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The SH3 domain has often been used as a model for protein folding due to its typical two-state behaviour. However, recent experimental data at low pH as well as molecular dynamic simulations have indicated that the folding process of SH3 probably is more complicated, and may involve intermediate states. Using both kinetic and equilibrium measurements we have obtained evidence that under native-like conditions the folding of the spectrin SH3 domain does not follow a classic two-state behaviour. The curvature we observed in the Chevron plots is a strong indication of a non-linear activation energy relationship due to the presence of high-energy intermediates. In addition, circular dichroism measurements indicated that refolding after thermal denaturation did not follow the same pattern as thermal unfolding but rather implied less cooperativity and that the refolding transition increased with increasing protein concentration. Further, NMR experiments indicated that upon refolding the SH3 domain gave rise to more than one conformation. Therefore, our results suggest that the folding of the SH3 domain of αII-spectrin does not follow a classical two-state process under high-salt conditions and neutral pH. Heterogeneous folding pathways, which can include folding intermediates as well as misfolded intermediates, might give a more reasonable insight into the folding behaviour of the αII-spectrin SH3 domain.  相似文献   

Investigating the relative importance of protein stability, function, and folding kinetics in driving protein evolution has long been hindered by the fact that we can only compare modern natural proteins, the products of the very process we seek to understand, to each other, with no external references or baselines. Through a large-scale all-atom simulation of protein evolution, we have created a large diverse alignment of SH3 domain sequences which have been selected only for native state stability, with no other influencing factors. Although the average pairwise identity between computationally evolved and natural sequences is only 17%, the residue frequency distributions of the computationally evolved sequences are similar to natural SH3 sequences at 86% of the positions in the domain, suggesting that optimization for the native state structure has dominated the evolution of natural SH3 domains. Additionally, the positions which play a consistent role in the transition state of three well-characterized SH3 domains (by phi-value analysis) are structurally optimized for the native state, and vice versa. Indeed, we see a specific and significant correlation between sequence optimization for native state stability and conservation of transition state structure.  相似文献   

Optimization of surface exposed charge-charge interactions in the native state has emerged as an effective means to enhance protein stability; but the effect of electrostatic interactions on the kinetics of protein folding is not well understood. To investigate the kinetic consequences of surface charge optimization, we characterized the folding kinetics of a Fyn SH3 domain variant containing five amino acid substitutions that was computationally designed to optimize surface charge-charge interactions. Our results demonstrate that this optimized Fyn SH3 domain is stabilized primarily through an eight-fold acceleration in the folding rate. Analyses of the constituent single amino acid substitutions indicate that the effects of optimization of charge-charge interactions on folding rate are additive. This is in contrast to the trend seen in folded state stability, and suggests that electrostatic interactions are less specific in the transition state compared to the folded state. Simulations of the transition state using a coarse-grained chain model show that native electrostatic contacts are weakly formed, thereby making the transition state conducive to nonspecific, or even nonnative, electrostatic interactions. Because folding from the unfolded state to the folding transition state for small proteins is accompanied by an increase in charge density, nonspecific electrostatic interactions, that is, generic charge density effects can have a significant contribution to the kinetics of protein folding. Thus, the interpretation of the effects of amino acid substitutions at surface charged positions may be complicated and consideration of only native-state interactions may fail to provide an adequate picture.  相似文献   

The SH3 domain folding transition state structure contains two well-ordered turn regions, known as the diverging turn and the distal loop. In the Src SH3 domain transition state, these regions are stabilized by a hydrogen bond between Glu30 in the diverging turn and Ser47 in the distal loop. We have examined the effects on folding kinetics of amino acid substitutions at the homologous positions (Glu24 and Ser41) in the Fyn SH3 domain. In contrast to most other folding kinetics studies which have focused primarily on non-disruptive substitutions with Ala or Gly, here we have examined the effects of substitutions with diverse amino acid residues. Using this approach, we demonstrate that the transition state structure is generally tolerant to amino acid substitutions. We also uncover a unique role for Ser at position 41 in facilitating folding of the distal loop, which can only be replicated by Asp at the same position. Both these residues appear to accelerate folding through the formation of short-range side-chain to backbone hydrogen bonds. The folding of the diverging turn region is shown to be driven primarily by local interactions. The diverging turn and distal loop regions are found to interact in the transition state structure, but only in the context of particular mutant backgrounds. This work demonstrates that studying the effects of a variety of amino acid substitutions on protein folding kinetics can provide unique insights into folding mechanisms which cannot be obtained by standard Phi value analysis.  相似文献   

