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王宗楷 《昆虫学报》1978,(4):407-414
油莎草是一种很好的油料作物。莎草尖翅小卷蛾是其重要害虫。1976—1977年我们对此虫进行了研究,发现此虫在广西桂林地区一年完成6—7代,以幼虫在其野生寄主香附子的茎基部过冬。本文叙述了该虫的生物学及其发生与环境的关系。药剂试验结果表明,对于此虫的化学防治,喷洒杀虫脒或治螟灵是有效的。  相似文献   

食根金花虫(Donacia lenzi Schonf.)俗称地蛆,历年来在高邮县马棚、界首、周山、临泽、官垛等公社的一熟沤水田为害比较严重,尤以中稻被害最烈,一般被害率为30—40%,严重的达70%以上,甚至回耖重种。其发生特点是:一般的稻棵成摊枯死,严重的连片枯死;发生密度最高的每棵稻根有虫63头,一般约有20头左右,根须全部被吃光,叶子卷曲枯萎,严重地影响产量。 此虫一年发生一代,以幼虫隐藏地下越冬,深入土中7—8寸。翌年6、7月即从杂草根部转移至稻苗根  相似文献   

<正> 华南大黑鳃金龟Holottichia sauteri Moser是福建沿海农区为害果林和旱地作物的常见主要害虫。国内以往对此虫的研究报道少见,现将其生物学特性的初步研究记述于下。 一、年生活史 据1980—1983年在晋江县古福村以甘薯为幼虫的饲料饲养观察结果,看出此虫一年发生一代,以成虫在土中越冬,于第二年春才出土活动。完成一代的生活历期需142—202天,卵期为15—31天,幼虫期为106—156天,蛹期为  相似文献   

广东晚稻粘虫大发生虫源的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粘虫在广东主要于9—10月间为害水稻、1—3月间为害小麦,往往猖獗成灾。解决粘虫大发生的虫源问题,是掌握发生规律、准确进行预测预报和贯彻防重于治的重要前提。关于广东晚稻粘虫大发生前的虫源问题,存有争论。1961年广东省粘虫会议上多数代表认为本省粘虫大发生是以本地虫源为主。1962年  相似文献   

桔小实蝇生物学特性   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:31  
桔小实蝇是一种重要的检疫性果蔬害虫,在厦门一年发生5-6代,以成虫越冬,一年8-10月份为发生高蜂期。本文记述了该虫的形态特征、年生活史、发育历期、发育起点温度,有效积温,生活习性及天敌等。  相似文献   

在松花湖内采到的江鳕   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1956年10月27日,东北师范大学生物系付桐生主任,在吉林市松花湖里(小丰满水电站),采到了一条江(?);1957年6—7月作者等,在松花江中采到三条。这是出产鱼肝油的(?)鱼拉中,惟一的淡水种类,也是名贵毛皮兽水獭(Lotra lotea)的主要食物。 1877年,戴布斯基(Dybowski)在赤塔附  相似文献   

<正> 云斑褐夜蛾Orthosia incerta(Hufnagel)国内尚未见有专文报道。此虫从1979年起在新疆石河子地区发生数量不断增长,1981和1982年与春尺蠖混合发生,对城市绿化林、防护林及果树造成严重为害。作者于1981—1982年以石河子地区为主对其发生为害进行了初步观察。此虫分布于北疆的昌吉、石河子、塔城及南疆的喀什等地。寄主有白蜡、杨树、榆、苹果等,最高有虫株率达100%,为害有扩散蔓延的趋  相似文献   

