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基于3龄幼虫首次描述了中国5种蜉金龟幼虫的形态特征,分别是:方胸蜉金龟 Aphodius quadratus Reiche、黄缘蜉金龟 A.sublimbatus Motschulsky、直蜉金龟 A.rectus Motschulsky、游荡蜉金龟 A.erraticus(Linnaeus)(补充描记).文中列出了中国蜉金龟幼虫的分种检索表.主要鉴别特征是:头部、内唇和臀节等.  相似文献   

直蜉金龟Phaeaphodius rectus(Motschulsky)是一种常见的粪食性甲虫,广泛分布于亚洲东部地区,其幼虫粪食性,对降解牲畜粪便具有重要意义。本研究通过采集和人工饲养获得了直蜉金龟卵、幼虫和蛹,运用扫描电子显微技术,对直蜉金龟3龄幼虫进行了形态观察。直蜉金龟3龄幼虫具有一系列特殊的超微形态特征,包括:内唇前惊刺由三叉状、二叉状及独立不分叉的3种惊刺组成;端感区具有一对三瓣状感器;覆毛区钩状刚毛形态为片状。  相似文献   

金龟幼虫血细胞的防卫反应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨明华 《昆虫学报》1981,(4):367-371
在铜绿丽金龟Anomala corpulenta Mots.和华北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita F.3龄幼虫体内注射标准剂量的日本金龟(虫甲)芽孢杆菌Bacillus popilliae,观察24小时内血细胞的反应。结果表明,昆虫种类不同,血细胞反应的方式也不相同。在敏感虫种铜绿丽金龟中,只有少数个体能在体腔内形成以浆血胞为主的黑核型囊状体;而在不敏感虫种华北大黑鳃金龟幼虫体腔内,大多数个体能形成以珠血胞为主的块状囊状体。血细胞囊状体的形成率大体上同注射感染率相吻合。本文还讨论了囊状体的形成过程及其作用机制。  相似文献   

三种绒金龟幼虫的鉴别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绒金龟属(Maladera Muls)中许多种是我国农、林业的重要害虫。此属在辽宁地区分布有6种,其中最常见的有3种,即:黑绒金龟Maladera orientalis(Motschulsky),赤绒金龟(阔胫绒金龟)M.verticolis Fairmaire和煤绒金龟M.infuscata Moser。 对于上述种成虫的形态区分,已有研究报导,但对其为害的主要虫态一幼虫的形态特征,有的尚无报导,有的虽有报导亦欠确切,从而给农田蛴螬测报、防治和研究工作,带来不少困难。为此,作者于1979—1981年进行了三种绒金龟幼虫区分研究。  相似文献   

双结菠萝鳃金龟的生物学特性及防治   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
谭仕东 《昆虫知识》1991,28(1):22-23
<正> 双结菠萝鳃金龟Asactopholis bituberculata Moser属鞘翅目、金龟子总科、鳃角金龟科,是我国首次发现的一种菠萝重要害虫。近年来,它的幼虫在我场严重为害菠萝植株地下部分。调查表明,受害区一般每亩虫口密度为8750~  相似文献   

五种鳃金龟幼虫描述(鞘翅目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对日胸突鳃金龟Hoplosternus japonicus Harold,坦狭肋鳃金龟Holotrichia tonkinensis Moser,白云鳃金龟替代亚种Polyphylla alba vicaria Semenov,大皱鳃金龟Trematodes grandis Semenov和二色希鳃金龟Hilyotrogus bicoloreus(Heyden)5种幼虫首次进行了形态描述,绘制了特征图,并编制了幼虫分类检索表。  相似文献   

铜绿丽金龟的室内人工饲养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对室内饲养铜绿丽金龟Anomala corpulenta Motschulsky的方法和主要影响因子进行了研究。结果表明:室内饲养的铜绿丽金龟种群完成一个世代平均为272.3天,3龄幼虫期比田间种群缩短了103.8天。在饲养过程中,幼虫的生长容易受到土壤湿度、食料、病原微生物的影响。卵的孵化率为86.0%,1龄、2龄和3龄幼虫的存活率分别为82.0%、76.0%和60.0%。10和15日龄幼虫在含有马铃薯的土壤中饲养14天后的死亡率分别为8.8%±16%和4.0%±1.6%,明显低于初孵幼虫及5日龄幼虫的死亡率,可以作为生物测定的最佳供试幼虫。紫外线处理的壤土和沙壤土中铜绿丽金龟幼虫可以正常生长,死亡率较低。  相似文献   

