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For trees, the ability to obtain and maintain sufficient levels of frost hardiness in late autumn, winter and spring is crucial. We report that temperatures during dormancy induction influence bud set, frost hardiness, tolerance to cold storage, timing of bud burst and spring frost hardiness in seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Bud set occurred later in 12°C than in 21°C, and later in cool nights (7°C) than in constant temperature. One weekly frost night (−2.5°C) improved frost hardiness. Cool nights reduced frost hardiness early, but improved hardiness later during cold acclimation. Buds and stems were slightly hardier in 21°C than in 12°C, while needles were clearly hardier in 12°C. Cold daytime temperature, cool nights and one weekly frost night improved cold storability (0.7°C). Seedlings receiving high daytime temperatures burst buds later, and were less injured by light frost some days after bud burst.  相似文献   

? The seasonal timing of growth events is crucial to tree distribution and conservation. The seasonal growth cycle is strongly adapted to the local climate that is changing because of global warming. We studied bud set as one cornerstone of the seasonal growth cycle in an integrative approach. ? Bud set was dissected at the phenotypic level into several components, and phenotypic components with most genetic variation were identified. While phenotypic variation resided in the timing of growth cessation, and even so more in the duration from growth cessation to bud set, the timing of growth cessation had a stronger genetic component in both natural and hybrid populations. ? Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified for the most discriminative phenotypic bud-set components across four poplar pedigrees. The QTL from different pedigrees were recurrently detected in six regions of the poplar genome. ? These regions of 1.83-4.25 Mbp in size, containing between 202 and 394 genes, form the basis for further molecular-genetic dissection of bud set.  相似文献   

The influence of short days and low temperature on the development of frost hardiness in seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.) and Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], grown for 6 months in glasshouses and climate chambers, was investigated. The degree of hardiness was estimated by freezing the shoots of the seedlings to predetermined temperatures. After 8 weeks in a glasshouse the viability of the seedlings was determined by establishing bud flushing. The most effective climate for the development of frost hardiness was short days (SD) and low temperature (2°C); the next most effective was SD and room temperature (20°C). However, long days (LD) and low temperature also had a marked effect on the development of hardiness. A combination of 3 weeks’treatment with SD and 20°C, and 3 weeks with SD and 2°C gave the same results as 6 weeks with SD and 2°C. The results clearly demonstrate the importance of the photoperiod prior to low temperature for the development of frost hardiness. In conclusion both short days and low temperature induce frost hardiness development. Probably this occurs by initiation of different processes in the two cases. The degree of frost hardiness development appears to depend on the sum of these different processes and on the timing between them.  相似文献   

Winter hardening in first-year black spruce (Picea mariana) seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Winter hardening of first-year black spruce [ Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] seedlings was studied by assessing a number of morphological and physiological changes under three hardening regimes: 1) early removal (ER), in which seedlings were exposed to natural daylengths and low ambient temperatures outside. 2) extended greenhouse culture (EG), in which seedlings were exposed to natural daylengths and warm temperatures, and 3) short day (SD), in which seedlings were exposed to short daylengths and low ambient temperatures outside. Measurements included needle primordia initiation, embryonic shoot volume, terminal bud mitotic index, embryonic shoot average cell volume, and shoot tip frost hardiness. EG seedlings formed buds containing 4 times as many needle primordia as ER stock. Embryonic shoot volume increased with number of needle primordia initiated, until late in the hardening period, when significant reductions in meristem volumes of SD and EG stock were observed. Frost hardiness increased sooner in seedlings which set bud in response to short days, but SD treatment did not result in significantly greater frost hardiness at the end of the trial. Frost hardiness was correlated with mitotic index of the embryonic shoot. Cell size in the embryonic shoot declined in seedlings of all treatments during hardening, however, EG seedlings had significantly lower cell volumes by the end of the trial in comparison to ER and SD seedlings.  相似文献   

The genetic control of bud phenology in hybrid poplar was studied by mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting the timing of autumn bud set and spring bud flush. The founders of the mapping pedigree were collected from widely separated latitudes to maximize segregating variation for dormancy-related traits in the F(2) generation-the female Populus trichocarpa parent is from Washington State (48 degrees N) and the male P. deltoides parent is from Texas (31 degrees N). Bud set and bud flush timing were measured on the F(2) generation in a replicated clonal field trial. Using a linkage map constructed of AFLP and microsatellite markers, three QTL controlling bud set and six QTL controlling bud flush were detected. Additionally, five candidate genes believed to be involved in perception of photoperiod (PHYB1, PHYB2) or transduction of abscisic acid response signals (ABI1B, ABI1D, and ABI3) were placed on the QTL map. PHYB2 and ABI1B were found to be coincident with QTL affecting bud set and bud flush.  相似文献   

