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中国拥有丰富的生物多样性资源,是人类社会可持续发展的生存支持系统。本文基于对生物多样性的经济价值与投入成本的关系和资源权属的分析,总结出中国生物多样性保护政策定位上的问题和不足,并分析了"命令控制—经济刺激—社区参与"的综合保护政策,鼓励用经济角度分析政策,完善生物多样性经济价值的评估体系,明确资源权属关系。  相似文献   

全球200:确定大尺度生物多样性优先保护的一种方法   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
生物多样性保护的优先性研究成为保护生物学研究的焦点之一,“全球200”是世界自然基金会确立的旨在拯救地球上急剧损失的生物多样性优先保护区域的清单,是确定大尺度生物多样性优先保护的一种方法。本文介绍了“全球200”的研究方法,分析了在应用中存在中存在的问题,着重讨论了“全球200”中涉及到中国的部分以及它们与中国目前的生物多样性保护关键地区的异同。  相似文献   

蔺琛  龚明昊  刘洋  潘旭  朴正吉 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4677-4683
生物多样性保护是生态系统的主导功能之一,对生物多样性空间异质性的研究有助于准确认识区域的保护价值及重要性,但目前可借鉴的生物多样性价值空间异质性评价方法和经验偏少。以长白山生态功能区核心区为研究区域,基于生物多样性丰富区域优势物种的分布及其环境因子,通过Maxent评估生物多样性保护价值,将研究区域分为生物多样性保护高价值区、中价值区和一般价值区,并开展景观分析与评估。研究结果表明:研究区域内生物多样性保护高价值区域占总面积的42.9%、主要分布于长白山保护区内,保护区内的高价值斑块也较保护区外完整、面积大;研究区域内生物多样性高价值斑块的平均面积和最大斑块面积远高于中价值区和一般价值区,其斑块景观较完整、破碎化水平相对较低,是研究区域生物多样性保护价值和生态系统稳定性的重要基础。植被是对研究区域生物多样性影响最大的环境因子,其次是土层厚度和海拔。从生态系统完整性和过程连续性保护的需要,保护区南部缓冲区可考虑调整为核心区,保护区外还有较大面积的生物多样性高价值和中价值区域也应纳入保护区进行保护;长白山西坡是生物多样性高价值斑块最破碎的区域,应在未来的保护工作中予以特别关注。本研究表明关联优势种空间分布及环境因子是认识生物多样性价值及空间异质性的有效手段,本研究方法可为生态红线划定和国家公园设计提供参考。  相似文献   

李京梅  张慧敏  王娜 《生态学报》2023,43(1):198-207
实现生物多样性价值是激励保护者保护生物多样性、构建保护者与受益者的良性互动关系、推动生物多样性保护、实现经济社会可持续发展的重要手段。美国、澳大利亚等国家通过实施生物多样性银行制度,借助市场力量交易生物多样性信用,实现生物物种的价值,实现了生物多样性保护目标。在明确生物多样性概念和价值的基础上,系统梳理了国外生物多样性银行制度的产生与发展、生物多样性银行的设立与运营,重点阐释了如何交易“生物多样性信用”。在此基础上,总结生物多样性银行制度对我国的经验借鉴,并从制度保障、市场体系构建和保护绩效评价三方面提出我国建立生物多样性银行的政策建议。研究结论可为我国推动生物多样性产品价值实现提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

浅述生物多样性的价值及其保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐明了生物多样性的概念与含义,以及生物多样性3个层次之间的相互关系。探讨了生物多样性的价值及保护问题。针对中国(或)世界生物多样性目前现状及存在的问题提出合理建议,为生物多样性的可持续利用与发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

水域生态系统中生物多样性经济价值评估的一个新方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
生物多样性的经济价值,是目前国内外有关生态系统服务价值研究中难点之一。生物多样性经济价值分为使用价值和非使用价值两类,前者包括直接和间接使用价值,后者包括选择价值、遗产价值和存在价值[1]。一般而言,对生物多样性的使用价值采用直接市场评价法较多,对非使用价值采用支付意愿法较多。但是这种基于支付意愿(Willingness to pay,WTP)调查的条件价值法(Contingent value method,CVM)评价生物多样性经济价值面临许多的困难,甚至非议[2—4]。许多学者认为,由于在生物多样性价值概念、计量方法、计量参数等方面的不规范性,导致生物多…  相似文献   

中国药用植物资源开发利用研究的回顾与展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文对药用植物资源开发的方法学进行了讨论,并简要综述了近年来我国在药用植物资源开发利用研究方面的成就,还就药用植物资源开发利用中的一些重要问题:生物多样性的保护;资源数据库的建立及管理;新技术和新方法的引进以及中药外向过程中资源的宏观调控管理等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文介绍了物种起源与灭绝基本知识,强调保护生物多样性意义,指出物种灭绝的危害性,阐述了以生物教学为平台,有效进行地开展生物多样性保护的可行方法。物种多样性是指生物种类的丰富程度。多种多样的生物是全人类共有的宝贵财富。它为人类的生存与发展提供了丰富的食物、药物、燃料等生活必需品。生物多样性维护了自然界的生态平衡,并为人类的生存提供了良好的生存环境,丰富物种生态系统中,为其提供了强大的创造力。生物多样性还具有重要的科学研究价值。  相似文献   

