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Suppression of antibody secretion by the 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (TNP)-binding BALB/c myeloma, MOPC 315, by idiotype- and hapten-reactive suppressor T cells is mediated by secreted factors (TsF) and requires the presence of accessory cells (AC). Idiotype-specific TsF functions only in the presence of Ia+ AC and is completely idiotype specific. Moreover, no suppression is observed when myeloma targets and AC are separated by cell-impermeable membranes, indicating that the role of AC may be to bind, focus, and/or present TsF to the myeloma cells. In contrast, TNP-specific TsF inhibits myeloma function in the presence of TNP-protein and activated macrophages that are not Ia+. This form of suppression is nonspecific at the effector stage; i.e., anti-TNP TsF inhibits a non-TNP binding cell line, TEPC 15, as long as TNP-protein and activated macrophages are present. Moreover, suppression occurs even when myeloma targets and AC are separated by cell-impermeable membranes. These results are consistent with the view that hapten-reactive TsF binds to antigen on the surface of macrophages and induces these cells to secrete nonspecific immunosuppressive molecules. Thus, different types of AC may play fundamentally different roles in TsF-mediated suppression; they may either bind and present TsF to targets (as in the case of idiotype-specific TsF) or secrete nonspecific immunosuppressants as a consequence of a TsF-antigen interaction (hapten-specific TsF). Autonomous, suppressible targets provide valuable experimental systems for analyzing the cellular interactions in T cell-mediated suppression.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to generate Ag-specific suppressor T cells from Ag-primed spleen cells by using glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF). BDF1 mice were primed with alum-absorbed OVA and their spleen cells were stimulated with OVA. Ag-activated T cells were then propagated in IL-2-containing conditioned medium. Incubation of the T cells with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages resulted in the formation of IgE-potentiating factor and glycosylation-enhancing factor that has affinity for OVA, i.e., OVA-specific glycosylation-enhancing factor. However, if the same Ag-activated splenic T cells were propagated in the IL-2-containing medium in the presence of GIF T cells obtained in the cultures formed IgE-suppressive factors and OVA-specific GIF on antigenic stimulation. Thus we constructed T cell hybridomas from the Ag-activated T cells propagated by IL-2 in the presence of GIF. A representative hybridoma, 71B4, formed OVA-specific GIF on incubation with OVA-pulsed macrophages of BDF1 mice or C57B1/6 mice. However, if the same hybridoma cells were incubated with OVA alone or with OVA-pulsed macrophages of H-2k or H-2d strains, they produced GIF that had no affinity for OVA. The OVA-specific GIF bound to OVA-Sepharose but did not bind to BSA-Sepharose or KLH Sepharose. Intravenous injections of the OVA-specific GIF from the hybridoma suppressed the IgE and IgG1 anti-DNP antibody response of BDF1 mice to DNP-OVA, but failed to suppress the anti-hapten antibody responses of the strain to DNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin, indicating that the factors suppressed the antibody response in a carrier-specific manner. However, the same OVA-specific GIF failed to suppress the anti-hapten antibody response of DBA/1 mice to DNP-OVA, suggesting that the immunosuppressive effects of the factors is MHC restricted.  相似文献   

The study of cell surface antigens has accelerated in the few years since the advent of hybridoma technology to the point where many dozens of such markers have now been described. The functional heterogeneity of post-thymic T cells in the immune response, however, still exhibit complexities beyond the resolving power of our current repertoire of marker antigens. In this study, we investigated the surface phenotype of three types of effector T cells: helper cells, nonspecific suppressor cells, and cytotoxic T cells, using four recently discovered alloantigen systems of T cells: Ly-m10, Ly-m18, Ly-m19, and Ly-m22. SRBC-primed spleen cells were used as a source of specific helper T cells, and they were tested by their ability to promote antibody synthesis by B lymphocytes. Concanavalin A-activated suppressor cells were assayed by their ability to inhibit that response. Cytotoxic T cells were activated by alloantigen. We found Ly-m10 to be expressed on all three cell types tested, whereas Ly-m18 and Ly-m19 were absent from all three. Ly-m22, whose controlling locus is closely linked to the Mls region, had a unique distribution, being present solely on suppressor cells. Thus Ly-m22 emerged as a new marker that distinguishes nonspecific T suppressor cells (Ly-m22+) from T helper as well as cytotoxic T cells (Ly-m22-). Ly-m22 is the only antigen besides I-J so far known to be restricted to suppressor cells.  相似文献   

