Abstract: | Anabaena sp. strain 7120 appeared more responsive to nitrogen control than A. cylindrica. Growth in the presence of nitrate strongly repressed the differentiation of heterocysts and fixation of dinitrogen in Anabaena sp. strain 7120, but only weakly in A. cylindrica. Nitrate assimilation by ammonium-grown cultures was strongly repressed in Anabaena sp. strain 7120, but less so in A. cylindrica. The repressive effect of nitrate on dinitrogen assimilation in Anabaena sp. strain 7120, compared to A. cylindrica, did not correlate with a greater rate of nitrate transport, reduction to ammonium, assimilation into amino acids, or growth. Although both species grew at similar rates with dinitrogen, A. cylindrica grew faster with nitrate, incorporated more 13NO3− into amino acids, and assimilated (transported) nitrate at the same rate as Anabaena sp. strain 7120. Full expression of nitrate assimilation in the two species occurred within 2.5 h (10 to 14% of their generation times) after transfer to nitrate medium. The induction and continued expression of nitrate assimilation was dependent on protein synthesis. The half-saturation constants for nitrate assimilation and for nitrate and ammonium repression of dinitrogen assimilation have ecological significance with respect to nitrogen-dependent growth and competitiveness of the two Anabaena species. |