Recently a suite of six CPMG relaxation dispersion experiments has been described for quantifying millisecond time-scale exchange processes in proteins. The methodology has been applied to study the folding reaction of a G48M Fyn SH3 domain mutant that exchanges between the native state, and low populated unfolded and intermediate states. A complex non-linear global optimization protocol allows extraction of the kinetics and thermodynamics of the 3-site exchange process from the experimental data, as well as reconstruction of the amide group chemical shifts of the excited states. We show here, through a series of Monte-Carlo simulations on various synthetic data sets, that the 3-site exchange parameters extracted for this system on the basis of 15N single-quantum (SQ) dispersion profiles exclusively, recorded at a single temperature, are significantly in error. While a temperature dependent 15N study improves the robustness of extracted parameters, as does a combined analysis of 15N and 1H SQ data sets measured at a single temperature, the best agreement is observed in cases where the full complement of six dispersion profiles per residue is analyzed.  相似文献   

The α‐spectrin SH3 domain (Spc‐SH3) is a small modular domain which has been broadly used as a model protein in folding studies and these studies have sometimes been supported by structural information obtained from the coordinates of Spc‐SH3 mutants. The structure of B5/D48G, a multiple mutant designed to improve the hydrophobic core and as a consequence the protein stability, has been solved at 1 Å resolution. The crystals belonged to the orthorhombic space group P212121, with unit‐cell parameters a = 24.79, b = 37.23, c = 62.95 Å. This mutant also bears a D48G substitution in the distal loop and this mutation has also been reported to increase the stability of the protein by itself. The structure of the B5/D48G mutant shows a highly packed hydrophobic core and a more ordered distal loop compared with previous Spc‐SH3 structures.  相似文献   

A structural-dynamic study of one of the chimeric proteins (SHA) belonging to the SH3-Bergerac family and containing the KATANGKTYE sequence instead of the N47D48 β-turn in the spectrin SH3-domain was carried out by high resolution NMR spectroscopy. The spatial structure of the protein was determined and its dynamics in solution was investigated on the basis of the NMR data. The elongation of the SHA polypeptide chain in comparison with the WT-SH3 original protein (by ~17%) exerts practically no effect on the general topology of the molecule. The presence of a stable β-hairpin in the region of insertion was confirmed. This hairpin was shown to have a higher mobility in comparison with other regions of the protein.  相似文献   

The presence of residual structure in the unfolded state of the N-terminal SH3 domain of Drosophila drk (drkN SH3 domain) has been investigated using far- and near-UV circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy. The unfolded (U(exch)) state of the drkN SH3 domain is significantly populated and exists in equilibrium with the folded (F(exch)) state under non-denaturing conditions near physiological pH. Denaturation experiments have been performed on the drkN SH3 domain in order to monitor the change in ellipticity, fluorescence intensity, and chemical shift between the U(exch) state and chemically or thermally denatured states. Differences between the unfolded and chemically or thermally denatured states highlight specific areas of residual structure in the unfolded state that are cooperatively disrupted upon denaturation. Results provide evidence for cooperative interactions in the unfolded state involving residues of the central beta-sheet, particularly the beta4 strand. Denaturation as well as hydrogen-exchange experiments demonstrate a non-native burial of the Trp ring within this "cooperative" core of the unfolded state. These findings support the presence of non-native hydrophobic clusters, organised by Trp rings, within disordered states.  相似文献   

We perform a detailed analysis of the thermodynamics and folding kinetics of the SH3 domain fold with discrete molecular dynamic simulations. We propose a protein model that reproduces some of the experimentally observed thermodynamic and folding kinetic properties of proteins. Specifically, we use our model to study the transition state ensemble of the SH3 fold family of proteins, a set of unstable conformations that fold to the protein native state with probability 1/2. We analyze the participation of each secondary structure element formed at the transition state ensemble. We also identify the folding nucleus of the SH3 fold and test extensively its importance for folding kinetics. We predict that a set of amino acid contacts between the RT-loop and the distal hairpin are the critical folding nucleus of the SH3 fold and propose a hypothesis that explains this result.  相似文献   

To examine the interactions between Src homology,domains and the tyrosine kinase catalytic domain of v-Src, various combinations of domains have been expressed in bacteria as fusion proteins. Constructs containing the isolated catalytic domain, SH2 + catalytic domain, and SH3 + SH2 + catalytic domains were active in autophosphorylation assays. For the catalytic domain of v-Src, but not for v-Abl, addition of exogenous Src SH3-SH2 domains stimulated the autophosphorylation activity. In contrast to results for autophosphorylation, constructs containing Src homology domains were more active towards a synthetic peptide substrate than the isolated catalytic domain. The ability of the SH2 and SH3 domains of v-Src to stabilize an active enzyme conformation was also confirmed by refolding after denaturation in guanidinium hydrochloride. Collectively the data suggest that, in addition to their roles in intermolecular protein-protein interactions, the Src homology regions of v-Src exert a positive influence on tyrosine kinase function, potentially by maintaining an active conformation of the catalytic domain.  相似文献   

