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Reproductive traits that function in pollinator attraction may be reduced or lost during evolutionary transitions from outcrossing to selfing. Although floral scent plays an important role in attracting pollinators in outcrossing species, few studies have investigated associations between floral scent variation and intraspecific mating system transitions. The breakdown of distyly to homostyly represents a classic example of a shift from outcrossing to selfing and provides an opportunity to test whether floral fragrances have become reduced and/or changed in composition with increased selfing. Here, we evaluate this hypothesis by quantifying floral volatiles using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in two distylous and four homostylous populations of Primula oreodoxa Franchet, a perennial herb from SW China. Our analysis revealed significant variation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) among populations of P. oreodoxa. Although there was no difference in VOCs between floral morphs in distylous populations as predicted, we detected a substantial reduction in VOC emissions and the average number of scent compounds in homostylous compared with distylous populations. A total of 12 compounds, mainly monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids, distinguished homostylous and distylous morphs; of these, (E)-β-ocimene was the most important in contributing to the difference in volatiles, with significantly lower emissions in homostyles. Our findings support the hypothesis that the transition from outcrossing to selfing is accompanied by the loss of floral volatiles. The modification to floral fragrances in P. oreodoxa associated with mating system change might occur because high selfing rates in homostylous populations result in relaxed selection for floral attractiveness.  相似文献   

Arabis alpina is a widespread plant of European arctic and alpine environments and belongs to the same family as Arabidopsis thaliana. It grows in all major mountain ranges within the Italian glacial refugia and populations were sampled over a 1300 km transect from Sicily to the Alps. Diversity was studied in nuclear and chloroplast genome markers, combining phylogeographical and population genetic approaches. Alpine populations had significantly lower levels of nuclear genetic variation compared to those in the Italian Peninsula, and this is associated with a pronounced change in within-population inbreeding. Alpine populations were significantly inbred (F(IS) = 0.553), possibly reflecting a change to the self-incompatibility system during leading edge colonization. The Italian Peninsula populations were approaching Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (outbreeding, F(IS) = 0.076) and genetic variation was highly structured, consistent with independent local 'refugia within refugia' and the fragmentation of an established population by Quaternary climate oscillations. There is very little evidence of genetic exchange between the Alps and the Italian Peninsula main distribution ranges. The Alps functioned as a glacial sink for A. alpina, while the Italian Peninsula remains a distinct and separate long-term refugium. Comparative analysis indicated that inbreeding populations probably recolonized the Alps twice: (i) during a recent postglacial colonization of the western Alps from a Maritime Alps refugium; and (ii) separately into the central Alps from a source outside the sampling range. The pronounced geographical structure and inbreeding discontinuities are significant for the future development of A. alpina as a model species.  相似文献   

Brys R  Jacquemyn H 《Annals of botany》2011,107(6):917-925

Background and Aims

Reproductive assurance through autonomous selfing is thought to be one of the main advantages of self-fertilization in plants. Floral mechanisms that ensure autonomous seed set are therefore more likely to occur in species that grow in habitats where pollination is scarce and/or unpredictable.


Emasculation and pollen supplementation experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions to investigate the capacity for, and timing of autonomous selfing in three closely related Centaurium species (Centaurium erythraea, C. littorale and C. pulchellum). In addition, observations of flower visitors were combined with emasculation and pollen addition experiments in natural populations to investigate the degree of pollinator limitation and pollination failure and to assess the extent to which autonomous selfing conferred reproductive assurance.