景观生态学原理在保护生物学中的应用   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
人类活动所引起的自然生境片断化被认为是全球范围内生物多样性急剧下降的最主要原因"-'。保护生物多样性已成为全世界关注的重大问题。近年来迅速发展的保护生物学是一门既面向目前生物危机,又着眼于长远生态前景的,以研究物种、群落和生态系统的动态和问题为对象的新兴学  相似文献   

黄敏  陈鹏 《生物学通报》2004,39(3):39-40
生物多样性是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础.生物多样性保护是当今世界环境保护中的重要方面.加强对现在的学生今后社会的公民、决策者进行生物多样性保护意识教育是中学生物学教育的迫切任务。高中新教材第2册第9章“生物多样性及其保护”一节。主要阐述了生物多样性的价值、我国生物多样性概况以及生物多样性保护3部分内容。本节内容的网  相似文献   

Environmental scientists employ political and economic arguments to argue for the conservation of biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services. However, the economic terminology has a number of connotations which makes its usefulness for the intended effect questionable.On the one hand, the basic assumptions underlying economic valuation are far from realistic and represent rather a caricature of human behaviour. On the other hand, the methods based on these assumptions are manifold and lead to wildly diverging results. Thus the calculated value of ecosystems and their services is not a robust figure, but varies with the valuation method applied (plus a plethora of subjective assumptions). As a result, it is not possible to ‘objectively’ calculate the value of ecosystem services. Fortunately, it is also not necessary to do so. Given the inherent flaws of the valuation process, it seems more promising for biodiversity and its conservation to restrict the economic calculus to the role of a contribution in the implementation process for a set of politically defined targets, rather than using it as the target setting mechanism itself.The paper lists some of the core assumptions, presents a systematic overview of the most relevant valuation methods, illustrates them by providing examples and discusses their limitations. As an alternative, political target setting is suggested, based on a multi-stakeholder, multi-criteria analysis. Market prices play a role in this analysis, as one factor amongst others. For the implementation, cost-effectiveness analysis gives important hints, and economic instruments – inter alia – can play an important role as enforcement mechanisms. However, incentives should be based on criteria of (potential) effectiveness, not on value calculations.  相似文献   

Given the concern about biodiversity loss, there are a number of arguments used for biodiversity conservation ranging from those emphasising the intrinsic value of biodiversity to those on the direct use value of ecosystems. Yet arguing the case for biodiversity conservation effectively requires an understanding of why people value biodiversity. We used Q methodology to explore and understand how different conservation practitioners (social and natural science researchers, environmental non-Governmental organisations and decision-makers) in nine European countries argue for conservation. We found that there was a plurality of views about biodiversity and its conservation. A moral argument and some arguments around the intrinsic and ecological value of biodiversity were held by all stakeholder groups. They also shared the view that species valuation does not justify the destruction of nature. However, there were also some differences within and between the groups, which primarily reflected the espousal of either ecocentric or anthropocentric viewpoints. Our findings suggest that moral arguments and those around biodiversity’s intrinsic and ecological value could potentially serve as a starting point for building consensus among conservation practitioners.  相似文献   

三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
生物多样性保护是三江平原湿地生态系统提供的一项重要的生态服务功能,具有重要的经济价值。应用M.Hoel和T.Sterner提出的经济模型,分析了贴现率和边际价格变化综合影响下的三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值变化过程,研究了收入边际效用弹性和替代弹性对贴现率和边际价格变化综合效应的影响,并通过对比传统贴现方法揭示了三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护所蕴含的巨大经济价值。研究结果表明,在贴现率和边际价格变化的综合影响下,三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值曲线呈现出先增长再下降的变化趋势,总经济价值为人均19438.9元;收入边际效用弹性和替代弹性的取值对价值评估结果的影响较大,不同参数条件下的价值评估结果将最终作用于湿地生态系统保护相关决策的制定;价值评估结果同样证明了在保持经济较快速度发展的同时提高三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护功能的恢复速率对于促进地区经济协调发展和提高社会福祉状况具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

At a time where much of the discussion about major issues in nature conservation is necessarily undertaken at a global level, it is still important to consider the needs of the smaller organizations who do much of the grass roots work in the protection of wildlife and biodiversity. This study focuses on one such group, and examines how the contingent valuation method can be used to help to inform its decisions relating to the management of its portfolio of reserves in order to maximize benefits to its members. This paper argues that at a local level, where actions will not have significant global effects, contingent valuation methodology can inform decisions by assessing the value of additional reserves or particular conservation programmes to members in terms of their willingness to pay to acquire or implement them.  相似文献   

