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Distyly is a sexual polymorphism in which plant populations contain two floral morphs differing in morphology and physiology. The dimorphism serves to promote animal-mediated cross-pollination between the floral morphs. Clonal propagation can interfere with the functioning of distyly by compromising intermorph pollinations, resulting in reduced fertility. Here, we investigate the relations between clonal growth and sexual reproduction in the aquatic macrophyte Nymphoides peltata (Menyanthaceae). Surveys of morph representation in 30 populations from five regions of China revealed that most populations exhibited strongly biased morph ratios and 30% contained a single floral morph. Experimental pollinations indicate that N. peltata possesses a strong dimorphic incompatibility system preventing self and intramorph fertilizations. An experiment involving the manipulation of morph ratios in an experimental population and an investigation in a natural population with strong morph substructure both provided evidence that compatible pollen dilution limits fertility. Despite constraints on the functioning of distyly in N. peltata we found no evidence for evolutionary changes to the heterostylous syndrome, as reported in Nymphoides, including populations of N. peltata in other parts of its geographical range.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that morph ratios in heterostylous populations are governed by negative frequency-dependent selection typically resulting in equal morph ratios at equilibrium. Previous work on the distylous perennial herb Pulmonaria officinalis, however, showed asymmetric mating between floral morphs and a weak self-incompatibility system, with the long-styled morph (L-morph) producing significantly higher seed set following intramorph crosses and even selfing than the short-styled morph (S-morph), two aspects thought to affect female fecundity and morph-ratio variation. Here, we evaluated morph ratios and population size of all known P. officinalis populations in the northern part of Belgium. Morph ratios deviated significantly from 1:1 (range 0.09-1 L-morph frequency, mean = 0.58). Relative fecundity of the S-morph (i.e. mean seed set of the S-morph/mean seed set of the L-morph) was on average 0.73, was positively related to the frequency of the L-morph, and reached 1 (similar levels of female fecundity) at an average L-morph frequency of 0.66 in the population. As some small populations had the S-morph in majority, our results suggest that local morph ratios are influenced both by the relative fecundity of L- and S-morph individuals and by stochastic processes in small populations.  相似文献   

Pollination efficiency and reproductive success vary strongly among populations of most animal‐pollinated plant species, depending on their size and local density, whereas individual plants within populations experience varying levels of reproductive output as a result of differences in floral display. Although most orchid species have been shown to be severely pollination limited, few studies have investigated the impact of the above‐mentioned factors on pollination success and reproduction, especially in rewarding species. In this study, the impact of population size, local density of flowering plants, and floral display on the rates of pollinia export and fruit production was investigated in 13 natural populations of the rewarding terrestrial orchid Listera ovata. In addition, an emasculation experiment was set up to examine how floral display and local density of flowering plants affected the relative importance of cross‐ vs. geitonogamous pollination in determining fruit set. In the studied populations, pollination efficiency, pollen removal, and fruit set increased with increasing population size until a threshold value of 30–40 flowering plants was reached, above which pollination efficiency and reproductive output decreased again. On average, plants with large floral displays showed higher proportional pollinia removal and fruit set compared with smaller plants. Fruit production was also significantly and positively related to local plant density, whereas emasculation did not affect the relationship between local plant density and fruit set, suggesting that geitonogamous pollination did not affect the outcome of female function. The results of this study are discussed in the light of the flowering mechanism of the species and its generalized pollination system. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 713–721.  相似文献   