All three species were capable of autonomous selfing, although this capacity differed significantly between species (index of autonomous selfing 0·55 ± 0·06, 0·68 ± 0·09 and 0·92 ± 0·03 for C. erythraea, C. littorale and C. pulchellum, respectively). The efficiency and timing of autogamous selfing was primarily associated with differences in the degree of herkogamy and dichogamy. The number of floral visitors showed significant interspecific differences, with 1·6 ± 0·6, 5·4 ± 0·6 and 14·5 ± 2·1 floral visitors within a 2 × 2 m2 plot per 20-min observation period, for C. pulchellum, C. littorale and C. erythraea, respectively. Concomitantly, pollinator failure was highest in C. pulchellum and lowest in C. erythraea. Nonetheless, all three study species showed very low levels of pollen limitation (index of pollen limitation 0·14 ± 0·03, 0·11 ± 0·03 and 0·09 ± 0·02 for C. erythraea, C. littorale and C. pulchellum, respectively), indicating that autonomous selfing may guarantee reproductive assurance.


These findings show that limited availability of pollinators may select for floral traits and plant mating strategies that lead to a system of reproductive assurance via autonomous selfing.  相似文献   

•Background and Aims Animal-pollinated angiosperms have evolved a variety of signalling mechanisms to attract pollinators. Floral scent is a key component of pollinator attraction, and its chemistry modulates both pollinator behaviour and the formation of plant–pollinator networks. The neotropical orchid genus Gongora exhibits specialized pollinator associations with male orchid bees (Euglossini). Male bees visit orchid flowers to collect volatile chemical compounds that they store in hind-leg pouches to use subsequently during courtship display. Hence, Gongora floral scent compounds simultaneously serve as signalling molecules and pollinator rewards. Furthermore, because floral scent acts as the predominant reproductive isolating barrier among lineages, it has been hypothesized that chemical traits are highly species specific. A comparative analysis of intra- and inter-specific variation of floral scent chemistry was conducted to investigate the evolutionary patterns across the genus.•Methods Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to analyse the floral scent of 78 individuals belonging to 28 different species of Gongora from two of the three major lineages sampled across the neotropical region. Multidimensional scaling and indicator value analyses were implemented to investigate the patterns of chemical diversity within and among taxonomic groups at various geographic scales. Additionally, pollinator observations were conducted on a sympatric community of Gongora orchids exhibiting distinct floral scent phenotypes.•Key Results A total of 83 floral volatiles, mainly terpenes and aromatic compounds, were detected. Many of the identified compounds are common across diverse angiosperm families (e.g. cineole, eugenol, β-ocimene, β-pinene and terpinen-4-ol), while others are relatively rare outside euglossine bee-pollinated orchid lineages. Additionally, 29 volatiles were identified that are known to attract and elicit collection behaviour in male bees. Floral scent traits were less variable within species than between species, and the analysis revealed exceptional levels of cryptic diversity. Gongora species were divided into 15 fragrance groups based on shared compounds. Fragrance groups indicate that floral scent variation is not predicted by taxonomic rank or biogeographic region.•Conclusions Gongora orchids emit a diverse array of scent molecules that are largely species specific, and closely related taxa exhibit qualitatively and quantitatively divergent chemical profiles. It is shown that within a community, Gongora scent chemotypes are correlated with near non-overlapping bee pollinator assemblies. The results lend support to the hypothesis that floral scent traits regulate the architecture of bee pollinator associations. Thus, Gongora provides unique opportunities to examine the interplay between floral traits and pollinator specialization in plant–pollinator mutualisms.  相似文献   

