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The biodiversity of protistan assemblages present in microhabitats of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, was examined using molecular biological methods to obtain a greater understanding of the genetic diversity present. Sequencing of 18S clone libraries indicated genetically diverse collections of organisms in the water column, ice, and meltwater layer (slush), but a single small subunit ribosomal DNA (srDNA) sequence type dominated clone libraries (>30%) from seawater and slush samples taken within the ice pack of this ecosystem. The BLAST searches indicated that this dominant clone was derived from a dinoflagellate, and that it shared sequence similarity (97.6%–98.3%) with both Karenia and Karlodinium species. Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit ribosomal gene sequences supported its placement as a sister group to these taxa, and suggested that it represented a novel genus. The dinoflagellate was successfully recovered in culture, and morphological analyses have shown that it contains chloroplasts, is gymnodinoid, appears not to have thecal plates, and has an apical groove and sulcal structure that confirm its placement as a relative of the Karenia/Karlodinium group. The abundance of this phylotype in natural samples was confirmed by quantitative PCR analyses of water and slush communities, and suggests that this dinoflagellate can be a major constituent of the protistan assemblages of some Antarctic microhabitats of the Ross Sea.  相似文献   

The perennially ice-covered lakes of Antarctica have hydrodynamically stable water columns with a number of vertically distinct phytoplankton populations. We examined the photosynthesis-irradiance characteristics of phytoplankton from four depths of Lake Bonney to determine their physiological condition relative to vertical gradients in irradiance and temperature. All populations studied showed evidence of extreme shade adaptation, including low Ik values (15–45 μE · m?2· s?1) and extremely low maximal photosynthetic rates (PBm less than 0.3 μg C ·μg chl a?1· h?1). Photosynthetic rates were controlled by temperature as well as light variations with depth. Lake Bonney has an inverted temperature profile within the trophogenic zone that increased from 0° C at the ice-water interface to 6° C from 10 to 18 m. Deeper phytoplankton (10 m and 17 m) were found to have photosynthetic capacities (PBm) and efficiences (α) three to five times higher than those at the ice-water interface. However, Q10 values were only ca. 2 for PBm (no temperature dependence was evident for α), suggesting that a simple temperature response cannot explain all the differences between populations. Lake Bonney phytoplankton (primarily cryptophytes and chlorophytes) had photosynthetic characteristics similar to diatoms from other physically stable environments (e.g. sea ice, benthos) and may be ecologically analogous to multiple deep chlorophyll maxima.  相似文献   

Nodularia is a halotolerant, filamentous, dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium that forms massive blooms in some coastal oceans, estuaries, and saline lakes worldwide. Although the genus is globally distributed, its blooms are sporadic and appear to be confined to certain water bodies. Blooms are frequently associated with phosphorus enrichment; therefore Nodularia may benefit from increased anthropogenic nutrient loading to coastal waters. We studied the potential for Nodularia to grow in the nitrogen-limited Neuse River Estuary (North Carolina, U.S.A.) with laboratory growth experiments in Neuse River Estuary water and by examining physico-chemical data from the estuary. Analysis of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), salinity, and temperature data from the Neuse River Estuary between 1994 and 1998 revealed that suitable conditions for Nodularia prevailed during the summer of each of these years for time spans ranging from 1.5 to 5 months. Growth of two laboratory strains in Neuse River Estuary water was as fast or slightly slower than in artificial growth medium, as long as the culture inoculum had phosphorus reserves. Phosphorus addition did not stimulate growth of already phosphorus-sufficient inocula. Phosphorus starvation of the inoculum before the experiment decreased growth rates in the estuarine water unless additional phosphorus was supplied. Although phosphorus addition had a stimulatory effect on dinitrogen fixation and productivity, the effect differed for the two Nodularia strains. Results suggest that growth of Nodularia in North Carolinian estuaries is possible, and that such growth would be phosphorus-limited at times. Phosphorus availability may determine the times and locations for potential establishment of Nodularia in this and similar estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

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