In animal‐pollinated plants, both the spatial distribution of flowering individuals and the number of flowers that an individual displays affect pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success. Heterostylous species are likely to be particularly sensitive to the contingencies of spatial distribution, as they are reproductively subdivided into distinct mating groups, which usually exhibit self‐ and intra‐morph incompatibility and differ in floral morphology. In this paper, we explore the joint effects of both spatial distribution of potential mates and floral display size on morph‐specific pollen deposition rates and seed set patterns in two natural populations of Pulmonaria officinalis, a distylous species with a weak self‐incompatibility system. Both total stigmatic pollen load and the proportion of legitimate pollen decreased with increasing spatial isolation. Legitimate (intermorph) pollen transfer was, however, asymmetric and decreased more rapidly with decreasing proximity to a compatible legitimate mating partner in the S‐morph than in the L‐morph. Total stigmatic pollen loads per flower increased with increasing floral display size, indicating that large plants are disproportionately more visited than smaller individuals. However, because legitimate pollen deposition decreased with increasing floral display size, these results also suggest that larger numbers of flowers increase the degree of geitonogamous pollination. In both the L‐ and S‐morph, seed set significantly decreased with increasing isolation from a legitimate mating partner, but in the L‐morph seed set was less dependent on the spatial distribution of the S‐morph. In addition, seed set significantly increased with floral display size in the L‐morph, but not in the S‐morph. These findings indicate that the spatial distribution of potential mates and variation in floral display size may cause morph‐specific differences in pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression, as commonly found in natural populations, should favour the evolution of inbreeding avoidance mechanisms. If natal dispersal, the first and probably most effective mechanism, does not lead to a complete separation of males and females from a common origin, a small-scale genetic population structure may result and other mechanisms to avoid inbreeding may exist. We studied the genetic population structure and individual mating patterns in blue tits (Parus caeruleus). The population showed a local genetic structure in two out of four years: genetic relatedness between individuals (estimated from microsatellite markers) decreased with distance. This pattern was mainly caused by immigrants to the study area; these, if paired with fellow immigrants, were more related than expected by chance. Since blue tits did not avoid inbreeding with their social partner, we examined if individuals preferred less related partners at later stages of the mate choice process. We found no evidence that females or males avoided inbreeding through extra-pair copulations or through mate desertion and postbreeding dispersal. Although the small-scale genetic population structure suggests that blue tits could use a simple rule of thumb to select less related mates, females did not generally prefer more distantly breeding extra-pair partners. However, the proportion of young fathered by an extra-pair male in mixed paternity broods depended on the genetic relatedness with the female. This suggests that there is a fertilization bias towards less related copulation partners and that blue tits are able to reduce the costs of inbreeding through a postcopulatory process.  相似文献   

Examining variations in pollinator effectiveness can enhance our understanding of how pollinators and plants interact. Pollen deposition and seed production after a single visit by a pollinator are often used to estimate pollinator effectiveness. However, seed production is not always directly related to pollen deposition because not all pollen grains that are deposited on a stigma are compatible or conspecific. In the field, we tested pollinator effectiveness based on pollen deposition and the resulting seed production after single visits by different pollinator groups in a gynodieocious alpine plant Cyananthus delavayi (Campanulaceae). Our results showed that mean pollen deposition was generally inconsistent with mean seed production when comparisons were performed among different pollinator groups and sexes. In general, the correlations were not significant between pollen deposition and seed production in both perfect and female flowers after single visits by halictid bees, bumble bees, and hoverflies. We suggest seed set of virgin flowers after single visits is a more reliable indicator of pollinator effectiveness than pollen deposition and would be a better indicator of pollinator effectiveness for future studies.  相似文献   

This study documents the flowering phenology and its potential consequences on a nursery pollination mutualism between a dioecious plant, in which honest male plants, but not cheating females, allow the specific pollinator to reproduce within inflorescences. Very few pollinators were found to emerge during plant anthesis, leading to a low (if any) potential benefit through pollen dispersal. This opens the question why male plants do not also cheat their pollinators. Female plants flowered late in the season, when many males had just achieved their own anthesis, which increased the efficiency of pollen transfer. Finally, some late‐flowering males reached their anthesis simultaneously with females, which open the possibility for pollinator to choose between honest males and cheating females. Nevertheless, female plants were found to produce fruits, even though fruit production was limited by pollen (and pollinator) supply, meaning that cheating was not entirely retaliated by the mutualistic partner.  相似文献   

In order to assess the mechanisms through which the spatial structure of the population influences female reproductive success, spatial distribution of clones, degrees of limitation of legitimate (inter-morph) pollination, type and abundance of pollen loaded on the stigmas, and seed set were measured for many clones of two natural populations of the distylous clonal plant,Persicaria japonica. Within the populations, according to the spatial relation to the nearest opposite morph clone, individual clones were assorted into two spatial types,i.e., clones that congregated with clones of the opposite morph (congregating clones), and clones that occurred singly at a considerable distance from the nearest opposite-morph clone (single clones). The pollination success,i.e., the proportion of legitimately pollinated flowers, and seed set were severely limited in the single clones compared to the congregating clones. Since artificial legitimate pollination improved the seed set in single clones, at least to some degree pollination failure was responsible for the reduced seed set in the single clones.  相似文献   

