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Phospholipase A(2) is an important enzyme involved in the production of prostaglandins and their related compounds causing inflammatory disorders. Among the several peptides tested, the peptide Phe-Leu-Ser-Tyr-Lys (FLSYK) showed the highest inhibition. The dissociation constant (K(d)) for this peptide was calculated to be 3.57 +/- 0.05 x 10(-9) m. In order to further improve the degree of inhibition of phospholipase A(2), a complex between Russells viper snake venom phospholipase A(2) and a peptide inhibitor FLSYK was crystallized, and its structure was determined by crystallographic methods and refined to an R-factor of 0.205 at 1.8 A resolution. The structure contains two crystallographically independent molecules of phospholipase A(2) (molecules A and B) and a peptide molecule specifically bound to molecule A only. The two molecules formed an asymmetric dimer. The dimerization caused a modification in the binding site of molecule A. The overall conformations of molecules A and B were found to be generally similar except three regions i.e. the Trp-31-containing loop (residues 25-34), the beta-wing consisting of two antiparallel beta-strands (residues 74-85) and the C-terminal region (residues 119-133). Out of the above three, the most striking difference pertains to the conformation of Trp-31 in the two molecules. The orientation of Trp-31 in molecule A was suitable for the binding of FLSYK, while it disallowed the binding of peptide to molecule B. The structure of the complex clearly shows that the peptide is so placed in the binding site of molecule A that the side chain of its lysine residue interacted extensively with the enzyme and formed several hydrogen bonds in addition to a strong electrostatic interaction with critical Asp-49. The C-terminal carboxylic group of the peptide interacted with the catalytic residue His-48.  相似文献   

This is the first structural evidence of alpha-tocopherol (alpha-TP) as a possible candidate against inflammation, as it inhibits phospholipase A2 specifically and effectively. The crystal structure of the complex formed between Vipera russelli phospholipase A2 and alpha-tocopherol has been determined and refined to a resolution of 1.8 A. The structure contains two molecules, A and B, of phospholipase A2 in the asymmetric unit, together with one alpha-tocopherol molecule, which is bound specifically to one of them. The phospholipase A2 molecules interact extensively with each other in the crystalline state. The two molecules were found in a stable association in the solution state as well, thus indicating their inherent tendency to remain together as a structural unit, leading to significant functional implications. In the crystal structure, the most important difference between the conformations of two molecules as a result of their association pertains to the orientation of Trp31. It may be noted that Trp31 is located at the mouth of the hydrophobic channel that forms the binding domain of the enzyme. The values of torsion angles (phi, psi, chi(1) and chi(2)) for both the backbone as well as for the side-chain of Trp31 in molecules A and B are -94 degrees, -30 degrees, -66 degrees, 116 degrees and -128 degrees, 170 degrees, -63 degrees, -81 degrees, respectively. The conformation of Trp31 in molecule A is suitable for binding, while that in B hinders the passage of the ligand to the binding site. Consequently, alpha-tocopherol is able to bind to molecule A only, while the binding site of molecule B contains three water molecules. In the complex, the aromatic moiety of alpha-tocopherol is placed in the large space at the active site of the enzyme, while the long hydrophobic channel in the enzyme is filled by hydrocarbon chain of alpha-tocopherol. The critical interactions between the enzyme and alpha-tocopherol are generated between the hydroxyl group of the six-membered ring of alpha-tocopherol and His48 N(delta1) and Asp49 O(delta1) as characteristic hydrogen bonds. The remaining part of alpha-tocopherol interacts extensively with the residues of the hydrophobic channel of the enzyme, giving rise to a number of hydrophobic interactions, resulting in the formation of a stable complex.  相似文献   