We have characterized the thermodynamic stability of the SH3 domain from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Abp1p protein and found it to be relatively low compared to most other SH3 domains, with a Tm of 60 degrees C and a deltaGu of 3.08 kcal/mol. Analysis of a large alignment of SH3 domains led to the identification of atypical residues at eight positions in the wild-type Abp1p SH3 domain sequence that were subsequently replaced by the residue seen most frequently at that position in the alignment. Three of the eight mutants constructed in this way displayed increases in Tm ranging from 8 to 15 degrees C with concomitant increases in deltaGu of up to 1.4 kcal/mol. The effects of these substitutions on folding thermodynamics and kinetics were entirely additive, and a mutant containing all three was dramatically stabilized with a Tm greater than 90 degrees C and a deltaGu more than double that of the wild-type domain. The folding rate of this hyperstable mutant was 10-fold faster than wild-type, while its unfolding rate was fivefold slower. All of the stabilized mutants were still able to bind a target peptide with wild-type affinity. We have analyzed the stabilizing amino acid substitutions isolated in this study and several other similar sequence alignment based studies. In approximately 25% of cases, increased stability can be explained by enhanced propensity of the substituted residue for the local backbone conformation at the mutagenized site.  相似文献   

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Estimation of secondary structure in polypeptides is important for studying their structure, folding and dynamics. In NMR spectroscopy, such information is generally obtained after sequence specific resonance assignments are completed. We present here a new methodology for assignment of secondary structure type to spin systems in proteins directly from NMR spectra, without prior knowledge of resonance assignments. The methodology, named Combination of Shifts for Secondary Structure Identification in Proteins (CSSI-PRO), involves detection of specific linear combination of backbone 1Hα and 13C′ chemical shifts in a two-dimensional (2D) NMR experiment based on G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) NMR spectroscopy. Such linear combinations of shifts facilitate editing of residues belonging to α-helical/β-strand regions into distinct spectral regions nearly independent of the amino acid type, thereby allowing the estimation of overall secondary structure content of the protein. Comparison of the predicted secondary structure content with those estimated based on their respective 3D structures and/or the method of Chemical Shift Index for 237 proteins gives a correlation of more than 90% and an overall rmsd of 7.0%, which is comparable to other biophysical techniques used for structural characterization of proteins. Taken together, this methodology has a wide range of applications in NMR spectroscopy such as rapid protein structure determination, monitoring conformational changes in protein-folding/ligand-binding studies and automated resonance assignment. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Many single-domain proteins exhibit two-state folding kinetics, with folding rates that span more than six orders of magnitude. A quantity of much recent interest for such proteins is their contact order, the average separation in sequence between contacting residue pairs. Numerous studies have reached the surprising conclusion that contact order is well-correlated with the logarithm of the folding rate for these small, well-characterized molecules. Here, we investigate the physico-chemical basis for this finding by asking whether contact order is actually a composite number that measures the fraction of local secondary structure in the protein; viz. turns, helices, and hairpins. To pursue this question, we calculated the secondary structure content for 24 two-state proteins and obtained coefficients that predict their folding rates. The predicted rates correlate strongly with experimentally determined rates, comparable to the correlation with contact order. Further, these predicted folding rates are correlated strongly with contact order. Our results suggest that the folding rate of two-state proteins is a function of their local secondary structure content, consistent with the hierarchic model of protein folding. Accordingly, it should be possible to utilize secondary structure prediction methods to predict folding rates from sequence alone.  相似文献   

CD2 associated protein (CD2AP) is an adaptor protein that plays an important role in cell to cell union needed for the kidney function. CD2AP interacts, as an adaptor protein, with different natural targets, such as CD2, nefrin, c-Cbl and podocin. These proteins are believed to interact to one of the three SH3 domains that are positioned in the N-terminal region of CD2AP. To understand the network of interactions between the natural targets and the three SH3 domains (SH3-A, B and C), we have started to determine the structures of the individual SH3 domains. Here we present the high-resolution structure of the SH3-C domain derived from NMR data. Full backbone and side-chain assignments were obtained from triple-resonance spectra. The structure was determined from distance restraints derived from high-resolution 600 and 800 MHz NOESY spectra, together with phi and psi torsion angle restraints based on the analysis of 1HN, 15N, 1Hα, 13Cα, 13CO and 13Cβ chemical shifts. Structures were calculated using CYANA and refined in water using RECOORD. The three-dimensional structure of CD2AP SH3-C contains all the features that are typically found in other SH3 domains, including the general binding site for the recognition of polyproline sequences.  相似文献   