Human V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells, the major subset of gamma/delta T cells in peripheral blood of adults, mediate proliferative and cytotoxic responses to Daudi Burkitt's lymphoma cells without previous in vitro exposure to Daudi. Our experiments show that some gamma/delta T cells coexpressing V gamma 9 and V delta 1 genes also react to Daudi cells in cytotoxic and proliferative assays. Expression of V gamma 9 is not sufficient for the recognition of Daudi cells because most gamma/delta T cells expressing V delta 1 paired with V gamma 9 or other V gamma genes neither kill Daudi cells nor proliferate to Daudi. V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells do not proliferate to other cell lines such as K562 or Molt4 that are sensitive to MHC-unrestricted cytolysis by NK cells and by most IL-2-activated gamma/delta T cell clones. Cold target inhibition assays demonstrate that Daudi cells are stronger inhibitors than K562 and Molt4 of MHC-unrestricted lysis by V gamma 9/V delta 2 clones. However, cold Daudi cells are relatively weaker inhibitors of MHC-unrestricted lysis by NK cell clones, most gamma/delta T cell clones expressing V delta 1 and alpha/beta T cell clones. Thus, recognition by V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells and certain V gamma 9/V delta 1 T cells of Daudi appears to involve a specific triggering pathway that is distinct from recognition by these gamma/delta T cells of Molt4, K562, and other target cells. NK cell clones and most other gamma/delta and alpha/beta T cell clones derived from the same normal volunteer blood donors do not show this specific interaction with Daudi cells. These data show that distinct subsets of human gamma/delta T cells recognize Daudi cells and support the idea that the gamma/delta TCR may be directly involved.  相似文献   