This is the first evidence of a naturally bound fatty acid to a group I Phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) and also to a PLA(2) with Asp 49. The fatty acid identified as n-tridecanoic acid is observed at the substrate recognition site of PLA(2) hydrophobic channel. The complex was isolated from the venom of Bungarus caeruleus (Common Indian Krait). The primary sequence of the PLA(2) was determined using the cDNA method. Three-dimensional structure has been solved by the molecular replacement method and refined using the CNS package to a final R factor of 19.8% for the data in the resolution range from 20.0 to 2.7 A. The final refined model is comprised of 912 protein atoms, one sodium ion, one molecule of n-tridecanoic acid, and 60 water molecules. The sodium ion is located in the calcium-binding loop with a sevenfold coordination. A characteristic extra electron density was observed in the hydrophobic channel of the enzyme, into which a molecule of n-tridecanoic acid was clearly fitted. The MALDI-TOF measurements of the crystals had earlier indicated an increase in the molecular mass of PLA(2) by 212 Da over the native PLA(2). A major part of the ligand fits well in the binding pocket and interacts directly with His 48 and Asp 49. Although the overall structure of PLA(2) in the present complex is similar to the native structure reported earlier, it differs significantly in the folding of its calcium-binding loop.  相似文献   

The calcium-induced formation of a complex between two isoforms of cobra venom phospholipase A2 reveals a novel interplay between the monomer-dimer and activity-inactivity transitions. The monodispersed isoforms lack activity in the absence of calcium ions while both molecules gain activity in the presence of calcium ions. At concentrations higher than 10 mg/ml, in the presence of calcium ions, they dimerize and lose activity again. The present study reports the crystal structure of a calcium-induced dimer between two isoforms of cobra phospholipase A2. In the complex, one molecule contains a calcium ion in the calcium binding loop while the second molecule does not possess an intramolecular calcium ion. However, there are two calcium ions per dimer in the structure. The second calcium ion is present at an intermolecular site and that is presumably responsible for the dimerization. The calcium binding loops of the two molecules adopt strikingly different conformations. The so-called calcium binding loop in the calcium-containing molecule adopts a normal conformation as generally observed in other calcium containing phospholipase A(2) enzymes while the conformation of the corresponding loop in the calcium free monomer deviates considerably with the formation of a unique intraloop Gly33 (N)-Cys27 (O) = 2.74 A backbone hydrogen bond. The interactions of Arg31 (B) with Asp49 (A) and absence of calcium ion are responsible for the loss of catalytic activity in molecule A while interactions of Arg2 (B) with Tyr52 (B) inactivate molecule B.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) (E. C. is a common enzyme in the two-way cascade mechanism leading to the production of proinflammatory compounds known as eicosanoids. The binding of phospholipase A(2) to the membrane surface and hydrolysis of phospholipids are thought to involve the formation of a hydrophobic channel into which a single substrate molecule diffuses before its cleavage. To regulate the production of proinflammatory compounds, a specific peptide inhibitor Val-Ala-Phe-Arg-Ser (VAFRS) for the group I PLA(2) enzymes has been designed and synthesized. PLA(2) was isolated from Indian cobra (Naja naja sagittifera) venom and purified to homogeneity. The binding studies indicated the K(i) value of 1.02 +/- 0.10 x 10(-8) M. The purified PLA(2) samples and the designed inhibitor VAFRS were cocrystallized. The crystal structure of the complex was determined and refined to 1.9 A resolution. The peptide binds to PLA(2) at the active site and fills the hydrophobic channel completely. However, its placement with respect to the channel is in the opposite direction as compared to those observed in group II PLA(2)'s. Furthermore, the predominant intermolecular interactions involve strong electrostatic interactions between the side chains of peptide Arg and Asp 49 of PLA(2) together with a number of van der Waals interactions with other residues. A good number of observed interactions between the peptide and the protein indicate the significance of a structure-based drug design approach. The novel factor in the present sequence of the peptide is related to the introduction of a positively charged residue at the C-terminal part of the peptide.  相似文献   

Pasinetti GM 《Neuro-Signals》2002,11(5):293-297
A large number of epidemiological studies have addressed the possible protective effect of anti-inflammatory drug use with regard to Alzheimer's disease (AD). The most convincing of these studies--the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging--utilized data collected prospectively, thereby minimizing recall bias issues. However, despite this evidence, therapeutic studies investigating nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and COX-2 inhibitors and steroids, do not support this hypothesis. This discrepancy may be due to the fact that the bulk of epidemiological evidence has examined the likely incidence of AD prior to the onset of clinical symptoms of disease. On the basis of this information, the article will attempt to formulate a possible scenario, in which optimal NSAIDs might be tested in the most favorable clinical therapeutic conditions in order to determine whether NSAIDs can provide beneficial treatment for the clinical progression of AD dementia.  相似文献   