The cessation of shoot elongation, diameter growth and needle elongation were compared with the initiation of frost hardening of the stems and needles in an 8-year-old provenance trial of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) established in central Finland. The saplings were of six different origins ranging from Estonia to northern Finland, forming a latitudinal gradient of ca. 10°N. The frost hardiness of the stems of current-year shoots was assessed by electrical impedance analysis and that of current-year needles by electrolyte leakage and visual scoring of damage. Artificial freezing tests were used in the assessments. The pattern of growth cessation (shoot and needle elongation, diameter growth) tended to follow the latitude of origin, i.e. growth ceased in the northernmost provenance first and in the southernmost one last. Both stems and needles of the northern provenances hardened earlier than the southern ones, but the differences in hardiness disappeared as hardening progressed. Growth cessation and initial hardening to -15°C were clearly correlated at the provenance level, indicating that growth must cease prior to hardening, and that earlier cessation of growth predicts earlier frost hardening of stems and needles. No differences in frost hardiness of stems were found at the provenance level at the end of the growing period in August. At that time, the frost hardiness of needles of the northernmost provenance was higher than that of other origins. Within the provenance, the stems were less hardy than the needles.  相似文献   

The timing of spring bud‐burst and leaf development in temperate, boreal and Arctic trees and shrubs fluctuates from year to year, depending on meteorological conditions. Over several generations, the sensitivity of bud‐burst to meteorological conditions is subject to selection pressure. The timing of spring bud‐burst is considered to be under opposing evolutionary pressures; earlier bud‐burst increases the available growing season (capacity adaptation) but later bud‐burst decreases the risk of frost damage to actively growing parts (survival adaptation). The optimum trade‐off between these two forms of adaptation may be considered an evolutionarily stable strategy that maximizes the long‐term ecological fitness of a phenotype under a given climate. Rapid changes in climate, as predicted for this century, are likely to exceed the rate at which trees and shrubs can adapt through evolution or migration. Therefore the response of spring phenology will depend not only on future climatic conditions but also on the limits imposed by adaptation to current and historical climate. Using a dataset of bud‐burst dates from twenty‐nine sites in Finland for downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.), we parameterize a simple thermal time bud‐burst model in which the critical temperature threshold for bud‐burst is a function of recent historical climatic conditions and reflects a trade‐off between capacity and survival adaptation. We validate this approach with independent data from eight independent sites outside Finland, and use the parameterized model to predict the response of bud‐burst to future climate scenarios in north‐west Europe. Current strategies for budburst are predicted to be suboptimal for future climates, with bud‐burst generally occurring earlier than the optimal strategy. Nevertheless, exposure to frost risk is predicted to decrease slightly and the growing season is predicted to increase considerably across most of the region. However, in high‐altitude maritime regions exposure to frost risk following bud‐burst is predicted to increase.  相似文献   

QTL mapping experiments in plant breeding may involve multiple populations or pedigrees that are related through their ancestors. These known relationships have often been ignored for the sake of statistical analysis, despite their potential increase in power of mapping. We describe here a Bayesian method for QTL mapping in complex plant populations and reported the results from its application to a (previously analysed) potato data set. This Bayesian method was originally developed for human genetics data, and we have proved that it is useful for complex plant populations as well, based on a sensitivity analysis that was performed here. The method accommodates robustness to complex structures in pedigree data, full flexibility in the estimation of the number of QTL across multiple chromosomes, thereby accounting for uncertainties in the transmission of QTL and marker alleles due to incomplete marker information, and the simultaneous inclusion of non-genetic factors affecting the quantitative trait.  相似文献   



The genomic architecture of bud phenology and height growth remains poorly known in most forest trees. In non model species, QTL studies have shown limited application because most often QTL data could not be validated from one experiment to another. The aim of our study was to overcome this limitation by basing QTL detection on the construction of genetic maps highly-enriched in gene markers, and by assessing QTLs across pedigrees, years, and environments.