The repeated evolutionary transition from outcrossing to self-pollination in flowering plants has been suggested to occur because selfing provides reproductive assurance. Reports from biogeographical and ecological surveys indicate that selfing taxa are often associated with stressful and ephemeral environments, situations in which plant abundance is low (e.g., Baker's law) and with novel plant communities, however experimental tests of ecological hypotheses are few. In this study, we examined the ecological context of selection on mating system traits (herkogamy and protandry) in a California annual, Clarkia xantiana, where natural selfing populations differ from outcrossing populations in that they are often of small size or low density and occur mainly outside the range of pollinator-sharing congeners. We constructed artificial populations of plants with broad genetic variation in floral traits and manipulated two ecological factors, plant population size, and the presence versus absence of pollinator-sharing congeners, in the center of the geographic range of outcrossing populations. We found evidence for context-dependent selection on herkogamy and protandry via female fitness in which reduced traits, which promote autonomous selfing, were favored in small populations isolated from congeners whereas selection was comparatively weak in large populations or when congeners were present. In small, isolated populations, the fertility of plants with low herkogamy or protandry was elevated by 66% and 58%, respectively, compared to those with high herkogamy or protandry. The presence of pollinator-sharing congeners augmented bee visitation rates to C. xantiana flowers by 47% for all bees and by 93% for pollen specialists. By facilitating pollinator visitation, congeners mitigated selection on mating system traits in small populations, where outcross mating success is often low (the Allee effect). We also found support for the hypothesis that pollinator availability directly influenced variation in the strength of selection on herkogamy among populations. The striking parallels between our experimental results and patterns of variation in ecological factors across the geographic range of outcrossing and selfing populations suggest that reproductive assurance may play a central role in directing mating system evolution in C. xantiana.  相似文献   

Over the past century, the Brazilian Atlantic forest has been reduced to small, isolated fragments of forest. Reproductive isolation theories predict a loss of genetic diversity and increases in inbreeding and spatial genetic structure (SGS) in such populations. We analysed eight microsatellite loci to investigate the pollen and seed dispersal patterns, genetic diversity, inbreeding and SGS of the tropical tree Copaifera langsdorffii in a small (4.8 ha), isolated population. All 112 adult trees and 128 seedlings found in the stand were sampled, mapped and genotyped. Seedlings had significantly lower levels of genetic diversity (A=16.5±0.45, mean±95% s.e.; He=0.838±0.006) than did adult trees (A=23.2±0.81; He=0.893±0.030). Parentage analysis did not indicate any seed immigration (mseeds=0) and the pollen immigration rate was very low (mpollen=0.047). The average distance of realized pollen dispersal within the stand was 94 m, with 81% of the pollen travelling <150 m. A significant negative correlation was found between the frequency and distance of pollen dispersal (r=−0.79, P<0.01), indicating that short-distance pollinations were more frequent. A significant SGS for both adults (∼50 m) and seedlings (∼20 m) was also found, indicating that most of the seeds were dispersed over short distances. The results suggested that the spatial isolation of populations by habitat fragmentation can restrict seed and pollen gene flow, increase SGS and affect the genetic diversity of future generations.  相似文献   

Under the isolation-by-distance model, the strength of spatial genetic structure (SGS) depends on seed and pollen dispersal and genetic drift, which in turn depends on local demographic structure. SGS can also be influenced by historical events such as admixture of differentiated gene pools. We analysed the fine-scale SGS in six populations of a pioneer tree species endemic to Central Africa, Aucoumea klaineana. To infer the impacts of limited gene dispersal, population history and habitat fragmentation on isolation by distance, we followed a stepwise approach consisting of a Bayesian clustering method to detect differentiated gene pools followed by the analysis of kinship-distance curves. Interestingly, despite considerable variation in density, the five populations situated under continuous forest cover displayed very similar extent of SGS. This is likely due to an increase in dispersal distance with decreased tree density. Admixture between two gene pools was detected in one of these five populations creating a distinctive pattern of SGS. In the last population sampled in open habitat, the genetic diversity was in the same range as in the other populations despite a recent habitat fragmentation. This result may due to the increase of gene dispersal compensating the effect of the disturbance as suggested by the reduced extent of SGS estimated in this population. Thus, in A. klaineana, the balance between drift and dispersal may facilitate the maintenance of genetic diversity. Finally, from the strength of the SGS and population density, an indirect estimate of gene dispersal distances was obtained for one site: the quadratic mean parent-offspring distance, sigma(g), ranged between 210 m and 570 m.  相似文献   