Structure of a novel Bence-Jones protein (Rhe) fragment at 1.6 A resolution   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The crystal structure of Rhe, a lambda-type Bence-Jones protein fragment, has been solved and refined to a resolution of 1.6 A. A model fragment consisting of the complete variable domain and the first three residues of the constant domain yields a crystallographic residual RF value of 0.149. The protein exists as a dimer both in solution and in the crystals. Although the "immunoglobulin fold" is generally preserved in the structure, there are significant differences in both the monomer conformation and in the mode of association of monomers into dimers, when compared to other known Bence-Jones proteins or Fab fragments. The variations in conformation within monomers are particularly significant as they involve non-hypervariable residues, which previously were believed to be part of a "structurally invariant" framework common to all immunoglobulin variable domains. The novel mode of dimerization is equally important, as it can result in combining site shapes and sizes unobtainable with the conventional mode of dimerization. A comparison of the structure with other variable domain dimers reveals further that the variations within monomers and between domains in the dimer are coupled. Some possible functional implications revealed by this coupling are greater variability, induced fitting of the combining site to better accommodate antigenic determinants, and a mechanism for relaying binding information from one end of the variable domain dimer to the other. In addition to providing the most accurate atomic parameters for an immunoglobulin domain yet obtained, the high resolution and extensive refinement resulted in identification of several tightly bound water molecules in key structural positions. These water molecules may be regarded as integral components of the protein. Other water molecules appear to be required to stabilize the novel conformation.  相似文献   

Water structure in a protein crystal: rubredoxin at 1.2 A resolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The model for rubredoxin based on X-ray diffraction data has been extensively refined with a 1.2 Å resolution data set. Water oxygen atoms were deleted from the model if B exceeded 50 Å2 and occupancy was less than 0.3 eÅ?3. The final water model consists of 127 sites with B values ranging from 15 to 6?0 Å2 and occupancies from unity down to 0.3, the most tightly bound water oxygen atoms being hydrogen bonded to two or more main-chain nitrogen or oxygen atoms. The water forms extensive hydrogen bond networks bridging the crevices on the molecular surfaces and between adjacent molecules. The minimum distances of the water sites from the protein surface are distributed about two distinct maxima, the major one at 2.5 to 3 Å and a minor one at 4 to 4.5 Å. Beyond 5? to 6 Å from the protein surface, the discrete water merges into the aqueous continuum.  相似文献   

Stellacyanins are blue (type I) copper glycoproteins that differ from other members of the cupredoxin family in their spectroscopic and electron transfer properties. Until now, stellacyanins have eluded structure determination. Here we report the three-dimensional crystal structure of the 109 amino acid, non-glycosylated copper binding domain of recombinant cucumber stellacyanin refined to 1.6 A resolution. The crystallographic R-value for all 18,488 reflections (sigma > 0) between 50-1.6 A is 0.195. The overall fold is organized in two beta-sheets, both with four beta-stands. Two alpha-helices are found in loop regions between beta-strands. The beta-sheets form a beta-sandwich similar to those found in other cupredoxins, but some features differ from proteins such as plastocyanin and azurin in that the beta-barrel is more flattened, there is an extra N-terminal alpha-helix, and the copper binding site is much more solvent accessible. The presence of a disulfide bond at the copper binding end of the protein confirms that cucumber stellacyanin has a phytocyanin-like fold. The ligands to copper are two histidines, one cysteine, and one glutamine, the latter replacing the methionine typically found in mononuclear blue copper proteins. The Cu-Gln bond is one of the shortest axial ligand bond distances observed to date in structurally characterized type I copper proteins. The characteristic spectroscopic properties and electron transfer reactivity of stellacyanin, which differ significantly from those of other well-characterized cupredoxins, can be explained by its more exposed copper site, its distinctive amino acid ligand composition, and its nearly tetrahedral ligand geometry. Surface features on the cucumber stellacyanin molecule that could be involved in interactions with putative redox partners are discussed.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of cell membrane phospholipids by phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) leads to the production of numerous lipid mediators of diverse pathological conditions, mainly inflammatory diseases. These include lysophospholipids and their derivatives, and arachidonic acid and its derivatives (the eicosanoids). Both these groups of mediators are produced predominantly by the secretory PLA(2)s (sPLA(2)s) which hydrolyze the phospholipids of the cell surface membrane. Protection of cell membrane from these 'inflammatory enzymes' can therefore be used for the treatment of inflammatory processes. A prototype of cell-impermeable PLA(2) inhibitors, which protect the cell membrane from different sPLA(2)s without affecting vital phospholipid metabolism, is presented and discussed in the present review.  相似文献   