Four saturated individual linkage maps representing two unrelated mapping populations of 260 and 500 clonally replicated progeny were assembled from 471 to 570 markers, including from 283 to 451 gene SNPs obtained using a multiplexed genotyping assay. Thence, a composite linkage map was assembled with 836 gene markers. For individual linkage maps, a total of 33 distinct quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were observed for bud flush, 52 for bud set, and 52 for height growth. For the composite map, the corresponding numbers of QTL clusters were 11, 13, and 10. About 20% of QTLs were replicated between the two mapping populations and nearly 50% revealed spatial and/or temporal stability. Three to four occurrences of overlapping QTLs between characters were noted, indicating regions with potential pleiotropic effects. Moreover, some of the genes involved in the QTLs were also underlined by recent genome scans or expression profile studies. Overall, the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by each QTL ranged from 3.0 to 16.4% for bud flush, from 2.7 to 22.2% for bud set, and from 2.5 to 10.5% for height growth. Up to 70% of the total character variance could be accounted for by QTLs for bud flush or bud set, and up to 59% for height growth.


This study provides a basic understanding of the genomic architecture related to bud flush, bud set, and height growth in a conifer species, and a useful indicator to compare with Angiosperms. It will serve as a basic reference to functional and association genetic studies of adaptation and growth in Picea taxa. The putative QTNs identified will be tested for associations in natural populations, with potential applications in molecular breeding and gene conservation programs. QTLs mapping consistently across years and environments could also be the most important targets for breeding, because they represent genomic regions that may be least affected by G × E interactions.  相似文献   

Monthly determinations of frost hardiness of cloudberry ( Rubus chamaemorus L.) buds and rhizomes were done from October 1978 to October 1979. For buds LT50 (lethal temperature for 50% of the plant material) was calculated from the percentage of bud breaking and for rhizomes from visual estimations of the degree of coloring by triphenyltetrazolium chloride. The frost hardiness varied from—11.5°C in November to—4°C in May to July for buds and from—16°C in January to—3°C in June— July for rhizomes. Dehardening started in February while the plants were still covered with snow. In connection with the determinations of frost hardiness, carbohydrate analyses were done. There was a good correlation between the degree of frost hardiness and the amount of soluble carbohydrates determined with anthrone. Sucrose, determined by gas chromatography, seemed to be the sugar contributing most in this correlation.  相似文献   

Does climatic warming increase the risk of frost damage in northern trees?   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Abstract. The effect of climatic warming on the timing of bud burst and the subsequent risk of frost damage on trees in central Finland was assessed with the aid of a computer model, 73 years of temperature data and a climatic scenario corresponding to doubled level of atmospheric CO2. In general, climatic warming hastened bud burst, due to ontogenetic development during warm spells in autumn, winter and spring. During the years with the warmest winters in the scenario conditions: (a) bud burst took place during mid-winter; and (2) depending on the year, the trees were subsequently exposed to temperatures between −27 and −10°C. This finding suggests that the risk of frost damage to trees will be increased if the predicted climatic warming occurs. Because of the assumptions used in the model, the results are not conclusive, but they do point out the importance of further experimental studies on genetic and environmental regulation of timing of bud burst in trees.  相似文献   

Local adaptations to environmental conditions are of high ecological importance as they determine distribution ranges and likely affect species responses to climate change. Increased environmental stress (warming, extreme drought) due to climate change in combination with decreased genetic mixing due to isolation may lead to stronger local adaptations of geographically marginal than central populations. We experimentally observed local adaptations of three marginal and four central populations of Fagus sylvatica L., the dominant native forest tree, to frost over winter and in spring (late frost). We determined frost hardiness of buds and roots by the relative electrolyte leakage in two common garden experiments. The experiment at the cold site included a continuous warming treatment; the experiment at the warm site included a preceding summer drought manipulation. In both experiments, we found evidence for local adaptation to frost, with stronger signs of local adaptation in marginal populations. Winter frost killed many of the potted individuals at the cold site, with higher survival in the warming treatment and in those populations originating from colder environments. However, we found no difference in winter frost tolerance of buds among populations, implying that bud survival was not the main cue for mortality. Bud late frost tolerance in April differed between populations at the warm site, mainly because of phenological differences in bud break. Increased spring frost tolerance of plants which had experienced drought stress in the preceding summer could also be explained by shifts in phenology. Stronger local adaptations to climate in geographically marginal than central populations imply the potential for adaptation to climate at range edges. In times of climate change, however, it needs to be tested whether locally adapted populations at range margins can successfully adapt further to changing conditions.  相似文献   

