‘fast-twitch’) fibres, but in the masticatory muscles there are substantial numbers of fibres intermediate between type I (‘slow twitch’) and type II, and fibre type grouping is present. In comparison with limb muscles, there is little information on ageing changes in oro-facial muscles. The masticatory muscles do, however, show some atrophy and loss of X-ray density, while motor unit twitches are prolonged. Strength is reduced in the tongue and masticatory muscles. It is known that limb muscle properties are largely governed by their innervation, both through the pattern and amount of impulse activity, and the delivery of trophic messengers; the situation for oro-facial muscles is unclear. The structural and functional differences between the two types of muscle indicate the need for conducting ageing studies on the oro-facial muscles, rather than relying on extrapolations from limb muscles.  相似文献   

Restoration of normal facial movement after long-term facial paralysis with muscle atrophy has not yet been achieved reliably by either free grafts, in which fibers degenerate and regenerate, or by grafts made with microneurovascular repair, in which most fibers survive. Our purpose was to compare the structural and functional properties of free muscle grafts and continuously perfused muscle flaps transplanted into the faces of monkeys. In adult monkeys, the facial muscles were replaced by either a free graft of a donor muscle from the lower limb or a denervated flap of ipsilateral temporalis muscle. Each graft or flap was reinnervated with the preserved buccal branch of the facial nerve. The control muscles, grafts, and flaps were examined 90 days later for gross appearance, contractile properties, and fiber areas. Compared with muscle flaps, free grafts showed greater adaptability to the new location and innervation and a closer approximation to the structural and functional properties of the original facial musculature.  相似文献   

Chen W  Liu CH  Nakabayashi K 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32897


Recent research has shown that the presence of a task-irrelevant attractive face can induce a transient diversion of attention from a perceptual task that requires covert deployment of attention to one of the two locations. However, it is not known whether this spontaneous appraisal for facial beauty also modulates attention in change detection among multiple locations, where a slower, and more controlled search process is simultaneously affected by the magnitude of a change and the facial distinctiveness. Using the flicker paradigm, this study examines how spontaneous appraisal for facial beauty affects the detection of identity change among multiple faces.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Participants viewed a display consisting of two alternating frames of four faces separated by a blank frame. In half of the trials, one of the faces (target face) changed to a different person. The task of the participant was to indicate whether a change of face identity had occurred. The results showed that (1) observers were less efficient at detecting identity change among multiple attractive faces relative to unattractive faces when the target and distractor faces were not highly distinctive from one another; and (2) it is difficult to detect a change if the new face is similar to the old.


The findings suggest that attractive faces may interfere with the attention-switch process in change detection. The results also show that attention in change detection was strongly modulated by physical similarity between the alternating faces. Although facial beauty is a powerful stimulus that has well-demonstrated priority, its influence on change detection is easily superseded by low-level image similarity. The visual system appears to take a different approach to facial beauty when a task requires resource-demanding feature comparisons.  相似文献   

The theoretical underpinnings of the mechanisms of sociality, e.g. territoriality, hierarchy, and reciprocity, are based on assumptions of individual recognition. While behavioural evidence suggests individual recognition is widespread, the cues that animals use to recognise individuals are established in only a handful of systems. Here, we use digital models to demonstrate that facial features are the visual cue used for individual recognition in the social fish Neolamprologus pulcher. Focal fish were exposed to digital images showing four different combinations of familiar and unfamiliar face and body colorations. Focal fish attended to digital models with unfamiliar faces longer and from a further distance to the model than to models with familiar faces. These results strongly suggest that fish can distinguish individuals accurately using facial colour patterns. Our observations also suggest that fish are able to rapidly (≤ 0.5 sec) discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals, a speed of recognition comparable to primates including humans.  相似文献   

There exists several numerical approaches to describe the active contractile behaviour of skeletal muscles. These models range from simple one-dimensional to more advanced three-dimensional ones; especially, three-dimensional models take up the cause of describing complex contraction modes in a realistic way. However, the validation of such concepts is challenging, as the combination of geometry, material and force characteristics is so far not available from the same muscle. To this end, we present in this study a comprehensive data set of the rabbit soleus muscle consisting of the muscles’ characteristic force responses (active and passive), its three-dimensional shape during isometric, isotonic and isokinetic contraction experiments including the spatial arrangement of muscle tissue and aponeurosis–tendon complex, and the fascicle orientation throughout the whole muscle at its optimal length. In this way, an extensive data set is available giving insight into the three-dimensional geometry of the rabbit soleus muscle and, further, allowing to validate three-dimensional numerical models.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated in recent years supporting the hypothesis that both facial and bodily physical attractiveness in humans are certifications of developmental and hormonal health. Such evidence indicates that physical attractiveness is an honest or Zahavian signal of phenotypic and genetic quality. The hypothesis that physical beauty connotes health was first proposed by Westermarck and was discussed later by Ellis and Symons. It has been suggested that facial attractiveness in women is a deceptive signal of youth, unrelated to phenotypic and genetic quality. This sensory-bias or super-stimulus hypothesis is not supported by this study of men’s ratings of the attractiveness of photographs of 92 nude women. Independent ratings of photographs of faces, fronts with faces covered, and backs of the same women are significantly, positively correlated. The correlation between the ratings of different photos implies that women’s faces and external bodies comprise a single ornament of honest mate value, apparently constructed during puberty by estrogen and also probably by developmental adaptations for symmetry. Thus, women’s physical attractiveness in face and body honestly signal hormonal and perhaps developmental health.  相似文献   

Sex identification of a face is essential for social cognition. Still, perceptual cues indicating the sex of a face, and mechanisms underlying their development, remain poorly understood. Previously, our group described objective age- and sex-related differences in faces of healthy male and female adolescents (12–18 years of age), as derived from magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of the adolescents' heads. In this study, we presented these adolescent faces to 60 female raters to determine which facial features most reliably predicted subjective sex identification. Identification accuracy correlated highly with specific MRI-derived facial features (e.g. broader forehead, chin, jaw, and nose). Facial features that most reliably cued male identity were associated with plasma levels of testosterone (above and beyond age). Perceptible sex differences in face shape are thus associated with specific facial features whose emergence may be, in part, driven by testosterone.  相似文献   

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