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Cooperative transformation studies with temperature-sensitive mutants of Rous sarcoma virus.
Authors:P C Balduzzi
Abstract:Stocks of Rous sarcoma virus Bryan strain were mutagenized using a bromodeoxyuridine treatment immediately after infection. Thirty temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants defective in transformation (td) were isolated by a replica plating technique. Twenty of these mutants were preliminarily characterized and found to be defective in late functions related to transformation. These mutants were used in experiments of cooperative transformation with four Prague strain td ts mutants of different co-transformation group. A small number of Bryan ts mutants were found to cooperate with some of the Prague mutants in transforming chicken embryo cells at the nonpermissive temperature. However, the amount of co-transformation observed was lower than that observed with cooperating Prague ts mutants and no clear-cut pattern of cotransformation was obtained in Prague and Bryan crosses. Indirect evidence indicates that cooperative transformation is the result of recombination events.
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