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Approximately 6000 specific DNA deletion events occur during development of the somatic macronucleus of the ciliate Tetrahymena. The eliminated Tlr1 element is 13 kb or more in length and has an 825 bp inverted repeat near the rearrangement junctions. A functional analysis of the cis-acting sequences required for Tlr1 rearrangement was performed. A construct consisting of the entire inverted repeat and several hundred base pairs of flanking DNA on each side was rearranged accurately in vivo and displayed junctional variability similar to the chromosomal Tlr1 rearrangement. Thus, 11 kb or more of internal element DNA is not required in cis for DNA rearrangement. A second construct with only 51 bp of Tetrahymena DNA flanking the right junction underwent aberrant rearrangement. Thus, a signal for determination of the Tlr1 junction is located in the flanking DNA, 51 bp or more from the right junction. Within the Tlr1 inverted repeat are 19 bp tandem repeats. A construct with the 19mer repeat region deleted from the right half of the inverted repeat utilized normal rearrangement junctions. Thus, despite its transposon-like structure, Tlr1 is similar to other DNA rearrangements in Tetrahymena in possessing cis-acting sequences outside the deleted DNA.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus DNA replication proceeds via concatemeric replicative intermediates that are comprised of head-to-tail-linked genomes. Genome maturation is carried out by the terminase, a protein complex that mediates both insertion of concatemer DNA into capsids and its subsequent cleavage to release genomes within these capsids. This cleavage is sequence specific, but the governing cis-acting DNA sequences are only partially characterized. Two highly conserved motifs called pac1 and pac2 lie near the ends of herpesvirus genomes and are known to be critical for genome maturation. However, the potential importance of other sequences has not been fully investigated. We have undertaken to define all of the sequences necessary for efficient genome maturation for a herpesvirus by inserting ectopic cleavage sites into the murine cytomegalovirus genome and assessing their ability to mediate genome maturation. A combination of deletion and substitution mutations revealed that the minimal cleavage site is large (~180 bp) and complex. Sequences distal of pac1 (relative to the point of cleavage) were dispensable, suggesting that pac1 may be the sole cis-acting element on this side of the cleavage site. In contrast, a region distal to pac2 up to 150 bp from the point of cleavage was essential. Scanning substitutions revealed that the pac2 side of the cleavage site is complex and may contain multiple cis-acting sequence elements in addition to pac2. These results should facilitate the identification of trans-acting factors that bind to these elements and the elucidation of their functions. Such information will be critical for understanding the molecular basis of this complex process.  相似文献   

C Balagúe  M Kalla    W W Zhang 《Journal of virology》1997,71(4):3299-3306
Two adeno-associated virus (AAV) elements are necessary for the integration of the AAV genome: Rep78/68 proteins and inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). To study the contribution of the Rep proteins and the ITRs in the process of integration, we have compared the integration efficiencies of three different plasmids containing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression cassette. In one plasmid, no viral sequences were present; a second plasmid contained AAV ITRs flanking the reporter gene (integration cassette), and a third plasmid consisted of an integration cassette plus a Rep78 expression cassette. One day after transfection of 293 cells, fluorescent cells were sorted by flow cytometry and plated at 1 cell per well. Two weeks after sorting, colonies were monitored for stable expression of GFP. Transfection with the GFP plasmid containing no viral sequences resulted in no stable fluorescent colonies. Transfection with the plasmid containing the integration cassette alone (GFP flanked by ITRs) produced stable fluorescent colonies at a frequency of 5.3% +/- 1.0% whereas transfection with the plasmid containing both the integration cassette and Rep78 expression cassette produced stable fluorescent colonies at a frequency of 47% +/- 7.5%. Southern blot analysis indicated that in the presence of Rep78, integration is targeted to the AAVSI site in more than 50% of the clones analyzed. Some clones also showed tandem arrays of the integrated GFP cassette. Both head-to-head and head-to-tail orientations were detected. These findings indicate that the presence of AAV ITRs and the Rep78 protein enhance the integration of DNA sequences into the cellular genome and that the integration cassette is targeted to AAVS1 in the presence of Rep78.  相似文献   

Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) (also known as human herpesvirus 8) latently infects KS tumors, primary effusion lymphomas (PELs), and PEL cell lines. In latently infected cells, KSHV DNA is maintained as circularized, extrachromosomal episomes. To persist in proliferating cells, KSHV episomes must replicate and efficiently segregate to progeny nuclei. In uninfected B-lymphoblastoid cells, KSHV latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA1) is necessary and sufficient for persistence of artificial episomes containing specific KSHV DNA. In previous work, the cis-acting sequence required for episome persistence contained KSHV terminal-repeat (TR) DNA and unique KSHV sequence. We now show that cis-acting KSHV TR DNA is necessary and sufficient for LANA1-mediated episome persistence. Furthermore, LANA1 binds TR DNA in mobility shift assays and a 20-nucleotide LANA1 binding sequence has been identified. Since LANA1 colocalizes with KSHV episomes along metaphase chromosomes, these results are consistent with a model in which LANA1 may bridge TR DNA to chromosomes during mitosis to efficiently segregate KSHV episomes to progeny nuclei.  相似文献   

The U3 region of mouse intracisternal A-particle (IAP) long terminal repeats (LTRs) contains several nuclear protein-binding domains. Two of these contain sequences with homology to the SV40 enhancer core. We refer to these two domains as Enh1 and Enh2. The Enh2 domain is an important determinant of promoter activity in vivo. We report here the isolation of nuclear fractions from human 293 and mouse MOPC-315 cells which interact with Enh1 and Enh2. Purification was achieved via DNA-affinity chromatography on a multimerized oligonucleotide representing the Enh2 region from the LTR of the mouse genomic IAP element, MIA14. Glycerol gradient sedimentation suggested a native Mr of approximately 80-100 for the binding component(s) in both crude and affinity-purified fractions. UV cross-linking showed that the binding activity involved two polypeptides within this size range. The affinity-isolated fraction from each cell line was highly purified, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and in vitro binding analysis. Exonuclease III footprinting showed that the two polypeptides interacted preferentially with the Enh1 and Enh2 domains within a 139-base pair segment from the MIA14 LTR. The polypeptides interacted in a sequence-specific manner with oligonucleotides representing these domains within the IAP LTR and with oligonucleotides containing the enhancer core sequence from SV40 and polyoma virus. Equilibrium binding studies indicated that the apparent dissociation constants for the polypeptides binding to the enhancer core sequence from MIA14, SV40, and polyoma virus were similar. Therefore, this affinity-purified fraction may represent a novel enhancer core-binding component which is distinct from the previously characterized rat CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein, C/EBP.  相似文献   

You J  Croyle JL  Nishimura A  Ozato K  Howley PM 《Cell》2004,117(3):349-360
The papillomavirus E2 protein tethers viral genomes to host mitotic chromosomes to ensure genome maintenance. We have identified the bromodomain protein Brd4 as a major cellular interacting partner of the bovine papillomavirus E2. Brd4 associates with mitotic chromosomes and colocalizes with E2 on mitotic chromosomes. The site of E2 binding maps to the C-terminal domain of Brd4. Expression of this C-terminal Brd4 domain functions in a dominant-negative manner to abrogate the colocalization of E2 with Brd4 on mitotic chromosomes, to block association of the viral episomes with Brd4, and to inhibit BPV-1 DNA-mediated cellular transformation. Brd4 also associates with HPV16 E2, indicating that Brd4 binding may be a shared property of all papillomavirus E2 proteins. The interaction of E2 with Brd4 is required to ensure the tethering of viral genomes to the host mitotic chromosomes for persistence of viral episomes in PV-infected cells.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus saimiri is a lymphotropic herpesvirus capable of immortalizing and transforming T cells both in vitro and in vivo. Immortalized and transformed T cells harbor several copies of the viral genome as a persisting genome. The mapping of the cis-acting genetic cis-acting segment (oriP) required for viral episomal maintenance is reported here. Viral DNA fragments that potentially contain oriP were cloned into a plasmid that contains the hygromycin resistance gene. After several round of subcloning followed by transfection, oriP was mapped to a 1.955-kb viral segment. This viral fragment permits stable plasmid replication without deletion or rearrangement as well as episomal maintenance without integration or recombination. The function of oriP depends on a trans-acting factor(s) encoded by the viral genome. The 1.955-kb viral segment includes a dyad symmetry region located between two small nuclear RNA genes and is located upstream of the dihydrofolate reductase gene homolog. Therefore, this oriP contains novel elements distinct from those of other DNA viruses.  相似文献   