CASKIN2 is a neuronal signaling scaffolding protein comprised of multiple ankyrin repeats, two SAM domains, and one SH3 domain. The CASKIN2 SH3 domain for an NMR structural determination because its peptide-binding cleft appeared to deviate from the repertoire of aromatic enriched amino acids that typically bind polyproline-rich sequences.


The structure demonstrated that two non-canonical basic amino acids (K290/R319) in the binding cleft were accommodated well in the SH3 fold. An K290Y/R319W double mutant restoring the typical aromatic amino acids found in the binding cleft resulted in a 20 °C relative increase in the thermal stability. Considering the reduced stability, we speculated that the CASKIN2 SH3 could be a nonfunctional remnant in this scaffolding protein.


While the NMR structure demonstrates that the CASKIN2 SH3 domain is folded, its cleft has suffered two substitutions that prevent it from binding typical polyproline ligands. This observation led us to additionally survey and describe other SH3 domains in the Protein Data Bank that may have similarly lost their ability to promote protein-protein interactions.

DOCK180 family proteins are Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors. DOCK1‐5 contains an N‐terminal SH3 domain implicated in their autoinhibition. Release of the closed conformation requires the interaction between SH3 and engulfment and cell motility (ELMO). Here, we solved the solution structure of DOCK180 SH3 domain, which shares similar target binding features with the SH3 domain of DOCK2. The conserved N‐terminal extension packs with the SH3 core domain and forms a new target binding site distinct from the canonical “PxxP” site. Our results demonstrate that the bidentate target binding mode of DOCK180 SH3 domain might be a general feature in all DOCK proteins. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A Mathematica package (ALASKA) has been developed to simplify the measurement of protein folding kinetics by analysis of 1H NMR lineshape analysis. This package reads NMR data in ASCII format and can simulate an aromatic 1 NMR spectrum with or without lineshape broadening from chemical exchange. We describe the analysis of a urea denaturation series of a fast-folding protein, the G46A/G48A variant of monomeric repressor.  相似文献   

Stochastic processes powered by thermal energy lead to protein motions traversing time-scales from picoseconds to seconds. Fundamental to protein functionality is the utilization of these dynamics for tasks such as catalysis, folding, and allostery. A hierarchy of motion is hypothesized to connect and synergize fast and slow dynamics toward performing these essential activities. Population shuffling predicts a “top-down” temporal hierarchy, where slow time-scale conformational interconversion leads to a shuffling of the free energy landscape for fast time-scale events. Until now, population shuffling was only applied to interconverting ground states. Here, we extend the framework of population shuffling to be applicable for a system interconverting between low energy ground and high energy excited states, such as the SH3 domain mutants G48M and A39V/N53P/V55L from the Fyn tyrosine kinase, providing another tool for accessing the structural dynamics of high energy excited states. Our results indicate that the higher energy gauche− rotameric state for the leucine χ2 dihedral angle contributes significantly to the distribution of rotameric states in both the major and minor forms of the SH3 domain. These findings are corroborated with unrestrained molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on both the major and minor states of the SH3 domain demonstrating high correlations between experimental and back-calculated leucine χ2 rotameric populations. Taken together, we demonstrate how fast time-scale rotameric side-chain population distributions can be extracted from slow time-scale conformational exchange data further extending the scope and the applicability of the population shuffling model.  相似文献   

We present a verified computational model of the SH3 domain transition state (TS) ensemble. This model was built for three separate SH3 domains using experimental phi-values as structural constraints in all-atom protein folding simulations. While averaging over all conformations incorrectly considers non-TS conformations as transition states, quantifying structures as pre-TS, TS, and post-TS by measurement of their transmission coefficient ("probability to fold", or p(fold)) allows for rigorous conclusions regarding the structure of the folding nucleus and a full mechanistic analysis of the folding process. Through analysis of the TS, we observe a highly polarized nucleus in which many residues are solvent-exposed. Mechanistic analysis suggests the hydrophobic core forms largely after an early nucleation step. SH3 presents an ideal system for studying the nucleation-condensation mechanism and highlights the synergistic relationship between experiment and simulation in the study of protein folding.  相似文献   

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