为探寻玉米秸秆资源化利用新途径、提高玉米秸秆利用效益,本研究利用白星花金龟Protaetia brevitaris Lewis幼虫的腐食性行为,选择其3龄幼虫,用EM菌液发酵玉米秸秆,以每5 d取食量为评价指标,选出幼虫取食的玉米秸秆最佳发酵时间及取食温度;以玉米秸秆发酵饲料为对照,以筛选出牛粪添加量分别为20%、60%的两组发酵饲料为处理,研究了白星花金龟幼虫对发酵饲料的利用率、转化率、消化率以及发酵饲料对白星花金龟幼虫死亡率、生物量增长率的影响。结果表明玉米秸秆发酵时间为25 d,温度为28℃时白星花金龟幼虫取食量最大;白星花金龟幼对玉米秸秆的转化率达到63.82%±30.90%,消化率为22.75%±3.07%,利用率为17.51%±8.50%,显著高于添加的组合;取食玉米秸秆发酵料的白星花金龟幼虫死亡率为5.75%±5.75%,生物量增长率达到11.01%±5.25%,均显著优于牛粪添加的玉米秸秆发酵料;添加牛粪可显著提高白星花金龟幼虫对玉米秸秆发酵饲料的取食量及虫粪产量,可利用白星花金龟3龄幼虫对玉米秸秆进行资源化利用,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

【目的】明确重要生态因素对暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia parallela幼虫种群的影响,从而为预测预报其发生提供理论依据。【方法】在室内采用自动控制温度、人工控制湿度的方法,观察温度、湿度和食物对暗黑鳃金龟幼虫存活率及发育历期的影响。【结果】结果表明,20~28℃适宜暗黑鳃金龟1-2龄幼虫的存活,其中24℃时存活率最高,达到74.9%±3.1%;12℃时发育历期最长,32℃时发育历期最短,20℃和24℃下发育历期适中。土壤含水量为7%~19%时暗黑鳃金龟1-2龄幼虫均能存活;其中在7%和19%时,幼虫存活率低于50%,在25%时幼虫全部死亡;在土壤含水量为16%时存活率最高,达到76.4%±2.5%。在供试的6种食物(小麦根、玉米根、棉花根、花生根、大豆根和马铃薯块)中,喂饲花生根的暗黑鳃金龟幼虫存活率最高,达到68.7%±3.2%。取食不同食物的幼虫发育历期差异显著,其中取食花生根的暗黑鳃金龟幼虫期最短,整个幼虫期仅为259 d(3龄幼虫期为227 d);而取食棉花根的幼虫期最长,整个幼虫期为346 d(3龄幼虫期为303 d)。【结论】温度、土壤含水量和食物对暗黑鳃金龟幼虫的存活和生长发育均具有显著影响;在幼虫期调控温湿度及改变其寄主植物结构可有效控制其发生危害。  相似文献   

为摸清沈阳花生田东北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia diomphalia Bates的发生数量,明确幼虫的取食为害水平,本研究采用诱虫灯对花生田内栖息的东北大黑鳃金龟害虫开展了多年的监测,并将诱集到的成虫带回室内饲养观察,研究其卵的发育和幼虫取食量变化。结果表明,东北大黑鳃金龟每年均有两个上灯活动高峰,不同年度间金龟的始现期存在差异,上灯虫量在不同年度间呈多寡交替的特征;降雨对东北大黑鳃金龟的上灯活动产生较大影响,雨天金龟基本不上灯。东北大黑鳃金龟3龄幼虫期长达329.8±1.80 d,其取食量随取食时间的增加符合正态分布,食物利用率(ECI)达1.32%±0.339%,幼虫3龄末期体重达到最大,但化蛹后随最后一次蜕皮又损失部分体重。东北大黑鳃金龟是沈阳花生田的重要害虫,以3龄幼虫取食幼苗造成的危害损失最大。金龟出土活动与环境温度和降雨发生均有密切关系。利用诱虫灯在6-7月集中诱杀金龟,可有效地减轻下一年蛴螬的危害损失。  相似文献   

Four branchiopod species occur on the Maltese Islands, viz. Branchipus schaefferi, B. visnyai, Cyzicus tetracerus and Triops cancriformis. All four live in freshwater pools, but it is noteworthy that, beside B. schaefferi, T. cancriformis was recorded from a mesohaline, coast-fringing habitat.  相似文献   