Cooper SJ  Garner CD  Hagen WR  Lindley PF  Bailey S 《Biochemistry》2000,39(49):15044-15054
The three-dimensional structure of the hybrid cluster protein from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) has been determined at 1.6 A resolution using synchrotron X-ray radiation. The protein can be divided into three domains: an N-terminal mainly alpha-helical domain and two similar domains comprising a central beta-sheet flanked by alpha-helices. The protein contains two 4Fe clusters with an edge-to-edge distance of 10.9 A. Four cysteine residues at the N-terminus of the protein are ligands to the iron atoms of a conventional [4Fe-4S] cubane cluster. The second cluster has an unusual asymmetric structure and has been named the hybrid cluster to reflect the variety of protein ligands, namely two mu-sulfido bridges, two mu(2)-oxo bridges, and a further disordered bridging ligand. Anomalous differences in data collected at 1.488 A and close to the iron edge at 1.743 A have been used to confirm the identity of the metal and sulfur atoms. The hybrid cluster is buried in the center of the protein, but is accessible through a large hydrophobic cavity that runs the length of domain 3. Hydrophobic channels have previously been identified as access routes to the active centers in redox enzymes with gaseous substrates. The hybrid cluster is also accessible by a hydrophilic channel. The [4Fe-4S] cubane cluster is close to an indentation on the surface of the protein and can also be approached on the opposite side by a long solvent channel. At the present time, neither the significance of these channels nor, indeed, the function of the hybrid cluster protein is known.  相似文献   

Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP; RNase 3) is a human ribonuclease found only in eosinophil leukocytes that belongs to the RNase A superfamily. This enzyme is bactericidal, helminthotoxic and cytotoxic to mammalian cells and tissues. The protein has been cloned, heterologously overexpressed, purified and crystallized. Its crystal structure has been determined and refined using data up to 1. 75 A resolution. The molecule displays the alpha+beta folding topology typical for members of the ribonuclease A superfamily. The catalytic active site residues are conserved with respect to other ribonucleases of the superfamily but some differences appear at substrate recognition subsites, which may account, in part, for the low catalytic activity. Most strikingly, 19 surface-located arginine residues confer a strong basic character to the protein. The high concentration of positive charges and the particular orientation of the side-chains of these residues may also be related to the low activity of ECP as a ribonuclease and provides an explanation for its unique cytotoxic role through cell membrane disruption.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of a barnase-d(GpC) complex at 1.9 A resolution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The ribonuclease excreted by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Barnase, was co-crystallized with the deoxy-dinucleotide d(GpC). The crystal structure was determined by molecular replacement from a model of free Barnase previously derived by Mauguen et al. Refinement was carried out using data to 1.9 A resolution. The final model, which has a crystallographic R factor of 22%, includes 869 protein atoms, 38 atoms from d(GpC), a sulfate ion and 73 water molecules. Only minor differences from free Barnase are seen in the protein moiety, the root-mean-square C alpha movement being 0.45 A. The dinucleotide has a folded conformation. It is located near the active site of the enzyme, but outside the protein molecule and making crystal packing contacts with neighboring molecules. The guanine base is stacked on the imidazole ring of active site His102, rather than binding to the so-called recognition loop as it does in other complexes of guanine nucleotides with microbial nucleases. The deoxyguanosine is syn, with the sugar ring in C-2'-endo conformation; the deoxycytidine is anti and C-4'-exo. In addition to the stacking interaction, His102 hydrogen bonds to the free 5' hydroxyl, which is located near the position where the 3' phosphate group is found in other inhibitors of microbial ribonucleases. While the mode of binding observed with d(GpC) and Barnase would be non-productive for a dinucleotide substrate, it may define a site for the nucleotide product on the 3' side of the hydrolyzed bond.  相似文献   