小波分析二点委夜蛾发生规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二点委夜蛾Proxenus lepigone(Moschler),属鳞翅目夜蛾科,主要分布于日本、朝鲜、俄罗斯和欧洲等地。我国于2005年7月在河北省夏玉米田首次发现。近年来,该虫发生范围不断扩大,为害程度日益加重。2011年二点委夜蛾在我国夏玉米产区严重暴发,虫情涉及6省47市302个区(县),面积近220万hm2。山东省2007年首次在德州市发现该虫为害玉米,2011年全省17个地市普遍为害严重。为更准确地确定该虫的发生代次、每代各虫态发生历期、发生盛期、发生高峰日等信息,适时准确监控发生时期,本文采用symlets小波函数变换滤除高频信息,对山东省多地点二点委夜蛾成虫诱虫数据进行分析,结果显示,二点委夜蛾在山东省一年发生4代,越冬代、1代、2代、3代,始见蛾日在3月底—4月上旬,越冬代成虫发生期在3月底至4月上中旬,1代发生期在4月上旬至6月中下旬,2代发生期在6月中旬至8月上中旬,3代发生期在8月上旬至9月中下旬,越冬代幼虫发生期在9月中旬至10月中下旬,10月下旬左右老熟幼虫做茧越冬。另外,通过调查和室内观察还发现高温环境不利于二点委夜蛾幼虫生长发育,7—8月份高温期,成虫致畸率较高。  相似文献   

王焕道  董立朝 《昆虫知识》1994,31(2):109-110
白榆是河南省安阳县主要用材树种,近几年来,白输受脐腹小蠹台虫ScolytusschevyrewiSemenov危害,日趋严重。由于目前国内对该虫的发生发展规律未有报道,给我们的防治工作造成了很大困难。为摸清其发生危害规律,在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫组的指导下,我们对该虫进行了生物学特性研究。1生活史揭3年林间观察,脐腹小蜜虫在安阳县世代重叠,以老熟幼虫为主要越冬虫态,也有不同龄期幼虫、蛹和卵越冬,都能发育完成。3月中旬越冬蛹开始现化,3月下旬至4月上旬出现第一次羽化盛期,以后每隔35~42天完成一代,共6代。10月中下旬是最后一次…  相似文献   

豆野螟的生物学特性及其防治   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
豆野螟Maruea testulalisGeyer(1832)是我国豆类蔬菜,特别是长豇豆Vigna sesguipedalis的主要害虫。在杭州,一年发生七代,以预蛹越冬。以1—3代为害为主。一龄幼虫头宽0.197毫米,Dyar常数为1.653。随虫龄增加,取食场所从花器转向豆荚。产卵前期为3—4天,羽化后6—8天卵量最集中。幼虫、蛹发育历期与日平均温度间的对数回归方程为Y1=3.5825—1.7766x,Yp=3.8118-2.0800x。卵期2—4天。田间为害以6—8月为主;灯下威虫有7月和9—10月两个高峰。有分距姬蜂Cremastus sp.和稻苞虫寄蝇Pseudoperiehaeta insidiosa二种天敌。应用80%敌敌畏800倍等农药,在百花虫数达40头上下、二龄幼虫约占50%时,兼喷植株、落地花,能达到降低花、荚被害率,提高鲜荚产量、品质和降低成本的效果。  相似文献   

陈汉林  周发成  林樟信  陈惠明 《昆虫知识》2006,43(5):718-720,F0004
橙黄后窗网蛾Dysodia magnificaWhalley是油桐(Vernicia fordii(Hemsl.)Airy-Shaw)的食叶害虫,在浙江省丽水地区油桐上普遍发生。该虫1年发生3代,以蛹在土茧内越冬。越冬代成虫于次年4月中旬开始羽化,第1、2代成虫分别于6月下旬和8月下旬开始羽化。饲养中育出幼虫-蛹期寄蝇—蚕饰腹寄蝇,是橙黄后窗网蛾的一种有效天敌。  相似文献   

