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The impact of inflammatory cells in malignant ascites on small intestinal ICCs' morphology and function
Authors:Yan He  Xiuli Wang  Lei Gao  Jiade Li  Meisi Yan  Duanyang Liu  Yufu Wang  Lei Zhang  Xiaoming Jin
Affiliation:1. Department of Pathology, Basic Medical Science College, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China;2. Department of Pathology, Basic Medical Science College, Harbin Medical University, Daqing, China;3. Department of Orthopedics, Second Clinical Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China
Malignant ascites is one of the common complication at the late stage of abdominal cancers, which may deteriorate the environment of abdominal cavity and lead to potential damage of functional cells. Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) are mesoderm‐derived mesenchymal cells that function normal gastrointestinal motility. The pathological changes of ICCs or the reduced number may lead to the motility disorders of gastrointestinal tract. In this study, through analysis of malignant ascites which were obtained from cancer patients, we found that inflammatory cells, including tumour‐infiltrating lymphocytes, accounted for 17.26 ± 1.31% and tumour‐associated macrophages, occupied 19.06 ± 2.27% of total cells in the ascites, suggesting these inflammatory cells, in addition to tumour cells, may exert important influence on the tumour environment of abdominal cavity. We further demonstrated that the number of mice ICCs were significant decreased, as well as morphological and functional damage when ICCs were in the simulated tumour microenvironment in vitro. Additionally, we illustrated intestinal myoelectrical activity reduced and irregular with morphological changes of ICCs using the mice model of malignant ascites. In conclusion, our data suggested that inflammatory cells in malignant ascites may damage ICCs of the small intestine and lead to intestinal motility disorders.
Keywords:malignant ascites  interstitial cell of Cajal  inflammatory cells  tumour microenvironment  tumour‐infiltrating lymphocyte  tumour‐associated macrophage
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