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Effect of exposure to subfreezing temperatures on ethylene evolution and leaf abscission in citrus
Authors:Young R
Affiliation:Plant Science Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Orlando, Florida 32803.
Abstract:Citrus leaves exposed to subfreezing temperatures evolved ethylene at rates between 0.1 and 38.3 microliters per kilogram fresh weight per hour whereas untreated leaves evolved between 0.01 and 0.50 microliter per kilogram fresh weight per hour. Leaves not injured by freezing temperatures did not abscise, and ethylene evolution was near normal after 2 days. Freeze-injured leaves continued evolving high ethylene levels 4 or 5 days subsequent to freeze injury, and many of the freeze-killed leaves abscised. Supportive evidence suggested freeze-induced ethylene was involved in freeze-induced leaf abscission; whereas freeze-inhibited abscission was not due to a lack of ethylene but injury to other metabolic systems necessary for abscission.
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