Gene libraries of the micronucleus and the macronuclear anlagen of the polytene chromosome stage of Stylonychia lemnae were screened for internal C4A4 repeats. The number of these internal repeats was shown to be identical in both kinds of nuclei. Analysis of macronuclear sequences associated with C4A4 in the polytene chromosomes showed that several macronuclear DNA sequences are clustered. However, interspersed between short exons of one gene are located exons of several other genes, i.e. the exon of one gene is an intron for several other genes.by M. Trendelenburg  相似文献   

We describe the distribution along the chromosomes of Caenorhabditis elegans of two repetitive DNA families, RcS5 and Cerep3 and interstitial telomeric sequences. Both families show, among other interesting features, a preferential location in the terminal 30% of the chromosomes. It is known that in these regions of the genome the frequency of recombination is much higher than in the central portion, genes are rarer and sequences important for chromosome disjunction may lie.  相似文献   

A deletion in the polyomavirus late region results in a drastic reduction of viral replication, as shown after transfection of viral DNA into 3T6 cells. This mutation is cis acting, since cotransfection with wild-type DNA did not restore the normal phenotype. Viral DNA synthesis returned to normal levels only after reintroduction of the authentic sequences in either orientation. The data presented here suggest that these sequences are involved in the binding of a factor(s) that controls the level of viral replication.  相似文献   

The chaperone properties of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) nucleocapsid protein (NC) are required for the two obligatory strand transfer reactions occurring during viral DNA synthesis. The second strand transfer relies on the destabilization and the subsequent annealing of the primer binding site sequences (PBS) at the 3' end of the (-) and (+) DNA strands. To characterize the binding and chaperone properties of NC on the (-)PBS and (+)PBS sequences, we monitored by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy as well as by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy the interaction of NC with wild type and mutant oligonucleotides corresponding to the (-)PBS and (+)PBS hairpins. NC was found to bind with high affinity to the loop, the stem and the single-stranded protruding sequence of both PBS sequences. NC induces only a limited destabilization of the secondary structure of both sequences, activating the transient melting of the stem only during its "breathing" period. This probably results from the high stability of the PBS due to the four G-C pairs in the stem. In contrast, NC directs the formation of "kissing" homodimers efficiently for both (-)PBS and (+)PBS sequences. Salt-induced dimerization and mutations in the (-)PBS sequence suggest that these homodimers may be stabilized by two intermolecular G-C Watson-Crick base-pairs between the partly self-complementary loops. The propensity of NC to promote the dimerization of partly complementary sequences may favor secondary contacts between viral sequences and thus, recombination and viral diversity.  相似文献   

The sex chromosomes of the opossum, Didelphys virginiana, are the only elements that exhibit C-banding. In contrast, the sex chromosomes as well as the autosomes bear specific G-Bands. However, unlike other mammalian species different types of G-banding are observed if the chromosomes are pretreated with trypsin and SSC solution The SSC-pretreated chromosomes show discrete bands only when stained with Giemsa at certain pH values. An asynchronous pattern of terminal DNA replication is observed among the three C-banding regions of the X-chromosome. The inter- and intrapositive G-banding areas of the chromosomes are not always late in DNA replication in comparison to those negatively stained G-banding areas.  相似文献   