To explore the roles of plasticity and genetic variation in the response to spatial and temporal climate variation, we established a common garden consisting of paired collections of native and introduced riparian trees sampled along a latitudinal gradient. The garden in Fort Collins, Colorado (latitude 40.6°N), included 681 native plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera) and introduced saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima, T. chinensis and hybrids) collected from 15 sites at 29.2–47.6°N in the central United States. In the common garden both species showed latitudinal variation in fall, but not spring, leaf phenology, suggesting that the latitudinal gradient in fall phenology observed in the field results at least in part from inherited variation in the critical photoperiod, while the latitudinal gradient in spring phenology observed in the field is largely a plastic response to the temperature gradient. Populations from higher latitudes exhibited earlier bud set and leaf senescence. Cold hardiness varied latitudinally in both fall and spring for both species. For cottonwood, cold hardiness began earlier and ended later in northern than in southern populations. For saltcedar northern populations were hardier throughout the cold season than southern populations. Although cottonwood was hardier than saltcedar in midwinter, the reverse was true in late fall and early spring. The latitudinal variation in fall phenology and cold hardiness of saltcedar appears to have developed as a result of multiple introductions of genetically distinct populations, hybridization and natural selection in the 150 years since introduction.  相似文献   

Forest tree species provide many examples of well-studied adaptive differentiation, where the search for the underlying genes might be possible. In earlier studies and in our common conditions in a greenhouse, northern populations set bud earlier than southern ones. A difference in latitude of origin of one degree corresponded to a change of 1.4 days in number of days to terminal bud set of seedlings. Earlier physiological and ecological genetics work in conifers and other plants have suggested that such variation could be governed by phytochromes. Nucleotide variation was examined at two phytochrome loci (PHYP and PHYO, homologues of the Arabidopsis thaliana PHYB and PHYA, respectively) in three populations: northern Finland, southern Finland and northern Spain. In our samples of 12-15 sequences (2980 and 1156 base pairs at the two loci) we found very low nonsynonymous variation; pi was 0.0003 and 0.0002 at PHYP and PHYO loci, respectively. There was no functional differentiation between populations at the photosensory domains of either locus. The overall silent variation was also low, only 0.0024 for the PHYP locus. The low estimates of silent variation are consistent with the estimated low synonymous substitution rates between Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies at the PHYO locus. Despite the low level of nucleotide variation, haplotypic diversity was relatively high (0.42 and 0.41 for fragments of 1156 nucleotides) at the two loci.  相似文献   

Dormancy release is an important phenological stage, which determines plant growth and survival in northern temperate regions. Spring bud flushing was studied in a Salix pedigree (n=82) derived from a cross between the male hybrid clone "Bj?rn" (Salix viminalis x Salix schwerinii) and the female clone "78183" (Salix viminalis). The timing of bud flush was recorded outdoors in two consecutive years (1998, 1999) and indoor in the spring of 1998. Timing of bud flush was found to be under moderately strong genetic control (clonal mean heritabilities ranging from 0.43 to 0.72). Phenotypic correlations between height growth and bud flushing were negative but non-significant (r=0.1-0.3). Using a Salix linkage map composed of 325 AFLP and 38 RFLP markers, six quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and three unmapped marker loci associated with timing of bud flush were detected. Four QTLs were detected in the field experiment while two QTLs and three unmapped marker loci were identified in the indoor experiment. One QTL associated with indoor bud flushing coincided with one of the QTL detected from the field data. Individual QTL explained 6-16% of the phenotypic variance [corrected]. None of the bud flush QTLs coincided with QTLs controlling height growth identified previously in the same pedigree.  相似文献   