系统保护规划的理论、方法及关键问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张路  欧阳志云  徐卫华 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1284-1295
为了减缓生物多样性丧失的趋势、将有限的保护资源用于关键区域,Margules等提出了系统保护规划(Systematic Conservation Planning)概念和方法,目前该方法已成为国际主流保护规划方法。与传统基于专家决策的保护体系规划方法不同,系统保护规划拥有量化的保护目标、保护成本,并综合考虑保护体系连通性、人为干扰因素,使用优化算法计算,从而获得空间明晰的生物多样性保护体系。在阐述规划理念、规划流程与方法的基础上,重点评述了生物多样性替代指标的选择、保护规划成本的计算、保护目标的设置、规划结果的可靠性评估等关键问题,并结合我国的具体情况,探讨了该方法在我国的应用前景,以期为推进我国生物多样性与生态服务功能的保护做出贡献。  相似文献   

白云山森林生态系统间接经济价值评估   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
使用市场价值法,影子工程法,机会成本法和替代法等对白云山1800hm2森林生态系统的功能价值进行经济评估,评估结果表明,白云山总的生态价值为14 580.17万元,其中活立木生产量的价值1423.58万元,涵养水源价值和保护土壤价值为460.66万元,固定二氧化碳和放出氧气的价值为3623.54万元,动物栖息地和生物多样性保护价值为632.47万元,林分持留N、P、K养分价值133.52万元,卫生保健价值为1737万元,农业粮食产量增加价值为2 338.54万元,降解SO2和防治病虫害17.33万元,旅游价值4 213.53万元。  相似文献   

小良热带植被生态恢复过程土壤保持的经济价值动态特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以热带植被退化生态系统恢复过程中的长期连续的动态监测资料为基础,应用时空互代法、机会成本法、市场价值法和影子工程法等方法,对小良极度退化生态系统的热带植被恢复中的土壤保持生态经济动态特征进行研究。结果表明:(1)退化森林生态系统恢复到30a林龄时土壤保持量已趋于饱和。边际效用递减到0时土壤保持总效用达到最高,土壤侵蚀基本控制。(2)土壤保持的经济价值具有时效依赖性。退化生态系统植被在20a林龄前恢复经济价值呈快速增长;20a林龄后增长趋势放缓,人工植被对水土的保持能力基本接近天然混交林;(3)土壤保持的经济价值同生态效应具有一致性。小良退化生态系统恢复到20a林龄,林木林冠较茂密,郁密度达到85%左右,土壤肥力增加,土壤侵蚀基本得到控制,同时植物多样性和生物多样性指数增高,其经济价值呈快速上升趋势,到20a林龄后土壤保持经济价值增长趋势平缓。(4)恢复的森林生态系统在不同林龄时的土壤保持经济价值与一些区域自然森林生态系统具有一致性。  相似文献   

This paper explores the scope and limitations of the economic valuation of biodiversity. How and why is this a useful exercise, but in what way is its usefulness constrained? These issues are discussed with particular reference to cultural values within the context of medicinal plants and phytopharmaceutical development. It is argued that whilst economic valuation is an extremely important and necessary aid to formulating conservation policy, it probably is not that informative about the motivations of people in their use of certain natural resources. This is especially true for the case of medicinal plants where belief systems about the causes of disease and therefore strategies for healing are important. The paper reviews studies which have attempted to put monetary values on medicinal plants and the option values of pharmaceuticals developed from plants, and discusses the applicability of the various approaches. The implications for conservation policy, and for likely collaboration between social and natural scientists is discussed.  相似文献   

The costs of conserving land for species generally vary in space and time. In addition, they are not exogenous to the land-use dynamics but develop endogenously. This gives rise to feedback loops because the costs determine the land use dynamics which in turn determine the costs. This cost feedback is likely to affect the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation instruments that target land use in a spatially explicit manner. In the present paper a model of a tradable permit market with agglomeration bonus is extended for the consideration of cost feedbacks such that the presence of conserved land in the neighborhood may increase or decrease the local cost. The model analysis demonstrates that the in the former case the level of spatial clustering of conserved land is reduced while in the latter case it is increased. Clustering of conserved land is important for many species and thus cost feedbacks will eventually affect the survival of species and need to be considered in the design of conservation instruments.  相似文献   

生物多样性经济价值评估的基本方法   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
目前,生物多样性经济价值的基本评价方法包括三种类型,一种是基于个人支付意愿(WTP)的直接经济价值评估方法,再一种是利用实际或替代市场的间接经济价值评估方法,第三种是针对生物多样性价值在空间上流动的现象,基于定量分析的过程-效益评价法。  相似文献   

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