T cell-depleted, Sephadex G-10-passed unstimulated splenic B cells from C57BL/6 mice stimulated splenic T cells from CKB mice to produce IL 2 and to proliferate. The stimulatory ability of the unstimulated B cells was eliminated by 4000 rad irradiation of the unstimulated stimulator B cells. LPS-activated B cells could stimulate responder T cells more efficiently than unstimulated B cells. For further analysis of allostimulation by B cells, we established a series of alloreactive T cell hybridomas. Forty-five percent of these alloreactive T cell hybridomas could be stimulated to produce IL 2 by either macrophage-dendritic cells or unstimulated B cells. Fifty-five percent of these alloreactive T cell hybridomas could be stimulated by macrophage-dendritic cells but not by unstimulated B cells. T cell hybridomas that were not reactive with unstimulated B cells were also nonreactive to LPS-activated B cells. Analysis of two representative I-Ab-reactive T cell hybridoma clones, B cell-reactive clone CB-11.4 and B cell-nonreactive clone HTB-9.3, revealed again that the stimulatory ability of unstimulated B cells was sensitive to 4000 rad irradiation in the activation of CB-11.4 clone and that CB-11.4 could be stimulated more efficiently by LPS-activated B cells than by unstimulated B cells, but HTB-9.3 could not be stimulated by LPS-activated B cells. Thus, there may be two distinct types of T cells in the alloreaction: B-cell-reactive and B cell-nonreactive.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted cytotoxicity of chicken lymphocytes was studied by using three reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV)-transformed cell lines as targets in 51Cr-release assays. The cell lines, designated RECC-UG5, RECC-UG6, and RECC-UG8, were developed from bone marrow cells of REV-infected line G-B1, line G-B2, and (G-B1 X G-B2)F1 chickens respectively. Effector cells were obtained from spleens of G-B1, G-B2, F1, and F2 chickens 7 days after inoculation of REV. The inbred G-B1 (MHC genotype B13/B13) and G-B2 (MHC genotype B6/B6) lines originate from a common partially inbred line. Initial studies with effector cells from G-B1 and G-B2 chickens showed that significant cytotoxicity occurred only with syngeneic target cells. The degree of cytotoxicity was markedly enhanced by neonatally treating effector cell donors with cyclophosphamide (CY) and delaying virus challenge until the birds were 4 wk old. Augmentation of cytotoxicity was presumed to be due to elimination of bursal-dependent suppressor T cells by CY. The results with spleen cells from REV-inoculated F2 birds clearly showed that cytotoxicity was MHC restricted; i.e., significant lysis only occurred if effector cells and target cells had a common B system antigen. Lysis of RECC-UG5 targets was three to four times higher than lysis of RECC-UG6 targets when effector cells were from heterozygous (B6/B13)F1 and F2 birds. Because these two target cell lines generally showed a similar degree of lysis by effector cells from syngeneic B homozygous birds, the differences obtained with effector cells from B heterozygous birds was most likely due to differences in the number of effector cells with specificity for each target line. Evidence for an additive cytotoxic effect, considered to be due to the lytic activity of two separate T cell clones, was obtained when F1 effector cells were tested with the F1-derived RECC-UG8 targets. The results of other experiments indicated that the effector cells were of T cell lineage and that their activity was probably directed against virus-induced antigens on the transformed target cells.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a patient with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and spleen cells from a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) were fused with HAT-sensitive human B lymphoma cells (RH-L4) in attempts to generate human monoclonal antibodies (Mab) against antigens with high specificity for myeloid leukemia cells. Forty-seven of 246 hybridomas secreted Ig that bound to AML cell surface constituents, as determined by FACS analysis of viable cells that were FITC-stained with the human Mab as the first-step reagent and FITC-conjugated rabbit anti-human Ig as second-step. Two of the 47 human Mab (one from each patient and designated AML-19 and CML-20, respectively) bound to both autologous and allogeneic myeloid leukemia cells. No significant binding was observed to cell surface constituents on human bone marrow cells, granulocytes, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, thymocytes, monocytes, lymphoblastic leukemia cells, fibroblasts, malignant B and T lymphocytic cell lines, and murine bone marrow cells. Both human Mab were IgG and were cytotoxic to myeloid leukemia cells in the presence of complement. About 70% of peripheral blood cell samples from 46 AML patients contained AML-19- and CML-20-positive cells, but the reactivity pattern had no correlation to the morphologic FAB classification of the samples. The promyelocytic HL60 cell line and the K562 cell line reacted with the two antibodies. Dot blot analysis of binding of AML-19 and CML-20 to cellular extracts immobilized on nitrocellulose paper showed that both human Mab in this assay also reacted with normal bone marrow cells. This was supported by microscopic immunofluorescence because both human Mab stained intracytoplasmatic structures in normal bone marrow cells, but both intracytoplasmatic and cell surface components stained in myeloid leukemia cells. Moreover, immunoblotting demonstrated that both human Mab in leukemia cells reacted with two cellular proteins with Mr approximately 14,500 and 18,000, and in normal bone marrow cells with a molecule with Mr approximately 20,000. Immunoprecipitation of cell membrane molecules with both the AML-19 and CML-20 antibody precipitated from leukemic cells only the molecule with Mr approximately 18,000 and no components from normal bone marrow cells. It is concluded that myeloid leukemogenesis may result in generation of cell surface expression of either new or abnormally processed molecules that are immunogenic in the autochthonous host. These molecules may also be useful as markers in diagnosis of myeloid leukemia.  相似文献   