Mating systems in plants are known to be highly labile traits, with frequent transitions from outcrossing to selfing. The genetic basis for breakdown in self-incompatibility (SI) systems has been studied, but data on variation in selfing rates in species for which the molecular basis of SI is known are rare. This study surveyed such variation in Arabidopsis lyrata (Brassicaceae), which is often considered an obligately outcrossing species, to examine the causes and genetic consequences of changes in its breeding system. Based on controlled self-pollinations in the greenhouse, three populations from the Great Lakes region of North America included a minority of self-compatible (SC) individuals, while two showed larger proportions of SC individuals and all populations contained some individuals capable of setting selfed seeds. Loss of SI was not associated with particular haplotypes at the S-locus (as estimated by alleles amplified at the SRK locus, the gene controlling female specificity) and all populations contained similar numbers of SRK alleles, suggesting that some other genetic factor is responsible for modifying the SI reaction. The loss of SI has resulted in an effective shift in the mating system, as the two populations with a high frequency of SC individuals showed significantly lower microsatellite-based multilocus outcrossing rates and higher inbreeding coefficients than the other populations. Based on microsatellites, observed heterozygosities and genetic diversity were also significantly depressed in these populations. These findings provide the unique opportunity to examine in detail the consequences of mating system changes within a species with a well-characterized SI system.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, pollen limitation has been proposed to intensify selection on floral characters important in pollinator attraction, but may also select for traits that increase seed set through autonomous selfing. Here, a factorial design (+/- pollen addition, +/- pollinator removal) was used to investigate how the pollination environment affects selection on floral morphology via female fitness in a mixed-mating population of the yellow monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus (Phrymaceae). Female fitness was strongly pollen-limited, with supplementally pollinated plants setting 37% more seeds than open-pollinated individuals. Strong positive selection was found on flower length, weak positive selection on flower width : length ratio and no selection on stigma-anther distance in both open-pollinated and supplementally pollinated treatments. By contrast, flowers with relatively narrow corollas and low stigma-anther distances were favored in the pollinator exclusion treatment. These results provide mixed support for the idea that pollen limitation intensifies selection on floral characters. Despite strong phenotypic selection, natural pollen limitation did not mediate selection on characters associated with either pollinator attraction or self-fertilization. However, the novel pattern of selection on severely pollen-limited plants suggests that reproductive assurance against pollinator loss may have been directly involved in the floral evolution of closely related selfing taxa.  相似文献   

The bird pollination syndrome is characterized by red, unscented flowers with dilute nectar in long nectar tubes. However, the extent to which plants with such traits actually depend on birds for seed production is seldom determined experimentally, and traits such as colour and scent production are often assessed only subjectively. We documented bird pollination and quantified floral traits in the critically endangered Satyrium rhodanthum (Orchidaceae) from mistbelt grasslands in the summer‐rainfall region of South Africa. Direct observations and motion trigger camera footage revealed amethyst sunbirds as the only pollinators, despite the presence of other potential pollinators. Experimental exclusion of sunbirds significantly reduced pollination and fruit set to near zero. Pollination success in naturally pollinated plants was close to 100% in one year, and fruit set varied from 23 to 64% in other years. Pollen transfer efficiency was 5.8%, which is lower than in related insect‐pollinated species, probably due to a tendency of birds to wipe pollinaria from their beak. Flowers of S. rhodanthum only reflect light in the red range of the spectrum, and they produce only a few aliphatic and monoterpene scent compounds at comparatively low emission rates. Nectar volume and sugar concentration varied between 2.7 and 3.7 μL and 23.7 and 25.9%, respectively. We conclude that S. rhodanthum is highly specialized for pollination by sunbirds. Colour, scent and nectar characteristics differ from insect‐pollinated Satyrium species and are consistent with those expected for bird‐pollinated flowers, and may contribute to lack of visitation by other potential long‐tongued pollinators. Habitat loss probably underlies the critically endangered conservation status of S. rhodanthum, but the specialization for pollination by a single bird species means that reproduction in this orchid is vulnerable to losses in surrounding communities of plants that subsidize the energetic requirements of sunbirds. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 177 , 141–150.  相似文献   