Spring radiation frost is a major abiotic stress in southern Australia, reducing yield potential and grain quality of barley by damaging sensitive reproductive organs in the latter stages of development. Field-based screening methods were developed, and genetic variation for reproductive frost tolerance was identified. Mapping populations that were segregating for reproductive frost tolerance were screened and significant QTL identified. QTL on chromosome 2HL were identified for frost-induced floret sterility in two different populations at the same genomic location. This QTL was not associated with previously reported developmental or stress-response loci. QTL on chromosome 5HL were identified for frost-induced floret sterility and frost-induced grain damage in all three of the populations studied. The locations of QTL were coincident with previously reported vegetative frost tolerance loci close to the vrn-H1 locus. This locus on chromosome 5HL has now been associated with response to cold stress at both vegetative and reproductive developmental stages in barley. This study will allow reproductive frost tolerance to be seriously pursued as a breeding objective by facilitating a change from difficult phenotypic selection to high-throughput genotypic selection.  相似文献   

Loss of apical dominance in boron-deficient trees has been suggested to be due to frost damage of terminal buds and leaders. Excessive nitrogen (N) supply can exacerbate boron (B) deficiency by the dilution-effect. N may also have direct effects on winter hardiness. We studied frost hardening of buds of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) in healthy-looking trees and in trees with growth disturbances. The effect of B and N on frost hardiness was studied in a factorial fertilisation experiment during cold acclimation. Frost hardiness was determined by differential temperature analysis (DTA) and scoring of visual damage. In a DTA profile of apical buds with a piece of stem, low-temperature exotherm (LTE) predicted bud injury, while two of the observed high-temperature exotherms and two of the observed intermediate-temperature exotherms were non injurious. Appearance of LTE followed changes in air temperature. The risk of frost damage was not affected by fertilisation treatments or previously observed growth disturbances. However, when the bud structure was deformed by severe B deficiency, the supercooling ability disappeared. Such buds are probably killed by freezing in nature and therefore, frost damage may play a secondary role in the development of growth disturbances.  相似文献   


Key message

Rye genetic resources provide a valuable source of new alleles for the improvement of frost tolerance in rye breeding programs.


Frost tolerance is a must-have trait for winter cereal production in northern and continental cropping areas. Genetic resources should harbor promising alleles for the improvement of frost tolerance of winter rye elite lines. For frost tolerance breeding, the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and the choice of optimum genome-based selection methods are essential. We identified genomic regions involved in frost tolerance of winter rye by QTL mapping in a biparental population derived from a highly frost tolerant selection from the Canadian cultivar Puma and the European elite line Lo157. Lines per se and their testcrosses were phenotyped in a controlled freeze test and in multi-location field trials in Russia and Canada. Three QTL on chromosomes 4R, 5R, and 7R were consistently detected across environments. The QTL on 5R is congruent with the genomic region harboring the Frost resistance locus 2 (Fr2) in Triticeae. The Puma allele at the FrR2 locus was found to significantly increase frost tolerance. A comparison of predictive ability obtained from the QTL-based model with different whole-genome prediction models revealed that besides a few large, also small QTL effects contribute to the genomic variance of frost tolerance in rye. Genomic prediction models assigning a high weight to the FrR2 locus allow increasing the selection intensity for frost tolerance by genome-based pre-selection of promising candidates.

We examined the carry-over effects of ozone (O3) and/or water stress on leaf phenological characteristics and bud frost hardiness of Fagus crenata seedlings. Three-year-old seedlings were exposed to charcoal-filtered air or 60 nl l–1 O3, 7 h a day, from May to October 1999 in naturally-lit growth chambers. Half of the seedlings in each gas treatment received 250 ml of water at 3-day intervals (well-watered treatment), while the rest received 175 ml of water at the same intervals (water-stressed treatment). All the seedlings were moved from the growth chambers to an experimental field on October 1999, and grown until April 2000 under field conditions. The exposure to O3 during the growing season induced early leaf fall and reduction in leaf non-structural carbohydrates concentrations in the early autumn, as well as resulting in late bud break and reduction in the number of leaves per bud in the following spring. However, O3 did not affect bud frost hardiness in the following winter. On the contrary, water stress did not affect leaf phenological characteristics, leaf and bud non-structural carbohydrates concentrations and bud frost hardiness. There were no significant synergistic or antagonistic effects of O3 and water stress on leaf phenological characteristics, concentrations of leaf and bud non-structural carbohydrates and bud frost hardiness of the seedlings. These results show that the carry-over effects of O3 can be found on the phenological characteristics and leaf non-structural carbohydrates concentrations, although there are almost no carry-over effects of water stress on phenological characteristics and winter hardiness of the seedlings.  相似文献   

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