We have recently described a monoclonal antibody (mAb) to sheep erythrocytes, termed L180/1, that blocks the formation of E rosettes between human or sheep T lymphocytes and sheep red blood cells. The cell surface glycoprotein (GP) of 42,000 apparent m.w. recognized by mAb L180/1 was given the preliminary name T11 target structure or T11TS. In the present report, it is shown that T11TS is also expressed on sheep white blood cells, notably on activated T lymphocytes, that are shown to actively synthesize this cell surface GP. In addition, the mixed lymphocyte reaction between outbred sheep is inhibited by mAb L180/1 at an early stage of the response. Together with the known involvement of the E receptor in T lymphocyte activation, these results are taken to suggest that T11 and T11TS are complementary cell interaction molecules involved in regulating T cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The regulation of IL-2 gene expression during T cell activation and proliferation has been investigated in primary cultures of purified human peripheral blood T cells. Prior results indicated that stimulation of T cells by anti-CD28 mAb plus PMA could induce IL-2 expression and T cell proliferation that was entirely resistant to cyclosporine. The present studies examined whether CD28 augments IL-2 expression by a unique pathway or merely acts at a point common to CD3-induced proliferation but distal to the effects of cyclosporine. The induction of maximal IL-2 gene expression required three signals provided by phorbol ester, calcium ionophore, and anti-CD28 mAb. Stimulation of cells by optimal amounts of calcium ionophore and PMA induced IL-2 mRNA that was completely suppressed by cyclosporine. The addition of anti-CD28 to T cells stimulated with PMA plus calcium ionophore induced a 5- to 100-fold increase in IL-2 gene expression and secretion that was resistant to cyclosporine. The CD28 signal was able to increase steady state IL-2 mRNA levels even in cells treated with maximally tolerated amounts of calcium ionophore and PMA. The three-signal requirement did not reflect differential regulation of lymphokine gene expression between the CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets or differences in the kinetics of IL-2 mRNA expression. The signal provided by CD28 is distinct from that of CD3 because although anti-CD28 plus PMA-induced proliferation is resistant to cyclosporine, anti-CD3 or anti-CD3 plus PMA-induced IL-2 expression is sensitive. Thus, these studies show that three biochemically distinct signals are required for maximal IL-2 gene expression. Furthermore, these studies suggest that lymphokine production in T cells is not controlled by an "on/off" switch, but rather, that CD28 regulates a distinct intracellular pathway which modulates the level of IL-2 production on a per cell basis. The observation that CD28 stimulation results in IL-2 concentrations that exceed 1000 U/m1 in tissue culture supernatants suggests that a role in vivo for CD28 might be to amplify immune responses initiated by the CD3/T cell receptor complex. Finally, the observation that CD28 interacts with the signals provided by PMA and calcium ionophore shows that the function of CD28 is not merely to act as a scaffold to stabilize or enhance signalling through the CD3/TCR complex.  相似文献   

 Recent theories have established that, during an ongoing immune response, the lymphokines produced by TH1 and TH2 subsets of CD4+ T cells are critical to the effectiveness of that response. In vivo and in vitro studies have demonstrated that the type of environmental cytokines plays a determinant role in directing the development of naive T cells into TH1 or TH2 effector cells. Disregulated expansion of one or other subset may contribute to the development of certain diseases. To establish whether a similar situation might exist in the cells of the peripheral blood (PBMC) of colorectal cancer patients, we have performed immunological studies on a group of patients and a group of healthy subjects. We examined the interleukin-2 (IL-2), interferon γ (IFNγ), IL-4, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor α levels in serum; the production of IL-4 and IL-2, with and without activating agents, by PBMC, tumour-draining lymph node lymphocytes and tumour cells; and the proliferative response of PBMC to IL-2, IL-4 and anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (anti-CD3), which were variously combined. The data of the present study lead us to hypothesize that, because of suppressive effects probably due to environmental IL-4, in the peripheral blood of patients there seems to be a disregulation in the functionality of TH1 and TH2 subsets of CD4+ T cells, with an expansion in TH2 and a malfunction in TH1 cells. Moreover it seems that this disregulation increases with as the disease progresses through the stages, suggesting that it can be directly implicated in the mechanisms that allow the tumour to locate and progress in the host. Received: 27 June 1995 / Accepted: 13 November 1995  相似文献   