Human non-pancreatic secretory phospholipase A(2) (hnps-PLA(2)) is a group IIA enzyme that is massively over-expressed in a variety of severe inflammatory diseases. The enzyme degrades membrane phospholipids and it has been hypothesized that this activity can lead to a loss of tissue and organ integrity and function. This report overviews efforts directed toward the identification and clinical evaluation of a new class of anti-inflammatory drugs that specifically targets and inhibits the catalytic site of this hydrolytic enzyme. To achieve this goal, structure-based drug design was applied to a lead molecule identified by random high volume screening. Through an iterative process consisting of X-ray structure determination followed by inhibitor modification and testing, the lead compound was improved more than 6000-fold. Detailed information learned from earlier X-ray studies of stable substrate mimics aided this inhibitor improvement process. The optimized drug candidate, LY315920/S-5920, is currently undergoing phase II clinical evaluation. The outcome of studies such as these will define with greater clarity the pathological role of hnps-PLA(2) in human inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Yeast aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, a dimer of molecular weight 125,000, and two molecules of its cognate tRNA (Mr = 24160) cocrystallize in the cubic space group I432 (a = 354 A). The crystal structure was solved to low resolution using neutron and X-ray diffraction data. Neutron single crystal diffraction data were collected in five solvents differing by their D2O content in order to use the contrast variation method to distinguish between the protein and tRNA. The synthetase was first located at 40 A resolution using the 65% D2O neutron data (tRNA matched) tRNA molecules were found at 20 A resolution using both neutron and X-ray data. The resulting model was refined against 10 A resolution X-ray data, using density modification and least-squares refinement of the tRNA positions. The crystal structure solved without a priori phase knowledge, was confirmed later by isomorphous replacement. The molecular model of the complex is in good agreement with results obtained in solution by probing the protected part of the tRNA by chemical reagents.  相似文献   

Glycoside hydrolases have been classified into over 66 families on the basis of amino acid sequence. Recently a number of these families have been grouped into "clans" which share a common fold and catalytic mechanism [Henrissat, B., and Bairoch, A. (1996) Biochem. J. 316, 695-696]. Glycoside hydrolase Clan GH-C groups family 11 xylanases and family 12 cellulases, which share the same jellyroll topology, with two predominantly antiparallel beta-sheets forming a long substrate-binding cleft, and act with net retention of anomeric configuration. Here we present the three-dimensional structure of a family 12 endoglucanase, Streptomyces lividans CelB2, in complex with a 2-deoxy-2-fluorocellotrioside. Atomic resolution (1.2 A) data allow clear identification of two distinct species in the crystal. One is the glycosyl-enzyme intermediate, with the mechanism-based inhibitor covalently linked to the nucleophile Glu 120, and the other a complex with the reaction product, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-beta-D-cellotriose. The active site architecture of the complex provides insight into the double-displacement mechanism of retaining glycoside hydrolases and also sheds light on the basis of the differences in specificity between family 12 cellulases and family 11 xylanases.  相似文献   

