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Cytochrome spectrum of an obligate anaerobe, Eubacterium lentum.
Authors:J F Sperry and T D Wilkins
An obligately anaerobic bacterium, Eubacterium lentum, was shown to contain cytochromes a, b, and c and a carbon monoxide-binding pigment. Extracts of cells grown with hemin gave a typical absorption spectrum for cytochrome c with maxima at 424, 525, and 553 nm. Extracts from cells grown in the absence of hemin also had an absorption peak corresponding to cytochrome b (562 nm) in their reduced versus oxidized spectrum. Extraction of hemes and formation of pyridine hemochromes allowed quantitation of protoheme IX and heme c. Large amounts of cytochrome c masked the presence of cytochrome b in cells grown in medium containing hemin. When cells were grown in the presence of 50 mM nitrate, cytochrome A (606 nm) was detected. In anaerobic extracts of cells grown either with or without nitrate, cytochromes b and c were reduced by formate and oxidized by NO3. Cytochrome a appeared to be partially oxidized by NO3 and completely oxidized by air.
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