Two genomic clones containing a part of the glutamate dehydrogenase gene were isolated from a human genomic library. The restriction map of both clones were distinctly different from one another, although the nucleotide sequences of the three exons that they contained were virtually the same in each clone. Southern blotting analysis of the genomic DNAs from several unrelated human individuals revealed that in every case the probe hybridized with at least two DNA fragments of different sizes, each characteristic to one of the two clones. These results strongly suggest that the two clones presently obtained do not result from polymorphism but are generated from two different gene loci for glutamate dehydrogenase on the human chromosome.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane hexose transporter and the tonoplast hexose transporter from heterotrophically grown transformed Nicotiana tabacum cells have been studied in vitro using membrane vesicles for trans-zero transport studies. In highly purified phase-partitioned outside-out plasma membrane vesicles (PMV) the hexose transporter showed an apparent Km value of 230 microM (substrate: 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (3-OMG); pHi 7.2/pHo 7.2), which was reduced to 120 microM when a pH gradient was imposed (pHo 5.7/pHi 7.2). However, the Vmax value was not affected indicating that no stable pH gradient was formed. Uptake experiments with 14C-labelled acetate supported this interpretation. Transport was insensitive to N-ethylmaleimide (NEM; up to 1 mM concentration) and p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS; up to 500 microM), whereas the tonoplast hexose transporter (in mixed inside / out and outside / out vesicles) was inhibited by NEM in a substrate-protectable manner, and PCMBS was also inhibitory. Kinetically two components with apparent Km values of 6 and 20 mM could be distinguished for the tonoplast hexose transporter. Substrate specificities of both transporters were similar except for D-galactose and D-fructose. The results indicate structural differences between the tonoplast and plasma membrane hexose transporters in plants.  相似文献   

Primary and secondary cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses to minor alloantigens can be suppressed by priming host mice with a high dose (10(8) cells) of alloantigenic donor spleen cells (SC). Such suppression is antigen specific and transferable into secondary hosts with T cells. One interpretation of this is that antigen-specific host suppressor T cells (Ts) are activated. Alternatively, donor Lyt-2+ T cells, introduced in the priming inoculum, may inactivate host CTL precursors (CTLp) that recognize the priming (donor) alloantigens. Donor cells that act in this way are termed veto T cells. The experiments described here exclude veto T cell participation in transferable alloantigen-specific suppression, and demonstrate the operation of an alloantigen-specific host-derived T suppressor (Ts) cell. The origin of the Ts has been studied directly by using Thy-1-disparate BALB/c mice. The cell responsible for the transfer of suppression of a secondary CTL response to B10 minors was of the host Thy-1 allotype, and so originated in the host spleen and was not introduced in the priming inoculum. Secondly, antigen-specific Ts generated in CBA female mice against B10 minors could act on CTL responses to an unequivocally non-cross-reactive-third party antigen (H-Y), provided the two antigens were expressed on the same cell membrane. Such third-party suppression is incompatible with the operation of veto T cells. Depletion of Thy-1.2+ or Lyt-2+ cells from the suppression-inducing donor SC inoculum did not abrogate suppression induction in BALB/c mice; instead, suppression was enhanced. The demonstration of veto cell activity in similarly primed mice by other groups of investigators indicates that both types of suppression may operate. However, our results show that only antigen-specific Ts can mediate the transferable suppression of CTL responses to alloantigens.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from Lewis rats were cultured with 4 micrograms/ml Con A. These cells were then fused with BW 5147 mouse T lymphoma cells. Two hybrid clones (6B2-B8 and 6B2-E6) obtained by fusion formed CGF effectively. It was found that hybrid cells can be boosted to produce higher levels of CGF upon stimulation with Con A. 6B2-B8 express rat T cell markers. CGF formed by 6B2-B8 had a m.w. of 23,000 and 40,000. CGF was eluted from a Mono Q anion-exchange column with an FPLC system at 0.4 to 0.6 M NaCl as a major peak and at 0.8 M NaCl as a minor peak. CGF was eluted as three peaks with pH 4.1, 4.8, and 5.2 from a Mono P chromatofocusing column. CGF from 6B2-B8 does not contain IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, or CSF.  相似文献   