Nucleotide regulates the affinity of the bacterial chaperonin GroEL for protein substrates. GroEL binds protein substrates with high affinity in the absence of ATP and with low affinity in its presence. We report the crystal structure of (GroEL-KMgATP)(14) refined to 2.0 A resolution in which the ATP triphosphate moiety is directly coordinated by both K(+) and Mg(2+). Upon the binding of KMgATP, we observe previously unnoticed domain rotations and a 102 degrees rotation of the apical domain surface helix I. Two major consequences are a large lateral displacement of, and a dramatic reduction of hydrophobicity in, the apical domain surface. These results provide a basis for the nucleotide-dependent regulation of protein substrate binding and suggest a mechanism for GroEL-assisted protein folding by forced unfolding.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a hexamer duplex d(CACGTG)(2) has been determined and refined to an R-factor of 18.3% using X-ray data up to 1.2 A resolution. The sequence crystallizes as a left-handed Z-form double helix with Watson-Crick base pairing. There is one hexamer duplex, a spermine molecule, 71 water molecules, and an unexpected diamine (Z-5, 1,3-propanediamine, C(3)H(10)N(2)) in the asymmetric unit. This is the high-resolution non-disordered structure of a Z-DNA hexamer containing two AT base pairs in the interior of a duplex with no modifications such as bromination or methylation on cytosine bases. This structure does not possess multivalent cations such as cobalt hexaammine that are known to stabilize Z-DNA. The overall duplex structure and its crystal interactions are similar to those of the pure-spermine form of the d(CGCGCG)(2) structure. The spine of hydration in the minor groove is intact except in the vicinity of the T5A8 base pair. The binding of the Z-5 molecule in the minor grove of the d(CACGTG)(2) duplex appears to have a profound effect in conferring stability to a Z-DNA conformation via electrostatic complementarity and hydrogen bonding interactions. The successive base stacking geometry in d(CACGTG)(2) is similar to the corresponding steps in d(CG)(3). These results suggest that specific polyamines such as Z-5 could serve as powerful inducers of Z-type conformation in unmodified DNA sequences with AT base pairs. This structure provides a molecular basis for stabilizing AT base pairs incorporated into an alternating d(CG) sequence.  相似文献   

This is the first phospholipase A2 (PLA2) structure from the family of kraits. The protein was isolated from Bungarus caeruleus (common krait) and the primary sequence was determined using cDNA approach. Three-dimensional structure of this presynaptic neurotoxic PLA2 from group I has been determined by molecular replacement method using the model of PLA2 component of beta2-bungarotoxin (Bungarus multicinctus) and refined using CNS package to a final R-factor of 20.1 % for all the data in resolution range 20.0-2.4 A. The final refined model comprises 897 protein atoms and 77 water molecules. The overall framework of krait phospholipase A2 with three long helices and two short antiparallel beta-strands is extremely similar to those observed for other group I PLA2s. However, the critical parts of PLA2 folding are concerned with its various functional loops. The conformations of these loops determine the efficiency of enzyme action and presence/absence of various pharmacological functions. In the present structure calcium-binding loop is occupied by a sodium ion with a 7-fold co-ordination. The conformation of loop 55-75 in krait PLA2 corresponds to a very high activity of the enzyme. A comparison of its sequence with multimeric PLA2s clearly shows the absence of critical residues such as Tyr3, Trp61 and Phe64, which are involved in the multimerization of PLA2 molecules. The protein shows anticoagulant and neurotoxic activities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Folates are essential for life. Unlike mammals, most microorganisms must synthesize folates de novo. 6-Hydroxymethyl-7, 8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase (HPPK) catalyzes pyrophosphoryl transfer from ATP to 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin (HP), the first reaction in the folate pathway, and therefore is an ideal target for developing novel antimicrobial agents. HPPK from Escherichia coli is a 158-residue thermostable protein that provides a convenient model system for mechanistic studies. Crystal structures have been reported for HPPK without bound ligand, containing an HP analog, and complexed with an HP analog, two Mg(2+) ions, and ATP. RESULTS: We present the 1.25 A crystal structure of HPPK in complex with HP, two Mg(2+) ions, and AMPCPP (an ATP analog that inhibits the enzymatic reaction). This structure demonstrates that the enzyme seals the active center where the reaction occurs. The comparison with unligated HPPK reveals dramatic conformational changes of three flexible loops and many sidechains. The coordination of Mg(2+) ions has been defined and the roles of 26 residues have been derived. CONCLUSIONS: HPPK-HP-MgAMPCPP mimics most closely the natural ternary complex of HPPK and provides details of protein-substrate interactions. The coordination of the two Mg(2+) ions helps create the correct geometry for the one-step reaction of pyrophosphoryl transfer, for which we suggest an in-line single displacement mechanism with some associative character in the transition state. The rigidity of the adenine-binding pocket and hydrogen bonds are responsible for adenosine specificity. The nonconserved residues that interact with the substrate might be responsible for the species-dependent properties of an isozyme.  相似文献   

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