The frequent transition from outcrossing to selfing in flowering plants is often accompanied by changes in multiple aspects of floral morphology, termed the “selfing syndrome.” While the repeated evolution of these changes suggests a role for natural selection, genetic drift may also be responsible. To determine whether selection or drift shaped different aspects of the pollination syndrome and mating system in the highly selfing morning glory Ipomoea lacunosa, we performed multivariate and univariate Qst‐Fst comparisons using a wide sample of populations of I. lacunosa and its mixed‐mating sister species Ipomoea cordatotriloba. The two species differ in early growth, floral display, inflorescence traits, corolla size, nectar, and pollen number. Our analyses support a role for natural selection driving trait divergence, specifically in corolla size and nectar traits, but not in early growth, display size, inflorescence length, or pollen traits. We also find evidence of selection for reduced herkogamy in I. lacunosa, consistent with selection driving both the transition in mating system and the correlated floral changes. Our research demonstrates that while some aspects of the selfing syndrome evolved in response to selection, others likely evolved due to drift or correlated selection, and the balance between these forces may vary across selfing species.  相似文献   

A mathematical model that incorporates the rates of the mass transfer process and the biofilm reaction is presented to predict the performance of a trickle‐bed air biofilter (TBAB) for treating butyl acetate and xylene mixtures. A thorough understanding of the factors that influence these rates is necessary before the practical application of a TBAB for treating many kinds of pure and mixed volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the air stream. The model presented consists of a set of mass balance equations for butyl acetate, xylene and oxygen in the bulk gas phase and within the biofilm. The butyl acetate and xylene concentration profiles of the gas phase predicted by the model were in good agreement with the measured data documented in a previous study. The most relevant parameters were evaluated in a sensitivity analysis to determine their respective effects on the model performance. Four parameters were identified to strongly influence the model performance, the surface area of the biofilm per volume unit of the packing material (AS), the empty‐bed residence time (EBRT), the maximum specific growth rate of the microorganism (μm), and the microbial yield coefficient (Y). The practical application of the model to derive the performance equation is also presented and discussed. This equation makes it possible to simultaneously obtain a relatively high VOC removal efficiency and to minimize the capital cost.  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid (JA) is a signalling compound with a key role in both stress and development in plants, and is reported to elicit the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Here we studied the dynamics of such emissions and the linkage with photosynthetic rates and stomatal conductance. We sprayed JA on leaves of the Mediterranean tree species Quercus ilex and measured the photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductances, and emissions and uptake of VOCs using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry and gas chromatography after a dark-light transition. Jasmonic acid treatment delayed the induction of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance by approx. 20 min, and decreased them 24 h after spraying. Indications were found of both stomatal and nonstomatal limitations of photosynthesis. Monoterpene emissions were enhanced (20-30%) after JA spraying. Jasmonic acid also increased methyl salicylate (MeSa) emissions (more than twofold) 1 h after treatment, although after 24 h this effect had disappeared. Formaldehyde foliar uptake decreased significantly 24 h after JA treatment. Both biotic and abiotic stresses can thus affect plant VOC emissions through their strong impact on JA levels. Jasmonic acid-mediated increases in monoterpene and MeSa emissions might have a protective role when confronting biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

The shift from zygomorphy to actinomorphy has been intensively studied in molecular genetic model organisms. However, it is still a key challenge to explain the great morphological diversity of derived actinomorphy in angiosperms, since different underlying mechanisms may be responsible for similar external morphologies. Bournea (Gesneriaceae) is of particular interest in addressing this question, as it is a representative of primarily derived actinomorphy characteristic of a unique developmental transition from zygomorphy to actinomorphic flowers at anthesis. Using RNA in situ hybridization, the expression patterns were investigated of three different Bournea orthologues of TCP and MYB genes that have been shown to control floral symmetry in model species. Here, it is shown that the initial zygomorphic pattern in Bournea is likely a residual zygomorphy resulting from conserved expression of the adaxial (dorsal) identity gene BlCYC1. As a key novel event, the late downregulation of BlCYC1 and BlRAD and the correlative changes in the late specific expression of the abaxial (ventral) identity gene BlDIV should be responsible for the origin of the derived actinomorphy in Bournea. These results further indicate that there might be diverse pathways in the origin and evolution of derived actinomorphy through modifications of pre-existing zygomorphic developmental programs under dynamics of regulatory networks.  相似文献   

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