The effector/memory T cell pool branches in homing subsets selectively trafficking to organs such as gut or skin. Little is known about the critical factors in the generation of skin-homing CD8+ T cells, although they are crucial effectors in skin-restricted immune responses such as contact hypersensitivity and melanoma defense. In this study, we show that intracutaneous, but not i.v. injection of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells induced skin-homing CD8+ T cells with up-regulated E-selectin ligand expression and effector function in contact hypersensitivity. The skin-homing potential and E-selectin ligand expression remained stable in memory phase without further Ag contact. In contrast, i.p. injection induced T cells expressing the gut-homing integrin alpha(4)beta(7). Although differential expression of these adhesion molecules was strictly associated with the immunization route, the postulated skin-homing marker CCR4 was transiently up-regulated in all conditions. Interestingly, dendritic cells from different tissues effectively induced the corresponding homing markers on T cells in vitro. Our results suggest a crucial role for the tissue microenvironment and dendritic cells in the instruction of T cells for tissue-selective homing and demonstrate that Langerhans cells are specialized to target T cells to inflamed skin.  相似文献   

CD8(+)CD60(+) T cells (80-98% CD45RO(+); 20% CD23(+)) are significantly increased in the blood of serum IgE(+) ragweed-sensitized (RS) compared with serum IgE-nonatopic humans (p = 0.001). CD8(+)CD60(+) T cells of the RS patients produced IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-alpha. and IFN-gamma, but not IL-6 or IL-13. When their PBMC were cultured with ragweed Ag (RA), peak IgE responses occurred on day 10; none was induced with non-cross-reacting or without Ag; nonatopic PBMC did not respond to any stimulant. When either CD4(+) or CD8(+)CD60(+) T cells were depleted from RS PBMC before culture with RA, no IgE responses were induced. If purified CD4(+) T cells or low numbers of CD8(+)CD60(+) T cells were added back to the depleted PBMC, IgE responses were restored. However, higher numbers of CD8(+)CD60(+) T cells totally suppressed IgE responses. Total suppression also was obtained when RS PBMC were cultured with RA and either anti-IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-gamma (all concentrations), or IFN-alpha (low concentrations), but not anti-IL-6 or IL-13. Higher concentrations of anti-IFN-alpha potentiated IgE responses.  相似文献   

Variations in co-signal ligand expression and cytokine production greatly influence the antigen-presenting properties of migrating DCs in regional lymph nodes (RLNs). Here we investigated DCs migrating from the oral mucosa using CD326 and CD103 antigens for discriminate CD207+ Langerhans cells (LCs) from CD207+ submucosal DCs (SMDCs). Similar to DCs migrating from the skin, we identified four distinct oral mucosal DC (OMDC) subsets, CD11chiCD207CD103CD326intCD11bhi (F1; resident CD11bhi SMDCs), CD11cint/loCD207-CD103-CD326loCD11bint/hi (F2; newly recruited blood-derived SMDCs), CD11cint/loCD207+CD103+CD326int/hiCD11blo (CD103+ F3; resident CD207+ SMDCs), and CD11cint/loCD207+CD103-CD326int/hiCD11blo (CD103- F3; resident LCs). F1 DCs migrated rapidly after fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) painting and expressed notably high levels of CD86, CD273, and CD274 at an earlier time point. In contrast, CD103 LCs expressing the highest levels of the epithelial cell adhesion molecule CD326 accounted for a minor subset at the earlier time point, but increased slowly with CD103+CD207+ SMDCs. However, their expression of CD86, CD273, and CD274 was very limited. The delayed migration and limited induction of co-signal ligands suggest that roles of OMLCs are distinct from those of the other three DC subsets. The identification of distinct subsets of OMDCs in RLNs may benefit efforts to determine the functional specialization of each subset in T cell responses against orally administrated antigens.  相似文献   