The morphology and function of the flowers of three species of the genusCallicarpa, C. glabra, C. nisnimurae andC. subpubescens, endemic to the Bonin Islands, revealed that all three species were dioecious. Male plants had short-styled flowers with sterile ovaries, while female plants had long-styled flowers with non-germinating inaperturate pollen grains. Such dioecism has never been reported from the family Verbenaceae. This curious sexual system with non-germinating pollen grains may have been maintained as a reward to insect pollinators.  相似文献   

Trichasteropsis Eck, from the Muschelkalk of Germany is the only Triassic asteroid known from more than fragmentary material. Most spécimens representT. weissmanni (Münster) whereasT. senfti ECK,T. bielertorum n. sp., andBerckhemeraster charistikos n. gen. et n. sp., are each known from few individuals.Parsimony analysis hère treats the füll Ordovician to Récent history of the Asteroidea using a somasteroid (a pre-asteroid stelleroid) outgroup. Ambulacral évolution is critical in echinoderm history; the ambulacral arrangement of crown-group asteroids first appears in Paleozoic sister groups, and the subclass Ambuloasteroidea n. subcl. is proposed for Paleozoic and younger taxa with critical ambulacral apomorphies. Muschelkalk asteroids are assigned to the family Trichasteropsiidae n. fam., superorder Forcipulatacea. The recently described Triassic genusNoriaster belongs to the extant family Poraniidae, superorder Valvatacea.Trichasteropsis andNoriaster represent separate major phylogenetic branches of the post-Paleozoic infraclass Neoasteroidea, and together they indicate that diversification of modern-type asteroids was under-way during the Triassic, although the Mesozoic marine révolution largely was a Jurassic and later event. Post-Paleozoic asteroids appear to hâve returned to Paleozoic life modes in spite of new morphological expressions. Trichasteropsis is skeletally robust, suggesting protection from wave impact or predators. It is found in sédiments associated with shell banks but not from within the banks.Trichasteropsis senfti commonly occurs with brachiopods whereasT. weissmanni does not, although brachiopods are found in associated strata. Aspects of morphology of both species are similar to those of récent predatory Asteriidae suggesting similar behavior, but feeding habits ofTrichasteropsis are unverified.  相似文献   

Presimoceras is a new genus of Idoceratinae. The biostratigraphical range ofPresimoceras is limited to theStrombecki, Divisum and lower part of theAcanthicum Zone within the Kimmeridgian (in the Southern European sense). The genusMesosimoceras (Idoceratinae) was instituted by Spath (1925), withSimoceras cavouri Gemmellaro as type species; this genus is here emended with the institution ofPresimoceras n. gen. The species groupcavouri-risgoviense is preserved in the emended genusMesosimoceras, while the groupherbichiludovicii-teres is accommodated inPresimoceras on account of the radical and numerous differences and the stratigraphical gap betweenMesosimoceras andPresimoceras. As type species of the new genusAmmonites nodulatus Quenstedt is designated. The new genus is here subdivided into three groups of species:herbichi, ludovicii andteres. Phylogenetically,Presimoceras is derived fromPassendorferia, Mesosimoceras fromNebrodites.  相似文献   

Six carabidicolous species of Laboulbeniales are reported as new for the Japanese mycoflora. They areLaboulbenia finitima, L. separata, L. borneensis, L. manubriolata, Dimeromyces caribaeus, andDixomyces ornatus. In Japan, the former three species are parasitic onMochtherus luctuosus and the latter three species onPerigona nigriceps. Laboulbenia finitima occurs on the left legs (tarsi and tibiae);L. separata on the left elytral margin:L. borneensis on the pronotum;L. manubriolata on the pronotum and elytra;Dimeromyces caribaeus on the right inferior posterior surface of the prothorax (pronotal hypomeron); andDixomyces ornatus on the outer margin of the right elytron. Comments and photographs are given for each fungus.  相似文献   

Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) is a tropical beetle (Coleoptera Bruchidae) that develops during the larval and pupal stages in the seeds of a legume Vigna unguiculata (Walp). Two species of Hymenoptera, Dinarmus basalis (Rond) and Eupelmus vuilleti (Craw), solitary ectoparasitoids of the larvae and pupae of B. atrolineatus, were introduced successively in the presence of their hosts, varying the interval between the two introductions. When D. basalis females were introduced 24 h, 3 days or 7 days after E. vuilleti, multiparasitism was low. The females had low fecundity, and their eggs were not distributed randomly over the different available hosts. When E. vuilleti females were introduced second, they oviposited on the different hosts availabe and did not avoid multiparasitism. The presence of hosts already parasitised by D. basalis increased the reproduction of E. vuilleti, and the fecundity of the females was higher than in control batches with E. vuilleti alone. E. vuilleti seems capable of detecting the ovipositor shafts drilled by the D. basalis females, and by introducing its own ovipositors killing the D. basalis eggs or larvae. When interspecific competition was occurring the number of E. vuilleti adults emerging from the seeds was no different from that observed in control batches with E. vuilleti alone, and there were always fewer D. basalis adults than in control batches (D. basalis alone). This interspecific competition reduces the influence of the two parasitoids in the biological control of bruchid populations.  相似文献   