Occurrence of intervarietal or interspecific natural crosses has been reported for many crop plants in traditional farming systems, underlining the potential importance of this source of genetic exchange for the dynamics of genetic diversity of crop plants. In this study, we use microsatellite loci to investigate the role of volunteer seedlings (plants originating from unmanaged sexual reproduction) in the dynamics of genetic diversity of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a vegetatively propagated crop, in a traditional farming system in Guyana. A previous field study showed that farmers incorporate such plants into the germplasm for vegetative propagation, and that many of them are likely to be assigned by farmers to recognized varieties. Under strict vegetative propagation clonality of varieties is expected. The high proportion of polyclonal varieties observed suggests that incorporation of seedlings into the germplasm for propagation is a frequent event. The molecular variability assessed with microsatellite markers shows that there is high differentiation among heterozygous varieties, whereas populations of seedlings do not depart from the proportions expected under Hardy-Weinberg assumptions. Assignment of seedlings to a recognized variety on the basis of morphological similarity greatly increases genetic diversity within the variety. We argue that recombination and gene flow play a major role in the dynamics of genetic diversity of cassava in traditional farming systems. Documenting unmanaged sexual reproduction and its genetic consequences is a prerequisite for defining strategies of in situ conservation of crop plant genetic resources.  相似文献   

In a conservation context, food supplementation is a management tool used to reverse the decline of food-limited populations by means of positive changes in behaviour and fitness that may be reflected in population parameters. The critically endangered Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus has suffered a dramatic decline primarily because of the severe drop of its main prey, the European wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus . To reverse this situation, a food supplementation programme has been implemented in Doñana, south-west Spain, since 2002. In this study, we assess the utility of providing artificial food to reduce home-range (HR) size, and to increase productivity, survival and recruitment in a scenario of low lynx density, as compared with reference data from the same population in the absence of extra food. Food supplementation produced a significant contraction of core areas, but not of complete lynx HRs. We did not detect any significant change in productivity or dispersal rates, but supplementation could have helped transient adult lynx to settle down. The positive effects of food supplementation may have been partly countered by factors such as inbreeding, Allee effects and disease outbreaks, whose effects may have been exacerbated in this small lynx population. Food supplementation, however, proved useful to retain individuals, to keep range sizes within their normal range of values, thus maintaining spatial organization, and to allow lynx reproduction and kitten survival in areas with very low prey density. Therefore, we recommend keeping an extensive and intensive supplementary feeding programme until the density of wild rabbits will enable the viability of this endangered lynx population.  相似文献   

Little is known about the importance of trade-offs between ageing and other life history traits, or the effects of ageing on sexual selection, particularly in wild populations suffering high extrinsic mortality rates. Life history theory suggests that trade-offs between reproduction and somatic maintenance may constrain individuals with higher initial reproductive rates to deteriorate more rapidly, resulting in reduced sexual selection strength. However, this trade-off may be masked by increased condition dependence of reproductive effort in older individuals. We tested for this trade-off in males in a wild population of antler flies (Protopiophila litigata). High mating rate was associated with reduced longevity, as a result of increased short-term mortality risk or accelerated ageing in traits affecting viability. In contrast, large body size was associated with accelerated ageing in traits affecting mating success, resulting in reduced sexual selection for large body size. Thus, ageing can affect sexual selection and evolution in wild populations.  相似文献   

The sexes often have different phenotypic optima for important life-history traits, and because of a largely shared genome this can lead to a conflict over trait expression. In mammals, the obligate costs of reproduction are higher for females, making reproductive timing and rate especially liable to conflict between the sexes. While studies from wild vertebrates support such sexual conflict, it remains unexplored in humans. We used a pedigreed human population from preindustrial Finland to estimate sexual conflict over age at first and last reproduction, reproductive lifespan and reproductive rate. We found that the phenotypic selection gradients differed between the sexes. We next established significant heritabilities in both sexes for all traits. All traits, except reproductive rate, showed strongly positive intersexual genetic correlations and were strongly genetically correlated with fitness in both sexes. Moreover, the genetic correlations with fitness were almost identical in men and women. For reproductive rate, the intersexual correlation and the correlation with fitness were weaker but again similar between the sexes. Thus, in this population, an apparent sexual conflict at the phenotypic level did not reflect an underlying genetic conflict over the studied reproductive traits. These findings emphasize the need for incorporating genetic perspectives into studies of human life-history evolution.  相似文献   

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