We have generated a panel of mAbs that identify three presumably novel human dendritic cell Ags: BDCA-2, BDCA-3, and BDCA-4. In blood, BDCA-2 and BDCA-4 are expressed on CD11c(-) CD123(bright) plasmacytoid dendritic cells, whereas BDCA-3 is expressed on small population of CD11c(+) CD123(-) dendritic cells. All three Ags are not detectable on a third blood dendritic cell population, which is CD1c(+) CD11c(bright) CD123(dim), or on any other cells in blood. BDCA-4 is also expressed on monocyte-derived and CD34(+) cell-derived dendritic cells. Expression of all three Ags dramatically changes once blood dendritic cells undergo in vitro maturation. BDCA-2 is completely down-regulated on plasmacytoid CD11c(-) CD123(bright) dendritic cells, expression of BDCA-3 is up-regulated on both plasmacytoid CD11c(-) CD123(bright) dendritic cells and CD1c(+) CD11c(bright) CD123(dim) dendritic cells, and expression of BDCA-4 is up-regulated on CD1c(+) CD11c(bright) CD123(dim) dendritic cells. BDCA-2 is rapidly internalized at 37 degrees C after mAb labeling. The three presumably novel Ags serve as specific markers for the respective subpopulations of blood dendritic cells in fresh blood and will be of great value for their further analysis and to evaluate their therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

The existence of distinct subsets of memory CD8 T cells with different characteristics is now well established. In this work, we describe two subsets of mouse CD8 T cells with memory characteristics that coexist in primed thymectomized TCR-transgenic F5 mice and that share some properties with the human central and effector memory cells. The first subset corresponds to CD8 T cells generated following nucleoprotein 68 peptide priming which are CD44(int)CD122(-)nucleoprotein 68/H-2D(b) tetramer(+) and express high levels of CCR7 mRNA. In contrast, CD8 T cells in the second subset are CD44(high)CD122(+), are heterogeneous in terms of Ag specificity, and express low levels of CCR7 mRNA. We have studied the functional characteristics and the persistence of these two subsets in thymectomized mice. CD44(int) CD8 T cells persist like naive cells; i.e., they are slowly lost with time. However, surviving cells maintain their phenotype and memory characteristics for the entire life span of the animal. In contrast, CD44(high) CD8 T cells are persistent and accumulate in thymectomized but not euthymic mice. This is correlated with an increased in vivo proliferative and survival potential of these cells. These results show that acquisition of enhanced functional characteristics and long-term persistence by memory T cells are independent. This may have important consequences for the design of specific vaccine.  相似文献   

TGF-beta1 plays a critical role in restraining pathogenic Th1 autoimmune responses in vivo, but the mechanisms that mediate TGF-beta1's suppressive effects on CD4(+) T cell expression of IFN-gamma expression remain incompletely understood. To evaluate mechanisms by which TGF-beta1 inhibits IFN-gamma expression in CD4(+) T cells, we primed naive wild-type murine BALB/c CD4(+) T cells in vitro under Th1 development conditions in the presence or the absence of added TGF-beta1. We found that the presence of TGF-beta1 during priming of CD4(+) T cells suppressed both IFN-gamma expression during priming as well as the development of Th1 effector cells expressing IFN-gamma at a recall stimulation. TGF-beta1 inhibited the development of IFN-gamma-expressing cells in a dose-dependent fashion and in the absence of APC, indicating that TGF-beta1 can inhibit Th1 development by acting directly on the CD4(+) T cell. During priming, TGF-beta1 strongly inhibited the expression of both T-bet (T box expressed in T cells) and Stat4. We evaluated the importance of these two molecules in the suppression of IFN-gamma expression at the two phases of Th1 responses. Enforced expression of T-bet by retrovirus prevented TGF-beta1's inhibition of Th1 development, but did not prevent TGF-beta1's inhibition of IFN-gamma expression at priming. Conversely, enforced expression of Stat4 partly prevented TGF-beta1's inhibition of IFN-gamma expression during priming, but did not prevent TGF-beta1's inhibition of Th1 development. These data show that TGF-beta1 uses distinct mechanisms to inhibit IFN-gamma expression in CD4(+) T cells at priming and at recall.  相似文献   

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