北京地区杨潜叶跳象生物学特性及药物防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨潜叶跳象Rhynchaenu sempopulifolis Chen是杨树的重要食叶害虫之一。该虫在北京密云1年发生1代,以成虫越冬。翌年3月下旬越冬成虫开始出蛰上树危害。4月上旬成虫交尾,4月中旬开始产卵,卵产于叶片背面,孵化后即开始潜入叶肉内为害,4月下旬化蛹。5月上旬成虫羽化,然后继续上树取食叶片,直到10月下旬进入枯枝落叶内、石缝、表土中进行越冬。发现2种重要的寄生性天敌:杨跳象金小蜂Pteromalus miyunensis和三盾茧蜂Triaspissp.。它们对害虫种群起着较大的控制作用。用5%高效氯氰菊酯1000倍液进行土壤处理,杨潜叶跳象成虫和蛹的平均校正死亡率分别达到94.05%和66.5%。  相似文献   

The population and production ecology of aZizania latifolia stand at a sheltered shore of the Hitachi-Tone River were investigated. Shoot emergence was observed twice a year; the fist was a synchronized shoot emergence in April and the second was from August to October. Aboveground biomass was mostly occupied by leaves and peaked at 1500 g dry weight m−2 in August. The belowground biomass also reached its peak, 750 g dry weight m−2, in August. The secondary shoots were small in spite of their high density. Leaves were produced continuously throughout the season. The leaf life span was as short as 55.6 days for cohorts that emerged from May through to September. Total annual net production ofZ. latifolia could be more than 3400 g dry weight m−2. Shoot clusters of several centimeters were observed in April. The following self-thinning caused a regular distribution of the remaining shoots in August. Most shoots produced in August to October were found near a shoot persisting since April. They showed more concentrated distribution than shoots in April. A large biomass allocation to leaves and the ability to produce many clump shoots during the late growing period may facilitate dominance ofZ. latifolia in relatively sheltered sites.  相似文献   

The southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), is the most damaging forest insect pest of pines (Pinus spp.) throughout the southeastern United States. Hazard rating schemes have been developed for D. frontalis, but for these schemes to be accurate and effective, they require extensive on-site measurements of stand attributes such as host density, age, and basal area. We developed a stand hazard-rating scheme for several watersheds in the Ouachita Highlands of Arkansas based upon remotely sensed data and a geographic information system. A hazard model was developed using stand attributes (tree species, stand age and density, pine basal area, and landform information) and was used to establish baseline hazard maps for the watersheds. Landsat 7 ETM+ data were used for developing new hazard maps. Two dates of Landsat imagery were used in the analyses (August 1999 and October 1999). The highest correlations between hazard rating scores and remotely sensed variables from either of the dates included individual Landsat 7 ETM+ bands in the near- and mid-infrared regions as well as variables derived from various bands (i.e., Tasseled cap parameters, principal component parameters, and vegetation indices such as the calculated simple ratio and normalized difference vegetation index). Best subset regression analyses produced models to predict stand hazard to southern pine beetle that consisted of similar variables that resembled but were more detailed than maps produced using inverse distance weighted techniques. Although the models are specific for the study area, with modifications, they should be transferable to geographically similar areas.  相似文献   

The red-striped soft scale Pulvinaria tenuivalvata (Newstead) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) is a pest attacking sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) recently recorded in Upper Egypt governorates. Sugarcane plantations in Upper Egypt were thoroughly inspected for 2 years from January 2001 until December 2002 to record infestation with P. tenuivalvata and its population density. Also, crops, plants and weeds growing near sugarcane fields were examined to determine the host range of this pest. A pest species of soft scale insect has become increasingly dangerous on sugarcane in Egypt. The insect occurrence was from 3?–?8 months on the infested hosts. The red-striped soft scale was active from May until December. Sugarcane, Cogon grass and Deccan grass were the hosts, which harboured all insect stages. The infestation was restricted on the lower surface of the leaves and lower numbers were found on the upper surface. Damage to sugarcane including withering of the leaves and reduced yield, with reduction in the sucrose content of the juice. The growth rate of pest population infesting the sugarcane plants in season 2001, increased gradually during the period from June to September and decreased from October to December. The same trend was found for the growth rate of population in season 2002. At the high growth rate it is advisable to use chemical control. The effect of weather factors on the population density of the P. tenuivalvata (the correlation between the total number of pests and temperature or RH.) were positive to both seasons. Many predators and parasites were collected, identified and counted.  相似文献   

The greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), has recently become a major insect pest of strawberries in Southern California. The population dynamics of this pest were monitored over 2 yr in six commercial strawberry fields near the coastal communities of Oxnard and Ventura under two crop-production regimes, summer- and fall-planted strawberries. Adult whitefly numbers generally peaked during the February through May period for fall-planted strawberries and during the October through November period for summer-planted strawberries. Population densities varied greatly among fields within each regime and the differences were likely caused by surrounding alternate host crops.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal occurrence ofMonochamus alternatus and newly weakened trees were investigated in aPinus thunbergii stand for 4 years. Adult beetles were present between June and September with a peak in their population occurring in early July followed by a decline then a period of about one month being in a steady number. The average number ofBursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda), which is the causal agent of pine wilt disease, within beetles decreased as the season advanced. Pine trees newly weakened byB. xylophilus appeared between June and October, especially from August to October. The proportion of weakened or killed trees was directly proportional to the average beetle density per tree from June to August.  相似文献   

Results of a long-term investigation on the development of the Armenian population of Lymantria dispar L. are reported. A list of host plants with their comparative characteristics and data on their effect on different developmental phases of the pest (larvae, pupae, adults, and embryos) are given. Biochemical changes in the leaves of host plants are shown to play a significant role in regulation of the L. dispar population density. Population growth can be expected when population develops on primary hosts with sufficient content of nutrients in the leaves and a certain carbohydrate to protein ratio, as well as a certain ratio of water-and alkali-soluble protein fractions. Intense weakening of the plants caused by the larval feeding affects the food value of the leaves and, subsequently, the pest metabolism, negatively affecting its general physiological condition and fecundity, which eventually results in decline of the pest population.  相似文献   

黄山松母树林基地松斑螟的生物学特性及发生规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松斑螟是危害黄山松梢头和球果的主要害虫。该虫 1年 2代 ,4~ 10月为危害盛期 ,5、6月和 8、9月为危害高峰期。本文主要探讨了该虫的生物学特性和发生规律。  相似文献   

松树蜂与其共生真菌的互利共生关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李大鹏  石娟  骆有庆 《昆虫学报》2015,58(9):1019-1029
松树蜂Sirex noctilio Fabricius是一种重要的国际林业检疫性害虫,主要危害针叶树,原产欧亚大陆和北非。近100多年来,先后入侵大洋洲(新西兰和澳大利亚)、南美洲(乌拉圭、阿根廷、巴西和智利)、北美洲(加拿大和美国),以及南非。2013年8月,在中国黑龙江省内首次发现松树蜂,目前发现其主要危害樟子松。松树蜂能与一种淀粉韧革菌属Amylostereum的真菌Amylostereum areolatum(Fr.)Boidin形成严格的互利共生关系,该虫除直接钻蛀树木外,还能通过产卵行为将自身毒素腺体分泌的毒素和体内共生真菌随同虫卵一起注入寄主树木体内,形成"虫-毒-菌"3个致害因子相互协作的特殊危害方式,加速树势的衰弱并造成寄主树木死亡。本文就国内外松树蜂与其共生菌互利共生关系的研究进行了综述,分别从结构与功能的层次上对其互利共生关系进行了梳理和总结,重点阐释了松树蜂与共生菌的营养共生关系,松树蜂携带传播共生菌的机制,共生菌的种群遗传学以及松树蜂毒素和共生菌在危害寄主树木时的协同关系等。以期为开展关于松树蜂的专项研究提供一些合理的建议,同时为积极有效地防控该害虫提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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