The poliovirus-encoded, membrane-associated polypeptide 2C is believed to be required for initiation and elongation of RNA synthesis. We have expressed and purified recombinant, histidine-tagged 2C and examined its ability to bind to the first 100 nucleotides of the poliovirus 5' untranslated region of the positive strand and its complementary 3'-terminal negative-strand RNA sequences. Results presented here demonstrate that the 2C polypeptide specifically binds to the 3'-terminal sequences of poliovirus negative-strand RNA. Since this region is believed to form a stable cloverleaf structure, a number of mutations were constructed to examine which nucleotides and/or structures within the cloverleaf are essential for 2C binding. Binding of 2C to the 3'-terminal cloverleaf of the negative-strand RNA is greatly affected when the conserved sequence, UGUUUU, in stem a of the cloverleaf is altered. Mutational studies suggest that interaction of 2C with the 3'-terminal cloverleaf of negative-strand RNA is facilitated when the sequence UGUUUU is present in the context of a double-stranded structure. The implication of 2C binding to negative-strand RNA in viral replication is discussed.  相似文献   

The fragments of DNA attached to protein skeleton of interphase nuclei or metaphase chromosomes were obtained. Both the method involving restriction endonuclease treatment/1,2/and a novel procedure based on mild staphylococcal nuclease digestion were used. In the latter case, DNA fragments remaining bound to nuclei or chromosomes are not enriched in satellite but only in abundant middle repetitive DNA. The shorter the fragments of attached DNA, the higher the content of middle repetitive DNA in the fraction. It has a slightly higher density in a CsCl gradient comparing to the main DNA. The yield of attached DNA, its distribution in a CsCl density gradient, and its renaturation properties are essentially the same for interphase and metaphase chromosomes. The average size of DNA loops was found to be equal to approximately 60 kb for both metaphase chromosomes and interphase nuclei. The conclusion has been drawn that the bulk of attachment sites of DNP fibrils to axial chromosomal structures remains unchanged during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) cloned EcoRI fragments R and b hybridized strongly, under standard high-stringency conditions, to uninfected cellular DNA of human, murine, or sea urchin origin. Less hybridization was detected with fragments, A, C, E, WL(F), WN(H), I, M, O, P, Q, V, c, d, and e. Southern blot analysis of the HCMV-related human DNA localized the major sites of hybridization of HCMV EcoRI fragments R, b, and d to defined regions of the 28S rRNA gene.  相似文献   

Unintegrated linear and circular forms of baboon endogenous type C virus M7 DNA were prepared from M7-infected cells by chromatography on hydroxyapatite columns, and the circular DNAs were purified in cesium chloride-ethidium bromide equilibrium density gradients. The circular DNAs were linearized by digestion with EcoRI, which had a unique site on the viral DNA. The linearized DNA was then inserted into lambda gtWES. lambda B at the EcoRI site and cloned in an approved EK2 host. Molecularly cloned full-length M7 DNA was restricted with BamHI, and the resulting five subgenomic fragments were then subcloned individually in plasmid pBR322. The organization and sites of integration of the approximately 100 copies of M7 DNA sequences endogenous to baboons were investigated by digesting the DNA with restriction enzymes and identifying the virus-specific fragments by hybridization to labeled probes made by using the molecularly cloned full-length and subgenomic fragments of the viral DNA. We found that most of the endogenous sequences had sizes and organizations similar to those of the unintegrated viral DNA and therefore approximately similar to the RNA of the infectious virus. A few of the multiple sequences had deletions in the 3' end (envelope region), and some of the sequences either lacked or contained modified BamHI restriction sites on the 5' end of the viral DNA. The endogenous viral DNA sequences were nontandem, uninterrupted, and colinear with the DNA of the infectious virus, and they were integrated at different sites in the baboon DNA, like the M7 proviral DNA sequences acquired upon infection.  相似文献   

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