The fixation of trans-(NH3)2Cl2 Pt(II) to poly(I)·poly(C) at low rb (< 0.05) leads to the formation of two complexed species. The major species (ca. 82% of bound platinum) involves coordination of platinum to a single hypoxanthine base, while the other species involves coordination of two hypoxanthine bases, which are either far apart on the same strand or on separate poly(I) strands, to the platinum. These same two species are found after reaction with poly(I), as are two other species throughout the entire rb range studied (rb = 0–0.30). The latter two species are assigned to trans-Pt bound to two bases on a poly(I) strand with (a) one or (b) two free bases between the two bound bases. These two species, (a) and (b), account for ca. 35% of the bound platinum, although the 1:1 species remains dominant (ca. 55%). These two additional species are observed at high rb (>0.075) after reaction with poly(I)·poly(C) but as very minor species. They are formed by reaction with melted poly(I) loops. Also at high rb, we have observed a shifted cytidine H5 resonance arising from interaction of trans-Pt with a melted loop of poly(C). Most probably, this arises from an intramolecular poly(I) to poly(C) crosslink. Results from the reaction of trans-Pt with poly(C) are presented for comparison.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural details of the melanization of the filarial parasite Brugia malayi (Nematoda : Filarioidea) in the thoracic muscle cell of selected susceptible and refractory strains of Anopheles quadrimaculatus (Diptera : Culicidae) were examined. In both susceptible and refractory strains, following infection of the muscle cells, there is a dissolution of the sarcoplasmic cytoskeletal matrix surrounding the myofibrils, causing the myofibrils and mitochondria to drift apart and lose their regular spacing. This is coupled with a reorganization of the cytoplasm near the normally developing intracellular larva. Masses of vesicles and vesiculated cytoplasmic bodies accumulate near the larva. Eventually, these form a dense layer of cytoplasm around the parasite. Fine grains of melanin begin to appear in this dense cytoplasmic layer, increasing gradually until a nearly complete capsule of melanin surrounds the larva. The time course of melanization was found to be quite variable among and even within mosquitoes. Strains of A. quadrimaculatus selected to be refractory or susceptible to B. malayi, were found to vary substantially in the frequency of intracellular melanization, but not in the mechanism.  相似文献   

A specimen of the machaeridianLepidocoleus cf.ulrichi described herein focuses attention on taxonomical difficulties with extremely dorso-ventrally elongated sclerites found in some lepidocoleid taxa.Lepidocoleus ulrichi Withers, 1926 andLepidocoleus sigmoideus Withers, 1926 exhibit very similar appearances and prove indistinguishable based onWithers 1926 criteria. The key to separating taxa as similar as these may instead lie in the most juvenile stages of growth.  相似文献   

Host–parasite systems are characterised by coevolutionary arms races between host and parasite. Parasites are often the driving force, as they replicate much faster than their hosts and have shorter generation times and larger population sizes, resulting in higher mutation rates per time interval. This scenario does not fit all host–parasite systems. Socially parasitic cuckoo bumblebees (Bombus (Psithyrus) vestalis) parasitise colonies of Bombus terrestris share most life history characteristics with their hosts. As they parasitise only a subset of all available colonies, their population size should be lower than that of their hosts. This might have strong negative effects on the genetic diversity of B. vestalis and their adaptability. Here, we study for the first time the population structure of a Bombus/Bombus (Psithyrus) system. Highly polymorphic DNA markers were used to reconstruct sibships from individuals collected in the wild. The analysis of the host and parasite populations revealed a rate of parasitism of about 42% (range 33–50%). The population size of B. vestalis was lower compared to their hosts, which was also reflected in low within-group genetic distance. An analysis of the reconstructed queen genotypes revealed more supersisters amongst the B. vestalis queens when compared to the B. terrestris host. The data suggest that B. vestalis females and males do not disperse over long distances. This shows a potential for local adaptation to their hosts.  相似文献   

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